(With rated contents)

Friendly Marriage
*Rated scene from '***' to '***'. Reader who don't wish to read that part, upon seeing the signs, please skip. ^^

Time- 8:27PM

Yoo Bin's POV

"Miss Kim, why aren't you writing your reflections?" The teacher-in-charge in the detention asked, standing by my side.

"I have nothing to reflect on." I responded so boldly.

"Miss Kim, if you continue your way, I would have to call your parents."

"Go ahead." The teacher-in-charge then walked back and flipped through the class lists and punched the keys on the phone. I rolled my eyes, annoyed by the things that happened just now. In less than two mintues, Seung Hyun came into the room and did not even glance at me. He went straight to the teacher's desk.

"I'm here to pick Kim Yoo Bin."

"Take a seat." The teacher offered. I knew he was outside waiting for me but I was brought to detention. "Miss Kim refused to write her reflections. I would let her go after seeing her reflections but she just refused to. She had been sitting here for half an hour but nothing is written." When I first came here, there are about 4 to 5 students but now I was the only one still here.

"She would admit if it is really her fault. It's my first time hearing that she is rude..." Seung Hyun was siding me.

"Still, she has to finish her reflection. If not, she is not leaving." The teacher insisted.

"Yoo Bin ah." He came to my side, pulled a chair and sat. "Why aren't you writing?" He swept my fringe aside to have a clearer view of my face.

"I didn't do anything wrong." I stated.

"Did you explain to the teacher?" He asked me, an arm resting on my shoulder as he looked at me.

"She doesn't believe me." I whined.

"Okay. I trust you. You are so well-mannered, why would you be rude to a teacher?" He smiled as he said. "But why would you waste your time sitting here just because of the teacher? Might as well do the reflections and leave. Right?" I nodded slowly. "Good girl." He patted my head and handed me a pen. I took it and scribbled 'I would not be rude and promise to respect the teachers in the school.' 30 times. I passed the paper to the teacher and I was dismissed.

"What happened?" He finally asked when we were outside, walking to the bus stop as Seung Hyun's car was in for a check.

"This is ridiculous..." I rolled my eyes. "I'm only writing the reflections because she is not worth of my time!" I raised my voice and patted my chest, trying to calm myself down.

"Yeah! She is not worth of our time." He agreed. "But what exactly had she done to make my lovable wife so worked up?" He looked at me and asked. I then began to tell him what happened.


I was revising for the test later at the canteen as I waited for Jasmine to return from the staffroom as she went to see a teacher. Then Jung Ri came and decided to mess with me. She snatched the file from my hands and flipped through.

"Yah, you think you would pass with these notes?" She smirked as she read my notes. "You're lucky if you barely passed. These are crap...!" She threw the file on the floor and Min Ju 'accidentally' spilled her strawberry juice on it.

"Yah!" I screamed at them. I stayed up till 12 midnight to finish writing the notes and they did this? I exhaled through my mouth and rolled my eyes at them and pushed them aside, picking up the disgusting papers. They then giggled before leaving. I had no choice so after waiting for Jasmine, we went back to class and revised together. My mood was seriously ruined. I was already stressed enough and this happened. Soon the test began. After finished writing my name, I flipped over the question paper. I looked through the questions to choose a easy topic to write my composition but there was none that I knew. No ideas, no inspiration whatsoever. I sighed. Great! I don't know why, but I'm just pissed. I flipped to the other section and decided to begin on the report writing first so I started writing on a fresh piece of paper. I wrote the format for the report and I wrote wrongly and as I ran out of correction tape, I crushed the paper and began on another piece of paper instead. I was so pissed at that time and I ignored when the ball of paper dropped to the ground. I could just picked it up later on right? Then I continued to write but I did it wrong again! So I crushed the paper again. Then the invigilator came.

"If you were to pay 100 won for each piece of paper you wasted, would you still do that?" I looked up and found her staring down at me. I kept quiet, waiting for her to finish her nagging so I can continue on my writing. I don't wish to waste my precious time to argue with her. "It is not your money so you are wasting it?" Gosh...! Her tone was as if I'm wasting the school's money or something?

