Heavenly & Deadly's First Radio Appearance

Ly&Ly; ~ Heavenly & Deadly {indefinite hiatus}
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Monday, May 21st, 2012 @ Younha's Starry Night

~nal milgo danggyeojow, nal milgo danggyeo, nal milgo danggyeo~

Younha: And that was Seo Inguk's Tease Me. *claps* Now, I will have joining me in a lit bit for this evening are the girls of Ly&Ly from Star Hitz LIGHTS Entertainment. *claps* As they get settled, in the mean time, here is December's She's Gone, enjoy. *plays music*

Just as the song started did Ly&Ly arrived, wearing name tags. Younha and Ly&Ly greeted and bowed to one another as Younhae motioned for the girls to sit around her.

The members lined themselves from Younha's right to her left as Kei, Summer, YouR, Star, Keishin, Saya, Annie, Shadow, Yve, Rian, Mia, Hana, Nightly, and Yai.

They talked for a bit as Younha filled in the girls of the procedure. She told them what to do and how it usually goes, and to not be nervous and treat it as if they were long time friends just having a chat. This helped settle the first radio appearance jitters of the girls. They casually talk until they were ready to go on air.

~get it get it get it, wait it wait it wait it, babocheoreom neoreul monijeo~

Younha: That was She's Gone by December. *claps* Now, with me are the lovely angels and demons of Ly&Ly! *claps* Please greet our listeners as a group!

Ly&Ly: Heavenly Charms from the highest of Heavens, *Heavenly Angels does peace signs with their right hand and holding it close to their right cheek* and Deadly Vibes from the deepest of Hells, *Deadly Demons also does peace signs with their left hand hovering above their heart* Ly&Ly has arrived! Hello, we are Ly&Ly! *bow, clap, and cheer afterward*

Younha: *claps and cheers* Whoo, what a group greeting there! Now please do an individual greeting for us! *smiles* We'll start with the person to my right. *looks at name tag* Kei-yang and down the line, please.

Kei: Konnichiwa, I'm Kei, the Demon of Gluttony! *nom nom sound and laughs* And the Leader of Deadly Demons!

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers*

Summer: Ahnyeonghaseyo! *waves and smiles warmly* I'm Summer, the Angel of Kindness!

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers*

YouR: Hey, I'm YouR, don't make me angry because I'm the Demon of Wrath! RAWR! *clenches hands and laughs*

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers*

Star: The Angel of Diligence, I'm Star! Hihi! *wiggles in seat*

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers* 

Keishin: ... Hi. Keishin. Demon of Sloth. *partial wave and slight interest expression*

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers* 

Saya: I have all the patience in the world... well not really, but I'm Saya, hello, I'm the Angel of Patience! *giggles and double waves*

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers*

Annie: Annie here, hellooooo listeners! *giggles* I'm the Angel of Chastity! *happily bounces from her seat side to side*

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers* 

Shadow: Fall in love with me for I am the Demon of Lust~ *tries for a seductive sound, and gets slightly embarrased after doing so* Ahnyeonghaseyo, Shadow here.

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers*

Yve: Hey hey listeners, *laughs* the Demon of Avarice, that's me, Yve. *smiles*

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers* 

Rian: Um, maknae Rian of Heavenly Angels. *nervous smile* I'm the Angel of Humility. *smiles surely* Ahnyeonghaseyo.

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers*

Mia: Bonjour listeners~ *blow kisses* I am Mia, the Angel of Charity!

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers* 

Hana: Don't hate the player, hate the game! *chuckles* Hana, the Demon of Envy, annyeong! *double waves*

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers* 

Nightly: Bow down to me listeners, *tries not to laugh* for I am Nightly, the Demon of Vanity and maknae of Deadly Demons! *laughs* Hiya!

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers*

Yai: Ahnyeonghaseyo everyone! *waves and slight smile* I'm the Angel of Temperance, Yai, and the Leader of Heavenly Angels.

Younha&Everyone: *claps and cheers*

Younha: Thank you, thank you very much ladies. *claps* Feels like there's so much going on here. *laughs and sorts through her papers*

Ly&Ly: *laugh along with her as they too, follow along*

Younha: How about performing Kitty live for us on Starry Night, right now, yeah? *looks at each member with a smile*

Ly&Ly: *nod heads as they look at one another and shrug shoulders* OK. Sure. *gets up, stand next to their mics and performs the song*

Throughout the performance of 'Kitty', the members would dance here and there as they sang together or their own individual lines. As they finished, Younha clapped as the girls returned back to their seats.

Younha: Whaaa, daebak! *praises* Hearing it in person is seriously amazing. *claps again*

Ly&Ly: *the girls smile as they take a drink of their water.*

Younha: Now, let's actually begin our discussion. OK... let's see... *starts asking the basic questions and etc*

Ly&Ly: *answers the questions with the practice answers*

Younha: Wow, that's quite interesting. I think I like it. *smiles* Now, let's actually hear My Boy for us on Starry Night! *claps*

Ly&Ly: *gets up, stand next to their mics again to perform their other song*

Once again, during the performance of 'My Boy', the girls would do bits and pieces of the dance while they sang. Once again when they finished, Younha clapped again, as the members sat back in their seats.

