Chapter 32

Friendly Marriage
Time- 3:35PM

Yoo Bin's POV

Wiping my hair dry, I went next door, expecting Seung Hyun to be still sleeping, but his bed was empty, nicely-made. I went downstairs and asked the maids about it but they said they had no idea. Thinking that maybe, he just went to work at dawn or something, I shrugged it off and decided to call him later to ask. I prepared myself and took a cab to school. Class was boring today and I almost fell asleep in Mr Song's class. Jasmine was busying texting Jun Hyung, the one who invited her to the dance party last year. Surely there was something between them... Tedious lessons just went on and on until it was finally end of school. Feeling relieved and happy, I packed my bag and skipped out of class with Jasmine.

"I have a date with Jun Hyung. See you tomorrow?" She said and without waiting for my response, she turned around and ran out of the gate. Smiling and shaking my head, I turned the other way to the bus stop. I need to go to my parents' company for awhile and there would be a 'contract-signing' session with one of the buyer. Not a buyer of Maxstyle, just from Kim's Co.

"Appa." I whispered as I poked my head into his office. Seeing him lifted his head and smiled at me, I pushed the door wider and entered. "I'm here." I smiled and Dad stood up and handed me the documents.

"Do well, Yoo Bin ah." He patted my shoulder and I nodded, smiling. "If there's something you are not sure, come ask me okay?"

"Sure, no problem." I smiled and went to the couch to read through, searching for something that I wasn't sure of. But good thing, I knew about it. The task Dad gave was quite easy actually. Biding farewell to Dad, I left his office and went out. I decided to go look for Seung Hyun to see if there was anything I could help. He seemed ultra busy lately. He even went out so early today... Dropping off at the nearby bus-stop, I walked along the pavement which led there and saw a couple coming out from a car parked at the roadside. I thought my eyes dropped from the sockets when that couple was actually Seung Hyun and Min Yeon. You know what they were doing? Smiling as if they were kids who got sweets from their parents, and that Min Yeon held Seung Hyun's hand as she bent down to adjust her shoe. There was a lamp post behind her, why can't she use that as support instead? Relax, Yoo Bin, relax... They are friends remember? Closing my eyes as I took a deep breath, I ran towards them.

"Seung Hyun ah...!" He turned back.

"Yoo Bin? Why are you here?"

"Just passing by." I smiled, trying my best to sound as normal as possible, as if I did not see anything. "Hi." I greeted Min Yeon behind him.

"Hello Yoo Bin." She smiled widely and motioned Seung Hyun she would go upstairs first. I watched her every move and it seemed like there wasn't anything between them. Me and my suspicion again... I turned back to Seung Hyun. He held my hand and went in. We headed to a cafe in the basement.

"Is it very busy nowadays? You went to work so early today." I asked, concererned. "I can help."

"The meeting with Min Yeon was quite early so I had to prepare. Don't worry, I can manage."

"Meeting with Min Yeon? Till now?" My god... You mean from morning till late afternoon? With Min Yeon?

"Yeah. It looks like the factory got the things wrong and Min Yeon would like to change the designs."

"Oh... Okay..." I nodded my head and sipped the ice coffee. When things got wrong, long meetings were possible. What he said made sense. "Min Yeon is upstairs waiting to discuss more things with you right? Hurry go. I would go back." I stood up.

"I have a gathering today. I would not stay till very late." He promise. I nodded and was about to go the other way when I remember something.

"Oh ya. I would be home a little late today." He looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "Meeting a client." I waved the documents in my hands. He smiled and nodded. I waved and walked off. Going home to change, I put on a black dress and tied my hair in a ponytail. Looking matured, I put make-up as well and off I went. The meet up place was a pub. Those quiet, high-class ones. Luckily this pub allowed a minimum age of 18 to enter, if not we would have to discuss right outside the pub. Leading us in, the waiter brought us into a VIP room. First time in this kind of places, I was nervous as well, good that I had the secretary with me. I hope Seung Hyun don't find out that I was here instead of a cafe or a office. I just told him on the phone that we would most probably be in a office, if not, at most a cafe. When the waiter gave us the menu, I asked the secretary to just randomly order something non-alcholic. He ordered a fruit punch for me while the others ordered liqour and stuff. I just hope they won't collapse before signing the contract. The drinks came and we chatted casually first. Meeting with clients at places like these are always like this. Not going to the point, but this was better than I thought. I usually thought that they would sing and drink like shown in the dramas but it doesn't seem to be the case for this client.

