Chapter 12

Friendly Marriage
Time- 8:21PM

Third person's POV

"Hey~" Seung Hyun tapped Yoo Bin's shoulder from the back. Everyone turned back to them. The class was still having extra lessons and the teacher had gone down to get the necessary materials.

"What are you doing here?" Yoo Bin looked around and quickly stood up and pushed Seung Hyun out from the back door. "You're dead if Mr Song sees you." Seung Hyun extended out his hand. "What?"

"I saw it. Give them to me."


"The stack of cards you collected today. Hand it over." Seung Hyun 'ordered'.

"Pshh. Are you a police? Why must I give it to you...? Crazy..." Yoo Bin went back into the class and Mr Song was back. Seung Hyun had no choice so he went off.

After the class ended, Yoo Bin went over to Seung Hyun's car as the driver was not around. She opened the door and went inside.

"What's with your expression? Are you pissed?" She asked when she saw Seung Hyun's face, looking so frustrated.

"Did you flirt around in school?" Yoo Bin turned to him, hearing his question.

"What? You are the one flirting for goodness sake."

"You are our level's hot topic recently. Especially my class." His eyes nearly pirecing through Yoo Bin. Yoo Bin smiled sweetly.

"It's not my fault for being pretty~" She turned away and looked to the front, still smiling.

"It's not your fault for being pretty but it's your fault for wearing such a short bottom! Be it dresses, skirts or pants, they are always so short!" Seung Hyun eyed her hot pants as he continued.

"Don't be jealous, hubby~" Yoo Bin patted his cheek.

"Today our class totally went crazy for you. I'm like invisible to them..." Yoo Bin started giggling. "What's so funny?"

"Just happy. I'm so famous... I guess your popularity lost to mine..." She continued smiling. Seung Hyun rolled his eyes.

"So how many are there today?" He asked, referring to the number of cards Yoo Bin received from those boys.

"Quite a lot." Yoo Bin answered nonchalantly.

"Those kids seriously..."

"Why are they kids? Mind you, your age are the same as their's... What's your problem...?"

"Make sure you don't leave my side during the graduation party next week." Seung Hyun said and finally started the engine. "You're not allowed to buy short night gowns later."

"I don't care. I will buy what I want." Yoo Bin shot back.

"I'm not paying..." Seung Hyun started to drive to the mall.

"I have money today..." The both of them were off to shop for the clothing for the graduating party. When they reached the destination, they hopped off.

"Too short." Seung Hyun commented when Yoo Bin came out of the fitting room, standing infront of him.

"How is this short?" The pink tube dress is just one to two inches above her knees. "It's supposed to be in this length. Other lengths would not look nice anymore."

"Try this." Seung Hyun ignored her and pushed another night gown to her.

"I want this. You made me try so many already. I don't care. I'm getting this." She went back to the fitting room and came out, handing the pink dress to the salesgirl. "I'm getting this. Don't stare at me." Yoo Bin said as she dug her bag for her wallet, when she sensed Seung Hyun looking at her. When she placed the cash on the counter, Seung Hyun handed the cashier a cash card instead and returned the cash to Yoo Bin.

"Thank you." She said sweetly. She just knew that Seung Hyun would pay for her.

"You owe me a kiss." He said, taking the carrier from the cashier. Seung Hyun himself too, like the pink tube dress. Yoo Bin looked so cute in it, but just pretended that he didn't really like it. Yoo Bin totally ignored him and went out of the store.

"Your turn..." Yoo Bin pointed to a men's fashion store and they both went in. After looking around, he picked a black tuxedo. She picked a grey vest and a white dress shirt to go with it. He went to put them on and came out to let her have a look. Yoo Bin smiled in satisfaction and picked a matching tie for him.

"Perfect!" She gave him two thumbs-ups. So the hunt for clothing was settled. Since they were already here, they decided to shop around. Like a young dating couple, the both interwined hands and chatted as they shopped.

"Isn't that Jasmine?" Yoo Bin thought aloud.

"Is that Soon Yong?" Seung Hyun asked. They both of them saw the siblings in one of the shops, shopping for clothes as well. Yoo Bin ran towards them.


"Yoo Bin! Why are you here?" Jasmine exclaimed excitedly as she started jumping. Yoo Bin held up her bag.

"Hunting for the night gown. You?" Seung Hyun was already behind Yoo Bin by that time and as a greeting, he smiled and nodded to them.

"Same here. He is searching for something to wear on that night too." Jasmine pointed to her brother. "What have you bought?" She peeked into Yoo Bin's carrier.

