Oh... Hi Again~

Ly&Ly; ~ Heavenly & Deadly {indefinite hiatus}
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more (same&new) APPLY FICS!!

Blood Line Royalty | The World of D. | The Clue Collector | The Scotland Yard unit: ACI | Lighters Cafe | Altair Academy | International School of Magic | Crystalline Planet | Time of Our Life | d a r k A N G E L | Life in Technicolor | Blue Fountain High | happily ever after | Claw of the Moon | Running Girl | captivating deadly whispers | Scripted | Magnus Academy | Of Boys and Mermaids | Untamed | summertime romance | my butler | To Kill A Mocking Bird | City of Riona | school of magic | Somebody to Love | Last Wish | fantasia | Hamlet's Macbeth


(again, don't worry to much, and again it's in no particular order either, but this takes place during their time as Ly&Ly in the beginning of their career, more or less.. and possibly even before debut, so yeah, don't worry about it much)

Oh... Hi Again SECTION

Ahnyai & Shinyeon & Hyera's POV

(they are combined, only because they have the same people of the same group in connection, and i wanted it to lead into it like this, and you'll find out who they are.. and therefore this will be slightly (or more) long...er... i think... more like very long... er (totally not a word phrase of usage. xD) "^^V)

Ahnyai, Shinyeon, Hyera, Hatsune, and Hyunmi were heading towards the little cafe near their dorm early one morning.

"Why did I come with you all again?" Hatsune asked, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Why did we have to come in the morning though?" Shinyeon slightly whined, as she too was rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Because I want coffee... and they're having a sale today!" Ahnyai gave the girls a thumbs up.

"I wanted coffee too, but the chocolate is THE BEST here... so I mainly came for the chocolate sweets." Hyunmi chirped happily.

"Hyunny unnie and her chocolate obsession." Hyera laughed as she nudged Hyunmi with her shoulder.

"I think that you don't REALLY need the sugar rush so early in the morning, Hyun-ah." Shinyeon simply said as the five girls reached the cafe called Love's Heaven Cafe. "You're already excited as it is."

"Why did I come again... I don't even remember. I'll wait outside as you guys can get whatever it is you want." Hatsune told the girls as she proceeded to sit at one of the outside tables as the other four entered the cafe.

Ahnyai made a beeline to the coffee counter, as the cafe wasn't that busy. Shinyeon soon followed after, now awake and was craving coffee, too. Hyunmi skipped over to the sweets stand where she was admiring all the deliciousness behind its glass. Hyera joined Hyunmi and the two began pointing at one baked good after another, deciding which one to get.

"Miss, may I get a dozen of these Raspberry French Macaroons, please." Hyera ask, already to order.

"Yes, you may, and I'll ring them up in a bit." The employee replied, already gathering up the 12 macaroons and ringing it up.

"Oh, may I have the Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake, too, please, after you are done with hers." Hyunmi asked, already excited to eat her cake.

"Will do." The same employee said, as she handed Hyera her purchased before taking out a slice of the cake that Hyunmi wanted.

"All right, I'm going to take these out to share with Kiki unnie." Hyera told Hyunmi, as Hyunmi gave her the O.K sign, as Hyera made her way out of the cafe.

Once Hyera exited the cafe, she immediately crashed into another person (lol, yes, i'm sorry, (or am i? :p) this incident has come up again xD) and quickly apologized for her clumsiness and bowed towards the figure before staring big-eyed at the person before with slightly agape. "S-s-sunpa. (she combined the words Sunbae+Oppa together to get Sunpa. xD)" Hyera mentally facepalmed herself.

"Sunpa? Is that a new nickname of mine?" The other person, no other than Yook Sungjae of BTOB, asked amusingly. "It's nice to literally run into you, but it seems that I don't know your name, but I do know that you're one of the members of Ly&Ly, right?"

"Des! (another combo of Deh + Yes xD)" Hyera answered immediately, but soon after saying that she mentally facepalmed herself once more.

"Heh, you're cute, but you have one weird vocabulary." Sungjae laughed. "So, what's your name?"

Hyera contemplated on whether to tell him her Korean name, her French name, or her stage name, but before she could decide, already done it for her. "Hye-Isa-Mia. (she pretty much combined all of them, Hyera+Isabelle+Mia)" Hyera mentally facepalmed herself once again.

