Chapter Thirteen !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Jaejoong's POV : 
Unknowingly , we have been talking for hours . I looked at the clock on the wall and gasped . 
11:40pm . 
"Oh no ! It's near midnight . I should go home ." , I said . 
"Are you sure ?" , Yunho asked . 
I nodded and quickly made my way to the door with the two following behind me  . I walked towards the main door of Jung's mansion and saw Mr and Mrs Jung sitting in the living room .
"Oh ? Where are you going dear ?" , Mrs Jung asked . 
"Aunty , it's late . I should go back now ." I said and bowed down to both of Yunho's parents . 
"Jaejoong-ah , why don't you spend a night here ? It's too late already ." , Mrs Jung said . 
"Yeah ! That's a good idea mom !" , Yunho agreed . 
"But I don't want to be late for school tomorrow since I have to go back home to change into my uniform ."
"You can borrow Yoochun's . He's about your size , right ?" , Mrs Jung kept on persuading me . 
"Yeah , Yoochun often sleepover here and there's always his spare clothes in Yunho's room ." , Mr Jung said . 
"Ermm I guess I don't have a choice , right ?" , I said . 
All of them grinned .
"Okay . But Yoochun-ah , you don't mind if I borrow you t-shirt and sweatpants for the night ?" , I turned to Yoochun .
"Of course !" , Yoochun exclaimed happily . 
"Yunho-ah , bring Jaejoong to the guest room , okay ?" , Mr Jung asked his son .
"Yes sir !" , Yunho saluted to his father . 
Then , he lead me to the guest room with Yoochun following form behind . The guest room was two doors away from Yunho's room . He opened the door and I looked around . The room was big . Really big . But not as big as Yunho's . With a bathroom and a king-sized bed , the room is kind of comfy . 
"Here we are . Hope you feel comfortable here ." , Yunho said . 
"Of course . Thank you . I need a towel to clean up myself ." , I said . 
"You can take it from the second door from the left of the cupboard ." , Yunho said . 
I nodded as I walked towards it . 
"Jae , I'll have my shower too , okay ? After I'm done , I'll come back to give you the clothes ." , Yoochun said . 
"Okay . Thank you Yoochun-ah ."
Then they left the room and I took out my phone to text Junsu , saying that I'm spending a night here . Then , I stepped into the bathroom . I looked around and can't help to feel amused . 
Wow ! If I ever married Yunho , this all will be mine . , I smiled . 
After 20 minutes , I finished . I took the bathrobe and wrapped in around my body . I stepped out of the bathroom while drying my hair and looked into the mirror . Just like what I always do after shower . Then , I pushed away my bangs , revealing my flawless face . With the help of my wet hair , the bangs stayed and didn't fall down . I stared into the mirror , looking at my own face . I sighed . 
Why do I have this kind of face ?
Knock knock !
The knocking sound from the door snapped me out of my thoughts . It must be Yoochun . 
"Come in !" , I called out , loud enough for the person outside to hear me . 
"Hey Jae , I'm bringing th-" , Yoochun's voice was heard but it stopped . 
I turned to look at him and found him standing in front of the door , stunned . 
"What's wrong ?" , I asked .
"You .. "
"Huh ?" , then I looked back into the mirror , thinking that maybe there's something on my face . 
Hmmmm there's nothing wrong . 
But then , I gasped . 
Oh no ! He saw my face !
I looked back to Yoochun who was standing stiftly and staring at me . "Yoochun-ah .." , I called . Not knowing what to say . 
"J-jae .." , he stuttered , still couldn't keep his eyes off form my face . 
I walked towards the door and pulled him inside before I closed it . He turned to face me , "You're .."
"Beautiful ?" , I sighed . 
He nodded . 
Again , someone is under my spell . I should be a magician instead of being a waiter .
"Wait here , let me go change first . Don't go anywhere . Don't !" , I said to him while reached out my hand for the clothes . 
He slowly gave me the clothes and I walked to the bathroom . 
Inside the bathroom , I couldn't stop cursing myself for being so careless . 
Aish ! Kim Jaejoong , what have you done ? Why lately you're being damn careless ? First , Mrs Jung . Then , Yoona and her gang . Now , Park Yoochun ! What am I going to tell him ? I guess I should just tell him the truth , right ? But , can I trust him ? What if he's not that nice ? What if he tell Yunho about this ? What if he tell the students of Dong Bang High School about my face ? Then , I-I'll be harassed again . No ..
After 10 minutes of debating with myself , I walked out just to find him sitting on the bed . Looking directly to the bathroom . I knew he was waiting for me . 
I sighed and sat down next to him . He was staring at me non-stop and I couldn't help but to feel uncomfortable . 
"Ermm Yoochun-ah , c-can you stop staring ?" , I asked , hoping for a 'yes' . 
But he didn't move a muscle . 