"A pink tube dress. From the other shop." Yoo Bin pointed to her right. "Seung Hyun bought his at the store right opposite from here."

"Oppa, shall we go there?" Without waiting for Soon Yong's answer, Jasmine pulled her brother and Yoo Bin to the other shops. The couple accompanied them as the siblings chose. In the end, Jasmine bought an elegant purple tube dress while Soon Yong bought something similar to Seung Hyun as men's formal dressing are almost the same.

"Thanks for accompanying us today." Soon Yong thanked the couple.

"Thank you." Jasmine thanked them as well and gave a goodbye hug to Yoo Bin. The couple waved and the car drove off.

"I didn't expect them to be here." Yoo Bin said to herself as she and Seung Hyun walked back to their car.

"Yeah. And a date for us become a 4-people date..."

"Why are you like this...?" Yoo Bin turned to him. "Easily jealous..." She shook her head.

"You mean you don't get jealous?"

"Not as easy as you. You're even jealous of Seung Yoo." Yoo Bin rolled her eyes and entered the car.

"It's because he sticks to you so much. He is like honey you know?" He complained as he placed the things at the back and came to the driver's seat. "Don't you feel that he is a bit too sticky...?"

"He is our son. How can you say that...? I perfer him sticking to me to you sticking to me. He's so much cuter than you." Yoo Bin said it on purpose.

"Yah. I can't believe you said such things. You have a son and you ignore your husband?" He glanced Yoo Bin as he drove off.

"You are twenty and Seung Yoo is only one year old. And you are comparing?" Yoo Bin talked back. "You don't act like a twenty year old man. Sometimes Seung Yoo is more matured than you."

"You're getting ridiculous. How can Seung Yoo be more matured than me..." Seung Hyun said in between his soft laughters.

"That is how I feel. When you are jealous, you are so childish..."

"I have nothing to say..." He simply replied and Yoo Bin started to laugh.

"Still laugh? Must you talk back at every sentence I say? Would you lose a piece of flesh to just let me win once?" Yoo Bin patted his head.

"You're so cute..." She said in a voice that she used to talk to Seung Yoo with.

"You're getting insane..." He said shaking his head. When Seung Hyun stopped at the traffic junction, Yoo Bin suddenly thought of the kiss and without hestitaion, she pecked on his cheek and pulled away, looking all normal. Seung Hyun was stunned by the sudden action and stared at her.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he started to get shy.

"What? The kiss I owe you just now..." Yoo Bin said as she pulled her hair behind her ears.

"When did you became so bold...?"

"Want me to show you how bold I actually was?" Yoo Bin smiled and winked at him. While Seung Hyun was still thinking through what Yoo Bin meant by that, Yoo Bin lightly cupped Seung Hyun's cheek with one hand and kissed him on his lips. More surprises went into Seung Hyun as he totally dazed out. Then he slowly leaned in and kissed her back when he slightly came back to reality. The two kissed in the car, not realising that the red light had turned to the green one, causing those vehicles behind to horn at them. Seung Hyun pulled back, looking shy and quickly started the car, while Yoo Bin giggled to herself.

Okay. Quite a boring chapter for today. Thanks for reading and I still hope you enjoyed it. :D

To devilsbabe96, Hi. Probably, staring at his father with those innocent eyes with a blank look... Aww... How cute... Haha. If TooBin were to kiss like this in real life, I would faint, watching the video of it. Gosh! Haha. We are both fans of TooBin so I guess our thinking is somehow the same! :D I love you for reading too! I wanna read your stories!!! Thanks for supporting! ^^ Fighting!

To yoobinfan, Hi. Seung Hyun getting jealous is totally adorable. So cute...! :D Thanks for supporting! ^^

To Esmeralda, Hi. I would be super obedient if I have a teacher like Miss Jung. He's so cute when he is jealous! I am totally smiling to myself all the way as I typed that! :D Just imagine his son giving him the 'what-are-you-talking-about' look. So adorable...! Thanks for supporting! ^^

To miss unknown, Hi. Yeah! I got a new reader!!! :D Another Singaporean reader too! I'm glad you like my story. Thanks for supporting! ^^ Fighting!

To sehjy, Hi. It's okay. :D Haha! Stay tune! Thanks for supporting! ^^

Started- 8:21PM, 160910
Ended- 9:48PM, 160910

Replied sehjy at 10:14PM, 160910
Ended- 10:15PM, 160910

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!