Chapter 21

Friendly Marriage
Time- 5:07PM

Yoo Bin's POV

I woke up and turned to the other side and found Seung Yoo asleep on the other bed. Seung Hyun was not around. I sat up, yawned as I stretched. I stood up and went over to Seung Yoo to see his sleeping face. Peacefully asleep. I smiled and went to the toilet. I accidentally kicked the carriers on the floor. Just for the first day, I think I had already spent a lot. You would get a shock if you were to come into my room to see how many bags I already had.

"Seung Hyun?" I called, peeking into the opening as I pushed the door to the toilet. It wasn't closed completely. Seung Hyun stood infront of the mirror, with the toothbrush in his hand, looking at me.

"Good morning." He greeted and turned back to the mirror.

"Morning." I smiled and went to the mirror as well and reached for the toothbrush. We fooled around as we both brushed our teeth, elbowing each other as we pushed each other out of our way.

"Yah!" He fall back and hit the bath tub. I smiled to him and rinsed my mouth.

"Be quick~" I said without turning back and left the bathroom. I went back to Seung Yoo. We need to get prepared as we were about to gather soon. "Rise and shine, baby~" I patted Seung Yoo's stomach. Seung Yoo stirred a little and finally opened his eyes. I smiled at him. "Good morning~" I carried him and brought him to the toilet. The door was still not fully closed so I thought Seung Hyun was still busy brushing his teeth. So I just pushed the door opened and saw Seung Hyun facing the toilet, urinating. I gasped, eyes widen. I thought I nearly dropped Seung Yoo. I quickly closed the door and turned around and I heard chuckles. Gosh... Why is he always like this...? My Seung Yoo saw it too!

"Baby, your turn..." I heard the door opened and waited for him to walk past me, but instead he whispered seducively into my ears before walking off. Feeling embarassed, I quickly entered the toilet. I used the toilet first before washing Seung Yoo. I drained the water in the bath tub and walked out. I handed Seung Yoo to Seung Hyun and went to take my clothes.

"Make it fast. I need to shower too. Why not we shower together?" He said, sitting on the bed with Seung Yoo on his lap.

"Stop teasing me." I shot him a death glare. Yes, he just want to tease. I went back into the bathroom and got a quick shower. With that, Seung Hyun went in as I dried my hair.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked when I saw Seung Hyun stepping out, wearing a tee. Short-sleeved.

"I have a jacket." He held up the biker jacket he had with him. I nodded and checked if everything was in my bag. After that, we headed out. Seung Yoo was infront of us, running.

"Seung Yoo ah." I called and he turned back. I motioned him to come to me as I smiled and he ran to me. Looking at how cute he was, I squatted and hugged him.

"Appa..." He called and extended his little arms, looking up at Seung Hyun. Seung Hyun just smiled and swooped him up.

"Yes, honey?" He pinched Seung Yoo's nose. Gosh... The two males were really... Even my precious was taking after his father.

"Gosh... I can't believe this..." I muttered as I continued to walk.

"He is a Choi after all..." Seung Hyun boasted about the bond he has with our son with a fake smile. "But it's okay. You still have me. Cheer up!" He continued as we entered the lift.

"Psh..." I looked away. Okay, I wasn't pissed or anything, just playing along with him.

"So why love him so much when he doesn't love you as much..." He said quietly.

"Yah...! Don't say that!" I slapped his stomach, followed by a glare. "I would still love him more than you. No matter what..."

"Tsk. I can't believe you just said that." I stuck my tongue out and that was when the door opened. We saw our group members and the tour guide at the area infront of the main entrance and we went over. We greeted and waited for further instructions. We then got on the bus and headed to a restuarant to have breakfast first. Buffet! I like buffets! We sat at a table and I went to get the food first. I basically got everything, although I don't know whether it would suit my liking or not. "Wow. You sure have a huge stomach." Seung Hyun said, looking at the plates I brought back.

"Your turn." I took Seung Yoo from him and went to sit. Seung Hyun went off and came back after a short while. I must say, not a lot of variety in his plate, but whatever~ We dug in together. Seung Yoo was seated on the baby's seat, holding onto the bread in his hand. He isn't eating it, just want to have something to hold onto so Seung Hyun just randomly gave him something. I continued to feed him before feeding myself and I even finished the already flattened bun in Seung Yoo's hand. It's not good to waste. The female teenage in our tour group, sitting at the other table, kept looking at our direction. Looking at Seung Yoo, I guess. I smiled at her and she smiled back. But maybe, she was looking at Seung Hyun...? Why must he be so handsome...?

