Chapter 27

Friendly Marriage
Time- 2:24PM

Third person's POV

"Our wife is so smart. Top student for the first quarter of the year. I'm so proud of you." Seung Hyun patted Yoo Bin's head as they walked along the corridor. He had came to school to attend the 'Meet the parents' session. The word 'parents' doesn't really match their case, but well...

"Of course... Everyone calls me Professor Kim." She told him proudly, earning her a chuckle.

"Professor...? You're far from the term 'professor', my dear..." He slung his arm over her shoulder. She elbowed him and he chuckled again. "Oh ya. What day is today?" He asked without looking at her.

"Thursday. Why?" She turned to look at him.

"Date?" He asked more.

"25 May." She answered in a 'obviously' look. "Don't you know?"

"Ah... A very important date. What's so special about today?" He stopped and bent down to meet her face, smiling to her like a child. She looked at him weirdly. "Think carefully." She scratched her head before answering.

"Is there something I need to remember about today?" In response, he gave a 'what-the...' look and looked away.

"You forgetting this important date hurt my pride. So what if you got the first place again? You did not remember what you should rememeber." He looked down at her. She thought again.

"25 May..." She bit her nail as she thought and thought. "29 May is the day we would start our modelling. Other than that, there's nothing near the date scheduled. What's happening today?" She even asked back. He turned around, back facing her, hand holding his forehead. She thought she really forgotten something really important and became nervous. "What is it?" She ran infront of him and asked, eyes widen in anxiety.

"It's nothing to do with work. Think again, this is the last chance." He said. She looked puzzled.

"Not Seung Yoo's birthday. Not mine nor your's. We already celebrated my Dad's and your father's ones. Others still have a long way to go..." She mumbled to herself. "Wait wait wait..." She held her hand up and closed her eyes, trying to focus and then she suddenly thought of it. She opened her eyes, controlling her curved lips as she looked at him, looking all normal. "I really can't remember..." She 'confessed'.

"You just crashed my pride. What is this only me remembering?! I seriously... This is so ridiculous... No, you are the one who is ridiculous...!" She covered as she giggled. "You still have the cheek to laugh?" He looked at her, slighted 'disgusted' by her. She continued to laugh and laugh, ignoring the weird glares her husband had been giving her. Finally, she squatted down in the middle of the corridor, laughing.

"Yah! I'm here, deeply hurt and insulted, and there you are laughing your heart out...?" He stood infront of her, looking down. "Stand up." He stretched out his hand and she looked up, her face flushed with all the laughing she just had and took his hand.

"Your reactions are funny. That's why I'm laughing..." She reasoned, this time her tone sounded as if she was defending herslf.

"You're really something, Kim Yoo Bin." He shook his head and walked ahead. He was indeed a little disappointed. How could she not remember?

"Yah!" She called out, still in her original place and he stopped his tracks, turning back.

"What...?!" He called back, a bit pissed.

"Where's my present!" Her hand extended out as she yelled, for he was standing quite a distance from her.

"Huh...?" He acted blur. "What are you talking about? Let's just go back and finish up the last touch up for the modelling, since you are so concerned about that." With that, he turned back again and walked, this time slower. He knew she was going to run to him. True enough, he heard fast footsteps running up to him.

"Yah...!" She ran over to him but he doesn't stop. She continued and reached for his arm. "I'm calling you!" He turned to her.


"You are so petty..." She rolled her eyes as she looked away.

"What did you say...?" His eyes widen. She was the one who did not remmeber the date and now she was calling him petty...? Her gaze remained away from his face and with her lips clasped together, she smiled. He looked at her, don't know what she was up to. Why was she smiling? What's so funny? A moment later, she looked up at him and smiled happily, threw her arms around his neck and pulled him lower. He was surprised at her action, eyes widen in surprise and confusion. What was wrong with this girl?

