Forever alone


"Urgh it's so squeezy!" D.O whined. "Shush kyungsoo, what do you expect? There's 12 people in here!" Suho exclaimed, fidgeting in his seat. "URGH. WHOSE IDEA IS THIS TO GO TO LOTTE WORLD!?" Jihae shrieked. Everyone pointed at Luhan. "What? You know you want to go, it'll be fun! It's the first time we're going out since debut! It's gonna be awesome!" Luhan smiled excitedly. "WAIT! You guys are idols, you can't just go wandering at Lotte world!" Jihae shouted. "That's why we brought this!!" Sehun pulled out caps, sunglasses and masks out from his bag. "Clever boy." Kris patted his head. "You'll look like kidnappers if you stand next to me." Jihae said. "Who wants to kidnap you?" Tao said and Sehun giggled. "I wouldn't say that if I were you Tao....." Chanyeol said, noticing Jihae's face changed. "Uh-oh." Xiumin said. "RUN TAO RUN!" Chen shouted. "WHERE TO?!!?!" Tao moved around anxiously as Jihae's eyes turned into slits. "HUANG ZI TAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

"To the viking!" Jiyoon led the way towards the huge boat filled with screams. "....." Lay just followed her. "You can do this Yixing." He gulped when they joined the queue. "SO FUN!" Jiyoon clapped excitedly. "Wait... doesn't that look like Luhan?" Lay pointed. "What? where?!" Jiyoon looked at the direction. "OHMYGOD. Isn't that Jihae? And behind them... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...... EVERYONE'S HERE?!" Lay exclaimed. "WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE?!" Lay shouted and grabbed Jiyoon and ran towards them. "What are you guys doing here?!" Lay demanded. "Oh hey whats up Lay!" Luhan greeted. "Fancy taking Jiyoon out without me Lay oppa." Jihae rolled her eyes. "S..shut up Jihae, it's not what you think!" Lay blushed. "whatever, since I'm here, no one can stop me." Jihae ran off. "HEY!!! JIHAE! COME BACK HERE! SOMEONE! GO ACCOMPANY HER!!" Luhan shouted. Worried, Kai, Kris and Baekhyun ran after her. "Anyways, go play on your own guys, we'll meet back here when the park close!" Luhan said and dragged Xiumin away. The rest scattered off. "Ya! Jihae!" Kris hollered. "What? I'm going to play on my own, so go away!!" Jihae continue running. "Let us play with you too~~!!" Baekhyun shouted after her. 

"Xiumin ah, let's go to the haunted house." Luhan said and dragged Xiumin to the haunted house. "MWO?! NO NO NO!" Xiumin turned around. "Come on bao zi, I'm scared too but it'll be fun!" Luhan smiled as the person in charge led them in.  "There's no turning back in this house, all you can do is walked to the exit. Enjoy." The staff said and closed the entrance to the house. Eerie music filled the house and Luhan was shaking. "I told you this wasn't a good idea!" Xiumin said. "'ll be fun!" Luhan acted strong. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He jumped when a clown jumped out infront of him. "XIUMIN AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luhan said and grabbed onto the boy's hand. "......." Xiumin walked in silence with Luhan clinging onto him. "I can't believe you." Xiumin scoffed. "SHUT UP!" Luhan shouted and screamed again when a zombie appeared. Xiumin sighed, "this is going to take some time..." 

"You want to ride the roller coaster Jihae-ah?" Kris asked. Jihae nodded her head. "i'm going to barf.." Baekhyun said. "You afraid? Then you guys can run along, Im gonna sit this!" Jihae exclaimed. "Can we go Kris hyung?" Baekhyun asked. Kris nodded, "Kai, take care of her." "HEY!!" Kai called out but it was too late, they two older boys had already walked away. "What is wrong with them?!" Kai thought angrily. "Now I'm all alone with Jihae.. I like it but." Kai sighed. "why are you sighing? Don't like being with me? Am I a burden? If I am then it's okay, you can go off now." Jihae said. Kai's heart teared apart when he heard her saying that she's a burden. "No you're not a burden Jihae..." Kai thought as he gazed at her sadly. "I'm just doing Luhan a job." Kai said as coldly as he can. Jihae shrugged, "suit yourself." 

"Now everyone's here!" Lay said. "Hmm? It's okay! We can still go play by ourselves!" Jiyoon smiled. "Hey wait up!!" The two maknaes rushed towards them, "Lets play together!" "Oh man." Lay smacked his face. 

"Hey luhan, we did as you told, we left Jihae and Kai alone." Kris said to Luhan who is on the other line. "Good, good." Luhan smiled to himself and hanged up. "It's time for the ice to melt." "Why are you smiling to yourself?" suho and chanyeol came to join Luhan and xiumin. "Oh nothing! Let's go!" Luhan said and led them to the other side of the park. "Lets stalk Jihae." He said. "WHAT?!" The other 3 boys shouted. 

"That was so cool!" Jihae laughed when Kai and her came off the roller coster. Kai smiled slightly, seeing Jihae's happy face again. "Jihae-ah~~" Luhan called. "Hmm?" Jihae turned towards her brother. "Lets go on the hot-air balloon!" He dragged her off. Kai just follow awkwardly. "Wahh! A hot-air balloon!" Jihae gushed when she entered. Before the door to the balloon closes, Luhan alighted and pushed Kai in, "Have fun!" He waved and walked away, smiling. "What..?" Kai asked, in shock. "YA! OPPA!" Jihae shouted. Jihae and Kai stared at each other, what are they going to do in the balloon for 15 minutes?!

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<