Chapter 16

Friendly Marriage
Time- 8:58PM

Third person's POV

"Combined brand?" Seung Hyun looked up from the proposal. Yoo Bin nodded.

"Using the name of Choi's Fashion.Co and Kim's.Co, create another brand." She pointed to the words written on the paper. "But we would not leave an impression to the market that the brand is actually a combined brand from two companies. A new feel, a new look. So that means a new concept different from the original companies." Yoo Bin further explained. Seung Hyun stared into the paper a while longer.

"Then it will take quite a long time. Budget is a problem as well..."

"I will do the preparation work. As for the budget, of course both companies have to contribute. Half-half." She drank a mouth of water.

"I would need to discuss with my father and the other share holders." Seung Hyun started to write a note to remind himself. "I will start to prepare for the presentation." He clicked on the Mircosoft PowerPoint icon and it popped out seconds later. He looked at the paper once in a while as his fingers kept itself busy, punching the keys on the keyboard. "Er... Yoo Bin?" He called as he looked up. She looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "We are a bit tight in cash and the model suggested for the brand is Kim Tae Hee? Hwang Jang Eum? Lee Jun Ki?"

"Ah... That... I don't have a lot of ideas so I just scibbled random names down. We could change the models to suit the budget. No worries for that." Yoo Bin spoke up.

"For advertising, using models is really quite costly for us..." He then closed his eyes, thinking of another solution.

"Can we just look for normal models then we would hang those giantic posters over the building? Like the ones outside shopping malls." Her eyes lit as she suggested.

"That is also quite expensive too..." He stated. Yoo Bin sighed. Then an imaginery bulb lit-up beside Seung Hyun's head. "Yah... Stand up." He motioned with his index finger. She complied. "Turn a round." He twirled his finger and she made a turn. Clicking his fingers, he smiled as he pointed at Yoo Bin and went back to his desktop. "You would model."

"What?! Me?!" She placed her hands at her chest and asked, eyes widen. "No!"

"Why not? You can do it." He said without looking up. "Then we could use the idea of the posters hanging from the building since it's cheaper than most of the other advertising methods."

"NO!" Yoo Bin shrieked. "I can't!" How can she do it when she had not modelled once before?

"Save budget, rise your fame." He stuck out one of his fingers as he named each advantage. "Why not?"

"I'm not doing!"

"You're doing. Deal." He confirmed and typed in the details.

"YAH!" Yoo Bin ran over to his side and began to delete the words.

"What are you doing?!" Seung Hyun laid his arms on the keyboard to prevent her from pressing the keys.

"I helped you so much and you're bullying me!" Seung Hyun gave her that playful smile and stuck out his tongue at her.

"I'm looking forward to see you posing for the posters..." He teased as he typed. She rolled her eyes and went back opposite him and slumped down to the chair. They continued on the presentation slides as they discussed.

"So what would the concept be? You listed so many." Seung Hyun showed her the proposal.

"You decide. You're the director, why are you asking me?"

"Aren't you the President yesterday?" He chuckled when he remember how she acted in his office the previous day.

"I quitted yesterday." Yoo Bin said, flipping through the other documents. He shook his head lightly as he smiled.

"So the targetted customers will be from teenagers to adults. Age range from 16-29. Isn't the gap for the age range too big?" He asked.

"I find it okay. If the gap of the age range is small, most slightly the style and design of the product would be restricted." Yoo Bin answered professionally. He nodded lightly as he listened.

"So concept would be mature, modern, stylish? Since it's for people who are mostly in their twenties?" He looked up to see her response. Seeing her nodding, he striked out the other concepts. Then he nodded in satisfaction. "I think we left out something." He said after checking. Looking at the paper then the desktop screen, then back to the paper, he said, "Advertising concept." He looked up to look at her. She thought for awhile.

"How about two people model together? This way they could act as a couple." She suggested again. Then she thought of something great. Just great! "Yah...!" She called in excitement. "You." She pointed at Seung Hyun. "Stand up." Seung Hyun doesn't seem to get her idea but just followed. She twirled her fingers and he turned. "That's it!" She confirmed as she pointed at him, then pointed to the desktop infront of her. "Add it in!" Roughly knowing what she was thinking, Seung Hyun wanted to be sure.


"You are modelling with me. Type in it." She 'ordered'.

"I'm not doing." He shook his head.

"Then I'm not doing it too." She too, don't feel like taking up the task. No, she don't feel like modelling in the first place. She saw that Seung Hyun was about to protest and before he could open his mouth, she spoke, "Doing or not?"

"Fine!" He gave that slightly pissed face and typed. She smiled and then started to laugh, seeing his reactions. He gave her a weird look and ignored her.

"Lastly, the brand's name and logo..." He looked up to look at her again.

"I don't know..." She shook her head. "I have no ideas for that yet." She confessed.

"Choi's and Kim's?" He started to throw all sort of names out. "This is a good one..." He lowered his volume and Yoo Bin automatically inched nearer. "Seung and Yoo!" She rolled her eyes and laid back, looking away.

"Don't get Seung Yoo involved. Our son is not a tool..."

"I'm just joking...!" He then lied back on the chair.

"Shall we use initials instead?" She looked at him. Sitting up, he listened. "It would be easier to design the logo too if we used initials."

"initials of what?" He asked.

"No idea. I hope the name would be cool though." She smiled.

