Heartbreakage (Part 1)

Boys over Blood


The next morning, this time, Anna was the one who avoided talking to Louis in the car. With Zayne's interview still in her head, she didn't want to deal with Louis or what happened yesterday. It's not like she planned on spending time with Lee Joon- he was just there. And Anna was still angry that Louis accused her of actually liking Donghae.


“Sure he's handsome I guess, but...” Anna thought. She didn't want to even think about dating anybody right now. Even though Louis' accusations were ridiculous, one thing that he mentioned was right. She couldn't get distracted. Not when so many things were at stake.


*8 months ago


Hey! Are you and Zayne still broken up? I thought you guys would get back together soon,” said Bonnie, who was on the other line.

Yeah, we are. Geez, does everybody know?” Anna sighed as she was starting to pack her stuff, which was still in Zayne's private office.

Sweetie, the vampires heard everything; super sensitive hearing. But it's still because of Nik isn't it?” Bonnie asked.


Yes, I mean first I found out that Nik wants to use...an army of hybrids, and that he needs Zayne to do it. I've tried making him understand that Nik is just using him, but he still won't listen to me. And so...I ended things. I don't want to be apart of whatever he wants to do now,” Anna replied. “He isn't still trying to get back together is he? It's been 3 months already.”

You know he does,” Bonnie said. “I mean he wanted to marry you, Anna. He still does.”

I feel like if I marry him now that I might as well marry Nik too,” Anna laughed.


Where are you anyway? Are you still with Louis?” she then asked.

Actually, I'm at Zayne's office getting a few things. And yes, Louis is still with me, but not at the moment.”

Make sure that you guys hide the stake well. Nik can't know that it exists,” Bonnie warned Anna.

I know; I'll keep it safe,” she said and as she turned around, Anna had almost dropped the phone.


Nik,” she breathed out. Niklaus was standing before her with his arms crossed.

Trespassing, sweetheart?” he asked with a smile. Soon Zayne came in and walked in behind Nik, when he immediately saw Anna.

Anna?” Zayne smiled. “You came back!” Zayne ran to give Anna a hug, but she pushed him back.


I came back for my stuff,” Anna said. “And now that I have it, I'll just be leaving now.

Anna walked past Zayne, but Nik said something that Anna from reaching the door.

What were you talking about on the phone with Bonnie just now?” Nik asked. Anna stood frozen at the door, clutching her bag tightly.


What do you mean?” Anna asked as she turned around back around to Nik, hiding the fear behind her skin. “What? I can't even make phone calls to friends anymore?”

No, of course you can,” Nik said as he walked closer. “But I could have sworn that I heard my name being mentioned in the conversation. Were you talking about me?”

Not everything is about you, Nik,” smiled Anna before she walked out again.


Anna! Where are you going?” called Zayne. “You just got back.”

I can't stay,” Anna said to him.

Yes, you can,” he said as he held her hand. “I know you want to.”

You don't know what I want,” Anna finally said without looking at him. “Bye, Zayne.”


When Anna walked out of the office, she was suddenly stopped by two tall vampires who looked to be 5 times her size.

Then I'll make you stay,” Zayne said as he and Nik stepped out. “You can't leave again.”

You don't even need me,” said Anna, but instead of Zayne answering, he pulled her face closer to his and kissed her.

I need you more than you'll ever know,” he whispered. “I've always have, and always will.”


Anna wanted to believe him. She wanted to trust him again and continue loving and supporting him like she has always done. But things were different now. Zayne may still love her, but he's changed, and its not a change that she liked seeing. It was time for her to stop letting her feelings come between whats right anymore.

Look at him, Anna,” Nik came from behind. “He's crazy about you.”


And you're both just crazy,”Anna whispered. She punched Zayne in the stomach and ducked underneath the two vampires, who were trying to help Zayne back up. Niklaus pushed them out of the way to try to get to Anna, but she was already racing down the stairs towards the lobby.


Damn it,” thought Anna; she almost tripped on the last two steps, when Nik was already half way down. Anna quickly ran outside and climbed up to the back of a pillar. Luckily, she already gave herself Vervain before even coming back to the company, so Nik wasn't able to smell her anywhere once he got outside. Anna heard him kick down a garbage can before he went back inside.

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Chapter 24: wow it's cool . . . hmmm is Donghae the only SuJu member that will be in this story ? ? ? . . .

i like the story . . .

BTW new reader . . .

Vintage #2
hahaha! i finally figured out how to add pictures lol i knoww, im a total noob xD btw no comments? Don't be shy guys! I wanna hear what you have to say abt my first fanfic that i've uploaded :D