Papa Jang Talks with Flying Dumpling

Ly&Ly; ~ Heavenly & Deadly {indefinite hiatus}
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Friday, March 23rd, 2012

About two weeks after the pranking incident, Flying Dumpling was practicing a new song, Everlasting, with the help of Coach Shin, when Secretary Nam entered their practice room, and they all stopped what they were doing and greeted him, wondering what he was doing here.

"Thank you Coach Shin for working with Flying Dumpling today, but I'm sorry to inform you that Flying Dumpling's session with you has to be cut short for today. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience." Secretary apologized as he bowed.

"No, it's fine, I'm sure you have serious matters to discuss with them. I'll be taking my leave now. Thank you and take care." Coach Shin said while bowing and exiting the practice room, leaving them together.

"Yo, Secretary Nam, what're you here for?" Poysin asked him.

"I have words from Founder Jang to report to you." Secretary Nam replied.

After that statement, the members of Flying Dumpling avoided looking directly at the Secretary Nam and kept their gazes diverted to one another, becoming uneasy feeling like they've got found out.

"How are you men doing today?" Secretary asked, amused by their behavior now, as they were normally a rowdy bunch, but they've turned quiet and uncomfortable, but he kept himself composed from smiling widely, normally they would be making fun of him right now. It must be the mentioned of Founder Jang's name.

"Uh, we're-we're d-d-doing good, Secretary Nam, sir." Kilix stuttered, "H-how about yo-you, sir." Kilix mentally slapped himself for his stuttering.

"I'm doing good, thank you for asking. It's good that all of you are doing well yourself." Secretary Nam said, as he looked from one face to the next and so forth. Secretary Nam was definitely, highly amused, but he wasn't going to let them know about it. "I was told by Founder Jang to inform you all that he would like to have a word with all six of you. So may you please, follow me."

Secretary Nam walked towards the door, not looking behind him knowing that the bunch would followed him, as the members of Flying Dumpling were following right after him, in a single line, right out the practice room, and then after a few minutes, ending outside the door of the conference room. Secretary Nam knocked on the door waited. After hearing a firm, 'come in', Secretary Nam turned to face the men.

"Founder Jang is waiting for all of you inside, you may now entered." Secretary Nam announced, opening the door while sweeping his arms to indicate for them to go on.

Flying Dumpling stalled for a bit, before gulping down the lumps in their throat and gingerly walked into the conference room. Once they were all inside, Secretary Nam closed the door with a huge smile on his face now that he was able to reveal it without them seeing it, and walked away. Where as Flying Dumpling stood statue straight, and bended like an ironing board in a 90 degree bow towards Papa Jang. After Papa Jang acknowledged them, he motioned for them to sit down, and the men stiffly sat down, facing Papa Jang who was seated at the head of the table.

"I'm certain that none of you know why you are here, correct?" Papa Jang started as the dumpling bunch shooked their heads in unison. "Well, then how should I put it, ah, here you go." Papa Jang then slid a paper with words printed on it, towards Kilix who was sitting the closes to him.

Kilix picked up the piece of paper and looked over the words, confusion clearly shown on his face as he passed the paper down to the next member to look, and down the line it went. All of them still confused by the things that were listed on the sheet.

"So, you would like us to run errands for you, Founder Jang?" Poysin concluded.

"Exactly." Founder Jang smiled at them, placing his hands under his chin in a prayer like fashion. "You a

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i like this fic!!
Chapter 75: Wow has it really been a year? That's crazy!! Haha happy anniversary to Flying Dumpling! We know I love those boys <3 And haha awww Jihye and Jaewon's relationship is seriously my favorite thing.
Chapter 75: Yay \o/ happy anniversary Flying Dumpling! ; u ; and GEM5TAR is going to debut! \o/
The name flying dumpling is making me hungry sobs
Chapter 75: Awh that was nice of the girls to throw them a party like that. Congrats to the girls who will be debuting. I stick with you because I enjoy reading the story.
Chapter 75: Happy Anniversary <3
I would like to tell you that I changed my username. just telling you because you might get confused soon. xD

p.s this is previously, minstal_shipper.
Chapter 74: Is it a comeback? o_o
Chapter 74: It's so cool *-* omg I second Twiillaa, will it be the trainees debuting with stones as their theme? Or is it a subgroup? Asdfghjkl<3
Chapter 74: Birthstones? Ooo fun! I'm an opal <3

Also aww I miss all the sunbaes~
Especially my bro Aerotrix from Flying Dumpling~
Chapter 74: The messages could possibly hinting at a comeback for the girls maybe? Although it could also mean that the trainee girls could be making a group with birthstones being a theme in their group concept. I am probably wrong so I just wait for you to tell us. xD