Chapter 10

Friendly Marriage
Time- 8:04PM

Third person's POV

"I'm not going to sign." Seung Hyun said as he handed the exams papers back to Yoo Bin who was standing infront of him.

"You have to sign it. What do you mean by you are not signing..." Yoo Bin looked down as she said.

"Yah. It's not my fault for not signing your script. I mean... You barely pass." Seung Hyun who was seated on the chair, moved the script as he continued his 'scoldings.'

"But still... You have to sign."

"What are you doing all those nights burying your head into those textbooks when nothing goes in?"

"It's my first time scoring like this. You can't expect me to ace all the time."

"But this is too much...! Look at the marks difference." Seung Hyun stood up and placed the paper infront of Yoo Bin's face.

"I'm sorry. I would do better the next time." Seung Hyun wasn't actually angry, just quite surprised that Yoo Bin actually screwed up the exams this time. He just walked out of the classroom with the paper and Yoo Bin followed him.

"You're signing right?" Yoo Bin asked when she caught up with Seung Hyun.

"I'm still thinking about it."

"What?! If not, who is going to sign it?"

"I want to sign. But just look at the marks you got. What is 30/50?" Seung Hyun held up the paper again, showing her the horrible marks. "Yah. Don't tell people that you are my wife."

"I don't need to say. Everyone knows." Yoo Bin stated.

"I'm disappointed. You scored 85% for science the last time, isn't it? Why did you dropped so much? The difference is really..." Yoo Bin don't know what to answer. Maybe the score of 30/50 is quite a good score for you and I, but Yoo Bin had always been at the top, but this time... The both of them walked in silence and soon arrived at the waiting limo outside their school.

"Seung Hyun ah. Don't be angry. I promise I'll work harder the next time." Thinking that Seung Hyun was really angry, Yoo Bin started when they were in the car. No response.

"Seung Hyun ah~" Yoo Bin called again when Seung Hyun ignored her and looked out of the window. "Yah...!" She hit his lap when she still received no response. "Your score for English the last time is only 58% and I still sign for you!" Yoo Bin raised her voice a little.

"I have not ace in english before. It's a totally different case." Seung Hyun defended.

"How is it different? Both cases are the same. The effort we put in is insufficient." Yoo Bin said back. "I have studied so much but I still got such low grades, there's nothing I could do anymore. You did not even study..." She defended herself and then looked down again. In fact, Seung Hyun was enjoying the moment, peeking at Yoo Bin as she pouted and smiling to himself. Clearing his voice, he finally began to talk.

"What would I get if I signed it for you?" Yoo Bin rolled her eyes.

"What do you expect? You want a prize just for penning your signature on my paper?"

"Of course! I'm showing my name on your script. It's tarnishing my reputation...!" He held up the to make her see the '30/50'.

"It's so irritating...! Forget it!" She snatched her paper back. "Don't sign! I will get my parents to sign." She kept her paper.

"Excuse me. I'm your guardian... Only my signature would take effect, don't you remember? You're married..." Seung Hyun started to tease when the car stopped and he hopped out. Ignoring Seung Hyun, Yoo Bin got out and went ahead of him.

"Oh yah! You still owe me! Don't forget!" Yoo Bin turned back to Seung Hyun.

"What did I owe you?"

"You slapped my this morning...! You did it infront of everyone and you thought you are getting over it easily?"

"So...?" Yoo Bin walked towards him, smiling sweetly. "What can you do...?"

"I will slap your infront of everyone tomorrow." Seung Hyun declared but changed his mind. "Or do you want me to do it now? No one is watching..." Seung Hyun smiled and walked closer to her as she stepped back.

"Yah... I'm a girl... Don't you dare touch me." Seung Hyun coughed a laugh.

"I'm a boy and you just did it." Covering her with her hands, Yoo Bin turned back and quickly sprinted into the mansion. She grabbed Seung Yoo who was in the living room and ran upstairs.

"Then we will do it in school tomorrow...!" Seung Hyun said through the closed door before entering his room. Smiling to himself, he got changed.

Seung Hyun's POV

I got changed and signed a cheque before leaving my room. One day, I opened one of Yoo Bin's letter without her permission and it was from the bank reminding her to pay the loan of a hundred thousand that she loaned. Walking to her room, wanting to inform her that I'm going out, I opened the door and found her bathing Seung Yoo. I went into the bathroom and squatted beside her. I pinched Seung Yoo's cheek and he laughed when I did that.

