The ice is melting

Forever alone

Luhan's P.O.V

We finally reached home and Jihae got out of the car. I quickly followed her in the house. "Jihae, do you want to -" Before I even finished, she walked off and dragged her feet up the stairs. She slammed her door shut. I sighed. Why is it so hard to be her oppa? "Again?" I turned around and saw father. I nodded my head dejectedly. "It's okay Luhan.. She needs time." He patted my back and went back to the study room. I hope she won't take long... I'll be leaving Seoul next week to begin promoting in China again.. Jihae, please. Talk to me? 

Jihae's P.O.V

I don't even know why am I being so difficult. He's a nice person.. He'll make a good brother, isn't that what I've always wanted? A sibling I can lean on to? He can easily gain my trust but at the same time, I don't want to get close to anyone anymore...

*beep beep*

I got a message : Are you okay? - Junhong

I replied : Yes, you don't have to worry about me, it's not like they will harm me. 

I put my phone away and realized I haven't took a shower for two days! I went to the closet and look at the many clothes. "Why does this pyjamas look so expensive.. I even have to wear a few hundreds to sleep.. I can never get used to this." I shook my head and mumbled. I took a pink lacy pyjamas and headed to the bathroom. I debated whether to use the bathtub or not.. But decided not to because I might just fall asleep in there and drown. I took a hot shower and dried my hair. I trudged back to the room and laid on the bed. So soft... With that, i fell in to a deep slumber. 

*knock knock*

"Jihae?" Luhan called and knocked on the door again. Hearing no response, he opened the door. When he saw his sister sleeping so soundly, he smiled affectionately. He tugged her in properly and kissed her forehead, "Goodnight, my sister." He closed the door silently and headed to bed as well.


Luhan's P.O.V

The kitchen's in a mess!! The maids will kill me for dirtying their paradise. But this is for Jihae! I'm being a good brother here. I flipped the pancake and fried a sunny-side up at the same time. Phew. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and fry bacon too. "Oh Jihae's eating you today Baekhyun." I chuckled to myself. Why are you so funny Luhan. 

Jihae's P.O.V

I smelled something yummy. Is that bacon?? I sat up from bed and went down. I saw Luhan cooking. He was laughing to himself. Weirdo. I have a weird brother... Wait. Did I just acknowledged him as my brother? Wake up Kim Jihae! I cleared my throat and he turned. "Oh good morning Jihae!" He cheerfully greeted. I merely nodded my head. "Hungry? Because Oppa made breakfast~~" He said. I bit my lip to stop myself from giggling. That pink apron fits him so well. I went to wash up and put on the most comfortable clothes I found in the closet. They are not bad... I sat at the dinning table while Luhan served me. He poured orange juice and sat across from me. "You like it?" He asked hopefully. I blushed and said nothing. "Lets start eating!!" He smiled and picked up his cutleries. He started taking huge bites and I ate the pancakes. Hmm.. He's actually a good cook. Without realising it myself, I smiled slightly. 

Luhan's P.O.V

Am I seeing things?? She smiled! She definitely smiled!! Well done Luhan! I knew this trick would work! Which brother would wake up at 6am to cook for his sister?? I must be the only one of course~ "Do you want to come to the company with me today?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. As usual, she shook her head. "But it'll be fun!" I added. "What fun is there at the company, all you do is work, work and work" she replied coldly. Does she even know what's my job? I don't work.. I sing and dance. "Do you know what's my job?" I asked. She looked at me. "Since he's so rich, a big company right? Like a bank or something?" I laughed. Adorable! "Y..Ya. Stop laughing, what's so funny" She blushed and frowned. "You're so cute Jihae-ah" I smiled. "S..shut up. I'm not, call me that again and you're dead" She said. I chuckled and shook my head, "I'm an idol Jihae." She stared at me in disbelief. "Trying to get me to accept you as a brother right? Not working~ I'm not even interested in these stuff" She said. "Why would I lie to my sister?" I challenged. "Who knows, you might have a sadistic side" She shrugged. I laughed loudly. "You sure have wild imaginations. But I won't take no as an answer, you're coming with me." "But!" She protested. "No buts Kim Jihae." I smirked. "I hate you." she said. "No you don't" I smiled. "And why is that so?" She raised an eyebrow. "Because siblings don't hate each other." 

Jihae's P.O.V

"Because siblings don't hate each other" This sentence touched me deep down. He's right.. i dont hate him at all. In fact, now.. i'm glad I met him. I watched as we past by all the shops in the city. 






He started singing this Chinese song and I have to admit.. His voice is amazing. I stared at him. He turned and smiled. "You like it??" I blushed and looked away. Is what he said true? Is he really an idol? Before I can think further, the car stopped. "We're here!" He announced and we alighted. Girls started screaming "Luhan oppa! Luhan oppa!" Urgh what is this? Annoying girls. He put his hand on my shoulders and the girls screamed even louder. "Who is she oppa?!?!" I shrugged his hand off and looked at him with annoyance. He put his hand on my shoulders again and whispered, "you don't want to die" I looked around and true enough, the girls were glaring daggers at me and I was the centre of attention. Excuse me? I so did not snatch your boyfriend. You can have him. He led me in to the company and sighed in relief. "Stay here okay? I'll settle some things and come back to get you." He walked off and I was left alone. Screams could be heard again and the door suddenly opened and a guy ran in. He knocked in to me and we both went falling on to the ground. "ooof!" I landed on the ground with him My eyes widened as I take in his face. His long eye lashes, his protruding lips and black hair. He stared down at me as I started blushing like mad. He blinked several times and started blushing too. "YA! JIHAE!" I can hear Luhan screaming at the top of his lungs.

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<