"I said," She started. "Happy 3rd anniversary..." She whispered the last three words into his ear and tiptoed to hug him tighter. He came back from the daze and smiled, glad that she still managed to remember. He hugged her waist and slightly lifted her from the ground and then put her down again.

"I thought the present I've prepared is going to waste." He whispered to her.


"If you really can't remember, I'm not going to give it to you." She slapped his back.

"Yah...! How can you not give? Give it to me." She demanded. He chuckled and pulled away. "Where is it?" She asked as her demanding hand extended to his face. But instead, he took it and started ranning through the corridor and down the stairs. "Seung Hyun ah..." She panted as she followed his lead. "Slow down..." Ignoring her, he turned around the corner and sprinted to the back potch in the school. Then he suddenly came to a halt, standing on the grass patch. "What... Is this it...?" She bent down, hands on her knee caps as she panted. "Making my hair messed up with a 200m run?" Instead of answering, he took her hand again and pulled her to the emergency stairs. He turned back to her and then smiled.

"No one knows that this place exist..."

"I know this place...!" She rolled her eyes and retorted tiredly.

"Are you sure?" He smirked and pulled her behind the stairs. With his legs, he kicked off the mat on the ground and there was a square flap opening! Looking up at her again, he smiled, seeing her confused look. "You said you know there's such place?"

"What... I don't know..." She shook her head. He bent down and lifted the opening. Dusting off the dirt on his hands, he pulled her nearer. She looked down and there was a flight of stairs that leads downwards. She took a step back.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"What is that? It's creepy...! You're not thinking of going in there, are you? Let's not go down." She shook her head and was about leave the place when he reached for her arm and dragged her with him. He carefully pushed her to the first step and urged her to take another step so he could also enter. She relunctly took one and turned back to him, seeing him closed the cover after he entered and then total darkness. "Seung Hyun ah..." She couldn't see anything and began to fear. She can't even see the steps! He felt for her shoulders and hold onto it.

"I'm here. Here." He handed her a torchlight he just fished out from his back pocket. He used his handphone and flashed it on the steps under him so he could walk down safely. "You see the light there?" He asked.

"Yes..." She nodded.

"Now, go over. Becareful, there are still some more steps." He reminded. She nodded again and she went to the source of light. She came down the last step and an inviting view welcomed her. She stood still, looking around, not knowing what happened.
It was so different from the stairs that lead in here. It was so homely... Although the walls were not painted and there isn't much furniture, it was somewhat better than she thought, at least it doesn't feels creepy. She turned back to see Seung Hyun behind, watching her.

"What is this all about...? I mean... How you found out about this place?" He sat on one of the chairs, crossed his legs and smiled at her, happy that she was actually impressed by him.

"I found this place quite long time from now already. Two years ago, when we were arranged to marry..." He said and looked up at her. She pulled a chair beside him and sat down, leaning closer to him as she listened. "I was wandering in school when I reached upstairs." He pointed above. "To be honest, I was really against my parents at that time and the argument with Young Rin doesn't help. So I was kicking the ground as I walked and realised there's an entrance that leads in here." He turned to her after he finished. "Why are you looking at me this way?" She then smiled to him, with her face rested in her palm.

"You know what? I used to think in the past that our friendship would just end... Even if we were to marry each other, we wouldn't be as close... But who knows..." Having not finish her sentence, she smiled to herself. "You wouldn't know how much I worried about that, you are the only friend I have and I really don't want aything to ruin our friendship."

"I think it's all up to fate. Not only our friendship maintains, love grew within us..." He said, thinking about their past. "Saw that divider there?" He asked again after a while and motioned to the divider that seperated the room into two.

"Yeah... Why?"