"Mr James, if everything is correct, please sign here." I said in my fluent English and he read the contract carefully before signing his name. He closed the file and stood up.

"We hope to have a great partnership with you." I exntended my hand and we shared a handshake. The secretary and I sent Mr James and his secretary out and headed back into the room. Slumping into the seats, we smiled at each other.

"Finally..." He said and closed his eyes.

"Yeah... He can hold his liqour well." I praised Mr James. "Look at how much he drank." I looked at the table filled with bottles and we both laughed softly.

"Do you want to try?" He held his Paradise to me and I shook my head. "It's okay to just have a sip. I love this the best." He said and slightly pestered me to drink. A sip would be okay, I thought. Since I was already here, I should at least try right? Afraid of the taste, I took a little sip. Oh my... Bitter...! I closed my eyes and the bitterness filled my mouth but there was this little tinge of fragrance that spreaded after that. I don't know how to discribe but... It was nice. "Is it okay?" I opened my eyes and he asked. Nodding my head in agreement, I took a bigger sip.

"Thanks for the recommendation." I smiled. I, in total, only took 2 sips. Getting ready to go, we took our bags after paying the bill.

"Apple Martini is good too." He said and although I don't what the hell that was, I guess it was another alcholic stuff. I nodded my head as we headed out of the room. To me, he was like a brother. Being only at a age of 28, Tae Joong had gone through many hardships. He met Dad and it was Dad who sponsered him to university. Now to repay Dad, he decided to work for him when Dad said that that doesn't matter. A nice guy indeed.

"Yoo Bin?" I turned back to the voice as I held the handle of the stairs, ready to walk down. I gasped when I saw Seung Hyun walking out of one of the VIP rooms. "What are you doing here." I watched as he came towards me, looking at me then at Tae Joong.

"I... Client..." I did not even organise the words before saying them.

"You mean, this is where you get the client to sign the contract?" My head hung low, nodding. "Yoo Bin?" I timidly looked up. "You didn't say you are coming to a pub." He noted and I could see he was disappointed. I lied to him...! From the corner of my eyes, I saw Tae Joong still standing beside me, not knowing what had happened. I quickly turned to him.

"Oppa, you can leave first. Thanks for today." I still managed to smile and he nodded before leaving, feeling weird. I turned back to Seung Hyun, not knowing what to say. I was so scared at that time, nervous and scared.

"Why did you lie?" My head was hung low but I could imagine his cold eyes staring at me.

"I... Because you wouldn't like it if I come to a pub." I answered quietly. I heard him let out a cold laugh.

"So you lied?" I did not respond, too afraid to do so. Not getting any response, he stormed back to the room and slammed the door closed, causing the customers, waiters, the people inside the room and including me to jump. I wanted to go in and get everything cleared but I don't know who exactly was inside. He even slammed the door. Leaning against the wall beside the door, I slapped my forehead.

Seung Hyun's POV

What the hell was the girl thinking? Lying just because I might not allow her to a pub? Ridiculous...! Storming off, I slammed the door behind me, giving my friends a great scare.

"Yah. What happened?" One of them held his chest and asked.

"Oppa..." Min Yeon held my shoulder. "What happened?" I just rolled my eyes to no one and gulped down the vodka. She looked towards the door then went over, wanting to know what happened.

"Don't open the door." I 'ordered'. Knowing Yoo Bin would be stoning outside, I don't want Min Yeon to know Yoo Bin was here. Min Yeon walked back and sat down. Throughout, I just kept drinking. Others were having a great time, but I could see Min Yeon kept eyeing me to see if I was okay. Shots after shots, I pushed the liquid down my throat. I pushed Min Yeon's hand off when she tried to stop me and continued with whatever I was doing. I was the least drank. I wasn't even tipsy after all that. When it was 2AM, we decided to call for the day. I walked out quite steadily. Everyone went their way and Min Yeon offered to drive me home. I rejected and started to walk off alone. Seeing Yoo Bin squatting near the wall outside the pub, burying her head in her arms. I stopped, my heart softened. She sure waited for a long time.