"I ran out of correction tape." I reasoned after sighing to calm myself.

"That doesn't mean you can crush the paper after just writing a sentence on it." She shot back. "And this is littering." She pointed to crushed paper on the ground. "Pick it up." She moved aside and I bent down to picked it up. "I'm going to complain if you continued to waste." What the hell is wrong with her?! Must she chose this time to talk about all these?! Oh my god! Is she taking me for granted because I'm keeping quiet?

"Then what do you want me to do?" I shot back, totally fed up. "I couldn't borrow stationaries from others. I have no choice." My eyes enlarged in anger as I started to vent my frustrations on her. The class was watching a live drama as I had not once talk back to a teacher. "Fine! I would pay you 200 won in total...!

"Are you talking back now?" That's it! She's seriously getting on my nerves.

"Are you going to be responsible if I can't finish my paper and fail?" I raised my voice. "Why must you say all these now? You have ruined my mood!" Upon finishing what I wanted to say, I rolled my eyes and looked away, feeling so absurd. Seeing that she had nothing more to say, I continued, "Don't disturb me. Please go away." I tried to sound polite. I picked up my pen and started to write again. But the anger in me doesn't seem to die down. And infront of her eyes, I wrote the wrong format on purpose and immediately crushed the paper. I turned to her. "I need a piece of paper. Thank you." And I turned back to the last piece of paper and continued to write.

"See me after school." She said after getting me a piece of paper. Yeah, hell great, I totally lost all the little inspiration I had. I took a deep breath and continued to write. As time was running out, I quickly wrote the report and the composition. The report was still okay but I wouldn't say that for the composition. I just hoped I didn't went out of point. I prayed for that not to happen. Please...! I met the invigilator after the test.

"I don't want to see your wasting paper again. It is not right." I rolled my eyes and coughed a laugh.

"You think the others actually would return the unused paper to you?" I then walked to the waste paper basket and randomly picked up two balls of paper. I uncrushed them and placed them on the teacher's desk. One of them is blank while the another had a rabbit drawn in red with a caption that goes, 'I don't know how to do! Why so hard!!!'. "Do you still think that I'm the only one wasting paper? At least I have a reason that I crushed the paper and I did write something on it." I was just telling the teacher how I felt and that I shouldn't be even scolded by her in the first place. I was shocked at my boldness for this is the first time I had the courage to speak up for myself. Was it because of the anger and frustations in me? Then she went on to say that I was rude and sent me to detention.

End of Flashback

Seung Hyun laughed softly. We just gotten on the bus by then. "Wow... My Yoo Bin had became more brave than before." He slung his arm over my shoulder and patted my nose with a finger.

"Arg...! I'm still so angry...!"

"That's right! What is wrong with the teacher?!" He joined me. "Yah, just tell her that you have plenty of 100 won to pay her the next time." I chuckled at that.

"Why hadn't I thought of that?" I asked aloud as I tilted my head to look at him.

"Yeah. Who is she to bully my wife? It's none of her business anyway. She should have just invigilated the class well and not bother the students. Mind her, you were having a test." I laughed a little.

"Okay. Everything had passed so just forget it."

"But I have a demerit point now. I had not once step into the detention room and now I got a demerit point for nothing!" I complained. He pulled me to him and said,

"That's not important. You didn't do it and only that matters." He hugged me and kissed my hair.

"But why are you in T-shirt? Shouldn't you be working?" I pulled back and asked. He said he would be taking a half day off to settle the Taiwan trip things and he should be in his suit if he came from work.

"I changed in the company. It would be weird if I wear a suit and take the public bus. And... It wouldn't match with what you are wearing too." I was wearing a black T-shirt with a blue jacket. I noticed him wearing jeans too, like me.

"Are you trying to wear couple tees with me?" He was also wearing a black graphic T-shirt over another white long-sleeved cotton T-shirt.

