Chapter 7

Friendly Marriage
Time- 8:14PM

Yoo Bin's POV

"You will win right?" I asked as I handed him his bottle.

"Of course! I'm Choi Seung Hyun you know..." Seung Hyun drank and said.

"Fighting then." I patted his back.

"Seung Yoo must cheer appa on as well okay?" He squatted down and caressed Seung Yoo's head. I smiled to Seung Hyun.


"Okay. I'm going." He waved and walked to the waiting area. I looked down to Seung Yoo, seeing him stretching his arms up, indicating he wanted me to carry him. I smiled and lifted him and walked out to the audience's seats. Today, our school is holding a football competition. Seung Hyun is in the team. It is quite a big event as the public is allowed to join us. So I brought Seung Yoo along. I think this is a chance to let everyone know that we actually have a child. I feel bad hiding Seung Yoo's existence too. Our school holds a competition once a year. This year is football. I sat beside Jasmine and Soon Yong as usual.

"I can't believe she actually got a child..." I heard a female whispered behind me. Jasmine turned back and looked at that person weirdly. I smiled and shook my head.

"Omo! Your son is so cute! Can I touch him?" Some random girls came infront of me and started to touch Seung Yoo's face after I smiled and nodded. Then they sat at the row infront of me, commenting on how adorable Seung Yoo is. Soon the match started.

"It's appa...!" I said softly to Seung Yoo when I saw Seung Hyun entering the field. At the blow of a whistle, the match started. More than twenty people started to chase after the football. Jasmine got so excited as she couldn't sit still. She kept hitting my shoulder as the guys got the ball nearer the goal post. I'm not the kind who would scream and cheer, but I'm giving moral support by sitting here, anticaipating. Seung Yoo was sitting on my lap, eyes glued to the field. Sometimes it's quite amazing. Do babies like him actually get so into things like football matches? I'm not really into stuff like this so I'm actually staring blankly at the field when the ball got kicked into the goal post. I don't know how it happened but one point went to the Seung Hyun's team. The match got very intense as the first half of the match was about to end. It ended with 0-1. The next half match continued but I was so bored. I don't like stuff like that. But Jasmine said the results for the next half of the match was 1-1 so Seung Hyun's team won. Feeling happy and excited for him, I carried Seung Yoo and went to look for him in the waiting room. He wasn't there so I walked around the level.

"Seung Hyun ah..."I called when I saw him sitting on the staircase but my voice faded when I saw Young Rin sitting opposite of him. I went behind the wall and sighed. I quickly leave with Seung Yoo. Yeah, how can he just forgets a 3-years relationship so easily? I looked down and waited for him at the entrance of the campus. Then my phone rang.

"Omma." I called as I answered the call.

"Yoo Bin ah...!" Then I heard screamings and things been smashed onto the ground in the background.

"Omma! What's wrong?" My eyes grew.

"The loan sharks are here..." Then a male voice was heard. "Your parents here are not paying their debts. Better get here right now or you will never see your parents again!" He threatened me and hung up the call. I was terrified. I carried Seung Yoo and dashed out to the main road and hailed a taxi.

I ran into the lobby and took a lift up to my parents' office. When I reached the level, what I first saw was the tables and chairs lying all over the place. I ran into the office with Seung Yoo still in my arms.

"You're here, young lady?" A 'big-sized' man walked towards me. I stared at him.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"I'm just getting back something that is mine from the start. Pay up and I will leave immediately."

"How much is it? How much did my parents owned you?" He smiled and sat on my father's table.

"A million won." My eyes grew big. What?!

"I don't have so much. I need some time." I remained my composture.

"I can't wait long. Tomorrow. If I don't get the money by tomorrow, I will make sure this building would collapse."

"How can I possibly produce a million by tomorrow?" I retorted. Gosh, this is ridiculous! He walked towards me and I stepped back.

"I don't care. Sell that son of yours or sell your organs, it doesn't matter. As long as I gets the money."

"Don't go over the line!" My mother yelled and the man holding her back pulled her hair and she yelped in pain. My father started to free from the other man's grip and the man kicked him in his stomach. I glared at the man infront of me.

"I will pay you tomorrow. Leave my parents alone!" I hugged Seung Yoo to me tight, afraid the man would hurt him. Seung Yoo is facing the back as I don't want to scare him.

"I like your answer. Short and sweet. But remember young lady, if I don't get what I want, I can't assure you what will happen to your family. Including that young life in your hands." Then he motioned his men to leave and they brushed past my shoulder and left. My parents ran to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay?" My mother held my face.

