Whipped cream and Macarena

Exchange Student in B.A.P.'s Dorm

Seo In Guk - Shake It Up


”Junhong?!” you asked, your eyes big and round. You looked up so that you could see his face, a smile plastered on his lips.

”Hey noona!” he greeted casually, as always before. You rolled your eyes a little at his childishness. Doesn’t he have anything better to say than just ‘hey’? You shook your head and petted his cheek softly. “What are you doing in here?”

He chuckled and pulled you closer, lifting you up from the ground. ”Saga-noona requested. She told us that it would be a surprise.”

Someone behind you cleared his voice, catching your attention. You looked over his shoulder. “Yongguk-oppa!” you beamed and rushed into his arms. He chuckled as he swung you in the air, not caring that your legs hit Himchan, who rubbed the spot where he got hit.

You pulled away just so that you could see his face. “I missed you so freaking much!”

“We missed you too.” he whispered, happiness overflowing. Tears of happiness built up in your eyes as you stared at him. Blinking back the tears, you left his embrace and jumped right onto the next person, who just happened to be Youngjae. The two of you found yourselves, lying on the concrete floor. You locked your eyes with his and burst into laughter.

Carefully he helped you up onto your feet. “Are you alright?” he asked, his smile never leaving. You nodded eagerly before you jumped into his arms again, hugging him tight.

Daehyun walked through the door, dragging six pairs of bags with him. “Yah, guys, do you really expect me to carry your stuffs?” he whined before he dropped everything, expect his own bag, onto the marble floor.  He passed all of you as he headed to one of the bedrooms, like if he didn’t even notice you standing there. *Strange…* you thought as you followed him with your gaze.

Yongguk rolled his eyes at the lead singer and placed his arm around your shoulder. “Let’s go have some fun now, shall we?” he asked as he pulled you to the living room with him. You two sat down onto the sofa with a soft thump. He reached out for the remote control and pushed a few buttons so that the television would go on.

You turned your head to look at him and furrowed your eyebrows. “You seriously came all the way here, just to watch TV?” you asked, suspiciously. He nodded his head, eyes never leaving the flashing screen. “Of course!”

Daehyun threw his bag on one of the three beds in the room. He placed his hands onto his hips and looked around. The bedroom was pretty big compared to the one they shared back home. Big curtains fell elegantly against the walls, hiding a pair of big windows that opened a view to the sea and the row of mountains. “Maybe this isn’t going to be so bad after all...” he mumbled to himself with a smile on his lips as he stared outside. “…even if I have to hurt her.”

He had decided back home that he wouldn’t make the same mistake anymore. He knew that he couldn’t take the quilt of letting you go thought all the trouble because of him, so he decided that he would step aside and be mean to you, if it’s what it takes to keep you near him.

A frustrated sigh escaped from his lips. He rested his head against the glass of the window, letting it cool down his forehead. “Damn…”


“Hey, I know this may sound pretty cliché…” Saga begun as she placed away her pizza box and lifted up an empty bottle of soda. “But shall we play ‘Truth or Dare’?”

Everyone eyed each other before agreeing. Zelo smirked, exited to see his hyungs getting embarrassed. Jongup sat up straight and took a pillow into his embrace. “Shall we start with easy or can we just go right into the hard tasks and questions?” he suggested.

“Hard ones!” Himchan yelled and sat down onto the floor. You and Yongguk shared a look before sliding down and joining the circle that others already created.

Saga eyed everyone in the room before she spun the bottle that she had placed in the middle. It rolled on the surface fast, before it ended up pointing at somebody. Everyone cheered, except that one special person which the bottle pointed at.

“Hyung, you just dug your own grave!” Youngjae laughed as he pointed at Himchan, who just struggled. “Just give me a dare already!” he ordered a waiting expression on his features. Saga smirked and rushed into the kitchen. Not long later she appeared again, a can in her hand.

“I dare you to whipped cream off of Yongguk’s stomach!”

Himchan smirked and grabbed the can Saga handed him. “Shirt off, woman!” he yelled as he opened the lid. Laughter filled the room.

“Who are you calling a woman?!” Yongguk yelled back, eyebrows furrowed. Himchan pulled the older one’s shirt off and placed his soft hands onto his abs.

“Alright Yonggukkie, this is going to be a little big cold so don’t freak out.” he said smirking before he emptied half of the can onto the leader’s skin, earning a yelp from the oldest. Others continued to laugh at his reaction as Himchan smirked proudly at his creation, which resembled an ice berg. He bent down and stuck out his tongue, off the cream teasingly slowly.

“Hurry up, damn it!” Yongguk grumbled. Himchan poked his side, earning another yelp from the leader. “You’re ticklish?” he asked, surprised.

Heat found its way onto Yongguk’s face as he pushed Himchan’s head back down onto his stomach. “ it, lady!”