"Hye-I-Sa-Mi-A." Sungjae said each syllable slowly. "What a name, you got there. You sure are a weird one, but at least you're interesting."

Before Hyera could say anything else, another guy appeared and swiftly pulled Sungjae into the cafe, as Sungjae smirked at her, sending her a salute with two fingers before disappearing into Love's Heaven Cafe with whoever pulled him in. Hyera snapped out of it and made her way to Hatsune, who was already giving her a knowing look.

"What?" Hyera asked, sititng across from Hatsune.

"I saw what happen." Hatsune cooed, amusement in her eyes, "And I thought it was cute."

"Nothing happen. It was just small talk. Unnie, keep it between you and I, yeah, please." Hyera begged, already flustered with thinking about the encounter.

"Sure, sure... if you buy me a bag of Coconut Macaroons next time." Hatsune said, sticking out her tongue.

"Agreed. Anyhow, I came out here to share with you these Raspberry French Macaroons, anyway." Hyera quickly said, opening the bag and shifted it towards Hatsune's direction.

"Aww, thanks Elle-ah dongsaeng." Hatsune cooed and grabbed a macaroon and took a small bite and savored the taste. "I love macaroons."

"I'm glad you do, too, Kiki unnie, so glad." Hyera muttered to herself, also taking a macaroon and bit into it.

(now back inside~)

"Whee... more chocolate for me... or whoever wants some, if I don't eat it all by then, hehe." Hyunmi exclaimed, already ordering two more slices of cake. A Chocolate Chocolate Mousse Cake and a Passion Chocolate Mouse Cake.

"Don't you think we should stop her?" Shinyeon asked Ahnyai. "She might end up buying everything."

"Just let her be, she'll burn it off. That kid has a high metabolism." Ahnyai said absentmindedly as she was still pondering on either buying the White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino or the Chocolate Cookie Crumble Frappuccino with White Chocolate Pudding.

Shinyeon just shrugged her shoulders and ordered herself the Grand Iced Caffe Latte with Soy Milk as she was still watching her weight, since she herself, had slow metabolism. (i actually don't know if that is even healthy or not, as i do not drink coffee or starbucks except the two drinks of strawberry & vanilla bean frap with whipped cream... but i know that Soy Milk is healthy. OTL... anyways) Once getting her drink,  she too was about to make her way outside to join the other two, but was stop by a familiar voice calling out her name, "Shin noona!"

Shinyeon turned around and spotted her ex-boyfriend, also known as, "Sungjae!" (yes that's right, THE Sungjae of BTOB is her ex-boyfie) walking towards her and the two embraced one another. "How are you?"

"I'm good, tired, but it's all worth it." Sungjae beamed at her. "How about you, how are you?"

"Could be better, but I'm good for now. How is your idol life going?" Shinyeon asked.

"The noona loves me." Sungjae smiled really big and popping his imaginary collar. "I'm a noona-killer."

Shinyeon rolled her eyes, but laughed at his antics. "Sure you are, but this noona," Shinyeon pointed at herself, "Is still alive and over you."

"True, but still, you totally fell for my charms." Sungjae stuck his tongue out at her. "I see that you're still trying to maintain your weight, in a way."

"Sure am... it's hard, but a small dosage of deliciousness doesn't hurt. Not like it matters, the practices comes in handy with this." Shinyeon said, sipping her Grande Iced Caffe Latte with Soy Milk.

As these two were playing catch up, another... kind of reunion happened.

While Hyunmi was waiting, again, for her order of a Almost Famous Chocolate Mousse Cake, a Dark Chocolate Cherry Mousse Cake, a Chocolate Ganache Mousse Cake, and a Double Chocolate Mousse Cake, she also ordered a drink, a Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino (lol, sorry for making her a chocolate monster. xD), as Ahnyai had finally decided on getting the White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino.

Once Ahnyai's order was ready, the employee placed it on the counter, and as she was about to grab it, another hand s out and took the drink instead, and it wasn't Hyunmi's.

"This time, this one's one. Yours is next time, okay." The person said grinning at Ahnyai as Ahnyai just rolled her eyes at him.

At this time, Hyunmi had grabbed her own drink and turned to the situation at hand. "Hey, hey, mister, that's Ahnie unnie's drink, not yours!"

