Chapter Three !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Yunho's POV : 
As soon as I arrived my house after school , my mom and dad were waiting for me in the living room . There's a man with them . Which I don't know who . 
"Hey mom , dad ." , I greeted him . 
"Oh , Yunho , you're back ." , my mother smiled at me . 
I walked towards them and bow to the man . 
"Yunho , this is Lee Donghae . Our family lawyer . Which is also , my friend ." , my dad said . 
I nodded . 
"Yunho , come , sit down here with me ."
I sat down next to my mother and she smiled at me . "You know , your grandfather left a will before he died ."
"And ?" 
"Your grandfather wants us to read it when you reached 18 . Since your 18th birthday was last week and both of us were busy , we didn't have a chance to hear it . So , today is the day ." , my dad said . 
"As a family lawyer , I have to make sure everyone that is involved in this will has to be here when the will is read ." , the family lawyer said . 
"And everyone is here , right ?" , I asked . 
"No , we are waiting for one more person . He is your grandfather's friend's son ." , he said . 
"Okay then , let's move to the meeting room . I'll ask my worker to lead him there later ." , my dad said . 
Then , alll of us moved to the meeting room . 
10 minutes later , the meeting's room door was knocked and opened , revealing a man in a black suit . I guess , he is one of my father's worker .
"Excuse me , Mr Kim Jaejoong is here ."
"Send him in ." , my dad said . 
Then , I saw a quite familiar boy walked into the meeting room . He had his head hang low .
Wait , isn't he .. "Nerd boy ?" , I asked outloud . 
He looked up and I can see that he was shocked to see me . I was right . He's the same boy that I knocked over just now . 
"Yunho , you know him ?" , my mom asked . 
"Not really . He just one of my schoolmates . I barely know him . I just happened to knocked over him just now at school ."
"Oooh .." , she nodded . 
"Kim Jaejoong , please have a seat ." , my dad said to him . 
He then pulled out a chair and sat on it . The family lawyer stood up and spoke out . 
"So , everyone is finally here . Let me start . This will is only for the shares in Jung Corp . Other assets will be given to Mr and Mrs Jung . As we all know , the Jung Corp is belongs to the Jung Family and the owner held 100% of the shares . There's no partnership in the company . So , the company shares worth 798.5 million won ."
"Whoa !" , I heard the nerd boy gasped in shock . "But excuse me , I don't think that there's anything to do with me here ." , he said . 
"Yes there is . Let me continue Mr Kim ." 
He nodded . 
"30% of the shares will be given to Kim Jaejoong ." 
"Wait what ? Why me ?" , the nerd boy asked again . 
Well , I must say , I was shocked too . How come an outsider gets 30% of the shares . That's quite a lot !
"I'm sorry , that , you have to ask Mr and Mrs Jung later ." , the company lawyer replied . 
"So , I guess the 70% of the shares belongs to Jung Yunho , right ?" , my father asked . 
The company lawyer looked back at the documents with a frown . 
"Ah , me too , don't know how to say this . It's seems a little bit weird . I hope everyone here can accept this . Mr Jung Yonghwa wanted this to happen ."
"What do you mean ?" , my mom asked . 
"It says here that , Mr Jung Yonghwa gave 70% shares of Jung Corp to Jung Yunho .. But , with a condition ." 
All of us , except for the Kim Jaejoong guy , were anticipating for the lawyer to continue his sentence .
"Jung Yunho has to marry Kim Jaejoong ."
"WHAAAAAT ?!" , me and my parents shouted in unison . 
Jaejoong's POV : 
Whoa ! Did you hear that ? I got 30% shares of Jung Corp . That means , I have 239.55 million won ! 
I'm rich baby ! I'm rich ! 
I jumped a bit in shock when I heard them shouting . Then , I looked up at them with strangeness across my face . 
"Mr Kim ?" , the lawyer asked . 
"Huh ?" 
"Do you agree with it ?" 
"With what ?"
"Ahhh , I guess you didn't hear me ." 
I looked down , tried to hid my blush . 
"That's impossible ! I'm 18 ! How can I .. Him .. Me .. Marry .. School .. Oh no !" , I heard Yunho said , or should I say stuttered . 
"I don't know how to explain too . But here , it says that , Jung Yunho has to marry Kim Jaejoong .."
"WHAAAAAT ?!" , okay , now I know why did they shout . 
"Calm down , Mr Kim , let me finish . Here , it says that , Jung Yunho has to marry Kim Jaejoong . And after six months of the marriage , then the 70% shares of Jung Corp will be given to Jung Yunho . If the marriage will never happen or until 6 months of the marriage , 100% shares of Jung Corp will belongs to Kim Jaejoong ."
"Holy crap ! That's insane . No way !" , I said , outloud , to no one in particular . 
"Is that all , Mr Lee ?" , Mr Jung asked . 
"Yes ."
"Then , thank you . You may go now . We need some private time ." 
"No , no , wait ! There must be a mistake . Maybe I'm not that Kim Jaejoong . Maybe Mr Jung Yonghwa .. is it ?" , I asked , not sure with owner of the will's name . 
"Yes ." , the lawyer said . 
"Ah , yes , Mr Jung Yonghwa didn't mean it to be me . No , I don't want this wealth . No ! Besides , I'm 18 for god's sake . There's no way I'm getting married in this time being  . No !" , I said .
"That , please discuss with Mr and Mrs Jung . I'm sure they can answer all of your questions . Excuse me ."
With that , the Jung's family lawyer left . 
Left me . Here . Alone . With the Jungs . 
God , what the hell is happening ?

Chapter Three ! :D

Hehehe three chapters on the same time ! :)

So , that's all for today . I'll update again tomorrow . Promise !

*Off to bed* Good Night ! 

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(