"You noticed that already?" We both laughed. We looked like a normal, young dating couple sitting at the last row in a bus. Judging from our attire, we looked as if we are high schoolers. We chatted through the ride and soon, we reached our destination. We hopped off and into the travel agent. Seung Hyun and the staff there talked about the details. To be honest, I wasn't listening. I walked around the area and slacked around. Such talks are really killing me with its boredom. I saw Seung Hyun nodded and handed our informations over. I went back to the seat beside him and watched as the staff got the details keyed into the computer. Seung Hyun made the payment and signed the necessery stuff. They then printed the plane tickets and handed them to us. Yeah...! We are really going to Taiwan! Happy!!! I read the details on the plane tickets on my way out, smiling.

"So happy?" He asked.

"Yes!" I nodded enthusiastically. He laughed to himself and hung his arm over my shoulder as we walked along the streets.

"I'm hungry..." I stopped in my tracks outside a snack vendor.

"You want to eat this for lunch?" I nodded. "Eat proper meal when it is meal time..." He guided me away but I pulled him into the stall.

"Ahjeossi, two bowl of noodles, two servings of rice cakes and one serving of sausages." I called out loud for the owner to hear and pushed Seung Hyun down on the chair. I sat opposite him and waited for the food to arrive.

"You must be eating in such places often..." He always dislikes me to fill my stomach with snacks.

"Why? There is noodles here. And the food here are better than those in resturants. Save money and get high quality food..." I said. "You do eat in these places too. So don't stop me."

"But at least I still do have proper meals first." He defended. Then the food arrived. I thanked the owner and dug in.

"let's eat~" I said in a cute voice and slurped the noodles. He shook his head lightly and began to eat as well. The both of us finished all the food and were like so damn full. Then I suddenly thought of soju.

"Yah. Shall we order a bottle of soju?"

"Crazy. In the broad daylight, you want to drink?"

"People are supposed to drink when we are in such places." I said and raised my hand. "Ahjeossi, one bottle of soju please." But then Seung Hyun stood up and went to the owner.

"No. Cancel the soju. How much is it in total?" He asked and paid cash when the owner said 11350 won. He pulled me up and left.


"I don't want to carry you back. Just think about how heavy you are... Please think for me." He said and held his shoulder when I elbowed it. "Yah! You would be knocked out by just one shot so blame yourself. You can drink all you want if your drinking improved."

"Psh..." I rolled my eyes. I knew he also doesn't like me to drink. It's not good for health. "You wouldn't allow me to drink, how would my drinking improve? You even banned alcoholic drinks at home..."

"You are quite scary when you are drunk." And it hit me. When I'm drunk I'm really quite embarrassing. Seung Hyun told me that I removed my clothes and would pull him to sleep with me. Ah...! What is wrong with me?! Seeing me keeping quiet, Seung Hyun knocked the side of my head. I stared at him and he pinched my nose. Then we went home.

Seung Hyun's POV

After having a bath, I went to the study room and did some of the work. It was 2AM then but still, I hope to complete some of the workload. I turned to the documents infront of me as I loaded the page.

"Seung Hyun...?" I looked up and saw Yoo Bin poking her head in.

"Not sleeping yet?" I said as I lowered my gaze back to the papers on the table. She came in and hugged me from the back.

"Here to accompany you..." I could smell the berry body foam she used. She let go and looked at what I was doing.

"I'm finishing soon already. Why not you watch some videos first?" She nodded. I went to the television console and pulled out the drawer. "What you want to watch?" I turned to her and she came and squatted beside me. She looked around but it seemed like nothing caught her eye. "I borrowed a movie from one of the managers. Wanna watch that?" I stood up and went to my briefcase and pulled out a casing. Yoo Bin took it and read the summary behind.

"It's pirate." She laughed and I shrugged. She placed the disc into the DVD player and went back to the sofa. I continued to my work and soon I finally completed the work. I went beside her and joined her in the show. I picked up the DVD casing and read the summary. Typical love story, I thought. Yoo Bin laid her head on my shoulder.

"Are you tired? Do you want to watch again tomorrow?" I asked as I bent down to see her. She shook her head.

"I'm not tired." She said with her eyes on the television screen. "Oh ya," She looked up. "How's the project?"

"Fine. The designers are now working on the logo and the clothes already." I assured her. She nodded.

"I could help in designing." She offered.