"What's wrong? How did you got into this kind of trouble?" I felt like I'm going to faint. I'm still shaking. My parents got quiet. I sighed.

"Omma, appa, go back and rest first. You all must have got a big fright. Don't worry, I will settle everything." I assured them. I need to help them. I need to know what exactly is wrong with the company for my parents to actually loaned so much from the loan sharks.

"I will let you know after everything is settled. Before that, don't appear in the company. It's dangerous." I said before they got into the taxi.

"What about you?" My father asked worriedly. "What are you going to do?"

"Appa, trust me. I will solve this." With that, my parents nodded and wanted me to be careful before entering the taxi. I sighed as I watched the taxi drove off.

"Did you get a fright? I'm sorry. Don't worry, everything is over." I held Seung Yoo's head as I pressed him closed to me. Worried, frustrated, horrified, anxious are all I'm feeling right now. "Where am I going to get so much money?" I asked softly, soft enough to just allow myself to hear.

I took a cab home. I called the maids to take care of Seung Yoo and I dashed upstairs. I went to my room and took out all my bank books and cash. After counting how much I have with me now, I realised I'm short of exactly a hundred thousand. I started to feel so irritated and threw the pillow to the ground.

"Ahh!!! It's not enough!" I cried. I'm so anxious and I'm about to cry. I'm not the kind of person would ask people for money so asking help from Seung Hyun is totally out of the question. Then I suddenly thought of the bank.

"Right!" I took the bank books and ran out of the mansion. I went to the bank and withdrew all the money out and loaned an addition of a hundred thousand. I placed the money in an enevelop and went back to the company.

I cleaned up the place. Making the fallen vases of plants stand up stright again. Picked up the papers and the things that were swept off the surfaces. I swept the shattered pieces of broken glasses and vases. After everything was arranged back in place, I sat on my father's chair and sighed. I the desktop and started to look at the company's stock, the cash flow of the company and all I could do was to sigh and shake my head. I didn't go home that night. I was in the office, working, looking through all the buyers that we have and tried to think of a solution to improve the situation. When my eyes started to get stingy from the long period of staring at the computer screen, I laid back on the chair and closed my eyes. Then I saw Seung Hyun and Young Rin, sitting together like the scene I saw in the afternoon.

"Gosh..." I opened my eyes and saw the empty office and the dark sky with lights from the lamp post lighting up the streets as the background. I stood up, went to the window and looked out. Everything looked so peaceful, but why I felt so bothered? Why am I so bothered by Seung Hyun and Young Rin being together? They are just simply talking. I looked at the clock. 3AM and I'm still not home. I did not bring my phone along with me and I hesitated as to whether to call back or not. What am I going to say when Seung Hyun asked? Then everything came back. Seung Hyun and Young Rin been together today, the two of them making love, how much I had suffered... Then I felt so unfair. Why am I always the one at home waiting for him, why am I always the one doing my duty as a mother and a wife when he is actually out with the other girl? Why can't I be with Soon Yong? Why am I always alone...? Then the door opened. I jumped.

"Seung Hyun... Why are you here?" I stood up and looked at him.

"Why are you here? It's so late already..." He came infront of me. I looked down, not wanting to answer him.

"Why didn't you tell me? You should have informed me and not deal with those people alone. What if something happens?" His voice was a bit loud and as I'm not in a good mood, I take it that he was actually blaming me for not letting him know.

"Where were you then? I went to the waiting room and you're not there. You mean you expect me to go around the whole world just to look for you when my parents are in trouble?" I narrowed my eyes as I shot back.

"You could call me."

"Would you even pick up the call? You're good at not picking calls, aren't you?" Frustrations turned into anger as he continued to 'blame' me.

"What are you talking about? What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't confront those people. Don't you know how dangerous they are?"

"That's why I asked you where you were...!" I raised my voice. "Do you know how petrified I was? Why am I always the one going to you when I need help? Can't you sometimes come to me?!" Tears welled in my eyes as I shouted at him. Without waiting for his reply, I continued, "Those loan sharks threatened us, saying that they would not let us off if they don't get the money soon. Seeing them pulled my mother's hair, kicking and beating my father up... Did you know the fear in me? They even threatened to harm Seung Yoo!" I continued to yell. "Do you know the fear? And what are you doing when we were at risk? Happily hanging out with Young Rin? And now, you are blaming me for not telling you?!" Seung Hyun wanted to say something, but I don't give him a chance to speak. "It's the same case when Seung Yoo was sick. Do you know how worried and anxious I was? I called you, praying that you would pick up my call soon but you were doing those disgusting acts with your girlfriend!" My words became harsh as I poured everything out. "Sometimes I feel that you don't care for this family and you neglected us. I'm the one being loyal, thinking that I'm part of the family so I does all the duties that I have to do. But what have you done?" I was crying by then. I don't know why, but I seemed to dislike Seung Hyun being with Young Rin more than before. I meant everything I said. Why must I tolerate him when he is having an affair?