"This is hard! I at giving names!" Seung Hyun then went to surf the net for inspiration.

"Me too..." Yoo Bin added and closed her eyes. After about 20 minutes later, they still could not think of a nice name for the brand.

"How about H&B?" He suggested and wrote the name on a rough paper. Knowing what the initials mean, she said,

"Then it would be Hyun Bin. It's like Actor Hyun Bin...!"

"S&Y?" He wrote the name again. "The logo would be cool too! Look!" He roughly drew the logo with the letters scrambled together.

"I don't want to use Seung Yoo's name!" She objected.

"Aish...! Then what you want?" Yoo Bin sighed and thought for a moment.

"What's your nickname in school?" She asked, hoping to get more inspirations.


"I don't think that helps at all." She started to write 'Choi Seung Hyun', 'Kim Yoo Bin' and 'TOP' on a piece of paper.

"Your nickname is worse than mine." He shot back. "What? Sloth? Binnie? Bono Bono?" He then faked a chuckle. She took the little cushion on her lap and threw it at him. He glared at her and picked up the fallen square cushion. Rolling her eyes, she took the proposal and looked at the concepts again. She wrote down the concepts and began to try to form a name using the letters in those words.

"Wait...!" She looked closer and started to check the letters. She then slowly looked up, a smile slowly creeping up her face. She wrote the name down and showed it to him.

"Ma)(style ?" He looked up from the paper, confused.

"I was trying to play around with the letters. 'Ma' comes from mature and then I suddenly thought that I could also play with the brackets and added )( which looks like a 'x'. Style comes from 'stylish', so maxstyle !" Yoo Bin pointed to the 'ma)(style' as she proudly told Seung Hyun her idea. Seung Hyun sat back and clapped his hands.

"Bravo. Two thumbs-up for you!" He stuck out his thumbs.

"Nah. It's nothing..." She smiled gleefully but proudly. "I want a prize."

"My hug?" Seung Hyun tilted his head. "Or you want a kiss?"

"Psh..." Then she covered as she yawned. "Piggyback me till I sleep?" She stood up and walked to his side. He stood up and held her waist. Looking up at him, she smiled tiredly. Seung Hyun pecked her and waited for her reaction, but her tired smile remained plastered on her face. He pecked her two more times before smiling and squatted down.

"For my hardworking and tired wife, get up." He extended his arms to his back, ready to receive her. She smiled before jumping lightly to lie on his broad back. He hooked her legs and stood up. Yoo Bin rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Seung Hyun strolled around the room while patting her thigh and soon, he found her asleep. After walking up and down the room a few more times, so as to make her she was fully asleep, he placed her down on the couch and squatted, watching her as she slept soundly. Feeling her cheeks, he found himself smiling. He stood up and went back to the desktop to finish typing everything. After completing everything and saved the document in the thumbdrive, he went back to her side and laid his head on the couch, next to her. Just like this, holding onto her hand, he too, fall into slumber.

Okay! Really cracked my head for the name of the brand. Although I think I could get a better name, but yeah... The font isn't very suitable to see the ')('. In other font, it's actually quite nice. How Yoo Bin explained to Seung Hyun about how she made up the name is actually how I thought of it. ^^ Oh ya, I think I have not say this before. I love all comments so much! From the moment I started to write FanFiction, I would always read the comments before typing the chapter. It has always been a great encouragement and motivation. Comments really help me a lot in typing the stories. So...! I love all of you so much! Including silent readers! Silent readers are giving moral support in silence! I want to make friends with all of you! If you wouldn't mind, you all could add me in MSN or Facebook. Here's the email ---> [email protected] Thanks for reading and hope you all enjoyed it! ^^

To Loveth, Hi. Nope. It's okay. ^^ Studies are more important! I update lesser because of the overwhelming assignments too! Someone help me!!! Haha. I'm so relieved to hear you say you like my story. :D My!!! You went to see Jay!!! *Jealous* Total jealous! Although I'm not really his fan, I'm always envious of people who got a chance to see their idols, because I have not once saw my idol. Not once! I'm happy that I'm someone that readers could share their feelings with and update themselves on what they did recently. I feel like we're so close and we do have a bond...! :DD Thanks for supporting! ^^

To sehjy, Hi. Hahas. More of rated stuff? I would see if I have made improvements on that or not. I'm not very confident. Even when I re-read that part, I do feel a bit weird... Er... Not that she doesn't want to, just shy and not used to it as it is the first time they make love for the sake of making love. This time, love in involved, not like in the past, where they just do for the sake of having a child. So maybe, it's awkward to her? Thanks for supporting! ^^

To devilsbabe96, Hi. Yeah, I voted! I'm so surprised that no one goes for TooBin. A little sad though... Hahas! Anyways, thanks for supporting! ^^

To Esmeralda, Hi. Yeah, more of female power from Yoo Bin in this chapter! Especially when she 'owns' Seung Hyun in brainstorming for the brand's name. Yes, Seung Hyun has to rest. If not. Yoo Bin is gonna worry like hell! Thanks for supporting! ^^

To rachelee1031, Hi. Yes! New reader!!! :D I'm smiling like hell now, knowing that there's another reader who appreciates my story. And here's the next chapter! :D Thanks for supporting! ^^

Started- 8:58PM, 011010
Ended- 11:30PM, 011010

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!