Chapter Twenty-Four !

Two-Timer ! O.o

Jaejoong’s POV :

Where am I?


That was the first thought that came into my mind as I looked around. I was in nowhere. I was in a huge dark room.  It was so quiet and so cold. I walked around, trying to find an exit. My slow pace became faster and faster as clock ticked by. Panic and fear were creeping inside me.


It dawned upon me after a while, that there was no exit .


Suddenly, evil laughter seemed to penetrate the deafening silence. It was all around me. It was so close to me. I shut my eyes tightly and trying to block away those sounds. They were sending chills into my body and I couldn’t help but shivered a little bit.


However, that was not just it. I could feel that hands started to touch all over my body. My eyes shot open and I discovered that I was surrounded faceless men. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I wanted to cry but my eyes were dry. A hard push was felt and from behind and I fell forward. They started to laugh again and seemed to have so much fun.


One guy started to open his trousers and I felt like a bucket of ice was poured down on me. Realization hit me like a truck as I finally knew what their intentions were. I opened my mouth to shout and scream but I just couldn’t. I tried to break free but there were just too many of them. I felt so helpless and I had never been so scared.


At the corner of my eyes, I saw two figures walking towards me and I felt a surge of hope coming. I looked closely and my eyes were begging for help. When the figures were in my clear view, I felt like my heart was going to burst out any moment. It was so painful that words just couldn’t describe it.


They were my parents.


Their eyes were portraying such despair and sadness. My mother was crying so hard and my father reached out his hand to help me.


Bang ! Bang !


NO !!!!


I just couldn’t let out any sound, my eyes just couldn’t let out any tears. It was so ing hurt as I watched my parents fell on the ground next to me , laying in a pool of blood .


Deja ing vu !


I just looked at their lifeless body as cold air slapped my body harshly. There was nothing I could do to stop them . Nothing .




I sat up straight on my bed in cold sweat. My eyes were opened wide. I looked around trying to grasp into reality. My body was shaking uncontrollably. I tried to regain my control in breathing. It felt like the whole world had up the air and I was left with nothing. And I couldn’t


I was traumatized. So ing scared.


It has been so long since the last time I Had this kind of nightmares. Today’s events must had triggered it. I kept on thinking about them today.


I was at the verge of panic attack and I did the only thing I knew what to. I got off the bed and walked to the only room that occupied another resident of the house.


I slowly pushed the door opened and looked inside. The room was pitch black and so dark but I could see Yunho’s figure at the left side of the bed. He was not moving so I just assumed that he was far away into dreamland. The tears that were glistening in my eyes started roll down my cheeks. I was already sobbing when I reached the left side of the bed and sat down on the floor – with my back at the side of the bed.


I was now crying openly but softly and prayed to all the Powers above me that Yunho wouldn’t wake up and chased me out or asked a million and five questions. I just needed to feel close to someone. Just for a minute. Didn’t want to be lonely.


But my prayer wasn’t heard.


A strong warm hand made its way to my head, my black locks and played with my hair.


My breath stopped for a moment, waiting to see what would Yunho do now. But nothing came. He was just there making contacts with me.


I turned my body on the floor and sat up putting my head on the bed – enjoying the sensation of Yunho’s hand . “Yun ?” , my voice came out broken.


“Shhh it’s okay. It’s okay.” , his voice was just above whisper but very soothing and comforting.


That was the final blow. I broke down instantly. He didn’t even move his body, it was just his hand continued to pat my head like I was some kind of fragile. And I was feeling like one.


He whispered sweet nothings and assured me that everything was going to be okay. He didn’t say anything else. He didn’t even ask what caused me this emotional breakdown. He was just there and support me in ways that I never thought he would. His soft yet with a tinge of protectiveness voice penetrate every thought that I had tonight. It felt like he was blocking all evil auras in this world from coming to me just with his words.


He kept on surprising me.


And I kept on falling for him .


The worst part was, I couldn’t help it. Just like I couldn’t help but got my parents killed.


Yunho’s POV :


I just lay there , not moving an inch of my body aside from my hand and waited until he calmed down.


I didn’t know what was wrong with him. What was it that made him so broken, so lost?


Something hard tugged my heart when I heard him crying. That sound suffocated me and I felt like I was drowning in his sea of tears. I was feeling so hopeless as I just laid there and did nothing.


What kind of husband I am? He was crying on our second day of marriage and I didn’t do anything to help. I didn’t even know the reason.


As he sobered down, I felt quite relieved. Not long, it was just the sound of our breathing could be heard in the silent room. His body started to shiver and I realized that he was still sitting on the floor. I felt so dumb and mentally smacked my head for being so inconsiderate and not offering him to sit on the bed while he poured his heart out.


I moved slowly to sit up on the bed and I could feel his movement looking up in me. The room was so dark that I could barely see anything. I went down to sit on the floor next to him.


I knew he was trying to protest or say anything but I beat him to it, “Hey. You’re feeling better?” , I asked as I reached out my hand to touch his head.


I could feel him nod.