The person took a sip of the drink before saying, "I guess it's all mine now. I'm sure she wouldn't want it now that I've drank from it."

"How rude. Say something unnie!" Hyunmi said, looking at Ahnyai who had a blank expression. "Give it back you coffee stealer!" Hyunmi said angrily as she was about to smack the person, but Ahnyai stopped her, "Hyunmi, it's okay".

"Unnie, but this-" Hyunmi stopped in mid-sentence when the "coffee stealer" turned to face her. "Omo, it's BTOB's Minhyuk."

"Yup, the one and only." Ahnyai nodded her head.

"The Lee Minhyuk of BTOB who just stole your unnie's drink." Minhyuk confirmed.

"Oh, your image will totally be ruin now!" Before Hyunmi could reach for her phone, Anhyai stopped her actions again, "Seriously Hyun-ah, it's okay".

"Well, that's my cue to leave. Thanks for the drink, Ahnyai, catch you later." Minhyuk said, as he saluted the two girls with the hand that held the cup before hurrying away, and grabbing Sungaje in the process, telling him that he 'got what he wanted', and leaving behind a clueless Shinyeon.

"Buh bye, Shin noona." Sungjae waved with a clueless smile as Shinyeon waved a goodbye to him.

"Yeah, you better hope I don't catch you sooner!" Hyunmi yelled after him while raising a fist, as Minhyuk and Sungjae exited the cafe in a rush. "Unnie! What was that?!"

Ahnyai finally explained the situation to a still angry Hyunmi and a confuse Shinyeon about how the first time she met Minhyuk at a coffee shop, and that when he was about to grab his drink, she took it instead saying that she was infront of him, and so why he took hers this time. Hyunmi's anger died down, and Shinyeon's confusion was made clear.

"Besides, I wanted the Chocolate Cookie Crumble Frappuccino with White Chocolate Pudding (what a mouth full. lol), anyway." Ahnyai finished, now ordering herself another drink as the other two girls shook their heads.

Once Ahnyai got her drink, the three of them exited the cafe, having made Hyera and Hatsune wait for a long while, which then made them ordered more macaroons, the Lavender Macaroons with Honey Vanilla Buttercream fillings and Coconut Macaroons (which of course Hyera paid for), and Hatsune order herself a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with Whipped Cream and Hyera got a Frappuccino Iced Blended Coffee Mocha (why do these things have such long arse names -___-). And they all walked back to their dorm, burning off the calories, more or less, with what they were consuming on the way back.

Jihyeon's POV

"Why are you so easy to mess with?" Daehyun teased Jihyeon as he ruffled her hair.

"Because you're a jerk, that's why." Jihyeon huffed, annoyed. "And you told me all the wrong ingredients and measurements for the Kimchi Fried Rice!" Jihyeon began to nag about other things he did wrong to her.

Jihyeon is usually bubbly, but with her being around B.A.P's Daehyun, she becomes easily irritated.

"Aww, don't say that, the fans might go after you." Daehyun teased again. "It's not my fault th

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Ly&Ly;: discontinued.


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i like this fic!!
Chapter 75: Wow has it really been a year? That's crazy!! Haha happy anniversary to Flying Dumpling! We know I love those boys <3 And haha awww Jihye and Jaewon's relationship is seriously my favorite thing.
Chapter 75: Yay \o/ happy anniversary Flying Dumpling! ; u ; and GEM5TAR is going to debut! \o/
The name flying dumpling is making me hungry sobs
Chapter 75: Awh that was nice of the girls to throw them a party like that. Congrats to the girls who will be debuting. I stick with you because I enjoy reading the story.
Chapter 75: Happy Anniversary <3
I would like to tell you that I changed my username. just telling you because you might get confused soon. xD

p.s this is previously, minstal_shipper.
Chapter 74: Is it a comeback? o_o
Chapter 74: It's so cool *-* omg I second Twiillaa, will it be the trainees debuting with stones as their theme? Or is it a subgroup? Asdfghjkl<3
Chapter 74: Birthstones? Ooo fun! I'm an opal <3

Also aww I miss all the sunbaes~
Especially my bro Aerotrix from Flying Dumpling~
Chapter 74: The messages could possibly hinting at a comeback for the girls maybe? Although it could also mean that the trainee girls could be making a group with birthstones being a theme in their group concept. I am probably wrong so I just wait for you to tell us. xD