"Just study hard." I stressed that her studies are more important.

"I'm in the fashion design course okay... I could just take it as practice."

"Fine... I can never win you." She then smiled cutely at me and then we heard some weird background noise. We turned to the screen, only to see a couple... Yes... You're right... Making love...

"Yah...!" She turned to me and hit my chest. I really don't know...!

"I really have no idea..."

"What do you mean you don't know? You borrowed from your staff...!"

"I really don't know! I have not even watch it, how would I know?!" I replied.

"You should know by the name!" She cried.

"Yah, then why do you not know when you first saw it?" I shot back. "And how you expect me to know when the name of the movie is 'Love Rain'?" She then went quiet and I noticed her eyes went back to the screen. It's not like we have never watch before but... It's unexpected you see. So in the end, we still watched. The thing about watching is that there will be no conversation... It just happened to be like that. I don't know why... Yoo Bin's body stiffened as she watched and I knew she was getting excited. I had to admit I'm aroused by that movie too. It was intense you know...?! I then laid my head on her shoulder as I smelt her hair. I really controlling myself. Then she leaned her entire back on my chest. I straightened my back in response. Is she seducing me? What she did next made me more stunned and more assured that she indeed had more bravery now. She seperated my legs and sat in between, pulling my arms to wrap around her waist as she leaned back again.

Third person's POV

Yoo Bin was indeed excited. Really excited. For the first time, she hinted she wanted . Seung Hyun felt her back pressing hard on his chest and he was still controlling. But without him noticing, he started to smell the scent from her neck. Yes, he was trying to resist but it doesn't seem to be successful. She smiled faintly with her eyes closed and turned back to him. Totally breaking his control, he crushed his lips on her, cupping her face. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, supporting her as he pressed his lips harder. She held his hand which was cupping her face and savour his lips as well. He suddenly pulled back and looked into her eyes, asking for permission to proceed further. After making love on the day of his graduation, he realised that she was really shy. This time, he doesn't want to do it just to satisfy himself. He wanted her to be prepared as well. She smiled and nodded. She cupped his face and kissed him as she wanted more. He deepened the kiss and pulled back. He pulled her up and went for the door. On the way, he switched off the main switch of the television and the DVD Player. He pushed her into his room and locked the door behind him...

11:55PM, 081010
11:59 or so, 091010

The room was dark. Just a little moonlight coming from outside of the window. Seung Hyun pulled Yoo Bin to him, crashing his lips with her's again, more hungrily this time. Her hands went to his neck while she tasted his hot lips. One of his arms went to her waist under her sweater, wrapping her as he pressed her against him, while the other went up to cup her cheek. Feeling his touch, she tiptoed and hugged him tighter. She held his shoulders when she needed to breathe. They watched each other as they inhaled and exhaled heavily. Lust in their eyes, in addition of love. He attacked her lips again, totally breaking his restraints, seeing her pink and swollen lips. He lifted her sweater over her head and dropped it on the floor. She followed his example and tugged on the end of his shirt, hinting him to get it off too and he smirked.

"Have patience Baby." He said, pushing her hands off gently. He went to her neck then further down to her collarbone. He brushed his slightly parted lips up her chin slowly, knowing it would arouse her more. She trembled, feeling shivers running down her spine. She closed her eyes and buried her face in his shoulder and exhaled through , trying to let out some of the overwhelming pleasure in her. He pushed her to the door, hitting hard on her back but she smiled. She likes it when he is rough on her.

"Be patient..." She reminded with a teasing tone, looking up at him. He swiftly pulled his T-shirt over his head and flung it off his hand. He ran his hand along her curves while she bit her lip, trying to stop herself from . His hand reached her back and unhooked her bra so he could roam her entire back without any obstacles. She really want to moan as his little act was giving her great pleasure but she knew he was doing that to hear her moans and was actually teasing her. She doesn't want to give in. Seeing that she doesn't have any kind if reactions, he smirked to himself and slowly, his hand went inside her shorts. He heard her gasped a little as she tensed slightly. Knowing his motive, she contracted the muscles at her abdomen as she waited for his touch. Another series of exciting shivers rushed through her spine when she felt his big hand. She shut her eyes, controlling. The corners of his lips curved up in a victorious smile when he felt her being damped by her juices. Teasing further, he continued to caress her down there, over the thin fabric as he bent down to her neck and exhaled through his nostrils, brushing his hot breath against her. Eyes and mouth half opened, she felt his abs, tracing the lines. She clenched his shorts in her free hand.

