Chapter Six !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Jaejoong's POV :
The limousine stopped in front of my apartment that I live with Junsu . The same guy that brought me to that mansion bowed to me and I bowed back to him .
I asked him , "Excuse me , what time is it ?" 
"It's 9pm , Mr Kim ." 
"Oh thank you , but please , don't call me Mr Kim . Jaejoong is fine ."
The guy nodded and excuse himself . I nodded back to him . 
Still 9pm , Junsu won't be home since my shift ends at 10pm . Sorry Junsu-ah , you have to cover up for me .. Hmmmm should I go and check him out at the cafe ?
Yes , I should . 
Then , I made my way to the cafe that was located few blocks from the apartment . 5 minutes later , I arrived . I entered the cafe and saw Junsu serving a cup of coffee to a customer . Then he bowed down . 
"Junsu !" , I called for him . 
"Oh Jae ! Hey !" , he greeted me . 
I looked for Hankyung , the manager of Mirotic's cafe . Then , I spotted him at the counter , counting money . 
"Hankyung hyung .." , I called . 
"Oh ? Jaejoong-ah , what are you doing here ? I thought Junsu is covering your shift today ?" 
"Yeah , he is . But , I want to ask you a favour . Can you please let Junsu go early today . Like now . Because there's a family emergency ." , I asked , since he knew that we're cousins . 
"Yeah , sure . But do come early tomorrow , okay ?"
"Okay . Thank you hyung ."
Then , I turned to face Junsu who was standing few feet behind me . "Come , let's go home . We need to talk ." , I said , seriously . 
He nodded and changed his uniform . 
5 minutes later , we already in the living room .
"What's up , Jae ? What happened just now ?" , he asked .
I dropped my bag on the floor and went to my room , ignored Junsu's question and came back with a hair pin , pushing my bangs away from my eyes . I took off my glasses and put in on the table . I sat down in front of Junsu who was looking at me , or should I say , staring . 
"Junsu !" , I called , clearly uncomfortable with his stare . 
"Sorry , I just can't get enough with your beautiness . You're beautiful Jae . Very . But why are you hiding it ? You should be proud ." , he said as looked anywhere but my face . 
"That's why Junsu . Because of the word 'beautiful' . Ever since I was 14 , there's no week that I passed without being harassed . And remember what happened 2 years ago ? My parents , they died because this face .." , I said softly , remembering why my parents died . 
19th March 2010 ,
I walked happily heading to my house from school . Ignoring all the stares I got from almost everyone . It's not a new thing for me . I'm getting used to it . At first , I don't know why , until one day , a man come and gripped my hand while saying "You're beautiful" , with full of lust in his voice . Thank god my father was there at that time . He gave that man a hard punch across his face .
Then , I know , they stared at me because of my face . 
My father warned me to never ever went to somewhere quiet and dark . Always stay at a crowded place . No matter what ! That's why I never took a shortcut .
Back to the actual situation : As soon as I arrived , I opened the main door and saw my parents in the living room being surrounded by 5 big guy .
"Well well well , look who's here . Why you're late ? I was waiting for you , beautiful ." , one of them walked towards me . 
"Jaejoong-ah ! Run ! Leave !" , my father shouted . 
But I was too shocked and scared to react . And I just couldn't leave my parents after the guy said , "Don't you dare unless you wanted them to die ."
I was shaking terribly as the other four of the guy started to pointed out guns at them . 
"Umma ! Appa !" , I shouted as I tried to run towards them . 
But I was too late , the guy that was standing near me caught me first . "Stay with me baby , stay . Then they'll live ." , he said .
Then , he started to my uniform and my exposed neck . I was so scared that I cried non-stop . "You're beautiful baby . So beautiful that makes me hard just by looking at you . I can't wait to taste you beautiful . And I believe that you'll be delicious too ."
That makes my parents angry and they towards me . "Stay away from him ! Jaejoong-ah !" , they shouted .
Two gunshots was heard . 
"UMMA !! APPA !!" , I shouted as I saw my parents lying on the floor , dying . 
"What are you doing ?? Why did you shot them ?" , the guy that was harrasing me scolded the guy .
"I-I'm sorry , it was just .."
Another gunshot . Then I found his body lying , lifeless . 
"Let's go out before the neighbours came . Hurry ." 
Then , they all went out , left me there , hugging my parents' body on the floor . 
"Joongie-" , I heard my mother called . 
"Umma , umma , hang on . Don't leave me Umma . Don't leave Joongie . Appa ! Wake up ! Appa !!!" , I shook my father's body . 
But he was gone . 
"J-Joongie baby , listen here . U-umma l-loves you . Appa a-also loves y-you b-baby . A-always r-remember t-that ." , she stuttered . 
"Yes , yes , I know . umma , don't leave Joongie . Help ! Help !! Someone !! Help my Umma ! Please help my Umma .." , I cried , hysterically . 
"H-here , take t-this necklace . W-wear it , a-and n-never l-lose it . U-umma will a-always t-there f-for you b-baby ." , she said as she pointed out to a necklace on her neck .
"No ! Umma , hang on . Please ! Hang on Umma ! HELPP !!!" , I shouted . "Umma .."
"S-stay s-strong Joongie . S-stay strong f-for Umma and A-appa . I-I l-love y-you ." 
With that , Umma and Appa both left me , in this cruel world , alone . 
But thank god , Uncle and Aunty were very nice to adopt me as their own child . And having a wonderful cousin like Junsu , I can't ask for more . 
****End Of Flashback****
I was crying , unconsciously , while those moments of my parents death came back before my eyes . 
"J-jae .." , Junsu called me . "It's not your fault . They didn't die because of you ."
"I wish I have a handsome figure like my dad's ."
"You're unique Jae . And I'm sorry for remind you about that ."
"It's fine Junsu-ah ." 
"Stop crying okay ? There , there , I'm sorry ." , he said as he stood up and sat next to me . He hugged me and wiped away my tears . 
"Thank you Junsu , for always being here by my side ." 
"I love Joongie , I will never leave you ." 
"I love you too Su ."
"So , what happened just now when you left ? Did you get some wealth ? How much ? A million ?" , he asked , tried to change the topic . 
"Yes , I got some wealth . 798.5 million won ." , I said . 

I'll go make a new chapter now , okay ? 

Until then , Enjoy ! :)

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(