Chapter 13

I'm Not Useless!


Sungjong POV

It was 2 am right now. Myungsoo and I were waiting for Sungyeol at the dorm while the other follows our manager to find him. After he left us clueless in the dance room, he doesn’t even give a call either pick up our call. Of course, we were told about he had been attacked by the antis and I think his mood swings because of that. All of my toughts went gone when I heard ‘click’ at the front door. Myungsoo and I exchange glances and than I saw the other member enter the dorm, without Sungyeol.

Myungsoo: how was it?

Hoya : we have try to search everywhere, but he nowhere to be found.

Sunggyu : did he give you a call?

Sungjong : no..

Woohyun : so Sunggyu ,what should we do?

Sunggyu : manager hyung told us to sleep first. Yeah, since we have schedule tomorrow. But I don’t think I can sleep when I don’t even know where my member sleeps.

Dongwoo : he must suffered a lot right now…. I have no idea why the anti-fans hate him so much. It’s not like Sungyeol did something wrong right?

Myungsoo : yeah, you probably right.


Silence lingering at the atmosphere as everyone was on their own thoughts. Suddenly Sunggyu spoke.

Sunggyu : hey kids, go sleep first. Tomorrow we have schedule.

Hoya : you?

Sunggyu : me? I want to wait for Sungyeol.

Hoya : then, we want to wait  for him too.

Sunggyu : don’t be stubborn. I’m your leader, listen to my order.

Hoya : hey, you think we can sleep in this kind of condition? When Sungyeol was nowhere to be found, you think we can sleep??

Sunggyu : but..

Woohyun : no but. If all this time we always obey with your order, but sorry for tonight.

Sunggyu eyes each of us. He bit his lower lips and inhaled deeply.

Sunggyu : okay then. But if you’re tired or sleepy just go to sleep okay?

Everyone nods and give him a small smile.


Sunggyu POV

I glances at the clock and it was 4 in the morning. Sungyeol didn’t come home yet and we still can’t reach his phone. The kids were lying on the floor but can’t even close their eyes. Actually, I feel proud of them because they don’t abandon each other. But at the same time, I feel sorry to them.  As I with my own thoughts, suddenly I heard someone was typing the password to enter our dorm. We exchange our glances and wait for the person to come in. As a relief, it was the person that we wait for ages. A smile plastered on my face and I stand up and make my way toward him. As I asking

“where have you been Sungyeol….”

He just walk passed me, entering his room and locked it.

The smile that appearing just now automatically disappeared. Hoya stands up and walks towards the room and try to knock, but there’s no answer. I tapped his shoulder.

“Maybe he needs some rest. Don’t disturb him” I said.

Hoya just gives me a small nod.

Sunggyu : okay,, let’s sleep guys. Sungyeol has back.

Myungsoo : but….where did we want to sleep?

Sunggyu : of course in your room, why?

Sungjong : Hyung, Sungyeol locked the door. How we want to enter?

Sunggyu : oh…yeah….hummm….do you want to sleep in my room?

Dongwoo : does we fit in?

Sunggyu : errr…..

Hoya : let just sleep here.

Sunggyu : If like that….let’s sleep here together !

So, we ended up sleeping in the living room. With the thoughts of Sungyeol, I feel asleep.


Sungyeol POV

(Back to when he was at his rooftop house)

After I turned the house into a totally mess, I cried and fell asleep. When I woke up, I think I should go back to the dorm. Although I’m still in a bad mood, but I don’t want to worry the members. I weakly stand up and grab my bag, leaving the house without cleaning it.

-At the dorm-

I pressed the password code and enter our dorm. I was greeted with smile but my lips don’t even react to carve a smile at them. Then Sunggyu approached me but I just walk pass by him, entering my shared room and locked it. I know it’s rude to do that to a leader but what can I do with my mood right now? I just can’t control it.

 I walk towards my bed and sit down. As I lay myself on it, my hand hit on something. It was Hoya’s hand phone. I look at it for a couple of minutes and decided to call Junhyung. Lucky that I remember his number. After a few rings, he answered.

Junhyung : Hello….who is this?

Sungyeol : Jun..

Junhyung : Sungyeol ? is that you?

Sungyeol : emm…                                                                                                                   

Junhyung : hey, where did you go huh? Are you okay? Why you didn’t pick up your phone?

Sungyeol : sorry if I make you worried. I’m okay now. This is Hoya’s number.

Junhyung : what happen to yours?

Sungyeol : I….argh! no need to know. Sorry if I disturb your sleep. I just want to say that I’m okay. Bye.

