
Exchange Student in B.A.P.'s Dorm

Lunafly - Clear Day Cloudy Day

Amongst all the laughter, truths and dares, the time passed fast. Before you even knew it, it was getting dark outside as the hour hand of the clock started to draw closer to eleven. Saga glanced up at a big, wooden clock on the wall and smiled. She turned her gaze back to Zelo, who just had to blow into Jongup’s ear. She clasped her hands together, gaining everyone’s attention.

“I have something for you!” she beamed. She stood up and went into one of the many rooms, only to return with a big cardboard box. You stared at it with a questioning gaze as she handed it to you. You opened it carefully, pulling the tape away, revealing lots of snacks, candies, some jewelry, a teddy bear and a DVD. On the DVDs casing was a note, saying Watch me!

Saga took your hand into hers and pulled you up before dragging you with her and plopping you onto one of the couches. She walked over to the big television and placed a DVD into the machine. Soon the screen lighted up and you felt how the others came closer. Himchan sat down next to you and placed his arm around your shoulder.

“_________-ah!” a familiar voice called through the loudspeakers. A picture of Louis appeared onto the screen. He smiled from ear to ear as he waved his hand. “Happy b-day, sis! How are you doing? Too much partying, or are you actually studying? From what I’ve seen your earlier grades, I’d say you’ve slacked pretty much!” he laughed. “Nah, I’m just kidding. You know, I’ve moved away! Okay, it’s temporary and I live in our cabin, but still! It’s actually because I should study for my SAT’s. I can’t believe that I’m actually admitting this, but I miss you. Come safely home soon, okay? Bye sis!” he finished, waving his hands.

A tear rolled down on your cheek as the screen became dark before flashing again, this time showing a message from your parents.

“Sweetie!” your mother called. “Are you alright? Have you been well? You aren’t sick again, I hope. I can’t stop worrying about you, especially when you told us that you’ve been busy studying and not getting enough sleep. Just don’t give up, okay?” your mother finished, wiping away a tear or two that had escaped her eyes.

Your father pulled her closer as he smiled at the camera. “Darling, I know that you are going through a point where you really have to concentrate into finding yourself and make sure you pass your exams with high scores so that you’ll have even more doors open in your future. Don’t be afraid of taking chances, and more important, don’t forget to enjoy and have fun. It’s a once in a lifetime when you get a chance to study abroad, so cherish this time that you have in your hands. We will be waiting for you in here, no matter what.”

They waved and said their byes before the screen flashed again. Max appeared onto the screen, a handsome smile on his lips.

“Hey ________!” he called. “Believe it or not, but I miss you. I actually thought about coming to visit you, but I’ve been busy with other stuff. I proposed to my girlfriend and we’re getting married next year. Please give us your blessings; even thought I know that you approve it. Oh and about your present! We all added something that we knew that you’d like. Remember to share the food with you!” he smirked. “Well, bye now! Happy birthday, __________. See you soon!” And with that, the screen went black again.

Big, fat tears rolled down on your cheeks continuously. Sobs escaped between your lips as you wiped your eyes with your sleeve. Himchan pulled you into his embrace and whispered soothing things into your ear. “It’s going to be alright, let it all out.”

You cried into his shoulder, wetting his shirt. You missed home now more than before. Saga had a sad smile on her lips. She knew how much you missed your family, and it hurt her to see you break down.

Daehyun’s eyes never left you. His chest felt tighter, almost suffocating, as he watched salty tears escape from the corners of your eyes. He wanted to relieve you from the pain, but he didn’t know how. *I’m sorry. I never thought about you missing your home this much. You always smile so brightly that it is hard to know what you’re really thinking about.*

Youngjae kneeled in front of you and placed his hand onto your lap. “Want to go outside to calm down for a moment?” he asked. You nodded your head. He helped you up and leaded you outside onto the terrace.

Jongup stared at Daehyun. “Hyung, you should go talk to her.” he told as he pushed Daehyun towards the entrance of the terrace. Youngjae looked at them and smirked as he got the hint. “________-ah, I’m going to get you a glass of water.” he whispered softly before disappearing inside, leaving Daehyun standing awkwardly.

“Umm…” he muttered and took a shy step forward. “Are you alright?” he asked as he leaned towards the railing.

You sighed loudly before looking up into the starry sky. “I’m okay. I just miss my family…” you muttered. Daehyun felt how his heart tightened. “You never told me you had brothers.” he stated.

“Oh.” you mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Well, I do. They’re both older than me, and they care about me, a lot.” A small smile found its way onto your lips again. Daehyun’s heart started to race as he stared at your lips. You continued to tell him about your family, about your life back home and what kind of pranks your brothers had done to you. He listened to every story you told, nodding and humming every once in a while as a sign that he was still listening.

Six pairs of eyes followed every move you made from inside. Jongup clenched his fist as he waited for Daehyun to make a move. “Come on, hyung, don’t be a sissy.” he mumbled, frustrated.

Their hopes rose when Daehyun came a little bit closer to you. “Oh!” Himchan pushed himself even closer to the window in anticipation. Their hopes got crushed as Daehyun only hopped onto the railing and sat down on it.

“Just kiss her, you idiot, or I’ll personally come and kick your !” Yongguk swore, earning a shocked look from Zelo. “Hyung!”

Again, Daehyun moved a bit closer to you, this time he wrapped his arms around you. Small cheering could be heard inside.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you earlier when you were going through a stressful time. But I’m here now, so if there’s something, anything, that makes your heart heavier, just tell me.” he whispered softly into your ear and petted your hair. You nodded and buried your head closer to his chest.

You two stayed in that position for a while. “Do you want to go inside?” Daehyun asked, flashing a warm smile that made butterflies run a marathon in the pit of your stomach. You nodded before he took your hand and led you inside.

As soon as the two of you stepped inside, Yongguk hit Daehyun on the back of his head, mumbling something that sounded like “Jackass”. 

A/N: Woah! Almost 7900 hits and over 200 subscribers! I love you guys, seriously! Sorry it took so long again for me to update, I actually wrote this chapter about two weeks ago but got stuck and had to rewrite about half of it. 

Thank you all for reading/subscribing/commenting! I can never thank you enough! You all deserve a lot of cookies! <3


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Guys I have to go on a mini-hiatus for a month due to a language trip and I had problems with my internet so I wasn't able to post anything, sorry :(


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Chapter 35: Ahh, I'm back and there's not a lot of chapters to read :(
I guess I have to wait a little more~ :)
Chapter 35: Update please! ❤
Chapter 35: This was awesome. . .. .almost just almost there . . .they almost kissed. . HIMCHAN OPPA SARANHAE BUT IF U INTERUPT ANOTHER SWEET MOMENT IMMA TAKE AWAY ALL YOUR MIRRORS lol ^^
Unni Fighting ^^
IkkleLau162 #4
Chapter 34: Saga and JongUp are so cute seriously~! >.<
Her and Daehyun are so sweet too~~~~~ I'm going to get cavities reading this!! Haha. I really love your story . Did you have a nice trip to England? I live there kekeke.
Update when you can~ I'll be waiting :)
sam098 #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back^^
I'm so Happy to read your story again ^_^
MaruraM #6
Chapter 34: So excited you're back! Can't wait for the next chapters to come! You're doing an awesome job (:
Chapter 34: Been waiting for an update! Tks. :D
Chapter 34: You're back!!!! YAY!!!
geum-byul #9
Chapter 34: OMG YEAH!! YOU'RE BACK!! I missed you! Good luck with everything at high school! Wish you the best! And update soon dear author!