"Stand up." I went infront of her and said coldly. She slowly looked up and when she saw me, she quickly stood up. Traces of tears could be seen and I did felt the heart ache but the anger in me was more at that time. I walked away, hinting her to follow.

"Seung Hyun..." She held my wrist, making me stop in my tracks. "I'm sorry..." I looked over my shoulder before walking off. Her hold loosened and she was behind.

"Aren't you coming?" I turned back and asked. She just stood there. She surely can't expect me to coax her right? Mind her, she was the one who lied. Irritated, I made my way back to her and saw tears streaming down her cheeks. Don't be soft-hearted now, I thought. "Stop crying." I looked away, my voice again, cold.

"I'm sorry... Really..." She whispered as tears came endlessly.

"I said stop crying. I'm not going to let this off easily just because you are crying." My words became harsh, fighting against my heart, stopping myself to give in to her. She looked up, taken aback by what I said.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Her voice was shaky, but I could hear that she wanted to rebel.

"Are you talking back right now? For goodness' sake, you are at the wrong."

"I know, so I'm apologising..." Her voice remained soft. "Please don't be angry..."

"How can I not be angry? You are lying you know?! I hate liars and did you just lied to me?!" I raised my voice. If she had told me that she needed to be at the pub, I would find ways to be with her, or better still, I might just say 'okay'. But why must she lie? If she was honest enough, I would be understanding as well.

"I'm sorry. Seung Hyun, I'm wrong..." She held my hand, pleading for forgiveness. I pushed her hand away.

"I can't." I walked away. You may say that I was making a big fuss over it or something and that I should forgive her as it was just a small matter. But to me, it wasn't. Lying is a big thing to me. It is a big deal. If we were friends, I could just forget about it but our status had changed. If there are lies within a married couple, what makes you think that we could last? Nothing could last without trust. Noticing that she wasn't following, I once again turned back to see her seated on the ground. I sighed, not knowing what to do. I wanted to forgive her, go over and wipe her tears but I know this was not something that could be solved by just forgiving. She had to know why she shouldn't lie. I stood there, watching her. I couldn't just leave her here but I also can't go to her. Then, she stood up and livelessly walked down the pavement. I had no idea where she was walking to but I just followed her. She seemed to be walking home. On the way back, there were times when she got tired and missed a step, causing her to fall. I controlled myself not to go over. Call me heartless, but it was so painful to see her getting on her feet and continued walking. I bet her tears never stop, noticing that I did not help her even when she fell. I would stop and looked away everytime she held her foot, getting back on her feet. She must be cursing me right? Probably hate me too. But do she know that when her legs were hurting, my heart was bleeding? I just want her to know why and what I was angry about.

Third person's POV

Yoo Bin pushed the door opened and walked towards the stairs. Looking at the flight of stairs infront of her, she knew she couldn't make it upstairs herself and was about to turn back to Seung Hyun, signalling for help when he just walked past her and up the stairs. She was stunned. He was really ignoring her. Her legs were covered with blisters, scraped skin and cuts here and there but yet, he just walked off? She stared at his back, and watched how the door to his room closed 'cruelly'. He locked the door and slumped to his bed, stopping himself from leaving his room. She on the other side, had just slided to the floor, holding her chest, trying to subside the pain she was feeling, heartpain... This time, she sure got angry. She merely just lied and she deserved this? Knowing that her legs were so injured, he doesn't feel the pain? She wiped off the tears forming in her eyes and cursed silently. Limping, she went to the toilet and cleaned her wounds. Biting her lips, her muscles tensed when her flesh came in contact with water. She went to the sofa and rested, not bothering to climb up the stairs.