"Not ?" He asked.

"Make me moan then..." She said softly, her voice shaky. With that, he tugged down her shorts and pulled her to the bed. Pushing her down, he looked at her.

"Wanna bet who's going to moan first?" He challenged. "The one who moan first must obey everything the other people said for two days. On?"

"On." She agreed with hestitations. Sh knew she would lose, no matter what. She was receiving too much pleasure from him. He seperated her legs and knelt between her. He bent down to kiss her on the lips. He lowered to her neck, smelling her fragrance ahain. He reached for the bra strap, ready to pull it off but stopped when he suddenly remember how shy and uncomfortable she was when they did it the last time. Noticing, she pushed on his shoulder lightly, causing him to look up and she smiled at him, another hand went to his hand and pulled the bra off her. His eyes widen a little at first but chuckled softly when he realised that she was fully prepared and she wanted him too. She arched her back to kiss him, pulling him down by his neck. They kissed passionately. He rested one of his elbows on the bed, supporting himself. Then he pulled back, smiling down at her while he caressed her cheek. She smiled back, closing her eyes. He sat up and slipped down the last cloth on her. He threw the on the floor. He got back on her. She opened her eyes slightly when she felt the weight on her, only to see him smiling mischievously but before she could even give him a wonderingly look, her face twitched as she felt the sudden intrusion. She looked up at him and slapped his bare chest playfully.

"Yah..." She whined. He pulled her hand to the bed and pinned it there. He slowly pulled out his finger and pushed it back in. She grabbed onto the bedsheet while she clenched the one being held on by him, digging her nails into her palm. Seeing what she was doing, he peeled her fingers and saw the marks on her palm. He then intertwined his fingers with her's and continued to .

"Mm..." She let out one with her lips clammed together as the pace quickened. She doesn't want to let him win too easily but still... Finally getting a slight response, his desire to 'win' burned more and he inserted another in. It was her first time experiencing this and it felt quite weird to her. He quickened his , seeing her biting her lower lip, really trying hard to control herself.

"Uhh..." She accidentally let out one. He smiled to himself and kissed her neck.

"I won..." He whispered and soon, his speed came to the maximum.

"Uhhhh... Seung... Hyun ah..." She arched her back and slumped back down on the bed.

"Uhhhhh...!" She released another moan from when she felt herself releasing a warm sensation. Her eyes closed as her whole body relaxed. He pulled his fingers out and lapped it clean as he watched her exhuasted face. She tasted sweet. He then swept her hair off her sweaty face and kissed her forehead. Her eyelids flapped opened when she felt her cheek being caressed by him. Kissing her, he showed his affection towards her. He gave her a taste of herself, hugging her tight. He had completed the and was starting on the actual one... He sat up again and pulled down his shorts, together with his boxers to reveal his now hard and huge member, standing proud. Pulling her hips nearer to him, he placed her legs on his lap on each side. She jerked when she felt the tip of brushing her opening.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh..." A sweet long moan escaped from her lips as he slowly pushed in. Her legs auomatically wrapped around his waist tight. He hovered over her and massaged her and the other pressing the bed, holding himself up as he continued to . Her head flew back in esctasy, grabbing the bedsheet. She arched her back to touch his body with her's. He closed his eyes when her boby against his, feeling the goodness of it. He continued to increase the speed.

"Call me... Uhhh... Oppa..." He said in between his s.

"Huh...? Wha- What...?" She was panting and she can't really register what he was saying.

"Oppa... Call me... That..." He managed to repeat as he rocked their bodies. He likes hearing her address him that but since they are married, she doesn't call him Oppa anymore. She ignored his request.

"Uhhh...." Seeing that she doesn't comply, he slowed down and then stopped. She looked at him wonderingly.

