
Forever alone

Kai's P.O.V

Why did I say that? Forget it, Kai, you're really useless. I look down at her and said, "So.. wanna make up for lost time?" She looked up and cheerfully nodded. "Come on" I brought her to the arcade. She dragged me to the UFO catcher. "Wow! That duck is so cute!" She said, sticking her face on the glass and her nose hit the glass. "Oww.." She rubbed her nose. I laughed loudly, "Pabo!" She pouted, "it really hurts." "Aww... Come let me see." I lift her chin up and looked at her nose. "Oh, it's a bit red." And our eyes met. Our faces were inches apart and my heart is racing wildly. I hope she don't hear it. We stared at each other for quite some time until someone pushed me from the back. I turned and glared at the person. It was Luhan hyung! He smirked and said "I'm so sorry to ruin the moment." My eyes widened, "The moment...?" I thought for a while and both of us shouted, "NO! It's not like that." He chuckled, "it's okay. I don't mind." Sehun stared at us with a red face, "You guys are dating? How come I don't know?" He scratched his head. "SHUT UP SEHUN!" I shouted. Jihae started choking beside me and Luhan went to pat her back. She shot lasers at him and he laughed. Aish! What are they thinking? There's nothing between us! 

Just then, Jihae pointed at the duck toy again. "I want that." Luhan stared at the duck and said, "Oppa will get it for you!" She looked at him in disbelief, "Are you sure?" "HEY!" He pouted, "I'll show you my power!" He put a coin in and started moving the catcher above the toy. He pressed the button and it went down, missing the duck. "YA! STUPID MACHINE! THIS MACHINE IS FAULTY!" He kicked the machine and hurt his leg in the process. Jihae and I laughed while clutching our stomachs. Sehun turned away, pretending that he's not with us. Jihae laughed till she cried, "Hahahaha Oppa!! You're so stupid! hahahahaha" Luhan stormed off in frustration, dragging Sehun away, "I'm going to play basketball!" After Jihae and I calmed down, she said, "I still want it." I sighed and put a coin in. I must win this for her! I expertly move the catcher and as it went down, I prayed in my heart, "please!" It missed the duck and I shouted angrily, "IT'S FAULTY!" Jihae stared at me, about to laugh again and I stop her, "I'll show you!!" I put another coin in and missed it again. I missed the next, the next next and the next after the next. "YA!!" I kicked the machine, "YOU MONEY EATER!" "Come, let me try." Jihae said and I pass her the coin. She moved the catcher and caught the duck, "YAY!" She jumped up and down. I gaped at her in disbelief. "So who's the pro now?" She said while showing off her damn duck. "I'll practice and the next time, I'll be the one catching it!!" I said and stormed off to join Luhan. 

"Oh hey, wanna compete?" Luhan asked while pointing to the basketball machine. "Sure, Jihae's in my team." I said. Jihae thought for a while and nodded. "HEY! BUT I'M YOUR OPPA!" Luhan said. "You have me hyung." Sehun put a hand on his shoulder. Luhan shrugged it off, "Who wants you." Sehun pretended to cry and Luhan stared at him, "YA! Fine fine." He sighed. Sehun smiled and stood beside him while Jihae stood beside me. "Ready? Get set go!" Luhan said and we started shooting baskets. "YA HYUNG!" Sehun shouted when Luhan accidentally threw a ball and as it hit the hoop, it bounced off and rolled to the other side of the arcade. I laughed while shooting. Jihae missed a ball and pouted. "Come on." I passed her another ball and she shot it. It went in the basket and she cheered. Cute.. I came out from my daze and started shooting again. Finally, it ended and of course, Jihae and I won. We hi-fived while Sehun started screaming at Luhan. "YOU AT THIS!" Sehun shouted. "I'M YOUR HYUNG OH SEHUN." Luhan shouted back. "BUT YOU STILL AT THIS!" Sehun shouted and escaped before Luhan can catch him. "COME HERE YOU BRAT!" Luhan shouted and ran after a screaming Sehun. Jihae shook her head and looked around, "Let's go before those embarrassing fools come back." I laughed and we left the arcade.

Jiyoon's P.O.V

We sat down at the cafe and Lay oppa bought me a cup of warm millk. "Thank you!" I smiled and drank happily. He chuckled as he sipped his own drink. "Hmm? What's so funny?" I asked. He laughed, "you have a milk moustache." After saying that, he reached a napkin out and wiped it away for me. I sat there, stunned. After coming back to the real world, my face turned beet red. "Are you okay? Is it very hot? Your face is so red!" He said and used his hand to fan me. "are you sick?" he touched my forehead while feeling his own, "hmm.. it feels normal." I sat there in silence while he stare at me curiously, asking me if I'm alright. "Jiyoon?" He called again. "Ah.. yes yes, sorry, I spaced out abit." I said, blushing. "Hmm? Did my action shock you?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly and he laughed. "aigo, you're so innocent!" He patted my head. I tilted my head curiously and asked, "Oppa, do you have someone you like?" "Hmm? why do you ask? do you?" He asked me back. "But you havent answer me!" I blurted out. He chuckled and shook his head, "I don't, do you?" I stared at him and we met eyes for the longest time yet. "I do." I finally said. He raised an eyebrow, "really? do I know him? How's he like? If he bullies you, let me know!" He smiled. I smiled weakly, "yes, you know him. He's kind, like really kind. He's really nice to me and act like he's my oppa." "Oh.. he seems nice. I know him? Hmm.. Chen? Wait, wait, let me think." He started naming all the members names except his. "Why didn't you mention your name?" I asked. He looked at me and laughed, "I'm much more than what you mentioned." He winked. I laughed, "show off." "Well, if you like him you should tell him!" He said. "you really think so?" I asked. Should I....? He nodded his head, "Sure, why not? If you miss him, you'll regret it." "Oppa... I-" before I can finish, his phone rang. Aish! "Hello?" He answered. "Okay, hyung i understand." he said and hanged up. "Manager said we have to be back soon. Oh, what's that you were saying just now?" I smiled and shook my head, "It's nothing. We should go back now.." 

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<