"It seems that our Seung Yoo is very happy today..." I smiled back at him.

"Why are you here?" Yoo Bin asked as she continued to wash Seung Yoo.

"Nothing. Just..." I said, watching Seung Yoo played with the water. I don't feel like leaving now. Yoo Bin seemed to believe that I'm not going to sign her paper when I said so. Then she started again.

"You're really not going to sign?" Worries lingered in her voice. Fonding of making fun of her, I don't seem to know how to stop. I stood up and went out.

"Get Seung Yoo to sign." I motioned to Seung Yoo and went to sit at her bed. I was laughing like hell in my head and she raised her voice again.

"How is Seung Yoo going to sign?! Aish...!" I laughed softly to myself. Then Yoo Bin carried Seung Yoo out.

"Don't scream infront of our son. He is going to take after you." I suppressed my laughter and said.

"You are crazy. How am I suppose to get Seung Yoo to sign...?" She eyed me before she laid Seung Yoo on the bed and unwrapped the towel around him.

"Seung Yoo doesn't want to sign omma's paper too, right?" I patted his head.

"You're so mean." Yoo Bin rolled her eyes on me and dressed Seung Yoo.

"Complain to Seung Yoo." Yoo Bin sighed.

"Our son can't treat your wife this way. Understand? People do make mistakes." I chuckled, not expecting her to really complain to our one-year old son.

"You are still laughing?" Yoo Bin carried Seung Yoo after dressing him and stared at me. I ignored her question.

"Get changed. We are going out." I stood up and walked towards her. "Our Seung Yoo have to behave at home okay?" I carried Seung Yoo from Yoo Bin's arms and walked off.

"Seung Yoo's not going?" She asked.

"We have something to do." I simply answered and went out. The both of us have not shop for a long time so I thought perhaps a date is good. I went downstairs and informed the maids to take care of Seung Yoo and not to cook our dinner. Yoo Bin came down and I pulled her out into my car.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I started the engine.

"To pay your debts." I looked at her as I answered.


"Yeah. Your debts." I drove off. "You should have told me. The bank interest nowadays are really no joke." I added. Yoo Bin looked down.

"I would help if you told me. How are you going to pay when you have no money?"

"I thought of telling you when I got back my results. But the marks..." I laughed a little.

"You mean I would not help you if you ruined the paper this time? I'm not that bad..." I said.

"Ah...! So just sign my paper!" She suddenly got frustrated.

"Why are you shouting at me? What did I do wrong?"

"Aish! Just sign it this time. Miss. Jung is really scary..." I nearly laughed my head off. I have always know how much she fears her science teacher. Seeing her so worried, I decided to stop for she would not be able to shop happily later.

"Okay... I would sign it. I'm just kidding with you." I said glancing at her. She slapped my shoulder hard.

"Yah! I said I'm signing already. What was that for?" She kept quiet and heaved a sigh of relief. I shook my head lightly as I smiled. Soon, we arrived at the mall. We went to the bank first and got everything settled. We then stopped by Starbucks to have a drink. Chatting for about an hour there, we went to walk around.

"Oh my... This is so beautiful!" Yoo Bin spotted something through the glass display. I looked in and saw a white watch with crystals around it.

"You want it?" I asked and looked at her. She turned to me.

"You're getting for me?" Her eyes grew with from exitement. I smiled and walked into the shop.

"Can I have a look at the watch at the display?" I asked the salesman there. They took it out and handed it to me.

"Is this the one?" I asked Yoo Bin and she nodded.

"I will take this." I handed it back to the salesman and went to the counter.

"Here." I passed the carrier to Yoo Bin when we stepped out.

"Thank you so much!!!" She squealed and looked in the paper bag, smiling so brightly. I patted her head and we walked forward. Feeling the urge to hold her hand, I lightly held her hand and she looked up at me and acted normal after a few seconds. We came to a clothing store.

"Shall we do some stocking up in our closets?" She said as she stopped outside the store.

"You don't feel like wearing those in your closet already?" I asked, but she just pulled me in anyway. I watched her infront of me as she hanged those clothes on her arm as she walked passed every aisle. Gosh... Her sickness is acting up again... Luckily I drove a car today, if not I'm going to be the one carrying all those. Buying without trying is her style, just like me. So she placed everything she had on the counter and I automatically took out my cash card. Yes, she buys, I pay. In the end, 4 bags from that store and next was my turn. Well, she insisted that I buy a few new clothes so she just dragged me in. In the end, it's not a few, it's quite a lot. Picking ties, belts, coats, shirts, pants... I'm thankful for being in a wealthy family at times like this. Truly grateful to my parents... After picking 'a few' for Seung Yoo as well, we went back home.