I smiled even though I knew he couldn’t see it. “I’m not gonna ask you anything and I know that when the time comes, you will tell me yourself. Just know, that you can come to me whenever alright?”


I didn’t know what made me said it but it felt good. I wanted to do something for him. Not for someone else. For me. And for the first time, I felt like doing something for him on my own – not because someone or my parents expected me to.


“Thank you” , he said , almost inaudible but I managed to catch that.


My fingers touched the side of his face. I could feel that his cheeks are still wet from tears and I couldn’t ignore the urge to wipe them away and I did. I cupped his face with my both hands and my thumbs caressed his cheeks each- hoping that I could wipe all sign of misery in him. I knew I could not, but sometimes a man is allowed to have wishful thoughts.


I thought that was the first time I realized that how smooth and flawless his skin was. I brushed away his long bangs from his face on instinct. Even though I could not see anything, I felt desperate to touch more of his face. I traced down lightly from his forehead to his eyes and little pointy nose and perfect cheeks and finally his plump lips.


I remembered how good it felt on my mouth when I kissed him at the wedding.


I heard him sighed contently and his hot breath brushed my fingers on his lips.


I just couldn’t resist any longer as I leaned down to capture those delicious pouty lips in mine. I got him moaned in seconds and my heart was about to burst. I grabbed his soft hair and pulled him closer to me to deepen the kiss . His hands were on my shoulder and I could feel his excitement.


He did something bold afterwards that I never imagined he would, that I myself resist on doing – scared that he might feel uncomfortable or worse, angry.


He opened his mouth as a permission for me to explore his warm cavern and duel our tongues.His moan got louder as I did just that.


I got hard.


He was practically on my lap when I felt his hard-on poking my stomach and I knew he could feel mine too poking his thigh.


I didn’t know who pulled away first but he both did.


That is absolutely ridiculous.


He stood up abruptly and almost knocked me over. He fled away from my room and I could hear his footsteps running towards his room and the door slammed shut.


What the just happened?


One second he was crying his eyes out and the next we were making out like teenagers.


Well, we were teenagers. And perhaps too.


But that didn’t explain how I could ever manage to get hard just from kissing him. Of course, the kiss was hot, but the kid was not. Come on, he was Kim Jaejoong, the ugly school nerd that I was forced to marry to.


I shook my face as the thought. It disgusted me by just imagining the picture but to my surprise, it was not much. Maybe the fact that the room was dark and I couldn’t see anything helped me to get through it.


Damn I said like it was actually a disaster when I actually loved every ing second of the kiss.


I sighed deeply.


What is happening to me ?


Jaejoong’s POV :


I left to school early in the morning, even before the sun was not up yet. I left a note on the kitchen counter, telling Yunho that I left for school already. I wasn’t sure that he would be worried if I was not found in the house but I felt like I had to do it.


The wheels in my head were spinning so fast that I got migraine from it . I couldn’t help to over-think. I wasn’t sure what was I thinking as everything came into my head all at once.


I just knew that it was Yunho I was thinking about . Yunho . Jung Yunho.


Suddenly, I stopped walking altogether. I remembered the evil plan I was plotting yesterday at the grocery store. I took out my phone and speed dialed a number.


“This better be good.” , I sleepy voice could be heard from the other side of the line.




“Jae? What the hell?”


“Aren’t you going to school? Wake up now.” , I said , excitement was overflowing from my body.


“The school is in four hours for god’s sake.”


“I need your help. Hurry up. Meet me at the school. Now. And bring Yoochun with you.” , with that I hung up the call and skipped towards school. My steps were light and I didn’t know why, but I was happy.


An hour later, Junsu and Yoochun arrived, both looked like they didn’t get any sleep. I smiled sheepishly and made way to the rooftop. I could hear both of them grumbled behind me. I grinned.


“So? What is it?” , Junsu asked me when we arrived.


Yoochun yawned and looked around, seemingly to be not interested with anything that was going on.


“I want to go to the prom.” , I said.


Junsu rolled his eyes. Yoochun looked at me like I was crazy. “That’s it ? You woke us up just for that? Jae, the prom is in two months. Two freaking months and you couldn’t wait just for a few hours more to tell us?”


“I know but I need your help.”


“Of course we will help you, you selfish bastard. But it still doesn’t explain why do you have to wake us up now.” , Junsu said, I could see that he was starting to get impatient.


“I wanna look pretty at the prom.” , there I dropped the bomb.


It took some time but when it finally dawned upon them, Yoochun who was yawning and Junsu who was about to sit down, stopped midway.


I pushed away my bangs and took off my glasses. I smiled brightly at them that rivaled the brightness of the sun that was just rising from the horizon.


Hello everyone . 

So here's another update . I can't talk much now as I got a class in half an hour so yeah . 

Hope you like it :) Better if you guys love it xD

Anyway , massive appreciation to those who suggested some ideas . they were really good and I might use some but changed them a little bit so that it would still be on a right track. 

Thank you also for those who continued to support me in every ways that you can.

Thanks for all the feedbacks and comments and complaints , they made me change to be a better author .

Until the next post , see ya ! :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(