Little Birthday Girl

Mr & Mrs Kwon Ji-Yong: Vita Dolce Moderato

Seoul, 19 September 2008


"I'm going out," I mutter to my members who are watching TV in the living room. Taeyang gets up from his seat and walks closer to me, "where are you going?" "What are you, my mom?" I raise my eyebrow at him while putting on my shoes. "Why can't I know where my leader is going at this time of night?" he asks. "Are you going to see her?" he asks again before I can answer. "Mmm," I nod. "Oh, ok. Be careful on your way," he says and pats my back before he goes back to the living room.


I drive to my sister's apartment and ring the buzzer when I arrive. "Da-Mi noona, it's me," I talk into the speakerphone. She buzzes me in and I ride up the elevator to her floor. "Hey, little bro! Come on in," she greets me cheerfully. I walk in and take off my shoes. "Here are the flowers and the cake you asked me to buy," she says while pointing at the dining table. "Thanks, noona. Here," I hand her a white envelope with some money inside to pay her back. "Just put it on the table. Do you want something to drink?" she asks and walks to the kitchen. "Uh... no, it's ok. I won't be long," I say as I sit myself down. She walks back to the dining table and sits down in front of me. She sighs, "so, who's the girl?" "E-Eh?" "Who's the girl?" she repeats her question. "Just a friend," I say. "She must be a really good friend, then, making you go through all this trouble," she says jokingly. But I'm not in the mood for a joke. 


"I'll get going, noona, thanks for your help," I stand up and take the cake and flowers from the table. "Ok, drive safely. And don't work too hard," she says as she leads me to the door. "Night, noona," I give her a little hug and head out. "Ji-Yong!" she shouts before I get into the elevator. I turn my head at her. "Your FRIEND will be happy to receive those from you," smiling, she points at the cake and flowers in my hands before she shuts her door.


I sigh as I start my car engine and look at the backseat. There is a cake, a flower bouquet, and a birthday gift I bought for her. I remember her text from earlier. Brown Eyed Girls performed at Music Bank today, and so did Big Bang, but I didn't see her at all. I ran to her dressing room after we finished, but it was already empty. I haven't seen her all week, and even though we exchange texts and talk on the phone almost everyday, I still miss her. I texted three times after I lost her at Music Bank, but she didn't reply. I called her, but she rejected my call. I knew she rejected it, because the waiting tone got cut off. She sent me a text, saying that she was out with Brown Eyed Girls. I got a little upset when I read her reply. It felt like she was trying to avoid me again. I breathe out a heavy sigh and glance at my wristwatch. It's 11.15 p.m. I'll reach her apartment before midnight, so my timing is perfect; I tell myself as I start driving.


I reach her apartment building and wait inside my car. I can't get into her apartment building without a swipe key, which I don't have. I've been calling her 5 times but she didn't pick up. Is she asleep already?


I see a car approaching and pulling over in the driveway. An old couple gets out of the car and says goodbye to the driver. This is my chance! I gather the things from the backseat and get out of my car. I run, trying to catch the old couple before they walk into the building.


"Good evening, sir, ma'am, uh... I... Do you mind if I come in with you? I want to surprise someone, tomorrow is her birthday," I greet them and bow. The woman gives me a warm smile, while her husband is eyeing me from head to toe. "A surprise for your girlfriend, young man?" the woman asks. "A-Ah, it's not like that... I just--" "Aigoo... It's ok to admit it. If she were just a friend, you wouldn't come here all alone at midnight just to surprise her. And those flowers say it all," the man cuts me and chuckles. His wife laughs along with him, "yeobo, don't embarrass the young man. Come on, son, you can come in with us." 


The three of us get into the elevator. "She doesn't know you were coming, right? Otherwise it'll ruin the surprise," the woman says. "N-No, she doesn't," I smile sheepishly at her and press the button. "Oh! We're going to the same floor!" she exclaims. Oh, man, this is just too weird. They're Ga-In noona's neighbours? I hope they don't think that I'm some kind of a freak who wants to murder or rob them. She gasps slightly, "omo! Could it be... Is your friend that girl... Ah... I can't remember her name... Yeobo, what's her name? The pretty young lady who helped us move in last month?" The old man furrows his eyebrows, "uh... Ga... Ga something... I can't remember, yeobo." "Oh, well... So, young man, is she your friend? There are only 4 units on our floor, we've met everyone, and she's the only one that looks about your age," the woman smiles at me. What should I say? Should I just say yes? Argh, I'm confused! "Yeobo, don't be nosy," the husband nudges her and chuckles, "she'll be happy to see you, young man. Looking at you makes me remember about the time I was courting this lady here." The woman blushes after hearing her husband's remark.


I smile widely at them. They look very happy. They're old, but their eyes still spark everytime they glance at each other. I wish someday I would have the kind of love they have. I picture me and Ga-In noona growing old together. Could we be like this old couple, noona? Will you grow old with me? A ting sound startles me out of from my reverie. Damn, was I really thinking about being a husband and wife with Ga-In noona just now? Psh~ keep dreaming, Kwon Ji-Yong! 


"Uh... Thank you very much for letting me in. Good night," I bow again at the lovely old couple. "You're welcome, young man. I hope it works out between the two of you," the old man smiles warmly. "Kamsahamnida, ahjussi." "And young man," the woman calls out and I turn around, "every woman is a little girl at heart. So, if you want a her to fall for you, make her feel special. And most importantly, make her feel safe and secure when you're around. Good night." The couple walks away and I stay still, blown away by what the woman just said.


