The Girls' Debut Stages, Greeting & Interaction with Other Idols, and Schedule for May!

Ly&Ly; ~ Heavenly & Deadly {indefinite hiatus}
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ahh~ promoting once gain~! =] hopefully this will help out those apply fics.

The Word of D. | Clue Collector | Masquerade | Silver Mist | t r i c k | ☆ミ kryptonite | Dimension | Blood Line Royalty | Detective | Disney School For Princesses


Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

We have come acrossed Ly&Ly's schedule for this month! It looks like the girls will be busy promoting their title track and squeezing in some fan signings and interviews as well. They are surely going to be busy bees for this month! Let's all wish them good health and that nothing happens during their scheduling. Also, member Shadow will be celebrating her birthday for this month, as well! You can view the girls' May schedule below. Reported by Koreaboo's Staff.

(^ you can just copy the url of this and view it in its bigger form if it's a bit hard to see)




misterBTgbloodz:  i wonder if their company will upload their performances on their youtube channel, because that would be hella tight.

royalpirates: omo, the girls ARE GOING to be busy. :O Ly&Ly unnie hwaiting!

dalmate4life: they seriously have a packed schedule. o.o their debut schedule is wayy hella packed then their fellow labelmates when they debuted.

anhyeuem: yayyyy i will get to see them perform a lot of times!! i'm so happy. kyyaaaa. *muah*

heart42: ohh Shadow's birthday is the same as mine!! i'm so lucky! <333 kyaa

p13rr0t: ohh can't wait to see them on their first radio show. that would be interesting to see how they're like.


REHEARSAL VIDEO FOR MC/M!CD ~(imagine it's different for both days and backups as SHL trainees and you're already wearing your outfits and makeup & hair is done too. ^^)


Friday, May 4th, 2012 DEBUT STAGE

MUSIC BANK (<- imagine looking something similar to this)

The Ly&Ly members, their managers, and male backup dancers, arrived at the KBS building where the Music Bank performances were being filmed, and the girls were all dazzled up and ready to greet their seniors and hand them each a signed copy of their own "Elysium World" album. They weren't show how many people were going to perform today, so they signed more than 100 albums just to make sure, and also because they would be doing the same thing for the next three performances days, as well, if they happened to come across other artists or celebrities, they haven't met previously.

They reported to their assigned room first, to settled their things and make a check in before doing anything else. The girls found out that they were sharing a room with Ivy, Andamiro, Yangpa, Lee Haeri of Davichi, and Hanna. The girls greeted them with their official greeting.

"1, 2, 3" both Jihye and Ahnyai counted off, "Heavenly Charms from the highest of Heavens," the girls of Heavenly Angels began while making a peace sign with their right hand and holding it close to their right cheek, "and Deadly Vibes from the deepest of Hells," the girls of Deadly Demons continued as they also made a peace sign, but with their left hand hovering above their heart, "Ly&Ly has arrived! Hello, we are Ly&Ly!" They finished together, as they bowed a deep 90 degree bow, introducing themselves as a whole, before bending straight back up to stare at their seniors before them.

The other ladies greeted them back, politely and respectfully as well, all of them showing genuine smiles. Then the Ly&Ly girls each handed the five ladies a copy of  their "Elysium World" album. After taking a few selcas with one of their managers' phone, as the girls weren't allowed to have them for the time being, Ly&Ly bid a quick farewell, informing the other female artists that they would be going around and greeting the other celebrities. Their managers had other things to take care of, so the girls were left on their own.

The girls repeated the same greeting to Electroboyz, December, TOUCH, Rhythm Power, Norazo, Noel, Huh Gak, 2BiC, Seo Inguk, Shinhwa, and Sunny Hill, whom they were not acquainted with, saying and doing all of that over and over, with smiles on their faces, although they were getting a little tired of it, but still presented themselves professionally and genuinely, and presented each of them with a copy of their "Elysium World" album and took selcas after asking for permission. As for the other artists they greeted after them, it was the same, but some selcas were taken and some were not.

Like 4Minute, after doing their greeting, Jihye and Gayoon happily greeted one another as they were the best of friends, as the same with Mira and Jiyoon who knew each other since Mira used to be a part of CUBE Ent. The other girls felt a little uncomfortable, since 4Minute were their senior, but also because one member wasn't fond of Hyunah, but the brief reunion came to and end, and Ly&Ly continued on their way, but not before giving them their debut albums as well.

After greeting U-KISS and giving them each an "Elysium World" album, Misun happily hugged her best friend Kiseop, and casually said her hello to Kevin. Sungmi then gave a friendly hug to Kevin, missing her high school buddy. Since the U-KISS boys were friendly, they happily and cheerfully said their hellos to the rest of the girls and even congratulated them on their debut for Music Bank, which the girls thankfully bowed, and then bid them farewell and luck for their performance stage.

Next, they greeted the boys of B.A.P, and although they were respectful, they were a bit hyper, and loudly greeted the girls right back with a lot of power (no pun intended... or does it. xD) and enthusiasm. Jihyeon excitedly ran up to her brother, Himchan, and gave him a sisterly hug, and afterward she shyly waved a small greeting towards Daehyun who returned the small gesture right back. For Ahnyai, she gave Himchan a one arm hug, and was about to give a fist pump to Yongguk, but Himchan instead pushed her closer to Yongguk, making Yongguk wrapped his arms around her to catch her, and Yai's cheeks tinged to a light pink, and she quickly got out of his hold. Then she turned around to smack a laughing Himchan who also received a slapped from Jihyeon, and he apologized, although it seemed it was half-hearted. Anyway, after that situation, the girls quickly gave them each a copy of their debut album and said their goodbyes.