"Can you help me push the divider to the side?" He asked. Thinking that it was nothing, she stood up and reached for the edge of the divider and pulled it as she walked, completely revealing what was behind the boards. She then stopped, when she saw what was in the other side of the room, staring at it. "Get the divider completely out of view." He urged her when he saw her froze in her spot. She went over to the other side, mouth gaped and tears formed in her eyes. Infront of her, there was a banner that says 'Kim Yoo Bin, I love you'. She looked at the floor, seeing that she was in the middle of a enormous heart. Not made of flower petals, but instead, drawn of red chalk. Not romantic, but she still smiled, totally loving it. The heart was properly drawn. She walked further in towards the desk. A red lamp placed at the side and photo frames filled the desk. Pictures of them from kids till this date were there. Her sharp eyes found the red envelope hidden between the frames and picked it up, slowly pulling out the paper.

Dear Yoo Bin,

I know it is not romantic, but I had something to tell you. After looking around, get inside the heart.

Seung Hyun.

She turned to look at him to see him pressing on his phone. He on the other hand was trying to pretend, acting like nothing happened. She up the tears and stepped inside the heart, back facing him and waited. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she did not turn back, afraid her tears would spill out. He went infront of her and held both her hands, looking straight into the deepness of her eyes.

"I never knew this would happen, that the both of us would have something beyond friendship. I was so sure, so sure at that time that my heart belongs to Young Rin and you are at most, just a friend, a wife on paper, a wife in the law. I couldn't see what you did for the family, how much you contributed. I was shameful enough to be the least grateful when you give in to me all the time, all the while, for I thought that you would and should understand that I had someone I like. As your friend, I have not once really thought for you. Only till one day, when it just hits me that happiness only exists when I see you every morning when I woke up, seeing you carrying Seung Yoo downstairs, complaining when he refused to eat, pouted at me and ask for my help. When you smile, I thought my heart stopped. When tears fall from your eyes, I felt my heart aching and I decided that I would do anything to see you smile again. I don't know when this started, but you had became more important to me and the image of Young Rin became blurry and smaller. But still, I didn't realised, that I had fallen for you... Seeing you with other guys really makes the organs in my body shake and boil, ready to explode. I don't want you to smile to other guys, except for me. I want to be the only one in your eyes. When other males talk about you, I would become aware and concerned, when they say something they shouldn't, violence is the only word in my mind. I couldn't think properly, I cannot control myself. The first time in my life I resolved conflicts using violence is because of you. I wasn't that kind of person in the past. You knew that... Just... I don't know. I think that they do not have the right to even say a word about you. "
She smiled, looking down. Her index finger smerged the tear at the corner of her eyes. He pulled her closer to him. "If you were to tear, I promise it would be tears of joy..." He continued. She sniffled and nodded. Tears poured out, smiling and crying at the same time. He smiled at her silliness and wiped off her tears, pulling her into his arms. "And my love for you would only increase." He said, his voice so soothing. He pulled away and smiled at her, caressing her face... "I had fallen for you, deep..."

Yoo Bin's POV

"Don't lie. Young Rin unnie sure came here before." I assumed. We were sitting on the ground, with a mattress under us. We chatted about random things and the topic came to whether anyone knows about this place.

"Young Rin doesn't know about this place!" He denied. "I came here just to get a little personal space, why would I bring her along?"

"Then why you did you bring me here?" I questioned. He hestitated.

"It's because... It's because I have graduated... And I thought I could show you here. That's why..."

"Psh... Whatever." I knew the reason, just want to ask.

"It's true! No one knows here. Even if people were to know, it would be the school staff, since it used to be a basement here."

"Basement?" I turned to him.

"Hm... The basement is out of bounds due to something which I don't know... There's two entrance but one of them is not locked."

"Eh~ Then everyone came here before!" I cried.

"Go around and ask your classmates, they wouldn't know. It was long time since here were out of bounds. I checked it out online already."

"Now I feel a bit creepy... Why is it out of bounds? Is there something...?" I asked, scanning around the room for that 'something'. He chuckled and knocked the side of my head with his.

"You are the biggest 'something' here."

"It's weird, don't you think so? If everything is fine, why would they lock up this place?" She asked, holding on his arm. "Why would you come here? Let's just leave." She tugged on his arm, wanting to leave.