"Why the sudden shopping?" Yoo Bin asked when we were in the car.

"You don't like it?" I asked back, looking at the road ahead.

"It's not that. Just... Surprised... You spent so much on me today..."

"You are saying as though I don't buy you things. Yah... When you said you like something, I always get it for you. When did I ever not get you something you like?" I eyed her. She became quiet. "I feel like going on a date with you. Satisfied?" I added.

"Thank you... For today..." She smiled at me. I smiled and held her hand.
Okay. A date for the both of them! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! :D

To yoobinfan, Hi. I'm glad you find the chapter okay. After knowing you said about the allkpop stuff, I went to searched and it is like what you mentioned. Getting married at 26 years old is okay, but 40 years... But anyway, I believed that age doesn't matter. :D Thanks for supporting! ^^

To dopesole, Hi. Haha! I totally love the slapping part and Yoo Bin stucking her tongue out at Seung Hyun. Just imagine Yoo Bin did that in real life... So cute!!! :D Thanks for supporting! ^^

To devilsbabe96, Hi. Yes. I saw that news! Congrats to Wonder Girls! :D Big innocent eyes, a blank look, little hands grabbing onto the sides of the bed, watching his mother hit the hell out of his father, thinking 'what the hell are they doing...?' Haha. Total cutie!!! :D Thanks for supporting! ^^ Fighting!!!

To Esmeralda, Hi. Yes. Something like that. He loved Young Rin but he can't leave Yoo Bin as well. Haha. I always think that couple who bickers like this in the morning are absolutely cute! :D Yes, he has to persue her, since he had never done anything like this before... Hahs. A date for TooBin is completed so stay tune for a family moment! Thanks for supporting! ^^

To sehjy, Hi. After hearing Yoo Bin shouting that Seung Hyun kissed her, I guessed more or less the maids knew that they are in love. The maids knew that they were just friends who happened to be in a arranged marriage. I have a friend who is so in love with TooBin too! Thanks again. For introducing. :D Thanks for supporting! ^^

To 123, Hi. I'm glad you understand my explaination. :D Nope, it's okay. Comment if you have the time to spare. ^^ Thanks for supporting :D Fighting!

To Loveth, Hi. Yes, I'm a Singaporean. I guess you're a Singaporean too? :D Thanks for supporting! ^^

To sweetgirl, Hi. Haha. I brainstormed quite a lot for Seung Yoo's name. Then I came up with this... :D Thanks for supporting! ^^ Takecare.

Started- 8:04PM, 140910
Ended- 9:52PM, 140910

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jonginyo #1
nice story omg!! love it
mmseoul #2
Chapter 56: nice story! :)
cute family ;) seung yoo, seung yeong, seung min, and seung jun~~~ kkkk
good job author....
rereading again. i remember reading this on winglin and this just bring back memories. one of the earliest fanfics i read tat got me to reading fanfics
Chapter 58: weee re-reading again ~ i hope you'll make another one shot of the choi family ^^
Am back to read this story after so long. The first story that got me addicted to ffs. Sigh was so happy then when you posted the story here too, so I could save the link easily in my subscriptions. Hopes author-nim is doing well ^^
TooBin_Luv #6
Hiiiii! I just finished readinf this in 3-4 days while at work cuz I'm bored. Haha.

I have to say this story is awesomee! ♥♥ i love how seung hyun and yoobin just care so much about each other and their silly little fights and.bickering are annoying at times but still adorable! :D

And seung yoo really take after his dad huh? And it seems he is always protecting his mom, such a sweet son! Love his r/s with his sister! :) when i read this, i always imagine they're the kind of siblings that when they go out, strangers would probably think they're couples instead of sibling.

And on the whole, I iust have to say that this is a very well-written fic! ;)

Sorry if my comments does not make sense oe have a lot of spelling errors. Am typing all these on my phone so it's a bit difficult. Hehehe :D
Awwww it's adorable!!! Nice story authornim! Well done!
Honey25 #9's cute..<br />
How could he let his wife without any news..yes,seung yoo should do that hehe..<br />
Thank you for the one shot :)
arahbear #10
This is a cute hidden chapter! I loved it!