Seung Hyun's POV

I couldn't fall asleep. I tossed and turned, my mind was filled with Yoo Bin. Is she okay? Is she asleep? Sighing, I surrendered to myself and opened the door and went to her room. I opened to the door to see her bed empty. I turned around and headed to the stairs. Looking down, I saw her sitting on the sofa, head tilted to one side as she slept. Both her legs placed on the table and I could clearly see the wounds she had even though it was dark. I got the first aid box and went to her. The sight of her legs was quite disgusting I would say. You can see her flesh, with liquids coming out. This girl doesn't even apply medicine... I laid her down on the sofa and sat on the floor, facing her legs. Damping the tissue paper, I cleaned off the liquids coming out and she tensed. After she relaxed, I dipped the cotton bud into the bottle of medicine. I knew she would ran away when she saw what I was applying for her. This medicine could really kill you with its stingy pain but this was the most effective medicine ever. I gently, really gently touched her wound with the cotton bud and her leg tensed and she started to stir from her sleep. I patted her thigh, and thankfully, she went back to sleep. I continued with the other wounds and she never stop gasping softly in her sleep when she felt the pain. After tending to every wound, I covered her with a blanket and retired to my room.

Yoo Bin's POV

Water from the tap came running and I was awaken by that. Rubbing my eyes, I stretched in my original position. I saw my legs were stretched out and when I took a closer look, I realised there were medicine applied. I turned to look upstairs at Seung Hyun's room. The door was closed but I knew he did came down. I slowly stood up but I couldn't move. Okay, I was exaggerating. What I mean was my legs really hurt. Oh god, how am I going to climb up that stairs to get my clothes? I had no choice but to ask the maids to help. I got my clothes and went to bathe. I was so careful not to wet the wounds but still... I nearly scream whenever droplets of water were to reach the openings. After a 'long' time, I stepped out. I heaved a sigh of relief. First time I felt bathing such a difficult task to complete. The maids were still busy fixing breakfast. They were making omelette. I smelt it! I love omelettes! I walked back to the sofa and saw Seung Hyun already seated there. He saw me but ignored my presence. So I ignored him too. Who caused my legs to be in this state? Rolling my eyes with my head hung low, I sat at the couch and wiped my hair. My comb was upstairs...! Damn... How I wish I did not walk home yesterday. I should just follow Seung Hyun when he walked off... Aish...! Acting as if nothing was wrong, I looked away from his direction. My bag was still left on the floor since midnight. I went to pick it up.

"Come here." I heard him said and I turned back, seeing him looking at me expressionless.

"No." I sat back at the couch and opened my bag, hoping to find a comb. Can't he come? His legs were fine but not mine.

"I said come here."

"I don't want to." I replied, not looking at him. I reached for the little comb in the bag and I smiled happily, like kids. I stood up to go to the toilet but before I can take the third step, I was dragged back. I was thrown to the sofa and he shoved the first aid box to me.

"You know what to do right?" He stood infront of me and I nodded. "Do it then." He motioned me and I slowly opened the box. I hate to apply stuff on my wound. It seriously hurts. I took cotton buds and cream instead of the medicine. No way I'm gonna allow that liquid to touch my flesh. Before I could remove the cap of cream, Seung Hyun snatched the tube from me and squatted before me. I saw him taking that bottle of medicine out of the box. The one that I swear I wouldn't want to use. I quickly stopped him and gave him a very afraid look. He simply shoved my hand off and removed the cap.

"Seung Hyun ah... Please, no..." I begged. But he did not even look at me, just picked up one cotton bud and dipped it into the opening. I quickly stood up, wanting to leave when he caught my ankle. "I don't want. Please." I begged once again but he just pushed me back down. My hand covered the opening. He looked up at me and I shook my head lightly. He came and sat beside me down and lifted my legs over his lap. "Ah... Please." I was in the verge of crying already. I attempted to take the bottle from him but he has so much more strength than me. I started to move, wriggling out of his hold.

"Shall I get the maids to hold you down or you just keep still?" Again, the cold voice that I hated and feared of.

"Chop off my leg or do whatever you want, just please don't get that thing on me..." I held his hand holding onto the cotton bud away from me.

"I would still have to carry you if I chopped your leg off. Would I be so dumb to do that? Keep still." I quickly pulled my leg back when he was lowering his hand. He sighed, motioned to a maid who happened to pass by and she came.

"Okay okay... She does not need to come." The maid then went off after Seung Hyun motioned her to. I closed my eyes tight, waiting for the pain to shoot through my nerves. I buried my face in my hands when I felt the cooling sensation, immediately followed by the stingy pain. One time was enough... I covered my other wounds with my arms, shielding them from that 'heartless' Seung Hyun. He shot a look at me, while my cheeks were damped by tears. Ignoring whether he was angry or not, I quickly stood up, wanting to run as far from him as possible. He was 'cold-blooded'. It was really painful and he insisted in his way. He once again, grabbed my wrist before I escaped. He put down the bottle, together with the cotton bud and pulled me back down again. Seeing that his hands were away from those scary things, I relaxed a little.