"There's nothing here! Stop being suspicious okay..." He remained seated.

"But..." She stopped and looked down at the mattress they were sitting on. "Wait... Don't you think this looks like the one Seung Yoo had?"

"I took this from home..." He said nonchantly.

"What?" Her eyes widen. "Yah! No wonder Seung Yoo's mattress went missing!" She slapped his shoulder. "I even blamed the maids for losing it." He laughed.

"He has so much so he should share. Most of the things here are brought from home. Pillows and stuff..."

"I can't believe you seriously..." There was nothing I could say about him. He was just... too cute or what?

"Okay. Let's go." He stood up and extended his hand to me.


"Didn't you say you miss our childhood times just now? Come on." I took his hand and got up. He put the mattress away and pulled the divider, hiding the things behind it. He took my hand and climbed up the stairs.

"We are here." He stopped his car and got out. I came out and immediately, a cool breeze swept my hair. I love it! He got my hand and pulled me to a tree.

"Opposite the road," He checked and turned back to the tree. "One," He walked passed the tree. "Two," And passed another. "Three, four, five, six!" When we reached the sixth one, we squatted under it and looked at each other, knowing what each other was thinking and the next second, we began to dig. "There..." He dropped the stone in his hand and held up a capsule. I have one in my hand as well and we opened them.

"Keep smiling, my princess." He read the rolled-up paper.

"I'm smiling because of you, stupid..." I laughed as I read. Memories rushed back. When I was 15 years old, I was betrayed by my boyfriend. That bastard... Cheated on me... I was really sad and refused to go home. I stayed at this beach, staring at the waves hitting the coast. I did not even realised that night had came.


Continous ringing from my phone echoed in the silent beach, yet it can't pull me back from my own world. Tears are not even flowing. I guess all of them were dried up. The ringing stopped and I sighed. I knew none of them would be from that bastard. How foolish of me to think that he would still call me after everything had happened. I stood up and began to walk towards the sea, leaving my phone. I walked along the damped sands. The waves rushed up and wetted my sneakers but I cared the least. The tide increased and the water covered my entire feet. I turned to face the sea and found myself walking towards it. I entered the sea until it reached my thighs. The waves hit against me but it doesn't stop me from moving forward.

"YOO BIN AH!" Someone screamed my name but I did not turn back, just continued moving deeper and deeper into the black sea. Then someone grabbed my arm forcefully, dragging me back to the coast.

"Let go!" I yelled, flunging his hand off and ran into the sea. He chased after me and pulled me by the waist, taking me away with every strength he had. When we reached the coast, the both of us panted. He turned to me and pushed my shoulders.

"YAH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He glared at me. "Are you trying to drown yourself? Just because of one failed relationship?" He shook my shoulders hard. "Answer me!" He screamed. "Why do you want to die?! He should be the one dying, why should you die?!"

"SHUT UP!" I shouted and squatted, covering my ears and shook my head.

"Wake up! He's gone! He doesn't want you anymore! Even if you die infront of his eyes, he will not give a damn to it. So get back your senses!" He pulled my hands off and yelled in my face. Seung Hyun's words pireced my heart so deeply and the pain I was feeling was really killing me. I sat on the sands and the tears came again. I totally went crazy, kicking my legs as I cried out loud, grabbing a fistful of sand and threw them. He just stood infront of me, watching me do my insane stuff. I screamed, I cursed, I hit the sand under me, but I still felt so miserable. When I grew tired, I finally stopped, but my tears never stop. I don't know how to stop them. I slowly stood up and strolled back to look for my phone. I took a last look at the bastard's contact number, up the tears that were ready to fall and with the last strength I possessed, I threw it far into the sea. I slumped back to the sands, hugging my head. The waves kept coming, drenching my legs and my pants. Seung Hyun pulled me up but I wouldn't budge. Who would I listen to in that situation? He sighed and his hands went to my armpits and pulled me away from the water and let go. I heard him talking to the phone and it sounded like he was talking to my father.

