
Forever alone

Sorry I haven't been updating for a month! I have been really busy with school work and all. I have a major exam coming up and I thought that I should update one last time before I go for it! Thank you for waiting paitiently(: I'll be back soon so please don't forget about my fic ;A;


"So I've heard many things about you recently, Kai." Lee soo man said. Kai looked up nervously, "W..what did you hear sajangnim?" "Luhan's sister? Jihae-sshi? I heard you're really close to her recently... It's quite a fuss at the school." "There's nothing between us Sir." Kai said, smiling awkwardly. "I'm not telling you that you can't date Kai, but now's not the right time yet. Exo just debuted and it's not nice to have a member dating already right?" "I understand.." Kai looked down. "Okay good, you may go out now." Kai nodded and walked out. "Bbyong!" Luhan stepped infront of Kai. "What's up Kai?" Kai stared at his best friend and shook his head, he forced a smile, "It's nothing hyung, let's just go..." "Something must be wrong, it's unusual for Kai to be so unhappy.." Luhan thought. "Oppa!" Jihae came running into the hallway. "Eh? What are you doing here?" Luhan asked. 

"Appa and I came to fetch you! See what a good sister you have!" Jihae smiled up at her oppa. "How i wish Jihae will do this for me too..." Kai thought sadly. "Awww~ Come on lets go. Kai you wanna join us?" Luhan asked. Jihae looked at Kai expectantly, "Will he come..?" "Hmm no thanks, sorry hyung, gotta run." Kai smiled and ran out of the building. "He didn't even look at me once.." Jihae thought miserably. "It's okay, come on. Kai's a busy guy." Luhan said. "Who said I was expecting him to come?" Jihae argued. Luhan chuckled, "lets just go." "You can't lie to me Jihae, your face shows it all." Luhan thought. 

"Jiyoon!" Jiyoon looked up from her books to see Lay running towards her. "L..lay oppa?" She tilted her head, is she dreaming? "Hey." Lay smiled at her and sat at the opposite of her on the bench. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Stalking you." He chuckled. Jiyoon blushed, "Y...ya be serious." "Hahahaha, okay i just came to see you since practice ended early and I have nowhere to go!" Lay replied casually. "Oh.. So i'm only on your mind when you have nothing to do? Okay, I get it." She fake a sniffle. "Hey! I merely stated the fact! Don't accuse me!" Lay said. She smiled, "gotcha" "Tch, so what were you doing? Studying?" He said, looking at the books spread out infront of her. She sighed and nodded, "Major test tomorrow morning." "But how come Jihae's not studying?" He asked, seeing how Jihae was at the company just now looking super relaxed. "That girl has stuffs in her head that I don't." She replied, readiing her textbook. "awww, you must be jealous because I was a smart student too." He smirked. "Oh really? Then do this sum for me." Jiyoon handed him her pen and workbook. 

5 minutes later

"Errr......" Lay used the pen and knocked against his skull. "Smart student." Jiyoon scoffed. "Shut up! I haven't done this for a long time!!!" Lay flustered. "Excuses" Jiyoon laughed. "fine, fine, i wasn't smart okay?" Lay gave up and threw the pen on the table. Jiyoon laughed wholeheartedly. "She's the prettiest when she laughs.."  Lay thought while looking at Jiyoon, unknowingly, a smile crept up his face. "Geez, is it that funny? You're even tearing now." Lay rolled his eyes. "puhahahahaha, lay oppa is an idiot." Jiyoon giggled. "Y..YA! What did you say? Come here!" Lay stood up and Jiyoon ran away. "You can't catch me~~~" Jiyoon laughed while running around the bench. "Watch me, I will!!" Lay ran after her. 

"Cheer up Jihae~" Luhan said at  the dinner table. "Who said I wasn't happy?" Jihae scoffed and stuffed food into . "You look so different from when you saw Kai." Luhan smirked. Jihae choked on her food and their father passed her her glass. "I DON'T LIKE HIM!" Jihae shouted. Their father chuckled and shook his head as he ate his dinner. "I never said you do." Luhan shrugged. "URGH I HATE YOU!" Jihae puffed her reddened cheeks. Luhan laughed, "ahh, my dongsaeng is so cute~" He patted her head and Jihae slapped his hand away. 


"I'm here~" Jihae walked down the stairs towards the three boys waiting at the living room. "Took you long enough princess." Sehun said sarcastically. "weird.. usually Kai's the one making the most comments, now he won't even look at me." Jihae thought as Kai advert  his eyes away from hers. "Lets go, we're gonna be late if we don't hurry." Tao said while looking at his watch. The four of them went into the car. Tao and sehun was busy joking with each other to even notice the barrier formed between Kai and Jihae. "err... good morning." Jihae tried making conversation. "Morning." Kai replied coldly. "Is it just me or Kai's even colder than before?" She looked down dismally. "I'm sorry Jihae, I have to control my feelings towards you." Kai thought as he stared out of the window. 


"Kai didnt even speak to me for the whole of last week, what is wrong with him.. I kinda miss that sarcastic jerk." Jihae thought as she made her way up to the rooftop of SM building. She sat down on the chairs there and looked at the scenery. She could hear fans from below and to be honest, she kinda pity them. She could see their "oppas" everyday while they could only wait for their chance to see them as much. "Sigh." Jihae sighed. The door to the roof opened and Kai stepped out. They stared at each other awkwardly before Kai made his way and sat at the end of the bench. "I'll be going...." Jihae said awkwardly and stepped away. Kai grabbed her wrist and she stopped in her tracks. "Please.. Just stay like this for awhile." Kai grabbed onto her waist and backhugged her. "Please just let me be selfish for this once." Kai thought.  "K..Kai.." She blushed. "i missed you." He said as he tightened the hug. "Because of you... I cannot concentrate. Because of you.. I couldn't be bothered with anything. Because of you... I'm going crazy.

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<