"Should I push down my bangs and wear my glasses so that we can be in a comfortable situation ?" , I asked . 
"No , I'm sorry . Sorry . I didn't mean to . I'm just shocked , snce I never see someone so .." , he stopped , couldn't find the next word .
"Beautiful ?"
He nodded slowly before looking down . 
"Thank you for stop looking at me and also for the clothes . You must be wondering why I appeared so nerdy in front of public , right ?" , I asked . 
"Yeah . You're so beautiful Jae . Why did you hide such a gift ?" , he asked . 
"I'll tell you , if you promised me that you won't tell anyone about it . Not even Yunho . When I said no one , means NO ONE !" , I said .
"Okay ."
I took a deep breath and started to tell him the truth . Since when I started to change my appearance . Why did I do that . The problems I got when others saw my face . How I got harassed . And also , about my parents death . 
"I-I'm so sorry Jae ." , he said after I finished my story . 
I smiled , "Don't be . I'm getting used to it . I guess I have to remain like this till I grow old ."
"I never knew it's so difficult to be beautiful . Seriously Jae , you have a face that every girl would die for ."
"I know . But there's no way I'm letting myself got harassed again . Besides , seeing this face , it reminds me of my parent's death ." , I said softly . 
"I understand . But Jae , let me stare at your face for a while okay ?" , Yoochun said . 
I widen my eyes . "What the-"
Just before I could finish my sentence , Yoochun squealed , "Omo ! Don't kill me with your eyes !" , he said . 
"Park Yoochun !!" , I raised my voice , but I still control it since it's already past midnight . 
"Haha sorry sorry . I'm just kidding , you know ." 
"You better be ."
"Jae , can I ask you something ?" , he asked .
"Sure , but you have to keep your promise okay ?"
He nodded . "I want to know more about Junsu ." , Yoochun said . 
"So , you're the friend that Yunho's talking about ." , I grinned . 
"What do you mean ?"
"Yesterday , when I mentioned Junsu's name , Yunho told m ethat his friend always talk about Junsu . And this morning at school , I saw you talking with Yunho . I could guess that's you are the friend that he's talking about ." 
"Really ?"
"Yup , and do you want to know what did Junsu talked about you ?"
Yoochun widen his eyes , "Kyaaaaaaaaa ! He talked about me ! Oh my ducky dolphin !"
"Hahaha yeah ! So , you want to know ?" , I . 
"Hell yes Kim Jaejoong !"
"He said that you're kind of cute ." , I winked at him .
His jaw dropped down to the floor . After few minutes , he gained back his conciousness , "R-really ? He said I'm c-cute ?" , Yoochun seemed like he couldn't believe it . 
"Yeah ."
"Jae !! Today is the best day of my life !" , he jumped up and down on the bed . 
I giggled , "But too bad Yoochun-ah , Junsu likes me ." 
He stopped , "w-what ?"
"He likes me ." , I repeated . 
"O-oh . I-I understand . W-who wouldn't , right ?" , he completely changed . Then he turned to face me and faked a smile . 
"Yoochun-ah .." , okay , I feel guilty .
"Err Jae , it's getting late , right ? I'll take my leave . Good night ." , he said and walked to the door . 
"Yoochun , I'm just kidding . I didn't mean to . I swear . Yes , he likes me but just as a cousin . Really !" , I said . 
He turned back , grinning crazily . Whoa ! Kim Junsu , you're so lucky ! There's a guy who head over heels for you . 
"I swear , Park Yoochun !" , I assured him . 
"Yay !! Thank you Jaejoong-ah !" , he smiled and hugged me . 
"But don't get jealous if one day you caught him staring at me , okay ?" , I said jokingly . 
"I understand that . I'm kind of like that too . You're just like an angel , Jae . In the inside and the outside ." 
"Sto praising me . Anyway , you want me to help you getting Junsu ? I don't think it's a hard job since he had a positive first impression of you ." , I asked . 
"You . Would . Do . That . For . Me ?" , he asked me back . 
I nodded .
"Why ?" , he asked . 
"I like you Yoochun-ah . I think you're a nice guy . Besides , you're the first person that stay with your love after seeing my true face . I've met lot of girls and guys who dumped their partners because of my appearance . I know Junsu will be happy with you ."
"Thank you Jaejoong-ah ." , he said . 
"It's nothing . But if you ever dare hurt him , you're so gonna get it from me . Understand ?" , I glared at him . 
"Yes !" , he answered . 
"Now , you have my blessings ." , I smiled . 
"I LOVE YOU JAEJOONG-AH !!!" , he shouted and hugged me . 
I smiled , but not for long because the room's door was opened by someone . 
"Yunho .." , Yoochun said , near my ear since we're still hugging .
I gasped . 

Sorry if it took long enough to finish . 

Enjoy ! :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(