"Hang up the phone." I said coldly, back facing him. "I said hang up the phone!" I screamed to the sea infront of me and panted.

"Okay okay..." He sat beside me and patted my back, trying to calm me down. I snatched his phone from his hand and threw it into the sea as well. "Yoo Bin ah..." His eyes widen, seeing what I just did.

"I don't trust anyone now. I don't know what you would do just to get me back. If you are still going to report to my parents, then leave." I shot back. See how crazy I was... I lied down and closed my eyes, ignoring him, letting him leave if he wanted to, but soon, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up despite how much I hoped that I would never ever wake up again. I want to die in my sleep. I was lying on something hard. I sat up and saw how Seung Hyun bent his back, sitting as he slept. He even blocked the sunlight as his body hovered over me as I laid my head on his lap. I got up, removing the coat covering me and covered Seung Hyun and had a stroll along the water. I looked up the sky and my mind was blank. I felt something under my foot and saw Seung Hyun's phone. Ah... I threw his phone earlier on... I picked it up and his phone but of course, it was spoiled. I held onto the phone and continued to walk. I then saw a white, shiny shell just a few steps infront of me. I went over and was about to bent down to pick it up when my wrist was pulled back. I moved backwards and nearly fall.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Seung Hyun's eyes widen.

"I was just trying to..." I turned back, wanting to show him the shell but it was gone. "Aish..." I looked up at him. "It's gone!" I suddenly became frustrated and I saw him relaxed.

"What's in you hand?" He asked.

"Oh." I looked down to my hand and extended it to him. "I'm sorry... It's spoilt." He smiled and took it, shrugging his shoulders. I walked back and a coat was placed over my shoulders.

"Don't catch a cold." He said when I turned to him. I smiled faintly as I looked down.

"That's the way! Keep smiling. The world is still revolving, you see..." He slung his arm over my shoulder and pinched my nose.

"Thank you..." I smiled more.

"Anything for you, Your Highness." He said cheerfully, which really warmed my heart. Yes, it was time to forget everything and move on.

"Shall we curse that bastard?" He asked and I tilted my head, looking confused. I smiled when I saw his pissed off look.

"Why are you smiling? I would really kill him if I see him again." He promise.

"He's not worth the effort, oppa." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Then let's just curse the out of him." He took my hand and ran under a tree. "Curse him here." He handed me a small piece of paper and a pen. He reached for something in his pocket and handed it to me. "After finishing your deadly curse, put in and buried it. After 4 years, we would see if that really gets it." Then he laughed evilly. I chuckled as I was amazed by him. How he came up with such idea? I just played along with him and wrote something. He finished his and together, we buried them.

"What curse have you placed on him?" I asked.

"Lee Gyu Jun to be burned to death." He winked at me.

"Oppa..." I called, can't believe that he actually wrote that. I still love that guy and to see him, becoming chacoal-black... I don't want!

"Why? He should die! How dare he cheat on my princess..."

"Change your curse!" I began to dig but he pulled me away.

"Let's go home~" He began running to the taxi-stand, pulling me along with him.

End of flashback.

"I thought you cursed that guy."

"Look at who's speaking. Didn't you cursed that he will be burnt to death?" I asked back. He stood up and dusted his hands. He took me by my hand and went near the water.

"Just imagine what would happen if you didn't come and look for me..." I muttered, looking out to the sea.

"I would regret and blame myself forever..."

Seung Hyun's POV.

We sat on the sands. Yoo Bin was hugging her legs while I laid a little back, supporting myself with my palms pressing onto the soft, fine sands.

"You even made me call you princess. It was so embarassing..." I complained to her when we recalled the times when I was 8 years old when she suddenly wanted me to treat her like a princess forever. We were at a party held by Yoo Bin's parents then.

"You were so not gentlemen then... You just wouldn't call me 'princess'." She pouted.

