Annoying Kai

Forever alone

Jihae's P.O.V

I stepped into the huge, empty house. "sigh." Oppa's gone for a month and I have no one... "Jihae?" It's.. that guy. I looked up to meet his eyes. Although I've acknowledged oppa, facing this guy was still difficult. After all, he haven't cared about me and umma once. I stepped past him and walked to my room. From behind, I can hear him sigh. Just give me more time... I slammed on to the bed and fell asleep. Come back soon oppa...


"ding dong" I stirred in my sleep as I heard the door bell rang. I choose to ignore and fell back asleep. "Wake up you pig." a voice said. Oppa? Is oppa back? maybe he came back to surprise me! I opened my eyes and sat up. My happy face immediately fell. "You're not oppa..." i said. "Who would want to be that narcissistic dude?" Kai scoffed. My jaw fell opened. "You're suppose to be his best friend." I glared at him. "So? Everyone knows what he's like, he even says thank you when we call him that." Kai said. I literally facepalmed myself. Seriously, oppa? What are you?? "Enough lazing around, it's time for school." Kai said and dragged me off the bed. "YA! Let me go, I'm not going to school." I sat back down on the bed. He raised an eyebrow, "stop being a brat." I gaped at him. A BRAT?! "I'll show you what a brat is." I stood up and pushed him on the bed. I started tickling him and he laughed, "omg hahahaha stop. sto-hahahaha" "You happy now?" I smirked. He used his strength and finally got me off him. "Y-YA. Don't ever do that again." He coughed. What? Cat got his tongue? I rolled my eyes, "so prince Kai is actually scared of ticklish." "Shut up and get ready for school. I'm not accepting no as an answer." He said and walked out, slamming the door behind him. What's his problem? 

Kai's P.O.V

I calm my racing heart. What did she do to me just now?! She's a girl for god's sake! SHE DO NOT CLIMB ON TOP OF ME LIKE THAT. I pulled my hair in distress. "Hyung? Why are you grabbing your head?" Sehun stared at me as if I was mentally insane. I stopped pulling my hair and straightened it back to it's place, "Nothing." Sehun stare at me suspiciously and I glared at him, "WHAT?!" Sehun jumped and quickly looked away. "Kai hyung is scary..." He whispered to Jiyoon who chuckled. "I heard that maknae." I said casually. "Oh~ You're dead" Jiyoon mouthed to Sehun. Sehun paled and I smirked. Seriously Sehun, grow up. Just then, Jihae came down. Sehun ran towards her and hid behind her, "save me Jihae-ah!" She stared at him and walked towards me. "What did you do this time Kai?" She asked. "Hey, I'm older than you, stop using informalities." I stared at her, what a rude girl. She shrugged, "doesn't look like it, if you're that mature, you would not bully someone younger than you." "Burn~" Jiyoon laughed. I glared at her and she stopped. URGH KIM JIHAE YOU ANNOYING BRAT. The butler came and we all headed to the car. I'll get my revenge Kim Jihae, for making me look like an idiot infront of the maknae. 

Jihae's P.O.V

Seriously can Kai get anymore lame? He kept doing stupid things to make me look stupid. Example, trying to trip me on the way to the lockers by sticking his leg out. Ohmygod, how childish. How did oppa make him his best friend, oh wait I forgot, OPPA'S CHILDISH TOO. I sighed and Jiyoon stopped eating. "Something wrong?" I shook my head, "nothing..." I ate my rice. "Doesn't look like it... Miss Luhan oppa?" She asked. "I guess.." I said. "Anyway, I think i like Lay oppa." I choked on my rice and she passed me a bottle of water. "You what?!" I screamed. Several heads turn to look at our table and Jiyoon told them that nothing's wrong. "Keep your volume down, geez" She hissed. "Are you freaking serious?" I asked again. She nodded her head and blushed. "ohmygod." I said. "What?" "He's an idol." I said. "Doesn't mean he can't date, lalala" "Oh well... I don't really care..." i shrugged. "NO! You must care!" She shouted and I stared at her with wide eyes. "You must help me with him please Jihae!" She gave me her puppy eyes. "That's not gonna work on me Park Jiyoon." I said and continued eating. "Tchh, no fun Jihae. You're no fun!" She pouted. I laughed, "fine, fine, you owe me." She nodded her head, "thank you best friend!" "Only remembering that I'm your best friend when you have a favour." I rolled my eyes. She meekly smiled. 

Kai's P.O.V

WHY MUST THAT BRAT BE SO CLEVER? SHE AIN'T FALLING FOR ANY OF MY TRICKS. I was fuming mad. Sehun poked my arm and I glared at him. "WHAT?" He stared at me in shock and asked, "what's the matter with you?." "Oh shut up panda bear, you won't understand" I looked away. "If it's because of this morning, you're seriously lame. And i'm not a panda bear, I'm not Tao." Sehun shook his head and walked away with his friends. FINE! I'M LAME SO BE IT. I MUST GET KIM JIHAE THAT BRAT. I turned and saw Jihae leaving the cafeteria alone. Oh you're dead Jihae. I followed after her and pushed her to the wall, locking her in between my arms. "WHAT THE HELL?" She screamed at me. I leaned closed to her ear and whispered "call me oppa." Her eyes widened. This will get you Jihae. I smirked. 

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<