Chapter Eight !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Jaejoong's POV : 
I grabbed Junsu's hand and walked out of the cafeteria before I had nosebleed in front of Yunho . Or worse , fainted .
Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god !! Jung Yunho hugged me !! I could die happily like this !
"Jae , stop shaking ." , Junsu said . "And stop grinning ."
Yes , I was shaking uncontrollably , with a stupid grin on my face . My mind couldn't stop picturing that wonderful incident !!
"Junsu , did you see that ?" , i asked , with happiness in my voice . 
"See what ?" , he asked . I know he just act dumb . 
"Come on Su .. 'That' !"
"You mean the hug that the Kingka of the school just give you who is actually a nerd ?" , he asked . 
"Yeah !!" , I said and nodded at the same time .
"No , I didn't see it ." , he grinned . 
"Liar ! Oh my god Su . He hugged me !" , I said . 
"Yeah yeah . Come on loverboy , lunch break is over . Hurry !" , he said as he dragged me to class . 
After school !
Junsu and I stayed back a little while before going back . We were helping our teacher about some stuff . I called Hankyung just now saying that I couldn't go to work today and asked him to cut off my payment . Thank god he agreed to it . 
For the first time , I didn't care about money . Since I have 798.5 million won . 
After 20 minutes , we were done . The teacher thanked us and we bid farewell to each other . While walking to a hallway heading to the main gate of Dong Bang High School , Junsu stopped . 
"What's wrong ?" , I asked . 
"I need to go to the toilet ." , he said . 
"Can't you just hold it back ? We're about to go home now ." , I asked .
He shook his head . "I'll be right back . I promise . Wait for me , okay ?" , he said . With that he left me there . 
After 2 minutes , I feel a little bit scared since I never stayed at a quiet place after my father's warning . I was about to go to the toilet when I felt someone pulled me from behind , harshly . 
I stumbled backwards and saw Yoona , the school Queenka and some of her friends . 
"YAH ! How dare you took my Yunho Oppa !" , she scolded me . 
"No , no wait ." , I tried to stopped her .
"Awwwww the nerdy boy is scared ." , her friend said . I looked at her nametag - 'Sunny' . 
"Yoona-ssi , I think you've mistaken . There's nothing going on between me and Yunho ." , I said , tried to defend myself . 
"LIAR ! What ? You think I'm blind enough to not noticed that you were hugging my boyfriend just now ?" , she stepped forward .
"No , it's not like that . I didn't hug him ." 
"Are you saying that my Yunho Oppa is the one who hugged you ? Yah , have you ever look into the mirror ? With that face of yours , even the school's cleaner doesn't want to look at you ." , she said . 
"Trust me Yoona-ssi . I'm not lying ." , I said . 
Well , it's true , I didn't reply his hug - since I was too shocked and too happy to react . 
"You think I will believe you ? Yunho Oppa must felt disgudted by your hug . Snap it out nerdy , stop yourself ! He didn't want you ! Didn't your parents ever teach you some manners ?" , she spat . 
I looked directly into her eyes . Calm down , Kim Jaejoong . Calm down . 
"Yoona-ah , his parents died already ." , her friend said . 
"Oh really ? Because of what ? Is it because his mother was herself and his father couldn't take it , so he killed her . Then , unfortunately , he killed himself afterwards ? What a ruined family ." , she said . 
I raised my hand to slap her , but I stopped , my mother's word was ringing in my ears .
"Joongie , you , as a guy , have to respect girls too . It's not just girls who have to respect boys . A girl is fragile . More fragile than a boy . I'm your mother . And I'm a woman Joongie . Respect all girls like you respect me , okay ?" 
I teared up as I remebered her words . 'But Umma , she's mean ..'
"Yah , you dare want to slap me ??! ing !" , Yoona said as she slapped me hard across my face . 
Very hard that I found my body on the floor and my glasses took off . I could taste blood from the corner of my lips . Who knows , a fragile girl can hurt a boy like me until bleeding ?
She grabbed my hair from behind and pulled my face to faced her . With that , my long bangs were pushed away from my face . 
She gasped . Her friends gasped . 
Yes , my face was revealed in front of them . 
Yoona slowly let go of my hair and stood up . Her eyes couldn't keep off my face . She was shaking like she was just saw ghost . 
Or in this case , should I say angel ?
"Kim Jaejoong .." , she called me . 
I swayed my remaining bangs away from my face , allowing them to have a better view of my face . 
"You're .. You're so .." , her friend spoke out and seemed like she couldn't find a right word to continue her sentence . 
I smirked , "Pretty ?" 
"No , beautiful ." , Sunny said .
"Very beautiful ." , Yoona continued . 
I looked at their face , they seemed shocked and out of control . They were just like under my spell . They were , unconsciously , staring at me . Without a blink . Like they were afraid that if they ever blinked , I will disappear as soon as they open their eyes . 
"Very beautiful ? You just slapped me hard across my face and there's blood coming out from the corner of my lips , and you said I'm very beautiful ? I should look horrible right now ." , I smirked again and stood up . 
She seemed out of words . I brushed off the dirts from my outfit . I looked at them , waiting for more outburts . 
"That's it ? I thought you're planning of killing me for taking your Yunho Oppa ." , I asked as I walked towards Yoona who was standing like a statue . 
I was just inches from her body and I could feel that she was breathing heavily . I looked into her eyes and found her staring at my eyes and slowly fall down to my lips . 
I stepped away and chuckeled . "Go now . And don't ever think of telling about this to anyone ." , I said . 
All of them nodded obediently like a puppy and left . 
Not long after that , I heard a dolphin voice called for me . "JAE !" 
"Oh , Junsu . Took you long enough ." , I said as I bent down to take my bag and my glasses . I wear it and put down my long bangs . Now , I'm back from an angel look to a nerdy look . 
"Sorr- Whoa ! What happened to your lips ?" , he asked as he saw the blood . 
"Nothing ." , I said as I walked towards the main gate of the school . 
"Tell me Jae . Did someone , ermm err tried to harass you ?" , he asked while walking beside me . "I'm so sorry . So sorry Jae . I should have never left you alone . God , I'm so sory ." , he kept on apologised . 
I turned to face him and smiled . Ouch , it hurts ! 
"No , Junsu . Trust me , it's really nothing ." , I said . Then I continue to walked . 
"Then ? Jae , you never hid something from me . I'm worried about you ."
I sighed , "It's Yoona and her gang . They kind of attacked me because of the incident at the cafeteria . She claimed that Yunho is her boyfriend and should have not hug him . I tried to explain that it wasn't my fault but she didn't believe me . She even said that the school's cleaner also don't want to look at me ." , I told him . 
"What a ??! Why didn't you fight back ?" 
"My mother asked me to respect a girl , no matter what .. Enough of this , I'm tired ." , I said as we waited for the bus to come . 
I didn't tell him about their reactions , because I don't want to brag about it . 
And I know that Junsu will squealed like a fangirl , I chuckeled at my thought . 

A lame and boring chapter since I'm sleepy to death . 

I'll update again tomorrow and tried to fasten up so that they'll have their wedding soon :)

Until then , enjoy ! :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(