After a few moments of frozen state, I get a grip of myself and walk to Ga-In noona's door. I ring the doorbell twice and wait for 5 minutes, but no answer. Is she really sleeping already? Should I just leave these things on the floor? Oh! Yah, Kwon Ji-Yong, you pabo! You can just let yourself in! A voice in my head shouts. Should I? Will it make her mad? I ring the bell once again, and still no answer. I decide to just let myself in and punch in the code. 200987; God, please let it still be right... There's a beep and a green light starts blinking. Yay!


Her whole apartment is dark. I turn on the tall lamp in the living room area, making the whole apartment look dimmed. Her bed is still neatly made, that means she hasn't been home since morning. I glance at the clock that shows 00:10 a.m. It's officially 20th September now; her birthday. Where the hell is she? Is she celebrating with her unnies? 


I sigh as I lay down the things in my hands on the coffee table. I have three things to give her tonight. One, a blueberry white chocolate cake from Abientot Bakery, which is one of the best cakes I've ever tasted in my life. Two, a bouquet of 20 long-stemmed yellow roses with red tips. Last but not least, my birthday gift for her: a state-of-the-art coffee maker, which cost me a 7-digit Korean Won, but I was more than happy to buy it for her. When I saw this coffee maker at the store 3 weeks ago, I immediately thought of her; this coffee maker rightly belongs here in her apartment.


I sit on the leather couch and wait for her to come home. I've been waiting for 2 hours, and it's almost 2:30 a.m. now. Where in the world could she be at this ungodly hour? I'm starting to go out of my mind. I've been calling her like a million times, but she never picked up. Is she really out celebrating her birthday? I'm so stupid not to have asked her earlier! I hope she really is out there celebrating. 


Each minute feels like a week for me. It's almost 3 in the morning now and she's still not here. I'm starting to worry if something bad happened to her. It's the weekend, and all kinds of people are out there on the streets. Gaaaaah...! Ga-In noona, where are you???


My mind, that's flooded with anxiety, is startled by a sound at the door. I breathe out a sigh of relief. She's here now...


"Mother of-- YAH!!! You scared me to death!!!" she squeaks as soon as she opens the door and spots me sitting in her living room. Under the dimmed light, I can see that her eyes look droopy, her face is red, and her clothes are creased. She reeks of alcohol, too. She must've gone out clubbing. "Had fun tonight?" I ask, still not moving from my spot. She's still panting because of the fright I just gave her. Slowly, she walks to the light switch and the room becomes bright immediately. She crosses her arms on her chest, "why are you here?" What the hell is this? Is she really going to be like this? I've been worried sick about her and she's giving me a cold shoulder?


Without saying anything, I point my chin at the coffee table. The icy look in her eyes melts right away and an apologetic smile replaces the frigid look on her face. She straightens her standing position and tilts her head down. I sigh but keep my mouth shut. "Have you been waiting long?" she asks, with her head still tilted down. Her voice sounds so soft yet so sad, and I don't like hearing her voice like that. "I got here just before the date changed," I try to sound as gentle as possible. She just stays still in her position, and so do I. The whole apartment is filled with a deafening silence.


We've been silent for 15 minutes; I keep looking up at the ceiling and don't know what to say to her because she keeps looking at her feet and doesn't move even an inch. All of a sudden, I hear her sniffing. I look at her; her lips are curled and her shoulders are shaking. Omo, is she crying? Why is she crying? I quickly stand up and walk closer to her but she takes a step back.


"Noona, what's the matter? Why are you cry--" "Why are you here?!" she shrieks and glares at me. Her sharp words stab me right in my heart. Is she... angry? I thought she would be happy to get a birthday surprise from me. "How did you get in?!" she asks while harshly wiping her tears. Man, this isn't going as I planned it. "Noona, I--" "Get out!" she yells. Wait, what? "What?" I voice my thought. "Get out, Kwon Ji-Yong. Get out of my apartment!" she roars and points her finger at the door. I stiffen, shocked by her reaction. "Just... get out. Please," she whispers after a few minutes of pure silence. Feeling badly hurt, I grab my jacket and storm out of her place.


I abruptly get into my car and zoom off. I turn on my car stereo at full volume, with tears in my eyes threatening to fall. You broke your promise, Ga-In noona...


Little did I know that she really was a little girl inside...






Author's Note:

Ayyy, girl... *phew~*

Double updates for you! Kekeke... I just want to speed up the story a bit, so, yeah... I wrote these 2 chaps really REALLY fast, so I didn't proofread, and can't be bothered :p 

I hope you're not bored! ^^ Ppyong!

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Well hmph
I liked beforr starting on reading this story hahhaha you seems nice and i reallly wanna give you a chance and read your story
Esp when u said if its not your drink dont drink it or something like that you are so funny
I hope i will enjoy every second and every minute as i did in your forwad it was so funny tbh
SonGaInFan #2
Can you please update this story?
faiesz #3
please update this story..T^T
SonGaInFan #4
Chapter 44: Please update this story. TT^TT
Chapter 45: Please update soon ToT
Waaaaa I just discovered your fanfic (I didn't read it yet :3 ) I was looking for GDxGain fanfic and that was so hard ToT . I made one myself but I wanted to know if there was other people thinking that they would make a good couple together and I'm so happy I found one ^^ (I'm Hardcore V.I.P. and Everlasting :D )
Carmelnap #7
Chapter 45: I really hope you will finish this story! I really miss it!
SonGaInFan #8
please update i miss this story want to read more about gain and her dragon ^^
faiesz #9
it have been long...please update soon
Chapter 45: kinda miss this story
please update soon :))