"I'm not continuing until you said that." He said with a serious look.

"What...? Look at our position." Her eyes widen as she 'argued' back. He doesn't move. "Aish... Stop your nonsense already...!" She was frustrated. It was torturing her, with him inside her but doesn't do anything. He smirked again.

"Calling or not?"

"No." She turned to her side. His eyes narrowed and he moved his hips forwards once to force it out of .

"Uh..." She was totally weak now but she doesn't want to give in to his childish act. She just looked back at him and the both of them waited for each other. He beared all the feelings he was feeling and waited. Just like how he would bug her to give him what he wants, even in the situation they were in, his childishness doesn't change. She wanted him to continue and he wanted her to just call him 'oppa' once. Can't wait any longer, she slowly ran her finger tips from his waist up to his chest. She would just have to seduce him. She knew he couldn't control long. She arched her back a little and hugged him, pressing her lips on his chest, up to his Adam's apple and stopped at his neck. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist and she waited. He was slowly becoming weaker too. She clunged onto him and held the back of his head.

"Seung Hyun ah... I want you..." And slowly, she bit on his neck, leaving teeth marks. He groaned at the first act she initiated and turned to her neck.

"I want you too..." He bit her brown skin. More pleasure came and she hugged him as if her dear life depended on it. He pulled out and rammed deeply in. They moaned uncontrollably.

"Oppa... Uhhhhh...!" She finally called and this made him went nuts. They were drenched in their sweat and the room had the scent and the hotness of . Then, her walls clenched and this made him released too. The both of them ed. The liquids mixed together and some dripped down her thigh. He ed a few more times, making sure to released everything before laying on her. After he catched his breath, he pulled out slowly and pulled up his pants. Seeing her knocked out, he got off her and put on her bra for her and also a robe he took from his crouch. Tying a knot infront, he laid down beside her and pulled her to him and hugged her, kissing her hair.

"Good night..."
I'm back after a long wait. Exams are really something... I started this chapter last Friday and I only finished it today. Sorry about it... I had my first paper last Friday and I was seriously pissed off. What happened to Yoo Bin and what she said were actually said by me in school. How could the invigilator do this!? I seriously can't believe it. I'm still so annoyed by her till now... But I suddenly thought that I could add that in this chapter. So it's true, that all things have their advantages and disadvantages. I seriously hope I can still pass... *Prays hard* Oh ya, I tried writing a rated scene and gosh... I ...! I really wanted to not post that up but I know I have to learn to become better, so I'm going to click 'Submit' without deleting that away...! I have many much more to say but somehow I forget everything as I'm typing now... Anyways, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed it. ^^

To devilsbabe96, Hi. Yeah...! Thanks for choosing TooBin in your story! Who could resist and would not want such an adorable son...? Hahas. Thanks for supporting! ^^

To yoobinfan, Hi. The modeling part would be after their trip to Taiwan I guess? Thanks for supporting! ^^

To Esmeralda, Hi. Yes. It's like they have two companies each. So busy but yet fun and meaning to work together. I always dream that parents could actually be like friends with their children instead of just playing the role of their parents. It would be so fun to live in such families! :D Thanks for supporting! ^^

To Loveth, Hi. I guess humans do have greed. Anyways, the tickets were all sold out despite the cost that would make me faint just by looking at it. I'm not so sure when they will be coming. It might be a few days before the concert but we have to check with those fanclubs to get the actual date on them landing here. Oh my... Changi Airport is sure going to burst with 6 groups of fans from different fanclubs. It would be so crowded! Are you sure you want to go? Haha... Thanks for supporting! ^^

To miss unknown, Hi. Oh... So how's the paper? I just completed the second paper today... It would end this Friday so I would just have to bear with it. But I would try to find time and update a little. Thanks for supporting! ^^


Started 8:27PM, 080910
Stopped at '***'- 11:55PM, 081010

Continued- 9:53PM, 091010
Page restarted itself at 11:59PM or so, 091010 (Typed till '--')

Retyped- 8:48PM,101010
Ended- 10:19PM,101010

Posted- 6:00PM, 111010

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9
Yayaya..it's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!