"Yah. What's the big deal about that? I even got scolded when you cried. It's not like I bullied you..." I complained again.

"That's why you should just do as I said..." Yoo Bin was this demanding and firece when she was younger. She really thought she was a princess and wanted everyone to obey her.

"Why must I when you always call me an idiot?" I shot back.

"You are really a dumb back then. How can you be that slow in studying...? Retard..." She rolled her eyes and giggled softly.

"Yah! Retard?" I sat up, stared at her with eyes widely opened and she stuck her tongue out.

"Babo..." She continued giving me names. I began to tickle her and she started to free herself from me.

"Go away...!" She stood up and started to run away. I gave chase and pulled her wrist.

"What you say? Which part of me looks like a retard?" I tugged her towards me and attacked her again.

"Okay... Okay...! Stop!" She cried and missed a step, falling to the sands, pulling me down together with her. I landed on top of her and our eyes met. She looked away after a few seconds and wanted to get up. I held her hand, stopping her and admired her beauty. Gorgeous eyes, pretty nose, chubby cheeks and... those lips I would never get tired of. Despite the people around, I leaned in and saw her slowly shutting her eyes. My hand reached the back of her head, lifting it up as I devoured her lips. Her hands around my neck and I could sense the people slowly down their pace to watch us make-out. I smiled in her lips. Whisperings could be heard and that distracted Yoo Bin. She looked over my shoulder and saw the crowd. She shut her eyes tight and covered her face.

"Ah...!" She screamed softly in her hands and I got up, turned to the crowd and smiled to them, before turning back and pulled Yoo Bin up.

"Omo. He's handsome...!" I was dusting the sand off her back when a girl cried softly to her friend. I smiled to myself and looked back at Yoo Bin, only to see her turned to look at the girl. Not staring, just looking... I pulled her away and went back to our original spot.

"Arg...! Why must you kiss me there!" She raised her voice once her landed on the sands.

"You are enjoying too..." I told her and looked away.

"Oh my god... It was so embarassing!" She covered her face. I chuckled and there I goes, teasing her.

"Shall we get a room then?"


"What? If not, you want us to do it here?" I asked innocently. She slapped my chest and sat further away from me. I pulled her over but she refused to move. I sat nearer to her and she quickly stood up. What's with the big reaction? With a swift move, I pulled her down and she was seated on my lap, her legs stretched out. "Why are you standing? Running away again?" I secured her with my legs bent, trapping her in between, her legs hanging over my thigh. "You think I would make love to you right here?"

"There's nothing I knew that you can't do." She stated that made me laughed, real hard this time.

"Yah, how can I do that here? Everyone's looking..."

"I don't know..." She tried to stand up but I pushed her back down and cupped her face. Her face flushed as she held her breath. I was just teasing her... God, she is so adorable... "Ah... What are you doing?" She whispered, eyes shut tightly as I leaned in. She looked so nervous.

"Shh... If you want to do it here, you have to be quiet..."

Yoo Bin's POV.

What the hell did he just said? Is he serious about it...? I pushed his hand, trying to stop him.

"Please don't do it..." I pleaded. My heart was like thumping so hard, banging onto my ribcage. I mean how can he do it here?! Mind him, we were at a beach! And the time now was 6:30PM...! Imagine the amount of people!

"Gosh... I can't stand it anymore..." Huh?! What was it that he cannot stand? My body tensed even more. "Don't be so tensed! I'm not going to do it here. You thought I would expose your body infront of so many guys here? Look at what you are thinking..."

"Then why are you doing this? You scare the hell out of me!" I relaxed a bit after what he said. He rolled his eyes.

"I only want to kiss you. Tell me what's so scary about that." I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then you could just say. Why must you make it seemed like you are going to me here?"

"? Oh my god... Forget it. Get away." He released me.

"Yah..." I covered his phone when I saw him pressing the buttons.

"Tsk...!" He pushed off my hand.


"I'm not in the mood anymore!"