Ly&Ly's next stopped was the three members, Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Seohyun of Girls' Generation, and Ly&Ly also made their greetings toward them, and the three girls, too, greeted them with the same respect. While Haneul did a mini spaz, Sungmi hugged her best friend, Tiffany, happy to reunite again. After ending the hug, Haneul, too, ran up to Tiffany and hugged her before letting out another spaz, while the rest of them laughed at the scene. After giving TaeTiSeo each a copy of their debut album, did they finally bid farewells to the three ladies.

Their next destination was towards EXO-K. The girls did their greeting and politely bowed and then presented each of the six boys with Ly&Ly's debut album. Soon, Shinyeon's face actually showed a happy expression as she hugged and greeted her brother, Chanyeol, while everyone else made friendly smiles and eye contact with one another. Sooyun admired Baekhyun and kept her fangirling from bursting out while Sungmi and Baekhyun made eye contact as well, but held each others gazes a little longer before diverting it towards another direction. Ly&Ly bid them farewell and luck before moving on once more.

As they continued walking they made their second to last stopped at SISTAR's room. Ly&Ly did their formal greeting and bowing their 90 degrees bow, and after that, gave each of the SISTAR's members their own copy of the girls' album. Both Shinyeon and Mira gave a friendly greeting to Bora, and Bora hugged both girls like there was no tomorrow before letting each of them go after they protested a bit as the rest of the girls laughed. Before Youngrin could even greet her own cousin, Hyorin, Sooyun had already beaten her to it. Sooyun gazed at Hyorin admirely, like she was a little kid at a candy shop gazing at her favorite candy and told Hyorin that she was a great fan of hers. Hyorin let out a laugh and patted Sooyun on the head and said a 'thank you'. The other Ly&Ly members chuckled at Sooyun's usual fangirling. Youngrin then finally was able to give her cousin a hug and wished her luck on her and her group's performance stage, and Hyorin said the same thing, hugging her little cousin tightly. After another exchanging a few more words, Ly&Ly left SISTAR's room and headed towards their last, but not least, artist.

Finally, they arrived to their last location and artist, SUPERNOVA. Once the members of Ly&Ly did their official greeting, bowing, and presenting them each with an "Elysium World" album, did majority of the girls realize that the members of SUPERNOVA were quite tall, all of them towering over the girls, but not in an intimidating way. Jihye happily called out her brother's name, Jihyuk, and they each gave one another a brotherly-sisterly hug, and Jihyuk ruffled a bit of Jihye's hair, and she playfully swatted his hand away. Next she hugged the maknae, Geonil, who was also the tallest, and it was an interesting sight since she had to tip-toped and he had to crouch down a little further. Finally she gave Sungmo a friendly, but shy hug, and it didn't last long as Jihyuk pried the two apart, and the rest of the members of SUPERNOVA let a few words of teasing. The rest of the Ly&Ly members didn't know what the teasing was about, but they still let out an amusing laugh, enjoying the atmosphere's mood. When the teasing finally down, did the Ly&Ly members finally bid their farewells and departed from the room and started making their way back to their own room.

"Seoulful sunbae sure wasn't lying about the whole greeting and repeating it." Hyera tiredly let out, wiping off an imaginary sweat.

"Honestly, I felt that it was more nerve-wrecking then our debut showcase." Kelly let out, slightly chuckling at what she just said.

"Ahh, I know right, me too, but it was still fun seeing them all in person." Hatsune said with a contented smile on her face.

"Especially greeting them all face to face, it's pretty surreal." Hyunmi dreamily sighed. "I actually can't wait to do it again."

The rest of the girls agreed, nodding their head, and finally reached their room. They again greeted the other five ladies and their managers, who then told the Ly&Ly members that they've received a big box of snacks and drinks, and the girls rushed over to the box to see. They were surprised to see an assortment of items, and a lot of it.

There were Chocopies, Matdongsan, Homerun Ball, and more snacks. As for the drinks there was the classical banana milk, some healthier drinks, and other tasty drinks. They couldn't believe that their fans

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Ly&Ly;: discontinued.


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i like this fic!!
Chapter 75: Wow has it really been a year? That's crazy!! Haha happy anniversary to Flying Dumpling! We know I love those boys <3 And haha awww Jihye and Jaewon's relationship is seriously my favorite thing.
Chapter 75: Yay \o/ happy anniversary Flying Dumpling! ; u ; and GEM5TAR is going to debut! \o/
The name flying dumpling is making me hungry sobs
Chapter 75: Awh that was nice of the girls to throw them a party like that. Congrats to the girls who will be debuting. I stick with you because I enjoy reading the story.
Chapter 75: Happy Anniversary <3
I would like to tell you that I changed my username. just telling you because you might get confused soon. xD

p.s this is previously, minstal_shipper.
Chapter 74: Is it a comeback? o_o
Chapter 74: It's so cool *-* omg I second Twiillaa, will it be the trainees debuting with stones as their theme? Or is it a subgroup? Asdfghjkl<3
Chapter 74: Birthstones? Ooo fun! I'm an opal <3

Also aww I miss all the sunbaes~
Especially my bro Aerotrix from Flying Dumpling~
Chapter 74: The messages could possibly hinting at a comeback for the girls maybe? Although it could also mean that the trainee girls could be making a group with birthstones being a theme in their group concept. I am probably wrong so I just wait for you to tell us. xD