"Yoo Bin ah..." He started.

"Don't call me!" I cut him off. "You're always like that. Even though you treated me well, you are never the one I could lean on. It's like Seung Yoo and I has nothing to do with you. I'm not asking you to love me, it's just that you don't even do your job as a father and a husband. Although Seung Yoo is not a proof of our love, I do love him. Seung Yoo is my life. But he doesn't seem that important to you." I ignored my tears and continued to throw everything that I kept in my heart for a long time at him. "If I know these were to happen, I would never married you. Why must I be tied to you at such a young age and suffer? There are many people out there who appreciate me more than you!" I couldn't stop my tears. It just kept flowing. Seung Hyun didn't speak a word. I took in a deep breath. "I'm tired. Having to maintain this family alone, it's too tiring and hard for me..." With that, I left the office.

Seung Hyun's POV

I was dumbfolded. Yoo Bin has always been smiling. I didn't know behind those smiles, there were more sufferings. I called her parents when she isn't home at 2AM and heard about what happened in the afternoon. I was worried so I guess she was in the office in the company. I sped there and opened the door to the office and saw her sitting on the sofa. She looked so tired. My heart ached. I was so worried that I ended up raising my voice. She cried so much. I don't know what to say. I'm so guilty. I really don't know that she is suffering alone. I thought I had already done my best for the fmaily but it doesn't seem to be the case. But she had not told me once. She kept it to herself. When something really does happened to her, she wouldn't vent her anger on me and never fails to be there for me when I needed the care and warmth. What have I done to a girl like her? Why can't I see that she is there? I admit that till now, I've not totally forget Young Rin. But I does care for Yoo Bin more now. When she smiles, I feel so blissful. When other people talks about her, I gets jealous more easily. I don't want people to talk about her, not even glancing at her. I want her all by myself. How can I hurt her? How can I hurt someone that has always been so nice to me? When she said she is tired, the cut in my heart deepens. I wanted to hug her but she left before I could even say anything. After a few seconds, I realised that it was real late and I couldn't let her wander alone in the streets, I rushed out of the building to see her got into a taxi. I quickly got in the car I drove here and followed the taxi. She went to her room immediately after arriving at home. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I heard her crying. It's so painful... I knew I really hurt her deep this time. I sat outside her room, leaning on the door. I felt tears falling from my eyes. I listened to her gasped for air every now and then. Even though I can't see, I know she cried to sleep. I closed my eyes and felt more tears coming...
Okay. I felt this chapter a bit weird and I don't know why... The next chapter would be more exciting!!! I hope... I'm smiling to myself already... As I thought of the story. Haha! Stay tune! ^^ Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it. :D

To dopesole, Hi. I'm glad you like the previous chapter. :D I felt so bad for Young Rin... But if something is not your, no matter what, it will still not be yours... Another drama for this chapter, I actually tear up a bit as I typed this chapter. It's so hard for Yoo Bin... No. It's okay. Whether the comment is long or short, it is still a comment and it is as precious. :DD
And all comments surely make sense ^^ Thanks for supporting! ^^

To yoobinfan, Hi. Yes! It's so cute! And I'm laughing as well. Seung Yoo was looking at Seung Hyun sleeping... Thanks for supporting! ^^

To Esmeralda, Hi. Yes! They would make a perfect couple if they were to date in real life! :D Seung Hyun is jealous so he couldn't control his emotions. Not to worry, Young Rin is not pregnant! :DD Thanks for supporting! ^^

To sweetgirl, Hi. I'm glad that you like the chapter. So relieved that readers find it okay. :D NO! She can't see that!!! She going to kick the out of me!!! Haha! Thanks for supporting! ^^

To sehjy, Hi. I'm glad that you like the chapter. :D Yes, I feel bad for Young Rin from the beginning of the story. Er... Stay tune for more! XD Thanks for supporting! ^^

Started- 8:14PM, 080910
Ended- 10:52PM, 080910

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!