Chapter 25

Friendly Marriage
Time- 11:02PM

Seung Hyun's POV

"Yoo Bin ah. You should stop..." I called to Yoo Bin infront of me. We were along the streets at a fashion street called WuFenPu Fashion Street. She really has to kick that habit of spending money 'generously'. Look at my arms and you would know. Five bags in each hands and Yoo Bin herself was having six carriers with her. I can't believe this...

"But we have not even finish shopping half of the street..." Heard what she said? Barely half of the street and looked at how much she had already bought. I caught up with her.

"Let's put everything in the coach first."

"But there wouldn't be enough time then." She objected.

"If you were to buy more, how are you going to carry them?" I held my hands up, showing her that my hands were overloaded. She relunctantly agreed and we went back to the coach and came out empty-handed. I carried Seung Yoo so Yoo Bin could shop easier.

"Seung Hyun ah, you want this?" She held up a leather shoe and I walked over to have a look. Not really nice actually so I shook my head. She then picked up a high heel shoe and asked for her size. In less than 3 minutes, we left the shop with another bag in her hand. She would become this scary when it comes to shopping... Yoo Bin continued to buy bags and stuff for all of us. No matter how much I told her that I don't like it, she just pay. Seung Yoo's wardrobe would burst from the clothings she bought, not forgetting mine as well.

"I'm really fine. The design doesn't attracts me." I tried to tell her again but she just walked to the counter and paid for the stack of clothes she chose. I would stop her if it was in Korea, but since she was shopping overseas, I tried to be understanding. She may be distressing stress or she just want to spend money, but either way, don't you think it was a bit too much...? I wasn't stingy with money or what, just... It scares me to see her like this. But still, I let her do her way. I'm trying to be a nice husband here. The fashion here is good and I too, bought some stuff that I like. I thought she was trying to get inspiration at first, but the more I looked at her, the more I understand that looking for inspiration was the last thing she would do at that moment. It was quite tiring to shop with her but seeing her in high spirits the whole while, the smile she wore when she existed each shop, it was kind of worth it. She was living in her own whole then. She wouldn't listen anything from anyone. I understand her. This is the way she is.

"I'm tired..." She said when we finally reached the end of the street.

"I'm waiting for you to say this." I said. "Let's rest then." And together, we entered a restuarant. We looked at the menu and we don't understand a thing. We just looked at the pictures and just ordered the one we thought would be nice. Everything here would be served in a 'toilet bowl'. As in the food is placed in a bowl in a design of a toilet bowl. We saw this online and we had always wanted to try. Yoo Bin ended up choosing the green tea flavour and the chocolate flavour ones while I ordered a mango flavour one. She did it on purpose. She chose the ones which looked the most disgusting. When the ice cream arrived, the both of us started to laugh. She covered her face and laid her head on the table as she laughed at the sight of the ice cream. Mine was okay as it was orange in a brown 'toilet bowl', but her's were brown and green... We expected it to be really disgusting but we just happened to laugh when the desserts came. Just amazed by it.

"Eat..." I laughed as I pushed the two 'toilet bowls' to her.

"I... Puhahahahahahahaha...!" She continued to laugh. They really look like ...!

"Seung Yoo ah... You want ice cream?" I scooped some chocolate ones with a spoon and served it to him. Yoo Bin covered as she watched. Without any hestitation, Seung Yoo opened his mouth and tasted the dessert. "Is it nice?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Ahh..." He called, hinting that he wanted more.

"Yah... Seung Yoo said it's nice. Eat." I chuckled as I said to Yoo Bin. I gave Seung Yoo a taste of the green one this time and his response was good too. "Eat." I told Yoo Bin when all she did was just looking at Seung Yoo swallowing the sweet treat. "Come on." I took a mixture of the brown and green ones and extended the spoon infront of .

"If I eat, you have to eat too."

"Fine." I promise her and she slowly opened and ate it.

"It's nice." She said as she laughed a bit. "Your turn." She scooped a big portion with the spoon and wanted me to eat. Actually, if you didn't look at the 'toilet down', it's not that disgusting... I leaned in and opened my mouth as she pushed the spoon in.

"Not bad." I commented. We then shared the three types of ice cream among ourselves. We were laughing and fooling around, attracting the attention of the other customers. After eating, we settled the bill and left.

"You bought so many?" The tour guide asked when he came to the back of the coach and saw the bags on the seats. We were the only ones sitting at the back seats and the whole stretch of seats were occupied by the bags while Yoo Bin, Seung Yoo and I occupied only two seats. Yoo Bin just smiled and the tour guide smiled back.

"It's so embarassing. I told you not to buy so much." I whipsered to Yoo Bin. Everyone was looking at us and our overwhelming shopping bags with dropping jaws.

"Why must we care about other people when we are using our money?

"But isn't these too much?" I motioned to the bags.


"We even bought another luaggage just to contain everything you bought and you are saying these are not much?" I talked back.

"Psh..." She had nothing more to say so she just ignored me. When we arrived at the hotel, we had difficulties moving out of the bus because of all the bags. Embarassing...! Yoo Bin ignored everyone's glares and just headed to the lift. I followed behind her with Seung Yoo in my arms.

"Ahhh...! I'm so beat!" She laid flat on the bed when we entered the room. I put everything down and laid on the bed as well. I think it was more tiring for me. I need to carry all her stuff as she did her crazy shopping. She got up and went to bathe. Seung Yoo was on the bed, waiting for his mother's return so he could also wash up. After he washed up, it was my turn. When I finishing bathing, I came out to see Yoo Bin at the dressing table working on something while Seung Yoo was fast asleep.

"What are you doing?" I hugged her from behind and saw her busy designing.

"I got inspirations today." She said without turning back as she continued to sketch. "Min Jung unnie inspired me quite a lot in the afternoon and after the shopping and the ice cream thingy, I have new ideas."

"We could leave it to the designers. You don't have to work so hard." I told her as I picked up the paper.

"It's my design. Don't try to copy it." She snatched it back and turned over, not allowing me to see the details. "I want to be credited if this design really succeeded."

"You have not even fully pay me for the hair thing yet." I reminded her.

"What? I paid you already. That was it...!"

"Yah, it's not even 50 seconds..." I told her.

"I don't care. That's it. Go and sleep." She 'shooed' me away so that she could continue with her work. I went to sit at the bed and wiped my hair dry as I watched her back. She looked up and saw me in the mirror and smiled at me sillily. I coughed a laugh and slightly shook my head. What can I say about her? She was so crazy about shopping a while ago and now, she's all so hardworking... I watched the television as I waited for her to finish her stuff.

"Are you done yet? Leave everything for tomorrow. It's getting late already." I went beside her.

"Soon. Go ahead and sleep first." She said, her eyes not leaving the piece of paper as she erased her mistake. I laid on the bed and waited for her. After about 40 minutes, I felt a pressure on the bed and saw her finally laying down, back facing me. I went to hug her from behind.

"Not asleep yet?" She asked.

"Going to sleep now." I smelt her hair as I closed my eyes again. "How is it?" I referred to the design she had been working on.

"Fine. Just need more editing and touch-up and it will be completed."

"My wife is a pro..." I praised. She laughed a bit. "I miss the ice cream just now..." She quietly added.

"They seriously looked like ..." I laughed softly as I answered. She chuckled softly and held my arms around her.

"Shall we go there again?"

"Okay. Let's go there again tomorrow..." I hugged her tighter.

"Seung Hyun ah, good night..."

"Good night, my princess..."

Okay. Another chapter is up. A short one though... Going to sleep. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed. ^^

Started- 11:02PM, 181010
Ended- 12:29PM, 191010

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!