"Yah. It looks like someone has her eyes on you." I said as I poked the hotdog with the fork.

"Hmm?" He looked up at me and turned to the side. "What?"

"Nothing." He continued to look around and I think he saw the teenage looking at him.

"I told you. You can't understimate my looks and charms." There he goes again... Yeah... Continue boasting... Seeing me ignoring him, he continued, "Come on, you don't have to be jealous. It's not the first time you see..."

"Shut up." I continued to eat. Actually, I'm used to it already. In school, a lot of girls like him so...

"You don't have to be so bothered it. Why are you jealous?" He thought I was really upset and patted my head as he laughed.

"Just don't get jealous when some guys look at me later." I said when I suddenly remmeber that my popularity isn't that bad either.

"If there are even guys looking at you..." He eyed me. Gotcha! I hit hard right at his 'Jealousy nerves'. Soon, we got up the coach again and begun on our trip! Wee!!! Actually, I already realised a male having his eyes on me. We were walking into a museum then.

"Seung Hyun ah, prepare to get jealous." I said as I secretly smiled to myself and walked ahead. "Seung Yoo ah, look~ What is this?" I carried Seung Yoo to let him see the display of a sculpture. I turned to Seung Hyun behind and smiled at him.

"Saw that girl looking at me?" He said proudly. He wanna start a jealousy war right?

"Oh, I saw that all along..." I smiled as if I really saw her looking at him again, and I winked at him. The guy looking at me was behind Seung Hyun and in the angle, it was as though I was winking at the guy. Seung Hyun looked back and put on a smile, a fake one.

"Yoo Bin ah, don't go too far..." He smiled and said as he placed his arm on my shoulder.

"Haha...! You shouldn't have started..." I laughed as I said. To the other people, we looked like a loving family, having so much fun, but who knows what our conversation was about...? My smiles remained all the way and my jaws started to hurt. But still, I beared with it. We toured around the museum with the tour guide telling us about the history and stuff. Being super interested in history, I listened attentively and I got a lot of knowledge. Then we were given time to tour the rest of the museum in our own groups. I held Seung Yoo's hand as we walked around.

"Hey. This looks like the one at home...!" I said when I saw a gold ornarment in the display.

"Er... Is it?" Seung Hyun doesn't seem to think so.

"It is." Then we continued to walk. The time given was more than enough. When we finished walking the whole museum, there was still time so we went down to the ground floor. We saw the tour guide there with a few members so we went over.

"Finished touring?" The tour guide asked.

"Yes." I nodded as I answered.

"You son is cute." He squatted down to look at Seung Yoo. "What's your name?" Seung Yoo just looked at him.

"He's Seung Yoo." I replied.

"Oh, you are Seung Yoo? Nice to meet you..." The tour guide held Seung Yoo's hand and Seung Yoo smiled at him. Seung Hyun then wanted to use the toilet so he left.

"How old are you?" A man from the group asked, bending down.

"How old are you, Seung Yoo ah? Tell him your age." I was hoping Seung Yoo knew how to say 'one'. "Say one." I smiled down to him, but he just looked at me.

"One year old?" The man smiled warmly to my son and when he looked back at me, I smiled back at him. Don't be mistaken, he's an elderly. Soon, Seung Hyun came back and it was about time to go to the next destination.
Okay. A short one for now. I had not been to Taiwan yet so I just used my imagination. Hope it's okay. Shall update again later. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed.

To devilsbabe96, Hi. Happy Belated Birthday! :D My birthday is on 24 February. Quite early in the year, which made me old in my group of friends. Hahas! Life is fine for me too. Thanks. Love you too. Thanks for supporting! ^^

To yoobinfan, Hi. It's okay. :D Yes, I'm not so sure when a child starts to talk, but I guess he can at least address his parents...? Thanks for supporting! ^^

To Esmeralda, Hi. Yes! I think he would need to thank them instead in the end. Haha! From the usual cases, when people are married and they had made love, they seem to have the image of them being already married. I mean it's okay since they are really married. But I thought it would be better if a married couple could behave like friends, like a dating couple. This is would marriage life more fun. This is what I think. It's quite funny at how Seung Hyun complained about his son. Just imagine his pissed off face. Ah...! I would always smile to myself whenever I'm typing such chapters. :D Thanks for supporting! ^^

Started- 5:07PM, 161010
Ended-6:32PM, 161010

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!