Chapter Twenty-Eight !

Two-Timer ! O.o

Yunho’s POV:


Today was the day I could finally leave these white dull walls and go home. Home. Home was where Jaejoong and I lived but my dear mother didn’t seem to get it. I sighed.


“Umma, for the hundredth time, I’ll be fine. Jae is more than capable of taking care of me.”


“I know dear but you heard the doctor. You’re gonna experience massive headache and probably puking your guts out more than once a day. And..”


“I can’t use my left hand so much and I have to be in bed most of the day. I know Umma. So does Jaejoong and he can help me.”


“But Jaejoong got school.”


And that shut me up. I was on medical leave for a few days until I got a clean bill of health from the doctor but Jaejoong didn’t. He had to go to school and that saddened me. I looked at him with a little teeny tiny pout.


“I guess I could skip for a few days. I am one of the top students and the teachers like me. I won’t have any problems with my studies. Perhaps I could tell the dean that I will be teaching Yunho at home so that he will not miss any syllabus.”


I stucked out my tongue at him, “Stop showing off, nerd boy.” Since when had I become so childish?


He backhanded my chest playfully. I gasped in fake pain.


“You’re hurting the patient!”


My mother laughed at our immature behaviour. “Alright alright. Are you sure you can handle him Jaejoong-ah? He can get a little bit cranky when he got sick.”


“Yes Umma. In sickness and in health, remember?” Jae looked down on the floor and smiled a little.


He must be blushing. I beamed so brightly at that. He used our wedding vows! I wished I had used one that I wrote myself so it could come from the deepest part of my heart.


Great! I’ve turned into a lesbian.


“Okay then. But call me everyday.” Umma said as he picked up his designer handbag and kissed us both on the cheeks. “Get well soon honey. And try not to make it hard for Jae hmm?”


I nodded.


The journey back home filled with silence – comfortable one. I couldn’t stop grinning the entire time and couldn’t help to steal glances towards Jaejoong’s direction as he looked out of the window.


“What’s the matter?” I heard him asking me but his eyes were still on the view outside.


“Huh? What? What do you mean? Nothing. Pfft.” I stuttered. Did I just get caught?


“You’re staring at me. I know you do.” His voice was so soft that I had to strain my ears to hear him.


“I do not.” What could I say? That I could not get over him?


“Do you want something? Are you in pain?” Finally he looked at me.


“No. No. I’m fine.”


“Then what is it? You’re giving me ideas.” He said ridiculously.


“Yah! Don’t be absurd. There’s no way in my devastatingly perfect life it means as what I think you meant.”


He nodded and continued to look out.


I looked away and stifled a frustrating sigh. I bang my head at the car window softly for being so stupid and immediately regretted it as the pain surged into my head.


Why was it so hard? Why? Why couldn't I say that I like him already? He liked me too, right? It shouldn’t be a problem. If that so, why couldn’t I show him some affection? Did I have to be such an ?


The remaining ride continued in silence and I didn’t try to even take a peak at him – even though I really really really wanted to.


To say that I actually could handle the pain was completely ridiculous. The past few days of ordeal left me weak and vulnerable. I couldn’t be more thankful and glad that I have a husband by my side.


Jaejoong was a god send. He was an angel. He was so beautiful that I sometimes caught myself tearing up at his humble act – and I was not talking about his outer beauty. I had to admit that I wished he was good looking on the outside too. I couldn’t help but to mock his looks whenever I got the chance and as wonderful as he was, he just shrugged it off.


I blamed my feelings whenever it happened. Ever since I finally realized my love and admitted it to myself, I seemed to be out of control when he was anywhere near me.


And I realized the accident I was in, I noticed that he was not himself. He was quieter and sometimes I caught him so ing deep in his thoughts that I had to call him multiple times to finally bring him out of his trance. He seemed to put some space between us and didn’t even joke around anymore. Once in a while I could see his real self on the surface but after a moment he seemed to snap out and started to act like he was so afraid to be close to me – and I was not talking about physically.


That was all I could think about since I practically tied to bed – that was if I was not at the bathroom throwing up my meals of the day. I was too sick and tired most of the time to move around and you had no idea how freaking bored I was the entire time. Thank heavens for the angel by my side.


