Chapter One !

Two-Timer ! O.o


Yunho's POV : 
Hello there ! My name is Jung Yunho . Nice to meet you . Let me tell you a little bit of myself . 
Just like I said , my name is Jung Yunho . Call me Yunho . Oppa also can *wink* . I have such a wonderful parents . My father's name is Jung Jinwoon . And my mother - Jung Jessica . If you're wondering , then yes , we're the Jungs . And yup , that Jungs . 
The owner of the super duper big company , Jung Corp . One of the biggest company in Asia . 
So , that's how I become the Kingka of the Dong Bang High School . Thanks to the tonnes of money I have in my wallet and bank accounts . Also , thanks to the marvelous looks I got from both of my parents . 
So , I guess , that's it ?
"Jung Yunho !" 
That's my mother . Scary as ever . 
"Yes Mom ?" 
"What the hell are you doing ? Get your off the couch now and go to school ! You're late !" , she scolded me . 
"Okay okay !" , I said as I move my firm and walked to the garage . 
20 minutes later , 
Here we are , Dong Bang High School !
I walked along the hallway and smiled to my admirers . It's good to be popular , isn't it ? But I know , those girls , admirers , fans , are just a bunch of girls who wanted to get a part of my popularity and worse , money . 
"Yo loser !" 
That jerk over there , who just called me , is Park Yoochun . A buddy of mine . Trust me , he's the loser one . 
"What's up jerk ?" , I greeted him back and we did the handshake thingy . 
"I don't understand . Those girls , aren't they got tired of you ?" 
"Jealous ?"
"Pfftt never ."
"Oh come on Park , I know you are ."
"I'm not Jung . Currently I'm living a perfect life . With FREEDOM !" , he said as he stressed out the word 'freedom' . 
"What ? You say like I don't have freedom ."
"Of course you don't . Look around you . Almost everyone is looking at you . So you have to watch your steps , can't mess up , if you tripped , and BOOM ! Say goodbye to your popularity ."
"Pfftt ." , I scoffed . 
"Plus , I bet , the partner of your life , must be someone that your parents decide for you . You're the only heir of Jung Corp dude ! Of course they want someone cool ."
I shrugged . "Well Park , are you afraid that I'll take that duckbutt of yours ?" , I said as I ran away ..
Before he kick my . 
"Jung Yunho !!!" , he shouted and chased me .
"Excuse me , coming through , make a way , move , move , excuse me .." , I said as I ran as fast as I could along the hallway . 
I know , that Park must be seriously mad . No one ! I repeat , NO ONE messed up with the duckbutt of his . Or you'll regret . 
Even though they are not dating . In fact , the duckbutt didn't even know that this buddy of mine likes him . Myabe , he didn't even know that Yoochun exist in this school . Yoochun just , admire him from far . Protect him from behind . And love him secretly . 
Awwww .. Sweet ? 
Oh wait , Uh-oh !
"Hey !" , I shouted . 
And BAM !
A boy and I were on the floor . 
"Owwwww" , I groaned from pain . Yeah , I just knocked down a boy while running away from Park Yoochun . 
"Gotcha ! Hey , I told you , don't-" , Yoochun said as he got me . 
"Yah ! Help me first will ya ?" , I cut him off and glared at him .
Instead , 
"Hey , are you okay ?" , Yoochun said as he reached out his hand for the boy that I just knocked out . 
The boy looked up and to Yoochun and straight away looked back down . 
"I'm fine ." , he said as he stood up with the help of Yoochun . 
"Well , I'm not !" , I raised my voice , to gain Yoochun's attention . 
"Sorry about him , he just , you know , not very well . You can say that he's insane ." , Yoochun said to the guy . 
"YAH !" 
"Are you hurt ?" , Yoochun ignore me .
The boy shook his head , still facing down .
I stood up and glared at Yoochun . Then I looked over to the boy I just knocked off . 
"Yah ! What's wrong with your eyes huh ? Can't you see that I was in a hurry just now ?" , I scolded him . 
"Yunho , it's your fault actually . You shouldn't run at the hallway ." , Yoochun said . 
"No , no , it's my fault . I'm sorry Yunho-ssi ." , they boy said with his head facing down . I guess there's something interesting on the floor . 
"See ?" , I gave a look at Yoochun . He just rolled his eyes . 
"If you excuse me , I would like to go the library ." , the boy said . 
"Of course ." , Yoochun answered . 
Then , the boy left . 
"What was that for ?" , Yoochun glared at me .
"What ?" , I act dumb .
"You scolded him just now . You knew that it's actually your fault , right ?" 
"I'm sorry okay ? I was just mad . You backed him up , instead of me ."
"I'm always backing the right one , okay ." 
"Whatever ." , I rolled my eyes .
Then , I hears a girl's voice called for me . 
"Oppa !" 
Meet Yoona . The Queenka of the school . Oh well , that's what she called herself . 
"Hmmm ?" , I looked at her .
"Why did you talk to a low-class boy like that ?" , she asked .
"I knocked him off just now . It's an accident . Oh you know him ?"
"He's one of the nerds in this school . Look at his outfit , and the thick , big , round glasses . Oh , you knocked him off ? Poor you oppa ." , she said as she brushed off some dirts from my clothes . And she purposely closed up our body gaps . 
I gave an uncomfortable look to Yoochun and he nodded , as he understood what I tried to say . 
"Yoona-ah , we have to go . Bye !" , Yoochun said as he grabbed my hand and we ran away .

The very first chapter ! :)

Hey , I'm sorry for not updating sooner . There's something wrong with the internet connections . But no worries ! Chapter two and chapter three are already done ! Gonna post it now !

Until then , enjoy ! :D

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Shubha #1
Chapter 28: Update it pls, take care author
meechan35 #2
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Plz dont abandon it.
Chapter 28: Bwoyaaaa ...when will continueee
bukimoon #4
Stil waiting for update ^-^
Chapter 28: (T_T)
Euncha3 #6
Chapter 28: Still waiting for this story update!
junnie39 #7
Chapter 28: Its 2017...and i still waiting for your update :(