
Boys over Blood


Anna slammed the door behind her and leaned against the hotel door trying to catch up with her breath. Louis jumped out from the couch after seeing Anna in a panic. Anna was still trying to catch her breath, but her leather jacket and her black tank top were still soaked with blood. She ruffled her short, black hair, but stopped when she saw the dried blood on her hands.


“Anna! What happened? You should have answered my phone!” yelled Louis. 

“I know,” Anna managed to say. “Louis, Niklaus found us again. We don't have a lot of time.”

“What? How? We just got here. There's no way that he could have found us that fast!”

“Hey, help me get out of these clothes,” Anna said as she was struggling to take off her leather jacket. She had cuts on her face, while Louis helped her and noticed a long laceration just below her shoulder. Louis tried applying ointment onto the wound, but Anna only cringed from the burn.


“Nasty cut. How many did you kill this time?” Louis asked in his british accent.

“I don't remember,” Anna said, feeling irritated. “Its a good thing that I didn't have the stake with me this time. Nik would have gotten it for sure. There was so much blood that I almost lost control.”

“There weren't any people around right?”

“Luckily, there weren't.” Anna quickly walked into her room to throw her suitcase on the bed while stuffing it with all of her belongings. Louis quietly walked in and stood at the door.


“You should probably start packing too,” said Anna.

“Where are we even going to go? We've ran to at least 7 different cities already. Anna, I'm tired of running. Let's just fight him.”

“You know that we can't, Louis. Niklaus is more stronger than us, his minions are hybrids, and we barely have any time to practice training. You tell me. How are we going to fight him?" said Anna as she kept walking back and forth between her closet and her suitcase. "I want to too, but for now we have to find a safe place to hide the stake. After that, we can think of a real plan.”


“I guess so,” said Louis after some time. “But where can we even go now?”

Anna quickly paced around the room and then stopped to look at her suitcase. Soon she pulled out a letter from the front pocket that she had stuffed into about a year ago.

“I think I know where we can stay. You start packing while I make a call,” said Anna. Anna walked out of the room with the letter and her cellphone.


“Its just one call,” Anna thought. Calling him would usually be the last thing on her mind, but she was desperate. No matter how much she hated him, Anna knew that she had to trust him now; taking the risk of not losing her pride and letting Niklaus finding her and Louis was a chance that she did not want to take. Anna dialed the number that was on the letter, hoping that he hadn't changed it. Surprisingly, he answered the call.


“Yeobsahyo?” said the other end of the line.

“Danny. It's me,” Anna said firmly.

“Anna? Is that you? Is it really you?”

“Yeah,” Anna gulped. “It is. Danny, I know that this is last minute, but I'm calling for a favor.”

“Anything! Just name it. Anna, I've missed you. I'm just so glad that you called.”

“Look, Louis and I need a place to stay for a few months. Do you have room at your place?”

Danny was silent for a while, so Anna replied:

“It's okay if you don't want to take us in. I understand its-”

“No! I'd love for you to stay. But what's going on? Are you okay?”

“Not really,” said Anna, rubbing one of her arms. “A lot has been going on since you left, but you don't really care about the details, right? I mean that is why you left.”

“Anna...” started Danny. Anna knew that she shouldn't be bringing up the past between them, especially since the favor she's calling in would potentially put him at risk. 


“I'm not going to start anything. But how soon should Louis and I leave?” she said instead. 

“You can leave as soon as possible if you want. I have plenty of room here so moving things around here won't be a problem. By the way, who's Louis?”

“That's not important right now, but thank you. We'll leave as soon as possible,” Anna said.



“I've missed you, and I'm glad that you're coming.”

“I know. See you later,” Anna said before hanging up the phone. Anna walked back into the room to throw the last of her things into her suitcase.


“Who did you call?” Louis asked, while dragging his suitcases into her room. He changed his clothes too; he wore a simple white v-neck under a black jacket with a pair of faded skinny jeans.

“My brother," Anna barely managed to say. It's been a while since she's called Danny that. 

“You have a brother? Since when? Wait, why did you call him?”

“Yes, I do have a brother, but for the past year I haven't been on speaking terms with him. We're going to stay with him for a while in South Korea.”

“South Korea?! We're going out of the country? Anna, that's perfect!”

“Exactly. If we're out of the states, it would give us at least a couple of months before Niklaus or Zayne figure out that we left the country. Plus nobody else even knows that I have connections in South Korea.”

“Yeah, that is pretty random. But is it really okay to stay with him?”

“Yeah, Danny owes me one anyway. Now hurry, we have to leave tonight.”

“No, I mean would it be okay for you?”

“I have to put my feelings aside for now. Finding a place to stay away from Niklaus and Zayne is more important anyway," she said calmly, even though she was a nervous wreck on the inside.


“When is Zayne ever going to just give up? I mean you already told him that the engagement was over," Louis pouted as he carried the suitcasese out the door.

“I don't think he ever is. You know how we are. Our senses and feelings are heightened ten times more than humans. He can try to love me forever.”

“I thought that you did love him.”

“I hate what he's become ever since Niklaus started to work with him. Come on, we should get to the airport now.," she answered, while locking the door behind her. 

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Chapter 24: wow it's cool . . . hmmm is Donghae the only SuJu member that will be in this story ? ? ? . . .

i like the story . . .

BTW new reader . . .

Vintage #2
hahaha! i finally figured out how to add pictures lol i knoww, im a total noob xD btw no comments? Don't be shy guys! I wanna hear what you have to say abt my first fanfic that i've uploaded :D