He was marvelously patient throughout the ordeal. My mind wandered off to the next day I was released from the hospital.


Flashback :


I was on my usual stubborn mode as I forced myself off the bed – trying to get to the kitchen. It was lunch time and Jae was preparing a meal from the diet guide given by the doctor for me. I didn’t want to look like I was damn invalid and walked unsteadily to one of the chairs at the table. When I plopped down, Jae was staring at me like he wanted to say something. I could tell he was pissed.




“I am not ing invalid!” I didn’t mean to snap but the words came out harsher than I expected.


He closed his mouth and just looked at me for a good couple of minutes.


“Look, I manage to come here uninjured and fine. And I am alright. I can eat at the table like any 18 years old.” I could hear my voice sounded so unconvincing and weak but I was not going to admit that I felt like it.


“But you are still sick and you look pale Yunho-ah. You are supposed to be in bed.” He tried to reason me .


“And well now I am not. And I want to eat here. If you don’t like it that you can leave whatever you are doing and let me do it myself.”


“I am supposed to take care of you. I promised Umma.”


I rolled my eyes. “I am not going anywhere whether you like it or not.” I know that I was being childish and immature but I didn’t care. I was so tired being in bed and I wanted to be near Jae. I wanted to see him. To look at him.



I knew I gave him an ultimatum and he had no choice but to let me stay. He continued to cook and I watched in fascination. He gracefully moved around like he owned the place. And to think about it, he really did. I wasn’t much of a cook so he did most of the cooking. And he did belong here, near me, in this apartment where I called home, with me.


Why couldn’t I realize this sooner?


I was forced out of my thoughts when a bowl of chicken soup was placed in front of me. I looked up and saw Jaejoong standing there. I couldn’t figure what was he thinking as I could not read his eyes or see clearly his expressions.


I looked down at my lunch and mumbled, “Not again.”


“I’m sorry.” He apologized as if it was his fault and he did sound sincere.


“Aren’t you eating?”




“What are you having?” I asked.


“Em.. Bibimbap..” He said – voice full of guilt.


“I want that too.” I said – no, demanded. I was meant to ask nicely but I just couldn’t control this persona of mine. And when Jaejoong was around, it seemed to be worse.




I arched an eyebrow and dared him to deny me.


“Please. You are still sick. You banged up your hear pretty badly and you just can’t stomach any heavy food yet.” He practically begged me. I was such a bastard at the moment and was extremely grumpy – and hungry.


“I can handle it. I know I can. It’s my body. I assure you that I am capable of handling some normal food now.”


I knew he was debating with himself. I knew he was protesting. And most of all, I knew he cared about me. But I got so annoyed and I blamed on the heavy medicine I was asked to take before meal.


“Are you going to starve me?”


He let out a heavy defeated sigh and went to the counter. His shoulder slumped and I could see he was still uncertain about this.


When he placed Bibimbap in front of me, the smell started to make nauseous. But I didn’t want to show him that. I was too egoistical to take back my words. Therefore, I started to dig in and he watched me closely.


“Aren’t you going to eat?” I asked after the first bite. Actually, I tried to cover up myself. Jaejoong was right, I was not ready for the food yet.


“Later.” He answered just like the first time.


I forced myself to look strong in front of my husband and took another bite. I started to feel dizzy after that. Jaejoong probably saw my discomfort, he rushed to my side immediately.


“Hey, Yun-ah, are you okay? Do you need anything?”


I was in so much pain that I could barely process his words. I grabbed my temple – trying to stop the pain. My tummy was feeling funny and I felt like throwing up. I pushed him aside and tried to make my way to the bathroom but my knees weakened. I found myself kneeling on the floor in front on Jaejoong the next second.


“Jae-ah.. It hurts..” I gasped out. I couldn’t care anymore.


“I know Yun.. Here, let me..”


Before he could finish up his sentence, I ejected all of contains from my stomach all over Jae’s lap and onto the floor. I couldn’t registered what was happening as I was too busy puking my guts out.


A warm strong yet soft hand continued to rub my back throughout the period. I knew Jae was there beside me. I knew he was there with me.


A glass of water was brought to my lips and I gratefully accepted it. When I was finally grasped onto the reality and my surrounding, I realized what have I done. The kitchen smelt like someone died in here and I watched the view in front of me in horror. Jae was covered with my spew and the floor was a mess. I looked down in shame and realized that I was covered in vomitus also.


