Chapter Twenty-Three !

Two-Timer ! O.o

Jaejoong’s POV:


I got into my room and closed the door behind me quietly.  After the door clicked close, I started to hyperventilate.


Oh my god ! He is so ing hot !


I could feel my cheeks turned deep red and flushed with heat. I sat down on front of the mirror and looked at the reflection. My mind couldn’t stop thinking of Yunho’s hot tanned muscular body.


I compared my appearance to his. I flinched at the sight reflected by the mirror. I was hideous. I was a perfect definition of an ugly nerd guy. While Yunho was the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever met . No wonder he was ashamed of me. I sighed heavily.


I picked up my hair pin near the dressing table and pushed up my bangs. I took off my glasses and put it aside. I looked back up to the mirror and saw my actual self. I knew that I should’ve been happy and delighted that I actually met up to Yunho’s taste and needs. I was so freaking beautiful. Even I had to admit that. With flawless pale skin and big black doe eyes, I could charm just anyone. With pink pouty lips, I knew I was a good kisser.


Hell even Yunho couldn’t stop kissing me yesterday at the church.


I touched my lips at the memory. The kiss was hot. I could feel that Yunho really enjoyed it. There was no sign of disgust at that time. Not even a bit. But then, why the time we entered this home he was no longer feel anything for me? It was a farce, a freak show for his parents to see. A façade.


Should I just give him what he wanted? A perfect beauty? I could have him just like that. Wasn’t that what I wanted? I started to think on how to make Yunho mine, how to make him fall in love with me and.. how to make him regret for being so judgmental.


But I needed to show my face to the world for them to happen.


Should I?


However, I was a coward. A ing coward that was so damn afraid that this exquisite look of mine would bring bad news. The sins of a beauty.


My mind flew back to the day of my parents’ death. They died because of this face.


No. No. I shook my head vigorously trying to get rid of the picture of that traumatic event. My body started to shake uncontrollably. Tears started to form in my eyes.


A knock on the door and Yunho’s voice from the other side of it brought me back to reality. I wiped my eyes and pulled down my bangs, picked up my glasses and wore it back – covering all traces of beauty that existed on me .


I opened the door and looked at the other guy. “Yeah?”


“It’s lunch time already. You’ve been inside the room for hours. Aren’t you hungry? I’m famished.” , he said. I couldn’t help but think of how childish he was being.


“Yeah so um you want to have takeout or something? I can cook for you if you want.”


His eyes lighted up at my offer. I knew his choice even before he answered, “Can you?”


“Do we have anything in the house?” , I asked, my head already working on the menus .


“I don’t think so.”


“Then I need to go to the grocery store. Wanna come with me?” , I hoped my invitation could reduce some tension between us.


He looked at me up and down. I sighed. I knew he didn’t want to come with me because of how I dressed up. He was such an . He didn’t mind protecting me at school but he cared a lot about my look after we got married and I wondered what the hell was wrong with his head.


“Never mind, forget that I ask. I’ll go alone.”


I didn’t wait for him to say anything as I closed the door in front of his face.


At the grocery store !


As I strolled around, I made a mental note of what have I missed . I was planning on making Yunho’s favourite – Pork Rib Soup. And perhaps some Kimchi Jjigae.


I passed through a televised advertisement and saw it was about a cosmetic brand. It was of a decent looking girl worried that she wouldn’t look gorgeous enough for her prom.


Prom !


I started to think the school’s prom in two months. It was a month from the graduation. I looked back at the screen and saw the girl become so pretty with the help of the cosmetic and managed to capture the prince’s heart.


A completely insane idea came across my mind. I grinned devilishly.


As I was going through the counter, the wheels in my head were spinning in full force – plotting up the plan. I was going to need Junsu’s and Yoochun’s help. The y would make it work.


But then what?


After just a couple of minutes, I’ve decided what would happen after that didn’t matter . I just wanted to feel Yunho’s attention on me just for one night. Just for a while.


When I got home, Yunho was there, sitting in the living room, watching television. I stared at him and thought that everything was going to worth it.


It was worth it. The reaction I would get from Yunho would make it all worth it.


“Oh you’re back.”


“Yeah, I’m going to cook now . It’ll be served in around half an hour.” , I snapped out of my thoughts .


He nodded and I made my way to the kitchen.


Plus minus thirty minutes later, the lunch was ready and I called out to Yunho . On the inside, I was debating whether to eat him or not. I didn’t know how did he feel about me having a meal at the same table with him. I’ve decided if Yunho invited me to, then I would.


He took his seat at one of the chairs and looked at the food I’ve prepared. He seemed to approve everything. I let out a breath that I didn’t even notice I was holding.


“Aren’t you eating with me?” , he asked when he saw me standing and not moving to sit .


“Oh uh yeah. Okay” , I stuttered.


“It looks good.”


I positively beamed out at the compliment. We started to eat with complete silence and halfway through, his voice could be heard as he said something ridiculously absurd.


“So uh the weather today is nice.”


If I wasn’t to perplexed, I would have laughed my off and rolling down on the floor . Of all things, weather?


