Hide and seek

Forever alone

Luhan's P.O.V

"Jihae is missing" I said. "What? That's..." Appa stopped his work immediately and called all his guards to look for Jihae. "Luhan-ah, you still have trainings, go now, I'll look for your sister." He said. I nodded my head and stepped out. Nothing have ever stopped my father from his work, not even my graduation, not even my debut stage, but ever since Jihae appeared, he actually cares... Jihae-ah, where are you? Oppa is worried... I got ready and the driver drove me to the SM building. All 11 members greeted me as I stepped into the dance studio. "What's up? Why do you look so down?" Kai asked and sat down beside me. (in this fic, Kai is Luhan's best friend, dont ask me why.... It just happened.. Dont kill me hunhan shippers ;__;) "You know about my sister right?" I asked.  "Oh yeah.. Your dad's mistress..." Kai nodded. "We brought her home last night but she ran away..." I sighed. Kai's eyes widened. "She what?" Luhan nodded. Kai patted his back and reassured him, "dont worry, your dad have his ways..." I really hope Appa can find her... She's alone now, she might get hurt! 

Jihae's P.O.V

I finally came back, umma. Our house.. I stepped in the small apartment and memories came back. How umma would always cook dinner for me whenever I came back from school, how we'll always bake cookies together during the weekends.. Umma, I miss you. Why must you leave me alone? I dropped to the ground and started crying. I miss you so much umma, come back to me please... "We found her Mr Xi, she's at her old apartment." Voices can be heard. I stopped crying and looked out. There were 3 men wearing suits standing outside the door. What.. Who are they? Am I in danger? One of them came in and grabbed my arm. I scrambled away and picked up the baseball bat my mum and I always used to chase away debtors. "What do you want? Leave me alone!" I swing the bat around. One of my hits actually hit him. I stared at him in horror. "Come on Miss Kim, we won't hurt you, your father wants us to bring you back" he said. Father?

"NO! Tell him I'm not going back!! I'm staying here! Here with my umma!!" I started swinging the bat again. "Don't force us Miss Kim." He came closer. "NO! Go away!!" I backed away. The 2 guards outside came in to help. Umma.. Help me. Help me! "Leave her alone!" A familiar voice shouted. "Junhong ah!" I shouted and ran towards him, hiding behind his tall frame. "Are you okay Jihae?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Please Miss Kim, don't make it difficult for us. Mr Xi needs you home right now!" They said. "No. Jihae is not going anywhere, she's staying here with me!" I looked up at Junhong. "Sorry sir, this has nothing to do with you." "Anybody who wants to take Jihae has to deal with me!" Junhong-ah... The men sighed and took out their cell phone. "Im sorry Mr Xi, Miss Kim doesnt want to come with us. And there's this kid who refused to let her go. Yes, okay I understand." They hanged up. "We'll give you some time Miss Kim, Master Luhan will pick you up later. " They said and walked out. Junhong shut the door and came to me. "Are you okay?" I nodded my head. "Thank you Junhong." "No problem! What are friends for?" I smiled weakly. Junhong's my childhood friend and we grew up together. He's always there when I needed him. "Hungry? Should I cook you some ramen?" He asked. I nodded my head eagerly "yes please! i'm starving!" He chuckled and ruffled my hair as i stared up at him, smiling from ear to ear. 

Luhan's P.O.V

"We found her, she's at her old apartment. Can you get her back later Luhan? I think the guards scared her..." Appa said. "Sure appa, I'll go there after my practice" I hanged up and sighed in relief. "Found her?" Kai asked, looking at my happy face. I nodded and smiled. Thank god Jihae.. Thank god you're okay. After practice, my driver drove me to Jihae's old apartment. "Jihae?" I knocked on the door.

Jihae's P.O.V

! It's my so called oppa! "Junhong... i dont want to go back there..." I pleaded. Junhong nodded and opened the door. "im sorry, but please leave Jihae alone, she doesn't want to live with you." "Who are you?" Luhan asked. "Her childhood friend, Choi Junhong." "Actually, i dont care who you are. Jihae's my sister and im bringing her back with me no matter what!" He stepped in and grabbed my hand. "No!" I struggled to break free. He's quite strong although he looks like a girl!! "YA! I SAID LEAVE HER ALONE!" Junhong came in between us. I held on to his shirt and peeked from behind him while I watched them fight. "She's my sister and I have every right to bring her back with me!" Luhan shouted. "But you have to listen to her wishes!!" Junhong shouted back. "Please, Jihae, come home with oppa.. Appa and I really care alot about you.." His eyes turned teary. He seems so sincere... I stepped out from behind Junhong "thats enough, I'll go home with you." I looked up at Luhan. Luhan smiled and reached out his hand. I ignored it and walked out. "Jihae!" Junhong called and jogged to me. "Its okay Junhong, I'll call you." He nodded and I walked towards the car. The driver opened the door and nodded "Miss Kim." I stepped in the car and soon, Luhan came in. "Lets go home Jihae-ah." He smiled. I blushed and looked out of the window. 

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<