Summary of Ly&Ly;'s Success~ & Ly&Ly;'s Goodbye Stages!

Ly&Ly; ~ Heavenly & Deadly {indefinite hiatus}
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Ly&Ly's popularity rose with much love as the girls continued to show their true personalities, but of course not exposing too much as they were still viewed in the public's eyes. Although they were gaining much love and had a lot of support, the girls still faced hatred from those that did not appreciate them and did not find them all that exotic.

Netizens created many anti-sites and voiced out their opinions of dislike for many reasons. One reason was that the group was too large. Another was that the group really had no talent at all and just rode on the fame of being connected to other celebrities. But majorly, it was the fact that the group wasn't all or fully Korean at all. Sure there were a few members who were full Korean, but the rest all had mixed backgrounds and grew up elsewhere, and so netizens believed they lacked Korean culture.

The girls themselves have acknowledged this and although they voiced out their own opinions, obviously in their own private matters and not publicly of course, but still it hurt nevertheless that they couldn't really do anything about it except embrace it all.

Ly&Ly hoped that South Korea would be able to embrace a more multi-ethnic and multi-cultural group in the future, but for now, Ly&Ly proclaimed they would still strive on through the hardships as struggling to get to happiness is worth it in the end.

Also, they had the backup of their labelmates, their family, their friends, and the many fans that continue to love and support them. The girls never felt alone when they were by their sides, and having one another. As long as they continued to believe those around them and who they surrounded themselves in positivity, things could only keep having a sliver of hope.

So, because of Ly&Ly's realistic, yet still optimistic view on everything, they continued to shine on bright on their own. They radiated a different type of aura that those around could sense something was really genuine about them. Some believe it's just the confidence. Others believed the girls were getting ahead of themselves. But the true believers that actually knew and understand, it was because the girls had nothing to hide, they were really being themselves, and being true to yourself, would make things that much easier to grasp in the future.

The girls learned well from those that taught them, but also being raised in the loving care of their Papa Jang and the rest at Star Hitz LIGHTS Entertainment.

For the remainder of June, Ly&Ly continued to promote their title track "Kitty", even with a remix of it's own called "Stormy Kitty". They even grew closer to the idols around them, establishing the new nickname of "Friend-Dol" by the other idols themselves and the other netizens, as Ly&Ly were such friendly idols.

On June 21st, 2012 on MNET's M!Countdown, the girls had their last goodbye stage before completely ending their promotions. Alth

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Ly&Ly;: discontinued.


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i like this fic!!
Chapter 75: Wow has it really been a year? That's crazy!! Haha happy anniversary to Flying Dumpling! We know I love those boys <3 And haha awww Jihye and Jaewon's relationship is seriously my favorite thing.
Chapter 75: Yay \o/ happy anniversary Flying Dumpling! ; u ; and GEM5TAR is going to debut! \o/
The name flying dumpling is making me hungry sobs
Chapter 75: Awh that was nice of the girls to throw them a party like that. Congrats to the girls who will be debuting. I stick with you because I enjoy reading the story.
Chapter 75: Happy Anniversary <3
I would like to tell you that I changed my username. just telling you because you might get confused soon. xD

p.s this is previously, minstal_shipper.
Chapter 74: Is it a comeback? o_o
Chapter 74: It's so cool *-* omg I second Twiillaa, will it be the trainees debuting with stones as their theme? Or is it a subgroup? Asdfghjkl<3
Chapter 74: Birthstones? Ooo fun! I'm an opal <3

Also aww I miss all the sunbaes~
Especially my bro Aerotrix from Flying Dumpling~
Chapter 74: The messages could possibly hinting at a comeback for the girls maybe? Although it could also mean that the trainee girls could be making a group with birthstones being a theme in their group concept. I am probably wrong so I just wait for you to tell us. xD