Chapter Fifteen !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Next morning !
Jaejoong's POV : 
I woke up at the sound of alarm that I set last night using my phone . I yawned and pulled my body up - with my back leaning over the head of the bed . The scene that happened last night came back before my eyes . 
Unconsciously , I smiled . And not long after that , a sigh was escaped from my lips . 
I can feel that he loves me .. But it seems impossible . There's no way a man like Yunho will fall for a nerd like me . He just being protective towards his new friend . Yes , that's right . I'm just a friend in his eyes . 
Again , I sighed . I stood up and make a way to the bathroom . I took a very long shower , to clear up my mind from the thoughts of there's a chance that Yunho actually likes me . I kept on denied it , but my heart never allowed me to . 
After 30 minutes , a knock on the bathroom's door could be heard . 
"Who is it ?"
"It's me , Yoochunnie ." 
"Is Yunho there with you ?" , I asked as I got out of the tub and wrapped the towel around my waist . 
"No ." 
With that answer , I came out - only to find Yoochun standing in front of the bathroom , eyeing me . No wait , staring at me . For the third time , I sighed . 
"Yoochun-ah , why ?" 
"Oh , I just want to give the school uniforms to you ." , Yoochun snapped out and hand me the uniforms .
"Thank you ." 
"Jaejoong-ah , you have a nice body ." , Yoochun commented . 
I couldn't help but blush at his comment and mouthed 'thanks' to him .
"Kyaaaaa ! You're so cute !" , he exclaimed like a fangirl and pinched my cheeks . 
"Owwww !" 
I slapped his hands away and rubbed my cheeks . I sent a death glare to him , but he just grinned . 
"Sorry , you looked so cute with the blush . Are you falling for me already ? Sorry Jaejoongie , I love Junsu ." 
"Park Yoochun , you're lucky that the bruise from yesterday had gone . If not , it'll hurt like hell ! And if it does happen , I'll skin you alive ." 
"Tsk ! Where is my angel ? How come the devil had got into my angel's body ?" , he fake a worried face .
"Since when I've become your angel ?"
"You just want to be Yunho's angel , right ?" , he smirked . 
I rolled my eyes , "Get out . I need to change ." 
He chuckeled before he walked towards the door . Before he closed it , he said , "Come down to the dining room after you done . Aunty had made us breakfast ."
"Okay ."
Yunho's POV : 
I got out of my room and saw Jaejoong walking alone at hallway . I greeted him , "Hey Jae !" 
"Oh hello Yunho ." , he smiled . 
"What are you doing here ?" 
"Ermm can you lead me to the dining room ? Don't laugh , because I think I'm lost ." , he said , looking down . 
I chuckeled , "Come , I'm on my way there too ." 
Then , we walked side by side to the dining room . When we reached there , Umma , Appa and Yoochun already sat down - waiting for us . 
"Sorry I'm late Aunty , Uncle ." , Jaejoong said as he bowed to my parents .
"It's okay dear . Have a sit ." , my mother said to him . 
He took a seat beside Yoochun and I took mine beside my mother , in front of him .
"Jaejoong-ah , do you mind if this evening you come here again ? The lawyer will be here this evening , to settle up some documents ." , my dad's voice was heard . 
I looked towards Jaejoong , expecting his answers . 
"Ermmm , okay , but can I go home first ? To change my clean up and change my clothes ?" , he asked . 
"Oh , you can do it here . Don't worry . There's a lot of Yoochun's clothes here ." , my mom answered him . 
"Yeah Jae . I don't mind ." , Yoochun smiled at Jaejoong . 
"But I have to go to work to day .." , Jaejoong mumbled softly . 
"Don't worry , I'll give a call to the cafe later . You work at Mirotic's cafe , right ?" , my dad asked . 
Jaejoong nodded . 
"Then , it's settle , okay ? The driver will pick you up , together with Yunho ."
"Ermm , can I bring my cousin too ? I don't feel like leaving him again after yesterday ." , Jaejoong asked .
"Of course . I would like to meet him ." , my mother said happily . 
"Aunty , can I come over this evening too ?" , Yoochun used his not-so-cute puppy eyes to my mother and surprisingly , it worked !
"Of course Yoochun-ah . You are always welcomed here ." 
"Thank you Aunty ." , both Yoochun and Jaejoong said in unison . 
