Hanging out with Lay

Forever alone

Jiyoon's P.O.V

I'm freaking out!! Lay oppa is coming in approximately 10 minutes and I still don't know what to wear! My whole luggage is in a mess! 

*knock knock*

"Hey can I-" "JIHAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" i shrieked and pulled her in. "Woah woah calm down." She said. "Help me choose what to wear!!" I cried. "Are you sure you trust my fashion sense?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded eagerly. Jihae's clothes are always simple but she still look beautiful anyways. "Hmm..." She walked towards my luggage and scratched her head. She picked out a pink blouse and white skirt. "How about this?" She asked. I snatched them from her and ran to the bathroom to change. I came out and asked, "Is it okay?" She nodded, "Yeah! You pretty girl. FYI, Lay oppa would want you to be yourself and not overdress." I nodded, Lay oppa really is a simple guy. I chuckled when I think of when he spaces out. "Why are you laughing to yourself...?" Jihae asked, giving me a weird look. "Nothing~" I smiled. Just then, a door bell was heard. "OMO. He's here!!!!" I panicked. "I'll get it, go do something about your hair..." she said and walked off. I quickly combed my hair nicely and put on a hairband. Outside i can hear them chatting loudly. 

"Hey oppa!" Jihae greeted. Lay smiled and said, "hi, is Jiyoon ready?" She shook her head, "you know.. Girls." She laughed and Lay laughed along with her. "Hmm oppa, you can come in and sit first." Lay nodded and they went to sit on the couch while waiting. After 5 minutes, I finally came out. "Hi Lay oppa!" I blushed. "Hey~" He smiled, "Ready?" I nodded my head eagerly. "Okay, come on. Bye Jihae, Luhan will come later." Jihae nodded and I waved goodbye to her. She said to tell her everything when we get back. She waved, "fighting!" I chuckled and went out with Lay oppa. "So.. Where do you want to go first?" He asked when we were waiting for the lift. I shrugged, "where do you recommend?" "Hmm... You should try out the street food here, it's better than Korea!" He said. I laughed, "sure, just don't get me fat." I joked. He chuckled, "even if you're fat, you're still beautiful~" I blushed and punched his arm lightly, "so cheesy." "Hahaha!" He laughed. Oh god, someone kill those butterflies in my tummy for me. When we reached the ground floor, Lay put on his geek specs and beanie. "Don't want people to ruin our date." He smiled. I blushed. STOP IT. He opened the van door for me and slightly bowed, "after you~" I laughed and went in. He smiled and went up after me. He joked with me the whole ride and I laughed loudly. We finally reached the crowded street and alighted. "Wow!" I gasped at the beautiful and colourful lanterns. "Pretty right?" He chuckled. I nodded my head. He brought me to this dumpling store and bought a stick. "Ahhh~" He said. I blushed and opened my mouth, he fed me one and laughed. "Aigooo~ Yummy?" I nodded my head and chewed on it happily. We started walking around looking at all the stuffs they are selling. Slowly, the street got even crowded and oppa and my distance got further apart. "Oppa? Lay Oppa?" I called but only unrecognizable people rush by. I started panicking and walked around in circles. 

Suddenly, someone grabbed my wrist. "Ah!" I yelped. "Found you!" Lay oppa panted. I sighed in relief. "I almost cried!" I said. He patted my head and chuckled. After a while, he was still holding my hand.  "Hmm... Oppa... You're still holding onto my hand." I blushed. He looked at our hands and held my hand tighter and smiled, "Don't ever want to lose you again. Come on, there's still more yummy food ahead!" I blushed a deeper shade of red as he pulled me through the crowd, our hands tightly held together. 