"The wounds would dry faster with the medicine. So why are you avoiding it?" He asked and what I did was just shook my head. "Just get over with it okay?" He looked at me, while I just looked to the front, not agreeing to his idea. Once again, he placed my legs on his lap and picked up the bottle from the coffee table. I held his shoulder, stopping him. I was really scared of that medicine, seriously super duper afraid of it. He tried to pull away but I wasn't going to release him. "Yoo Bin?" He called. I just closed my eyes, not wanting to listen to anything he said. But stupid me, I only held onto his hand that was holding the bottle, he has another hand...! So with that free hand, he took the bud, dipped the cotton area into the medication and spreaded it on my wound, the opening...! My eyes shut tighter, my grip tightened, trying not to yell. Another tear escaped and I thought my legs were paralysed. He continued and my nails dug into his skin.

"Seung... Hyun... S-Stop..." My voice soft and weak. He just damn refused to. I caught his hand holding the cotton bud, tears flowing. He pulled me to his shoulder.

"One more. Last one okay...?" My face was in his shoulder and I shook my head, hoping that there was this little chance that he would stop. Upon contact with the liquid, my muscles tightened, my hand squeezing his arm while the other balled into a fist, pressing on the leather sofa, tears broke out from the corners of my eyes. My knuckles so white, waiting from the pain to go. He lightly poked my head. "Okay. Done." I released him and turned away. My face must be so red from the tolerating. Still can't get over the pain, I still had the urge to cry. I stood up, not wanting him to see my crying face. He would tease me for being a cry baby again. "Does it hurt so much?" He coughed a laugh and stood beside me. "Here." He hold up a piece of tissue.

"Try applying next time...!" I slightly raised my voice, irritated, ignoring the tissue. "It's really painful..." My voice faded as I continued to sob. Turning me to face him, he wiped my tears off.

"That's why. Who taught you to walk home? Just recall how long we had walked." His voice became warm again, making me want to cry more.

"You say you can't forgive me..."

"But I didn't say not to send you home..." He caressed my face, looking straight into my eyes.

"You were really angry..." I said as more tears came, thinking about yesterday. He smiled to me and hugged me, caressing my head.

"I was... But I thought you would follow me to hail a taxi. I did not expect you to walk back."

"I thought you doesn't care for me anymore. You never come when I fell so many times... I really thought you had changed..." I was about to broke down at that thought.

"If I don't care about you anymore, I wouldn't follow you back. I could just go the other way and took a cab you know... How silly you are to even have that thought..." He tighened his hold as I mentally heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered and he pulled away.

"You know why I was angry right?" He bent down to meet my eyes. I nodded. "What was it?"

"I shouldn't lie in the first place. Even if you would not like it, it is never the excuse to lie..." I said my 'reflection' and looked up to see him smiling down at me.

"Never lie anymore okay...?" I nodded. "I would really get angry if this happens one more time." He warned and I nodded again. Happy again, we sat back on the sofa and waited for the maids to finish preparing the meal.
Okay. Sorry for the long wait. I don't have ideas... Damn... But still, hope this is interesting enough. Thanks for reading and hope you like it. ^^

P.S. Holidays started last Friday, so I guess I have more time to search for inspirations? ^^

To devilsbabe96, Hi. But Min Yeon has not done anything evil yet... Haha. I did see the pictures on the event. I was wondering what's wrong with his make-up artist lately. His make-up ... There was once at a particular event when his make-up was so much, making his face really white, like vampire... I got a shock of my life... I was like what had happened to TOP...? Haha...! Thanks for supporting!^^

To rachelee1031, Hi. Haha... I hope I would not turn her into a hateful person... It would be sad if that happened. Here's another chapter. Thanks for supporting! ^^

Started- 3:35PM, 021010
Stopped at '-', 6:42PM, 021010

Continued- 8:26PM, 021010
Ended- 10:05PM, 021010

Posted- 1:04PM, 031010

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!