“Yeah .”


“I’m trying to make a conversation here, Jae.”


No . “I don’t know what to say.”


“So um, what is your favourite colour?”


I let out a laugh at that and looked at him. He seemed satisfied that he managed to get that kind of reaction from me. “It’s red.” , I smiled. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.


“Oh mine too!”


We were playing twenty questions and as time passed by, all tensions were no longer around us. We talked about little things. From our dreams as a child to what were we going to do after school to what were our best friends’ hobbies and we even talked about allergies. Yunho was allergic to peanut and I made a mental note to never ever bring in peanut in our home.


His next question stopped me dead on the track. “So this might be a little bit uncomfortable for you but I was wondering how did your parents died.” , he looked at me closely as he said that .


My breath hitched and unconsciously I gripped on my mother necklace around my neck. The world around me seemed to stop.


“What’s with the necklace? Was it your mother’s?”


Stop! Stop pushing me, please.


The silence around us was deafening.


After what it seemed like an eternity , I said , “One day , when you know enough about me , my biggest secret , I will tell you.” , with that, I stood up, picked up my dishes and went to the sink.


I could see that he was confused and puzzled but he didn’t say anything. He picked up his plate and mug and walked towards me.


“Let me do it. You cooked. And I’m sorry for bringing up that subject. I didn’t know that it was sensitive to you.”


“It’s okay. I can do it.”


He picked up a towel near the sink and began to dried up the dishes as I wash the remaining. Even though I was still caught up with the topic about my parents, I couldn’t help the smile spread on my face at the situation. We seemed like a real couple.


I just couldn’t help the tingly feelings inside me.


Yunho’s POV :


As we were washing the dishes, I thought about how domestic this was. It felt weird. How we opened up to each other, how we talked about simple things and tried to get to know each other .


My curiosity aroused when I opened up the topic about his parents. The way he reacted towards the question left me with unsatisfied feelings. The way his hand clenched on the necklace like it was the most important treasure in his life.


I wondered what happened.


The fact that I stood so close to him didn’t go unnoticed either. I could smell his scent. It was perfect – like the best scent I’ve ever smell.


Sweet Vanilla. Very unique. Very intriguing.


OMG! What the hell happened to me? It seemed I’ve became weirder and weirder started from the moment I first met him.


“What’s up? You’re quiet all of sudden.” , he asked me . Thank god I managed to catch that up .


“Nothing. It’s nothing. So, what are you planning on doing today?”


“I have some homework to finish up. I have to send an essay tomorrow and I haven’t started it yet.” , he answered just like any typical nerd kid would . “What about you?”


I shrugged. “Nothing much. Maybe get some sleep and browsing the internet..”


“You mean .” , he stated like it was not a thing.


I gasped in a fake surprise, “Wow Jae , I didn’t know that you have that kind of mind.”


He pushed me at the arm and glared, “ off.”


I laughed and he followed right behind me. This easy banter between us made me feel more ridiculous. I felt warmed inside. I took a meaningful look at him as he laughed and noticed for the first time that he has such a beautiful laugh. I smiled.


“I’m going in. Call me for dinner okay?”, he said and left me wondering what was I thinking .


The rest of the day went easy and peaceful. We ate dinner and talked a lot. I learned so much about him and found him very interesting. I never thought that being married to an ugly nerd guy could make me feel like this. I wondered what was it with Jae that managed to put me at ease. He was smart, funny and easy-going . He was care-free and brave and so strong. If only..


If only he was beautiful or gorgeous or good-looking.


I sighed heavily. How could he fall in love with someone so hideous? It was insane. It was impossible. It was ridiculous.


Plus, what was it about him that I didn’t know? He kept on saying that. That he had a huge secret that would practically change everything. I was planning on finding it out .


And I would .


I yawned and looked at the clock. It was after midnight. I couldn’t believe that I was thinking about him for hours. As I was about to fall into dreamland, my door creaked open.





Hey once again !




Okay , about my question from the last chapter , it seems that everyone agrees that I should post a chapter a day instead of the other choice . And some of you are very considerate . Thank you for your feedback and I will try my best to keep my words . No longer long hiatus . 

I got a comment about my punctuations - yeah , I tend to put a space between my punctuations , if you notice . It's just that I actually type like this . I'm used to it . I didn't think that it was a big deal but now that someone mentioned it , I willtry my best to change . 

Someone also was so pissed at Yunho that she wished Jae would divorce Yunho and find someone better . But I'm a hardcore yunjae fan and I don't think I have the balls to do it . But it was a nice idea , so I might make Yunho jealous with a new character . Maybe Changmin ? He hasn't appeared yet .

I'm trying to fasten up the pace of my story because many of you are anxious to see Yunho's reaction when he sees Jae's real face . I really am trying . 

You see , I would love to hear what you think , any complaints or feedback and even ideas . Help me to improve . I hope you guys can share with me :)

And thank you so so so much for staying with this fic . And I wish you guys are enjoying it . 

Till I post again . Thank you :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(