Dinner with Kai 2

Forever alone

Kai's P.O.V

So... We've been in this position for around 10 minutes and my heart won't calm down at all. She still showed no signs of waking up. "No.. No.." she started sobbing and frowned. I poked it and she immediately relaxed. What exactly happened to her... I her head softly and my eyes landed on her pink lips. NO KAI WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! So I kissed her forehead gently instead. I immediately regretted it because the surroundings suddenly became hotter and my face was burning. After staring at her for a while more, my eyelids felt heavy and I too, fell asleep, still holding onto Jihae tightly. 

Jihae's P.O.V

Hmm... what time is it already?? I started opening my eyes slowly and get used to the surroundings. Hmm.. It's dark already. Where am I? I looked up and I saw Kai sleeping. What...? I sat up and saw that I've been asleep.... ON HIS CHEST THE WHOLE TIME. WHAT DID I DO? WHAT DID HE DO? WHAT DID WE DO?!?!?! I started freaking out and Kai stirred in his sleep. Oh no! He can't wake up now! It's gonna be awkward, did I pull him or what?! I'm so not sleeping infront of him anymore!!! I started blushing like mad and shook my head crazily. "Will you quit it already?" I stopped when I heard his voice. Kai opened his eyes and stared at me. I blushed a deeper red, "H...hi.. morning..." I stuttered. Thank god it's dark here so he can't see my face!! 

Kai's P.O.V

Is she nervous? I smirked a little. "So... how was my chest? Comfortable? I make a good pillow don't I?" I chuckled. "Ya..... I.. wasn't the one who initiated it was I...? she asked. I leaned closer to her, "what do you think?" She blushed and pushed me away. "Whatever... Let's just go... for lunch.." She said. I laughed, "It's dinner miss" she coughed and hide her flushed face, "Whatever!!" She said and alighted. I chuckled when she started fanning herself, "It's getting hot around here. Summer must be around the corner right?" She laughed awkwardly. Stupid girl, I smiled while shaking my head. We sat down in the restaurant and the waiter came to take our orders. "I'll have this rib-eye steak, medium well and a glass of coke, thank you!" she closed the menu and smile up at the waiter. The waiter coughed and blushed a little. How dare he..... He turned and got a shock from my glare. "I'll have the same as my yeobo, thank you." I gritted my teeth. She gaped at me when she heard me say yeobo. I turned to face her, "what?" "Stop calling me that! People might get the wrong idea!" She hissed. I shrugged my shoulders, "Then it's their fault for not being smart." She rolled her eyes and started playing with her phone. I soon got bored because she wasn't talking to me at all. "What are you doing?" i asked. "Game." She said, eyes not leaving the screen. "Is it fun?" I tried peeking. "Mmhmm." She nodded. URGH! LOOK AT ME! "YA! You're having dinner with a hot guy right now and all you do is play with your phone?" I said, folding my arms. She finally looked at me, jaws hanging, "Excuse me? Hot guy? Where?" I rolled my eyes and pointed at me, "Here, hello." She burst out laughing, "If you're the hot guy, I must be Miss Korea" You're actually prettier than Miss Korea... Of course I didn't say that. "Tch, if you're Miss Korea, i'm Brad Pitt." "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She laughed so hard, I saw tears forming. "I must be really funny if you're laughing like that." I said, amused. "You are" she laughed. 

After a few minutes, the food finally came. "I'll eat it well!" She started chomping on her food. "Eat slowly, no one's gonna snatch it away from you." I said, cutting my steak. "I'm bungry." She said with full. I laughed at her pronounciation. How did I ever fell in love with such a girl? She's not even close to my ideal type. When I looked up, i saw sauce at the corner of . "You've got sauce there." I said, pointing to her left. "Here?" She touched her right. I shook my head and used the napkin to wipe it for her. I saw her blush slightly and choked on her food. "here." I passed her her drink. She drank a few mouth and said, "T..thanks." "You're welcome" I chuckled. She gets flustered just by a little stuff. How cute. When we finished our dinner, the bill came. "You're paying right?" She asked. "Since when?" I pretended. "What?!" she gasped. I shrugged my shoulders, "It's on you." I said and walked out. Her eyes widened and she took out her wallet and went to the counter. "For table 5." she said. The waitress then smiled, "It's already paid, miss." 

Jihae's P.O.V

I'm gonna get you Kai, just you wait! How dare you embarrass me infront of that girl?! I stomped out of the restaurant and went straight to him. "What's your problem?!" I shoved him. "hey, hey, it was just a joke!" He said with two hands out. "Humph!" I stomped off to the nearby playground. He followed behind. I sat at the swing and puffed my cheeks out. "Want me to push you?" He said from behind. That's not a bad idea... I nodded my head. He started pushing me gently at first and I was enjoying the wind. Suddenly, i got higher and higher and the wind got stronger. "STOP KAI STOP! I'M GONNA BE SICK!" I screamed. Laughing, he finally stopped and I heaved a sigh of relief when my feet touched the ground. I stood up too suddenly, my legs felt like jelly. I was about to fall when Kai caught me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and touched my giddy head. "I hate you." i mumbled as he sat me down on the bench. He chuckled, "Sorry." We sat there in comfortable silence when he suddenly asked, "What exactly happened last time..?" I looked at him, confused, "last time..?" He looked at me, "remember when I locked you up? You were saying to not touch you and all..." Pain crossed my face as I start to figure out what he was asking. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me.. It's just, it's better to let it all out no?" He asked. He's right.. But was I ready? "I...." I stuttered. "I was locked up by my uncle... He..." I started shaking as I remembered every details of that night. Tears blurred my vision as Kai hugged me, "Shh... Stop, stop." I cried while holding onto him tightly. "He..." "I said stop. Don't continue..." He whispered while my head, trying to calm me down.

Kai's P.O.V

My heart freaking hurts. I'll hunt her uncle down if he's not already in jail. He's inhumane! How dare he.. How could he try to.... I can't even say that damn word. I hugged her tighter until she calmed down and her breaths are even. "I'm here now Jihae, I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you." I whispered. She looked up at me with hopeful eyes. I started to lean in and she closed her eyes. 

*Phone ringing*

We both jumped in shock and she looked away, blushing. AISH WHO IS IT?! "HELLO?" I barked into the phone. "Woah, chill hyung it's just me." Sehun replied. SEHUN. IT'S FOREVER SEHUN. HE SHOULD BE THE NUMBER 1 ER FROM NOW ON. "What do you want?" I snapped. "Suho hyung told me to ask you if you want dinner." "I'VE ALREADY EATEN. GOODBYE." I slamed the phone down. Just because of this stupid question? URGH! I stare at Jihae's back. Her ears are red! "Sorry.." I mumbled. She just nodded her head. Urgh, goddamnit. 

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<