SHL Ent's Decision of Girls & The Girls' Final Days With One Another

Ly&Ly; ~ Heavenly & Deadly {indefinite hiatus}
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Friday, August 19th, 2011

Founder Jang held a meeting in one of the conference room, informing everyone who needed to be present that he would be announcing the fourteen girls who would be members of Ly&Ly. He, along with CEO Kwon, Secretary Nam, the dance choreographers, the vocal and rap coaches, and even the teaching instructors, had finally came to the decisions of the girls for the finalizations of the group.

When everyone filed into the room and situated themselves, Founder Jang began the meeting, "Now that we are all gathered for the announcment of Star Hitz LIGHTS Entertainment's first female artist, which is the girl group, Ly&Ly, may all twenty-one of the female trainees rise, please." All twenty-one girls rose from their seats, standing side by side, and laced their hands together, waiting for Founder Jang's next words. "For the pass few months, we have evaluated all twenty-one of you and have come to the conclusion of choosing those for Ly&Ly. For those of you who are chosen, I congratulate you, but for those who aren't chosen, please do not be discourage, your time will come, believe in that. Now I will announce the first member and so forth, when your name is called, please come forward and then stand off to the side to my right while lining up as I call out your name."

All twenty-one girls were clasping each others' hands within their own, not realizing that they were losing a little blood cirulation, all eyes were shut, anticipating for the names that will come out Founder Jang's mouth.

"Eun Youngrin."

Youngrin widen her eyes and said, "I'm sorry" in disbelief. Then after Papa Jang confirmed that she was really chosen, she burst into tears, bowing countlessly, and couldn't say anything else. Still standing among the girls, the other girls slightly pushed her forward and Youngrin remembered that after being called, you needed to stand to the side, and that's where she went. She stood to the far right of Founder Jang.

"Kim Jihyeon."

Jihyeon's eyes went big while she was jumping for joy and screaming "I WAS CHOOOOOOSEN, GOD THANK YOU!!!! NO..." and she bowed many times to Papa Jang, while the other members were telling her to stop. Jihyeon stopped and cried tears of joy while doing her victory korea dance as she stood next to Youngrin, and both girls hugged.

"Sakurai Keiko, also known as Song Jihye."

Jihye was shocked. She pretty much just stareed at them all, blinked, stared some more, and then calmly said, "Thank you." As she began walking to join Youngrin and Jihyeon, the other girls patted her on the back, and once reaching the other two, the three hugged.

"Kim Hyunmi."

Hyunmi let out an, "omona" as her eyes opened wide. At first she was shocked then a really creepy, goofy smile appeared, but she immediately stopped and composed herself. While the other girls knew what she was about to show, giggling at her. In her head though, she's partying and screaming. She showed her gratitude to the personel and bowed. She congratulated the other chosen members while standing beside them.

"Baek Sooyun."

Sooyun was totally shocked at first and thinks that she's dreaming. Once she realizes that it's real, she starts crying and everyone gives her a group hug, before walking to stand with Youngrin, Jihyeon, and Jihye.

"Yoon Mira."

Mira blinkied her eyes three times and slapped herself to prove that she wasn't dreaming. After confirming that she wasn't dreaming, she jumped with joy and thank Papa Jang a countless times and screamed with happiness. A few seconds later, she realized everyone was looking at her, and Mira turned back into her cold and serious self again. The other girls shook their head and laughed at her mini silliness. Mira turned her back on them, but secretly smiled while making her way to join Youngrin, Jihyeon, Jihye, and Sooyun, the girls smiling and chuckling at her earlier reaction.

"Abbriana Lee Haneul."

Haneul's first words upon hearing her name were, "This is just a joke right?" as she looked at all of them, but they were serious with her. "I-I'm actually chosen?! KYAAAAAAA!" She was so happy and thankful that she started to bow rapidly while saying her thank yous as the other girls stopped her from breaking her back from the continuous bowing, and finally Haneul joined the rest of the chosen girls and they hugged.

"Yahn Ahnyai."

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Ly&Ly;: discontinued.


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i like this fic!!
Chapter 75: Wow has it really been a year? That's crazy!! Haha happy anniversary to Flying Dumpling! We know I love those boys <3 And haha awww Jihye and Jaewon's relationship is seriously my favorite thing.
Chapter 75: Yay \o/ happy anniversary Flying Dumpling! ; u ; and GEM5TAR is going to debut! \o/
The name flying dumpling is making me hungry sobs
Chapter 75: Awh that was nice of the girls to throw them a party like that. Congrats to the girls who will be debuting. I stick with you because I enjoy reading the story.
Chapter 75: Happy Anniversary <3
I would like to tell you that I changed my username. just telling you because you might get confused soon. xD

p.s this is previously, minstal_shipper.
Chapter 74: Is it a comeback? o_o
Chapter 74: It's so cool *-* omg I second Twiillaa, will it be the trainees debuting with stones as their theme? Or is it a subgroup? Asdfghjkl<3
Chapter 74: Birthstones? Ooo fun! I'm an opal <3

Also aww I miss all the sunbaes~
Especially my bro Aerotrix from Flying Dumpling~
Chapter 74: The messages could possibly hinting at a comeback for the girls maybe? Although it could also mean that the trainee girls could be making a group with birthstones being a theme in their group concept. I am probably wrong so I just wait for you to tell us. xD