Me ? I just sat there watching Yoochun and Jaejoong smiling to each other . A sigh came out from my lips . 
Skip skip skip !
All three of us were sitting inside the limousine , heading to our school . But few blocks before we reached the school , Jaejoong asked me to stop the limo . 
"Why ? What's wrong ?" , I asked . 
"Can you drop me here ? I'll walk to school ." , he said . 
"Why ?" , I asked . 
"Ermmm I don't want to get into any trouble if the students saw me came out from the limo with you ." , he answered softly . 
Yoochun cut off my sentence , "He's right Yunho . Remember the bruise that he got from your 'girlfriend' ?" 
"Yah ! She's not my girlfriend !" , I rolled my eyes . "But are you sure ?" , I asked , facing back to Jaejoong . 
He just nodded his head and I asked the driver to stop the limo . 
"Thank you Yunho-ah , Yoochun-ah ." , he said to us as he got off .
"See you later Jae !" , Yoochun waved his hand .
"Be careful ." , I said .
He nodded his head and the limo left him . 
Jaejoong's POV : 
Here I am , walking down the street , heading to the school . It's funny how I came with the limousine and ended up walking . 
I touched my face , specifically , the corner of my lips . Hmmmm thank god the bruise had gone . Oh ! Talking about the bruise , I wonder how will I face Yoona and her gang later . It would be awkward !!
Around 10 minutes later , I passed the school gate . On my way to the class , I saw Junsu . He was walking towards me .
"Jae ! I miss you already ." , he said as he hugged me . 
"Well , I don't ." , I smirked . 
"So mean !" , he pouted . 
"Junsu-ah , are you free this evening ?" 
"Why ? You want to ask me out ? Oh god , I love you too Jae ! I will go out with you , but you have to push away your bangs and no glasses okay ?" 
I rolled my eyes , "Yah ! Who said I want to ask you out ? Dear cousin , you are so full of yourself ."
"Then ?" 
"I want to bring you with me to the Jung mansion ." 
"WHAAAAT ??" , he shouted , earning some looks from the other students . 
"Aish !" , I groaned as I bowed apologetically to the students . When I looked up , I sent a death glare to my cousin who was grinning . "You don't have to shout ! Thank god you didn't mention anything about Jung mansion . So , are you free ? Want to tag along ?" 
"Are you kidding me ? Even if I don't , I'll cancel all my plans just to stepped inside that damn mansion ." , he said . 
"Okay , cool !" 
"But what are we going to do there Jae ?" , Junsu asked as we walked towards the classroom . 
I wanted to answer him , but I didn't have a chance to do so as I saw Yoona and her gang came out from nowhere and walked towards us . 
"Jaejoong oppa !" , she called . 
I widen my eyes . Oppa ?!
"Annyeong Oppa !" , they greeted when they reached us - me and Junsu .
I looked at them , one by one . Taeyeon - Yoona - Sooyoung - Sunny .
What should I do ? Should I smile at them ? Should I greet them back ? Should I just walk away and leave them here ? Should I just pretend that I didn't see them ? Should I hang out with them ? Should I make friends with them ? Should I use my charms to take revenge ? Should I just kill them ? Should I report about them to the school principal ? Should I ask Junsu to kick their for me ? Should I do it by myself ? What should I do ?
"Yah ! Damn es !" , Junsu shouted at them . 
I widen my eyes .. again . "Junsu-ah , what are you doing ?" 
"I'm trying to give them some lessons ." , he said as he sent a death glare to the four . 
I looked at the girls . They looked .. scared ? , "Junsu-ah , I told you already , it's fine . Let's go ." 
"No , I won't leave until I give them what they deserve . You got a bruise yesterday because of them . Why ? Due to a very pathetic reason ." 
Okay , Junsu is really scary right now . 
"Gasp ! Oppa , you got a bruise ?" , Yoona and her gang looked shocked . 
"Of course ! Thanks to you !" , Junsu spat on them . 
"Junsu-ah , let's go please ? I'm fine .." , I tried to pull Junsu away , but he won't budge . 
"O-oppa , we're sorry . Forgive us Oppa ." , Taeyeon said . 
Before I could say something , a voice froem behind was heard . 
"What's happening here ?"

Again , I'm sorry ..


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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(