Chapter Nineteen !

Two-Timer ! O.o


In the meeting room !
Jaejoong's POV : 
After a minute of running , both Yunho and I reached the meeting room . I was nervous and I didn't know why . The feeling just came to me at that time . And Yunho , who noticed it , held my hand tightly . I looked up to see his face and he smiled to me , assuring that it's okay . I nodded and smiled back . 
With our hands intertwined together , Yunho opened the door and we stepped into the meeting room together . 
"Is this a sign of good news ?" , Mrs Jung asked , eyeing our hands . 
"Yes Umma . We decided to get married ." , Yunho said to both of his parents .
"Is that true Jaejoong-ah ?" , Mrs Jung asked me . 
I nodded shyly . 
"Thank you dear . Oh my god , thank you so much . You have no idea how happy I am right now ." , Mrs Jung said to me . She stood up and came to us . And hug me tightly . 
Her actions , reminded me of my mother so much . I wonder what will happen if my parents still alive .. Will they be happy for me ? What will be their reactions about me getting married at this age ? Is there any possibilities that maybe they are against it ? 
I started to tear up . I missed my parents so much . I envied Yunho for having such wonderful parents . I envied Yunho so much for having a great life . I envied Yunho so much for having a manly figure . Why ? Why not me ? Why must a kind-hearted guy like my father died earlier than he should ? Why must my soft-hearted lady like my mother died earlier that she should ? Why couldn't I live in peace without having those erts' hands off me ?
Few droplets of tears were running down my cheeks . Mrs Jung saw that and quickly asked me , "Omo ! Jaejoong-ah , what's wrong ?"
I shook my head as a sign it was nothing . 
"Jae , are you okay ?" , Yunho asked , worriedly . 
"Jess , what have you done ?" , Mr Jung asked his wife . 
"Honey , I don't know . Jaejoong-ah , what did I do ? I'm so sorry . Omo ! Dear , what if Jaejoong wants to cancel the wedding ?" , Mrs Jung said , panicking . 
"No . It's nothing . Really . Aunty just remind me about my mother . I miss my parents , that's all ." , I said , tried to smile and not worrying them more . 
"Jaejoong-ah , the moment you stepped into the house for the first time , I already look at you just the way I look at Yunho . You're just like my son . And now , you're going to be my son-in-law . Call me Umma , kay ?" , Mrs Jung smiled to me . 
"Umma ?" 
"Yes , Umma . And you can call me Appa , right dear ?" , Mr Jung said as he circled his arms around his wife's shoulder .
I smiled at this happy couple . They are just like my parents .
"And you can call me Oppa ." , Yunho's voice made all three of us looked at him like he was a complete idiot . 
I quickly looked down , blushing as soon as my eyes met his . And Mrs Jung walked towards him and gave him a good smack on his head while Mr Jung chuckeled at his wife's and son's behaviour . 
"Umma , I'm just kidding ." , Yunho whined . 
"Yah ! Pabo ! Jaejoong is a guy ! Besides , he 18 too ." , Mrs Jung said . 
"Jaejoong-ah , when is your birthday ?" , Yunho asked . 
"4th February ." , I answered , still looking down . I know his birthday is two days after mine . So , biologically , I'm older - yet , I'm shorter than him and he is manlier than me . I pouted mentally . 
"Then , Jung Yunho , call Jaejoong Oppa ." ,  Mrs Jung teased his son . 
"Umma ..." , Yunho whined again . 
Haha the Kingka is childish , I chuckeled . 
"Now , let's take a seat and discuss about your wedding ." , Mr Jung said and all four of us made our way to take a seat . 
"Omo ! I want a very big garden wedding ! Let's invite everyone that lives in South Korea , okay ? Don't forget the reporters , " , Mrs Jung started . She was clearly excited about this wedding . "What do you say Yunho ? Jaejoong ?"
I looked at Yunho , waiting for his answer . "Errr .." , Yunho looked kind of disagree but he didn't want to destroy his Umma's wish . He looked at me . 
"Mrs Jung .." , I called . 
"Call me Umma dear . I told you to call me Umma , right ?" , she smiled at me . 
"I'm sorry . Umma , if you don't mind , I would like to have a small wedding . In a church , with just close family and friends . We're still in high school , I don't want to make it big .. Please ?" , I begged .
Oh how I wished I could use my puppy eyes that can melted every single creature in this world . But I couldn't .. Yunho was there , right beside me . If it's only me and Mrs Jung , I wouldn't hesitate to use it . I wouldn't think twice !
