
Forever alone

Jihae's P.O.V

What was I thinking? We were about to kiss! I touch my thumping heart and it won't calm down! "We should get going..." Kai said and stood up. I just nodded my head and followed him. We got into the car and sat there awkwardly. The whole ride was quiet and I didn't like the atmosphere at all.. I want us to joke around like before. "We're here." He said, cutting me off from my thoughts. I looked out of the window. That was fast... "Oh, hmm okay. Thanks for tonight.. I had fun.. I guess." I said and stepped out. "Wait." He grabbed my wrist. It felt as if electricity had passed through me and my cheeks burn. "Y..yes?" I turned. "err.." He stuttered. "about.. just now..." "Oh, that was nothing right..? Let's not be awkward about it..." I said and his grip on me loosened. His face fell and said, "Oh.. Okay cool." He got back in the car and slammed the door. He didn't even say bye and left. Did I do something wrong? 

Kai's P.O.V

That was nothing? That was nothing?! That was the best 30 seconds in my life and all you said that it was nothing? Am I the only one who is feeling like this? She did close her eyes... I sighed. I guess it's only one sided...

Jihae's P.O.V

After showering, i sat down on my bed and think.. What if  we really did kiss? What was I suppose to do? I'm not ready for a relationship and does Kai like me...? I'm still not sure of my own feelings.. I don't want him to get hurt. 

*Door slam opened*

I jumped in shock as Luhan oppa jumped on my bed and hugged me. "Lu..Luhan oppa...?" My eyes widened. Has 1 month passed already? "JIHAE AHH~~ WE'RE HOME EARLY!!!" He said and squished me. He finally pulled back and I stared at him. "Are you serious?" He nodded his head and gave me a big grin, "We're gonna be at Korea for quite some time now! Let's spend quality time together!!" I smiled brightly. Finally! Luhan Oppa is back! "Are you okay? You seemed to be in quite a shock before I burst in." He asked. I blushed. I can't just tell him that i almost kissed his best friend right? He might freak out and turn into a match-maker. "Oh.. It's nothing Oppa." I smiled. "okay, if you say so! I'm gonna take a shower now, see you tomorrow! Goodnight~" He kissed my forehead and left. I sighed in content, things will be better with Luhan oppa around! 

Jiyoon's P.O.V

*beep beep*

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, who could be sending me a text in the middle of the night? 

"EXO-M IS BACK IN KOREA!!!!!!!" My eyes widened at Jihae's text. Exo-M is back.... that means... Lay oppa is back. Ohmygod. How am I gonna face him from now on? 

Kai's P.O.V

I trudged into the Xi's mansion and sank down on the couch. How do I face Jihae.... "Yo whats up best friend." a hand slung on my shoulders. I turned and  gaped. "Luhan hyung?" "Hey, we're back early." He grinned. "Why look so down?" He poked my cheeks. I shook my head as Jihae came down. I met eyes with her and she looked away coughing. Just then, the bell rang. "KAI~~~~~~" Tao came running in with Sehun. He crashed into me and hugged me. "Ya, ya stop it, what's your problem." I snapped, trying to push the huge panda off me. "don't you miss your adorable panda?" Tao started doing aegyo. I scoffed. "I miss you oppa" Jihae laughed. How come she can call the others oppa easily but not me? "Awww really? Come let me hug you." Tao said and went to hug Jihae. Jihae laughed and hugged him back. LET GO PANDA! "Whats with the black face?" Sehun asked. SEHUN. THE REASON WHY THE KISS DIDNT HAPPENED. HOW DARE HE APPEAR BEFORE ME. "I hate you Sehun, leave me alone." I snapped. "Hyung...." He whined and his eyes turned watery. What? Is this kid serious? I was just joking!  "Se-" "YA! WHAT DID YOU SAY TO SEHUN OPPA?!" Jihae screamed at me and went to comfort a sniffing Sehun. I rolled my eyes. "what?" "You're being such a jerk even to your dongsaeng!" She said. I stood up,  took my bag and stomped out of the house, slamming the door behind me. Luhan Hyung called me but I ignored. Fine Kim Jihae, fine. I'm a jerk, happy now?! "Hey Kai.-" Jiyoon who was on her way in called but I just walked past her.

Jihae's P.O.V

I stared at the closed door. What...? I was just joking! You're so petty Kai! "FINE! LEAVE YOU !" I shouted. "'Chill, chill." Luhan patted my back. Just then Jiyoon came in. "What happened to Kai? He looked pissed." She said and sat down. "Ignore that PMS dude." i scoffed. But deep down, I felt a sense guiltiness. I... i didn't want to make him angry.. The car ride to school was quiet because Kai wasn't there. Usually, we would be bickering non-stop but today.. i made him angry. i'm sorry Kai. 


I looked for Kai in the cafeteria but he's nowhere to be seen. Where did he go? I havent see him in school for the whole day! Did he skipped? "Looking for me?" 

I snapped out from my daze when I saw Gongchan sunbae standing infront of me, smiling down at me. "Oh Gongchan sunbae." I greeted. "No.. I was looking for Kai, have you seen him?" I asked.


He furrowed his eyebrows. "Kai again? Why does she keep looking for him?" Gongchan thought. "No, I haven't see him. Why?" He said. "Oh it's nothing..." She shook her head and started to walk away. Gongchan grabbed her wrist and just then Kai came into the cafeteria and saw this scene. "What is that Gongchan doing?!" Kai thought furiously. Jihae spotted Kai and called "Kai!" Kai's eyes widened, "why would she call me?" But because of this morning, he walked out, ignoring Jihae's calls. "What's his problem!" Jihae hissed and made Gongchan let go. She ran after Kai. "Does she only have him in her eyes?" Gongchan thought miserably. 

"Kai! Kai! Wait for me!" Jihae ran after him. He wouldn't stop! Instead, he started increasing his speed. "STOP!!" She shouted but he didn't listened. Her shoelaces came out and she tripped. "Oof!" she landed on the ground and scraped her arm and knees. "Jihae!" Kai turned and ran towards her. "are you okay?" He said, lifting her arms and knees to check at the injuries. "I'm sorry.. about this morning." She apologized and looked down. His face softened. "She chased me all the way just to apologize?" He smiled. He lifted her up and said, "Pabo, I'm even angry anymore." "Really?" She looked up while limping to the nurse's office. "Mmhmm." he nodded. "'re not a jerk." She whispered. Kai's inside melted when she said that. "I'm not?" He smirked. "Shut up." she pouted. 

Hello dear readers, I have a new fic here :

I will update both at the same time, so please support both of it  ^^ Thank you!

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<