The said man continued to off the cream, taking all his time to enjoy torturing the leader. off the last of the sweet, fluffy cream he sat back up and his lips and fingers, an evil smirk playing on his features.

The bottle spun around again, this time stopping between Youngjae and Zelo.

“It points at hyung!” Zelo stated.

“No it points at you, Junhong!” Youngjae argued.

Himchan smirked as an idea came up into his mind. “Let’s say it points at both of you, and you now have to do a dare.” he informed, his smirk becoming even more evil, if possible. “I dare you two to dance around, dressed up in sleeping bags so that we can only see your heads!”

Daehyun handed the two a sleeping bag each, actually liking the idea. He fished his phone out of his pocket and put the video camera on. Zelo closed himself inside the sleeping bag happily, while Youngjae mumbled improper words grumpily. Jongup plugged his phone onto the stereos and searched for a song in YouTube. Soon enough the music started, earning another round of laughter.

“Like Seriously? Macarena?!” Youngjae protested with his mouth wide open. He felt how something big and warm started to grind against him. “Come on hyung, have some fun!” Zelo recommended as he continued to shake his hips. Slowly Youngjae let the rhythm take him as he started to move his hips.

Everyone laughed at the pretty sight of Zelo dancing against the wall and Youngjae dancing something similar to what SISTAR did in Loving U. Daehyun tried hard to control his laughter as he filmed the whole thing, thinking about using it as blackmailing if anything else.

Youngjae spun the bottle, his face bright red from embarrassment. This time it stopped in front of Saga. “Dare!” she informed.

Youngjae smirked as he ped the sleeping bag. “Go sit on Jongup’s lap so that you face him until the next round is over. You know, that way that kids call ‘spider style’.”

Saga felt how blush crept onto her cheeks as she eyed Jongup who nodded in approval. She stood up and walked over to Jongup before she sat down onto his lap, her heart racing as she stared into his eyes. The bottle spun around again, this time it stopped pointing at you. “I pick dare.” you said, casually.

“I dare you to share a Pepero stick with Daehyun.” Yongguk said and walked over to the kitchen before he returned with a bright red package. Daehyun shook his head at his hyung as Yongguk handed you one of the chocolate coated treats. You turned to look at Daehyun who immediately stopped shaking his head and scooted closer to you.

You placed the stick between your lips, taking the end without chocolate. Daehyun leaned closer and took the other end between his pearly white teethes. Slowly the two of you took bites, until it was about five centimeters long. Daehyun felt how his heart raced faster and butterflies literally puked in his stomach as he inched closer to you. Not handling it anymore, he bit off the stick and sat up straight, as if nothing ever happened.

A part of you felt empty and sad when you noticed that he pulled away. You, too, sat up straight and ate what was left of the treat, as the bottle spun around again.

“Yongguk, it’s your turn!”

A/N: No, I'm not dead! I'm back again, after 1½ months... Sorry, I've been dealing with a lot lately, not just school even thought we've had to do 3 projects in a month and just got 3 new ones, you see I kind of lost a friend or two because I told my other friend about rumors of her using drugs at school, which wasn't true and yeah, it's a lot of drama :/ also soon it's that date when I have to decide into which school I'm going to go after middle school. Yeah I'm still that young ^^' I'm thinking about studying to become a chef and a waiter! :) 

I felt so embarrased while I wrote the whipped cream-part... like writing ...

And a teaser of the next chappie here!

"Just kiss her, you idiot, or I'll come personally and kick your !" Yongguk swore, earning a shocked look from Zelo. "Hyung!"

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Guys I have to go on a mini-hiatus for a month due to a language trip and I had problems with my internet so I wasn't able to post anything, sorry :(


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Chapter 35: Ahh, I'm back and there's not a lot of chapters to read :(
I guess I have to wait a little more~ :)
Chapter 35: Update please! ❤
Chapter 35: This was awesome. . .. .almost just almost there . . .they almost kissed. . HIMCHAN OPPA SARANHAE BUT IF U INTERUPT ANOTHER SWEET MOMENT IMMA TAKE AWAY ALL YOUR MIRRORS lol ^^
Unni Fighting ^^
IkkleLau162 #4
Chapter 34: Saga and JongUp are so cute seriously~! >.<
Her and Daehyun are so sweet too~~~~~ I'm going to get cavities reading this!! Haha. I really love your story . Did you have a nice trip to England? I live there kekeke.
Update when you can~ I'll be waiting :)
sam098 #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back^^
I'm so Happy to read your story again ^_^
MaruraM #6
Chapter 34: So excited you're back! Can't wait for the next chapters to come! You're doing an awesome job (:
Chapter 34: Been waiting for an update! Tks. :D
Chapter 34: You're back!!!! YAY!!!
geum-byul #9
Chapter 34: OMG YEAH!! YOU'RE BACK!! I missed you! Good luck with everything at high school! Wish you the best! And update soon dear author!