Younha: Whoo, another great performance! You girls are good. *smiles*

Ly&Ly: Thank you. *take a drink of water*

Younha: OK, while you girls were performing, Starry Night's online board has been getting lots of hits with questions from your fans. *turns the screen around to show the members* They really wanna get to know more about you girls. *chuckles*

Ly&Ly: Wow, that's a lot. *eyes shift to every new entry* It's moving so fast. *stare in awe*

Younha: Since there are so many going by, I'll see what are most asked. *turns the screen back and stares* Let's see... fears, hobbies, languages, and ideal types. Yeah, we will go with those four. *nods head* All right listeners, make sure to pay attention to what these girls will say! Let's start with *looks over to her left* Yai-yang and we'll go down the line. What are you afraid of?

Yai: Blood and clowns. *quickly answers* I dislike them with a passion. *makes face*

Younha: I'm not fond of blood either. No problems with clowns for me though. *shrugs* Nightly-yang?

Nightly: I actually have no fears. *shrugs*

Younha: No fears? *shock* Well, that makes one of us. *laughs* Hana-yang?

Hana: Frogs and riding a bike. I will never learn to ride one... unless I have to. *laughs* Also, not sure if I can say this, but oh well, I fear erts too. *makes x sign* You will never know when they might appear. *makes shame on you sign with a stern expression*

Younha: Aww, but riding a bike is fun... *tilts head* I think. As for the erts, it's a fear of yours. *smiles* Mia-yang?

Mia: I fear heights, the dark, and thunder. *list with fingers* But I'm more afraid of crowded or narrow places. *shakes head vigoriously* I'm seriously afraid of that happening to me. *rubs side arms up and down*

Younha: Oh, so you're claustrophobic. That must be tough. *sympathetic expression* Rian-yang?

Rian: I don't like being alone, honestly. *looks down and then back up* I also dislike cockroaches. *makes a face* Oh, and scary things too. *nods head*

Younha: Aww, well I hope you don't get stranded by yourself. *smiles warmly* Yve-yang?

Yve: Earthquakes and lightning are a big no no for me. *thinks* Cockroaches and spiders, ugh! *makes a face* Oh, and my brother at times. *mehrong* Jongsoo oppa, saranghae! *laughs and makes heart above head*

Younha: Ahh, sibling fear, I know what you mean. *laughs* Shadow-yang?

Shadow: I do not do well with horror movies or ghost stories. *shivers* Blood, clowns, like Yai unnie. *nod head in Yai's direction* Also, snakes, frogs, lizards... there's more, but I'll stop for now. *nods* Yeah, I'll stop.

Younha: Ahh the gory stuff... *shivers* Yeah, me either. *laughs* Annie-yang?

Annie: I fear rejection, but I fear spiders more! *shivers* Just the thought of the icky feeling of them crawling on you... bah! *shivers more*

Younha: Oh, yeah, I know what you mean. I can feel it when you were explaining. *shivers* Saya-yang?

Saya: I fear heartbreak. *looks down and looks back up* Also losing my bond with my sister. I don't ever wanna loose that. *slightly frowns*

Younha: Aww, keep that sibling bond really tight. *smiles reassuringly* Keishin-yang?

Keishin: Insects! Even butterflies. *slaps her hand together* Heights and the sight of blood. I don't like that. *shakes head*

Younha: Butterflies, too? They have the most colorful wings, but I guess, to each their own. *nods head* Star-yang?

Star: Um, heights, falling, being unable to see in the dark.. what else? *rack brains to think* That's all I got. Although I'm scared, I don't mind the thrill of it. *laugh lightly*

Younha: Ahh, the thrill is exciting even though you may be afraid. *thinks about it* YouR-yang?

YouR: Heights, I don't like high places. *make an x sign* Also, cats, I'm not a cat person at all. *shakes head*

Younha: Aww, but cats are cute little felines, but it's okay, we're entitled to our own thoughts. *smiles* Summer-yang?

Summer: I fear the darkness and death. *shakes head* Neither of which I really want to experience, but I know that in the future, I will have to eventually. *smiles slightly*

Younha: True, it's inevitable, but doesn't mean we can't still fear it. *nods in agreement* Kei-yang?

Kei: Running out of food. *straight face* I'm serious.

Younha: *shock* Running out of food? That is different to me. *laughs* Anyways, listeners, you hear that, those are the girls' fears! Do not use that against them, even if it's for fun. *wagging her finger in warning* Now, hobbies. *looks to her right* Starting back with Kei-yang and down the line, again, please. What do you like to do in your spare time and for fun?

Kei: I

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Ly&Ly;: discontinued.


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i like this fic!!
Chapter 75: Wow has it really been a year? That's crazy!! Haha happy anniversary to Flying Dumpling! We know I love those boys <3 And haha awww Jihye and Jaewon's relationship is seriously my favorite thing.
Chapter 75: Yay \o/ happy anniversary Flying Dumpling! ; u ; and GEM5TAR is going to debut! \o/
The name flying dumpling is making me hungry sobs
Chapter 75: Awh that was nice of the girls to throw them a party like that. Congrats to the girls who will be debuting. I stick with you because I enjoy reading the story.
Chapter 75: Happy Anniversary <3
I would like to tell you that I changed my username. just telling you because you might get confused soon. xD

p.s this is previously, minstal_shipper.
Chapter 74: Is it a comeback? o_o
Chapter 74: It's so cool *-* omg I second Twiillaa, will it be the trainees debuting with stones as their theme? Or is it a subgroup? Asdfghjkl<3
Chapter 74: Birthstones? Ooo fun! I'm an opal <3

Also aww I miss all the sunbaes~
Especially my bro Aerotrix from Flying Dumpling~
Chapter 74: The messages could possibly hinting at a comeback for the girls maybe? Although it could also mean that the trainee girls could be making a group with birthstones being a theme in their group concept. I am probably wrong so I just wait for you to tell us. xD