I end the call without waiting what Junhyung want to say. I take a look at the ceiling and tears start to form again in my eyes. Turning my gaze towards the beds beside me make me felt…..empty.

“I’m not alone right?” I thought to myself. I stand up and make my way toward the door. Unlocking it, I opened the door. I saw my members were all sleeping there, together.

“We’re altogether.” I murmured. Smiling, I fit myself between Sunggyu and Woohyun.


Sunggyu POV


I opened my eyes and yawn.

“What time is it?” I thought to myself. I search for my hand phone under my pillow and look at the clock.

“’s already 6”. I stretch out and inhaled deeply. Suddenly I stopped when I saw Sungyeol was sleeping beside me. Aren’t this kid lock himself in the room yesterday? I rub my eyes several times to conform that I’m not mistaken. Yeah, it’s Sungyeol. Is he okay? I put my backhand on his forehead to detect any fever, but his temperature is normal.

“ahh! I’m thinking too much!” I let out a small sigh and stand up doing what usually I do every morning. Waking up the members. Starting from Woohyun, Hoya, Sungjong, Dongwoo, L and lastly, Sungyeol.

“Sungyeol-ah…wake up” I shake his body slowly, scared that he might be in bad mood about the incident yesterday.

“bwoya~~~ give me five more minutes” he giggles. Seems like his mood is okay.

“Okay, but make sure you wake up!” I said and he just gives me ‘hummm’ sound as a reply.

I left him in the living room and go to take a shower.



No one POV

Right after Sunggyu wakes s up, he and Myungsoo go to shower first. Since we have 2 bathrooms. The other members were still half-asleep. Woohyun finally realized that Sungyeol was there. In the living room, sleeping soundly. He tapped Hoya who is beside him and points his other hand toward Sungyeol.

“When did he come out from the room?” Woohyun asked.

Hoya takes a look at Sungyeol and shook his head.

“I don’t know.”

Hoya rubs his eyes and stand up, entering their room.


Half of Infinite have already finished prepared themselves, but Sungyeol is still sleeping. The members except Sunggyu all are staring at him right now.

“ya, Lee Sungyeol..wake up…” Dongwoo squat and shakes Sungyeol’s leg.

He just murmuring something that they don’t understand.

The members exchanges glances and smirk. Dongwoo Shout


All of them get on the  top of Sungyeol’s body one by one.

Sungyeol eyes widen as he felt his breath was suffocate by the members that are on top of him.

“YA!!!!!!” Sungyeol shout.

They all laugh. Sunggyu that was in the room went out as he heard Sungyeol’s shout from the living room.  A smile plastered on his face when he saw what s were doing.

Sungyeol that realized the present of the leader shout to him expecting that the leader would be on his side.

“HYUNG!! HELP ME…..!!”

“Who ask you to wake up late?”

They all laugh together.


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tehyun90 #1
Chapter 27: when hoya said to sungyeol that its hard to dance their dance past cause incomplete members (no sungyeol), i seriously think of suju,that they throught it in reality,.. 2members lost and inactive for temporary
also ukiss(aj going study, now complete again:)
Chapter 32: He was just trolled ?! Aigoo ~ That strawbelly part ! x) Waa , Yoseob is in your new story !? I wanna read it ! :D Thanks for spending your time writing this story , authornim ! ^^
Chapter 30: Next is the last ?! Naww ~~~
Chapter 29: Good luck for your exam , authornim ! Hwaiting ! ^^ CEO !? What was he doing there !? OoO
Chapter 28: Ohh ! Poor Yeollie . *sigh* Update soon , authornim ! ^^
Chapter 27: Sunggyu's introduction , haha ! XD I hope you will make Sungyeol go back to Infinite and his mom gives him permission . =) Update soon ! ^^
Chapter 26: I am happy that he and his mom are bck to normal and INFINITE , still acting dorky . Authornim , update soon ! ^^:D x)
Chapter 8: just start reading.
Awww... Sungyeol :(
I cant exclaim myself as an Inspirit, but out of Infinite, I like Sungyeol the most.... This just....
kpopluva3838 #9
Chapter 24: So sad!!!
I hate SungYeol mum!!!!
Hate hate hate her!!!
Chapter 23: That kid was scolding Sungyeol ?! Ya ! YONG JEASOON !! Don't scold him ! You are just like a caffeine !! *hearing Caffeine* Authornim , it is not real in rea life, right ? I hope not ! XC Anyway , authornim always daebak ! Update soon ! =)