I also realized that Jaejoong was not moving away from me and his hand was still rubbing my back.


I looked at my better half – figuring what he felt at the moment. Was he mad? Was he disgusted? Who didn’t? It was sickeningly nauseating.


But I couldn’t figure out what he was feeling. Half of his face was covered by his bangs and his eyes was hidden behind those hideously big glasses.


I lifted my hand to push away the bangs. He flinched. I tried to move my hand again but this time he grabbed it and held it in his. Then, I noticed that my hand was actually covered in barf too. Perhaps that’s why he didn’t want me to touch him.


How could I do something so disgusting?


But Jaejoong didn’t seem to feel so. He was still there kneeling beside me – covered in my puke. His hand was holding mine tightly and he didn’t mind the distasteful substance there.


“Are you feeling better? It’s okay. You don’t have to hold up.” There was no sign of gross in his voice. Only concern and worry – and unlimited love.

I was too embarrassed to look at him so I just nodded. “Jaejoong-ah..”


“Here let me get you up.”


He helped me onto the chair with so much tenderness that I thought it could be impossible. I leaned back as I saw him walking to the back to pick up a cloth with a basin of water and a mop. He started to wipe out the nauseating spew on him and on the floor. He was then turned to me and cleaned me up as much as he could.


Never once I saw him flinched or gasped in disgust. Never once I heard him in sigh in annoyance and show me any signs of irritation.


And never once I took my eyes off him.


“There. Let me help you to your room.” He practically carried half of my weight and again I didn’t hear him complaining. He was smiling the entire time and I could tell it was genuine.


And I fell in love with him more and more as every second passed.


End of flashback.


After a week of medical leave, I was finally given a clean bill of health and finally back to school. The words of the accident had spread around and I was getting a lot of wishes. It felt good to gain all of those attentions again.


Another thing that I’ve noticed was everyone was excited for the prom.




A lot of girls – and boys – asked me to be their date at the dance. And I rejected all of them.


Because I was in love. With my husband.


But he was one of the ugliest kid in school.


So did it matter?


I wondered if he was going.


Was I supposed to take him?


But I had a reputation to uphold.


Was he worth it ?


What should I do?


Jaejoong’s POV :


“Are you sure about this Jae-ah?” Junsu asked with concern.


“Truthfully, no. But I want to do this. When I thought I was going to lose him, I was so scared Su-ah. It felt like watching my parents dying in front of me all over again. I can’t lose him too.”


“But why should it be that way?” He asked and I knew he meant my plan.


“Because he will never accept me like this. I mean look at me. Who wants me? Look, Junsu-ah, he wanted someone so beautiful and perfect for him and I’m gonna give him that.”


“Until when? He’s going to find out sooner or later Jae. Trust me, he will.”


“No, he’s not. According to my plan, he will never find out. When the time comes, I’ll be gone by then. Both of me.


“I really really hope you know what you are doing Jae. I’m gonna call Yoochun to put up the plan in place.” Junsu said as he left me alone at the rooftop.


I turned around and looked at the students walking into the school ground. My eyes caught a figure of a lean body with small gorgeous face that I came to love so much. I sighed, “I hope so too Junsu-ah.”



Hello everyone ! T_T I am so sorry that I dont know what else to say . 

Please , let me explain . 

The day after I posted the last chapter before , I had a high fever and soon found out that I was diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever . Apparently it was bad enough to put me in a ward . I was hospitalised for a week and was on medical leave for two . When I was strong enough to go to class , I didnt have the time to update this story as I missed a lot of syllabus and I had a lot of things to catch up . I had assignments and essays to submit . I fell far behind my classmates and is still behind them but I managed to get lots of things done.

Finally , Malaysia is currently on holiday due to festive season and therefore , I manage to continue this .

As much as I love to spend my time updating this fic , I can't abandon my studies . I wish and hope and pray that all of you will understand . 

I will try to update once a day as I said before . 

I miss you ! T_T

Oh and not to forget , please do comment or complaint or ask anything . I really appreciate it . 

Thank you for your support and enjoy the story :)

Yunjae rules ! xD

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(