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Forever alone

Jiyoon's P.O.V

My eyes are so swollen... I sighed as I pack my luggage. "Hey you okay?" Jihae came and slung her arm over my shoulders. I nodded and smiled weakly, "I'm fine now, thanks Jihae." "Don't pretend that you're okay when you're obviously not." She snapped. I chuckled, "you're as bossy as Luhan oppa." She shrugged her shoulders, "I guess it's in the blood." "Call me if you need help okay?" She said. I nodded and she went out. I'm glad at least I still have Jihae here with me... I thought back to yesterday and it hurts all over again. How am I going to face Lay oppa from now on? 

Jihae's P.O.V

Jiyoon's obviously not okay. She's an idiot, she can't lie at all. Her face gives it all away. ZHANG YIXING YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND, WATCH YOUR BACK. 

*ding dong*

The bell rang and I went to open the door, Luhan oppa and gang was standing outside. "Hey, ready to head to the airport?" He asked. I nodded my head glumly and met eyes with Lay. I shot daggers at him and he seemed to feel my wrath and looked away uncomfortably. "Why are you staring at Lay like that?" Kai flicked my forehead. "OW!" I said and rubbed my red forehead, "Maybe you should ask him." Kai stared at me, confused. Lay blushed and shifted his legs awkwardly. "Oh Lay~ What did you do to upset my dear sister?" Luhan asked. "n..nothing." He stuttered. Just then Jiyoon stepped out with her luggage. She almost tripped and Lay caught her. I raised an eyebrow. Jiyoon looked shock to see him there. "Let me help you." Lay said and took over her luggage. "Thanks, but i can handle it by myself." Jiyoon said and took her luggage back. Anyone can sense the tense atmosphere. "What happened to them?" Luhan oppa whispered to me. "I told you to ask him!" I snapped at him. "woah chill there Kim Jihae" He said. "i'm sorry." I looked down. "Come on, we better leave now or we'll be late." Luhan said and we all stepped out. Kai took my luggage for me while Sehun helped Jiyoon. 

"So what's up with them?" Kai asked me when we were at the airport. "Well..... It's a long story." I said. "Then keep it short." He said. "I don't think it should come out from me, you should ask Lay or maybe Jiyoon which I think will not be wise." I replied. "Psh" He said. I stuck out my tongue at him. Finally, it was time to check in. "See you soon Oppa. " I hugged Luhan oppa. He nodded and kiss my forehead, "Half a month is gone already, I'll be back soon okay. Tell appa i miss him." I nodded and hug him one last time. "Bye!" I waved. Lay said bye to Jiyoon and she forced a smile and said, "The next time I see oppa, I'll be stronger." She finished and came to my side.  I saw Lay's face fell and he sighed. I'm sure Jiyoon still stand a chance... "Are you really giving him up?" I whispered to her. She looked back at him and replied, "I have to.." I slung my arm over her shoulders and we walked in. 

Kai's P.O.V

"Hey Jihae! There's an empty seat here!" Baekhyun called. Jihae was about to walk there when I pulled her to the seat beside mine. "Hey!" She protested. Baekhyun stared at us in disbelief and Chanyeol sat beside him. "What's your problem? I was about to sit with Baekhyun!" She snapped. "sheesh, don't act like you don't want to sit with me." I smirked. Her jaw dropped, "What the-" I plugged in my earpiece and blocked her out. I chuckled when she slap my arm. The truth is, I wanted to sit beside her. The plane took off and halfway through the flight, her head started swaying left and right. I smiled and pushed her head onto my shoulder. She quickly got used to the position and fell into a deep slumber. I sighed in content and laid my head on top of hers. How did I fell for this girl?

No one's P.O.V

Jihae stirred in her sleep and woke up. Her eyes widened when she found herself lying on Kai's shoulder. She blushed bright red. "How did I ended up lying on his shoulder?" She wondered. She looked at his sleeping figure and found herself smiling unknowingly. "His shoulder is comfortable..." She whispered and laid back down on his shoulder. Kai was awake the whole time and when he felt a weight on his shoulder again, he smiled and fell asleep too. "I wish Tao can really stop time..." He thought.

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exotic02 #1
Chapter 24: updae soon~~ :D
exotic02 #2
Chapter 19: haha D.O. oppa's look O_O
pinkmang0 #3
update soon please :D
emilycaven #5
D.O's O______O
hahahhaha D.O EYES WERE LIKE O.O
emilycaven #8
lol .. childish sehun XD
aww, poor sehun! i want kim jongin to confess XD
emilycaven #10
aaaaaaa.... thehun, number 1 er xD lol
they almost kissed .. hyaaaa >///<