"But Jaejoong-ah , Yunho is my only son . I want the best for his wedding . It's only once in a life time ." , Mrs Jung sounded dissappointed . 
I felt guilty . 
No , Mrs Jung .. We're going to divorce after he gets what he deserves . He will have another wedding .. WIth a woman . With someone he truly loves .
"Umma , let's make it big after both of us graduate . For now , let's keep it a secret , okay ?" , Yunho suggested . 
I nodded in agreement . 
"But .." , Mrs Jung tried to protest . 
"They are right honey . Let's do that . Let's have a small wedding for now . After they graduate , we'll do it your way . Any way you want . Right boys ?" , Mr Jung said . 
I nodded . "Yes ." , both me and Yunho answered . 
"Fine . But no more excuse , okay ? Both of you do realise that the graduation day is in three months , rigth ? We'll make it real big ." , Mrs Jung said . 
"Yes Umma ." , Yunho and I said in unison . 
"So , just a simple wedding in a church . With just me , your Appa , Yoochun and Jaejoong's cousin , is it ?" , Mr Jung asked to confirm it . 
"I  guess so . Do you have anyone else to invite Jae ?" , Yunho turned to ma and asked . 
"I have an Aunty and Uncle in Gwangju . They are Junsu's parents and just like my own . But I think it's better if we invite them during the wedding ceremony later ." , I said . 
I don't want to make it big . I wish no one really knows about our marriage . It's not like me and Yunho will stay as a married couple forever . 
"Okay then . This Saturday , alright ?" , Mr Jung said . 
"Whoa ! It's in two days !" , Yunho sounded shocked . 
"I told you , it's for the company . We can't delay it any longer . I hope both of you can understand and accept it . I'm sorry ."
"Aish ! Fine . I agree , if only Jaejoong does ." , Yunho said , looking at me . 
"It's fine , I guess ." , I said , not very sure either . 
"Okay ! It's settle then . Is there anything else ?" , Mrs Jung asked . 
"Ermmmm , Umma , where are we going to stay after the wedding ?" , I asked . 
"Here of course ! Why ? You don't want to ?" 
"No . It's not like that . But I just wish we get our own privacy . Right Yunho ?" , I asked him , hoping that he'll agree .
I don't want to stay with Mr Jung and Mrs Jung . They'll know that we're just pretending to be a happy married couple . They'll know that us both felt forced by this arranged marriage . They'll know that Yunho and I don't want this marriage . I don't want to break Mrs Jung's heart . She is just like a mother to me . I don't want to lose another mother . 
"Yes . Jaejoong is right . Don't you think that a married couple should live by themselves ?" 
I felt relieved when Yunho agreed . 
"Again , honey , they are right . Yunho , Jaejoong , both of you can stay in Jung's apartment . It is fifteen minutes away from your school ." , Mr Jung said . 
Mrs Jung was pouting . Clearly shown that she didn't really agree . But there was nothing she could do . Three against one . She lose . 
"Umma , we promised to come visit every week ." , I said , tried to persuade her . 
"Make sure you do , okay ? I'm going to miss you guys .."
"I don't think there's anything else . Oh , both of you will find tuxedos for the wedding tomorrow ." , Mr Jung said . 
Before Yunho and I could answer , 
"Oh ! Can Jaejoongie wears a dress ?" , Mrs Jung suddenly asked . With a very big smile on her face . 
"WHAAAAAAT ?" , both me and Yunho shouted in unison . "Umma ! He's a boy !" , Yunho protested .
"So ? It'll be great ! Right Jaejoong-ah ?" , Mrs Jung smiled at me . 
Oh ! What should I do ? I know she knows how beautiful I am . Aish !!
"Um-Umma , can we ermmm think about the outfits and all that when we do the big ceremony . Let's make it as simple as possible for now ." , I said . 
Looks like I'm used to call her Umma now . 
Again , she pouted . "Honey , it's their wedding . Let they do what they want . Just for this one . We promised to let you do everything for the big ceremony after they graduate , right ?" , Mr Jung tried to persuade his beloved wife . 
"Fine . I understand . But seriously , no more excuse , okay ?" , she glared at us . 
Both Yunho and I nodded . 

Okay , I know this scene is supposed to be in February . But I have to speed up the plot as most of the readers can't wait to have the of the story . So their graduation day will be in May , I guess . 

Anyway , there's another two chapters for me to post .

Enjoy ! :D


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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(