Seung Hyun's POV

I can't believe my ears that she actually used the word ''. But she indeed got relaxed when I assured her. Knowing that she wanted me to kiss her too, I pretended to be hard to get. Hey, I don't have a lot of chances to play hard to get okay... I have to treasure every opportunity I had. So I took out my phone and just pressed the keys while my phone was locked, acted as if I wasn't interested in whatever kisses anymore.

"I'm not in the mood anymore!" She rolled her eyes at my words and snatched my phone away.

"I'm going to throw this again like the last time I did 4 years ago." She threatened.

"Go ahead."

"Yah...!" She whined, throwing the phone lightly onto the sands instead and turned away. Notice that she continued to sit between my legs and refuses to leave? I picked up my phone and took a picture of her looking at the sea, with the red sun glow dying the sky, dying the sea. Her lips slightly pouted. She turned back when she heard the sound produced by the camera function. "What did you do this time?" She became irritated and tried to snatch the phone again. I held it high. She kicked her legs in frustrations, admitting her defeat as she turned away. She totally leaned back on my thigh as she continued to watch the sunset. She took my hand on my kneecap and hugged it. I looked up from my phone, knowing she was into the sunset now and had forgotten about everything. I pulled my hand away and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I watched the sun slowly entering the sea. "Oppa...?" She suddenly called, her eyes still fixed at the setting sun.

"Yeah?" Why the sudden change of calling me? She moved closer and leaned on me.

"Thank you..."

"For?" I asked, sitting straighter.

"I had always not have the courage to return here. Afraid that I would remember the scene 4 years ago, but now, I think I can just come whenever I want." She left my chest and leaned back on my thigh, turning back to see me. I smiled and rubbed the tip of my nose with her's. She smiled back and pecked on my lips. "It's good to have you around. I love you." My heart skipped a beat, hearing those three words from her. Feeling happy, I bent forward and sealed her lips...

Hello! Back after so many days and here's the new chapter! I had typed some childhood memories of them and also sweet moments as readers suggested them. I hope they are still fine. Thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed it. ^^

P.S. The Korean Pop Night Concert in Singapore is over and I saw an update on Facebook by Teens Magazine saying that 'And yes, TOP is smoking y in real life. Omo ....' They only comment on TOP... I guess he is really that y. No, he is that y! :D

To ize, Hi. I thought of watching the movie yesterday but my friends aren't free, so it's postponed. :( I guess I forget about the girl in the Taiwan trip... Aish... Sorry about it. Here's the next chapter! Thanks for supporting! ^^

To devilsbabe96, Hi. Do you have any ideas on the revenge? Feel free to suggest. I would like to hear from all of you! Er, when I got to know WonderBang, the pairing was So Hee and G Dragon, so I would stick with HeeDragon instead. But still, it's up to you! :D Fighting to you too! Thanks for supporting! ^^

To lanza1521, Hi. Nice to meet you! Another new reader for me! Thank you for reading. :D Here's another chapter and about the second child for TooBin, I can only say, stay tune! *Wink* Thanks for supporting! ^^ (Oh ya, you may add me in Facebook if you want. [email protected] I would like to make friends with all readers!)

To Esmeralda, Hi. I thought I could describe more on their trip. Sorry for making it draggy. To what you suggested, I had typed them in this chapter, although I don't think I did a really good job but yeah... Yes, there's alot of people around me who are weak towards certain people. Maybe I'm one of them too... But at least Yoo Bin did rebel instead of keeping quiet. I would continue to try harder. Thanks for supporting! ^^

To sehjy, Hi. Here's a little more about their childhood. To that, I would continue to type more of their childhood memories. So stay tune! Thanks for supporting! ^^


Started- 2:24PM, 231010
Stopped at '-', 3:54PM, 231010

Continued- 10:52PM, 231010
Stopped at '--', 11:49PM, 231010

Continued- 1:39PM, 241010
Ended- 6:18PM, 241010

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!