Jihae's P.O.V

I wonder how Jiyoon's date going... I hope she's having fun! I smiled to myself when I thought how she panicked just now. "Pabo." I laughed. The bell rang and I shouted, "coming!" I headed towards the door and opened it. "JIHAEEEE!" Luhan oppa came running in and pull me into a tight embrace. I coughed, "Oppa... can..cant.. breathe.." "OOPS! Sorry Jihae~" He pulled back and laughed. I smiled, "silly oppa." He smiled and scratched the back of his neck. Slowly, behind, Kai and Sehun came in. "Hi Hae-ah!" Sehun waved cheerfully. I laughed at his nickname for me and waved back. Kai merely nodded and I just nodded back. Things are still awkward between us... I hope we can return to normal soon.. I kinda miss his sarcastic and arrogant remarks. "So.. Ready to go?" Luhan oppa asked. I nodded, "wait! let me get my bag!" I ran in the room and grabbed my bag. I walked out with them and got in the van. Luhan oppa and Sehun oppa sat at the front while me and Kai awkwardly sat at the back. Sehun and Luhan talked and joked loudly while we just stared out of the window. Kai suddenly moved and our hands accidentally touched. We stared at each other and his eyes are still sad. Seriously, what's wrong with you Kai? "Wha-" Before  I can continued, he apologized. "I'm sorry." He said and stared back out of the window. I sighed and did the same. Where did the old Kai went?

Kai's P.O.V

Seriously Kim JongIn you're an idiot. She was about to make conversation with you and you cut her off. I heard her sigh and my heart clenched in pain. I don't want to see her upset... But after what I've done to her, I can't be forgiven. And Luhan hyung still don't know what happened, if he know, he'll probably throw me down from the hotel's rooftop. I shivered at that thought but being thrown down from the building is less worse than Jihae being locked up all by herself right?? I'm really an idiot. 

Jihae's P.O.V

We stopped infront of a huge shopping mall. "Here we are! It's like a China version of Dongdaemun!" Luhan oppa showed off the building. I laughed at his comparison. He chuckled and the four of us went in. After shopping together for an hour, Luhan oppa seemed to notice mine and Kai's awkward atmosphere. "Why aren't you guys talking?" He asked, staring at us. I looked up to Kai and he did the same. We quickly looked away and I said, "Hmm... We did." "Don't lie." He said. Why is my oppa stupid yet smart? "Come on Sehun-ah, let's give them some space." With that, Luhan dragged a confused Sehun away and we are left alone. "Err..............." I said. "Where do you want to go next??" I started. He shrugged his shoulders. Sheesh! I'm already taking the initiative to start a conversation can't he at least reply? I'm getting annoyed by his attitude. "Let's get hot chocolate." I walked off to the cafe and he followed. We ordered our drinks and sat down in silence. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "Seriously, what's wrong with you?" I demanded. He stared at me wide-eyed, shocked at my explosion. "I..." he stuttered. "Answer me!" I said a little too loudly. A few tables turned to look at us but I ignored them. What? Never seen an angry girl before? "Answer me in 10 seconds or I'm gonna ignore you for the rest of your life." I stated. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6 -" "I'm sorry." He apologized. I stared at him. "Sorry?" i asked. "For.. locking you up that night." He looked down guiltily. So that's why he distanced himself from me? Because he was guilty? I smiled but quickly put my poker face back on. "I won't forgive you." I said and he stared at me, horrified. "Jihae..." "Don't call me." I said and stood up, slowly walking away. Are you really gonna let me walk away Kim JongIn? He grabbed my hand and turned me around. My eyes widened. "I'm sorry Jihae, I really regretted what happened that night. If I could turn back time and stop it from happening, I will. I feel really awful and empty after that day because you won't talk to me at all." He looked down and I could see the tears are threatening to fall. "Why would you feel empty?" I whispered. "because..." He started. I looked at him. Could it be? "because...?" I asked. "Because there's no one for me to disturb anymore" He finally said. 

My face fell. I laughed but inside I was really disappointed with his answer. "You're so stupid Kai." he looked up at me. "Of course I'm not angry anymore, you came back for me didn't you?" I smiled. Slowly, he started smiling too. Now that we're back to normal.... why do I still feel disappointed? Kai, is that really your answer? 

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<