moving on

Not you again!

Your POV

"Where are you going?" I asked as I diverted my thoughts to Joon's moving suitcase.

"I'm going to leave for a week, I hope you know who you really need, call me when you have decided." he explained and walked out.

Thanks Joon, thanks for giving me a chance to decide.

I guess I may as well use this time to decide who right?

Just then, the doorbell ring. It can't be Joon right?

I ran to it anyways and opened without looking in the peep hole to see who it is.

"Woah, Woohyun, what happened to you?" I asked as he fell asleep on the floor in front of me.

This kid. How did he even get this drunk? He isn't even legal to drink, I bet it's his friends again.

I carried him to his room, and it was a struggle for sure.

I cleaned his face and undressed him to just his boxers.

I walked away to get him some water but he pulled me back.

"Na Eun, please, please, don't leave me. I need you. If you go, I'll just be nothing. Please." he cried in his sleep as he hugged me close.

"Shh, it's ok, it's ok." I calmed him as he fell asleep.


"Woohyun-ssi, Woohyun-ssi, it's time to get to school now." I said and shook him.

Last night, during our 'special moment', I realised how much impact I've left on his life, and how much I can damage his future if I stay, so I decided to let him go, completely.

I don't want to have any connections whatsoever anymore.

I don't want to ruin his life. Mine is already as bad as it is, I want him to grow up and pursue his dream, not with me.

"5 more minutes." he groaned.

"Woohyun-ssi, I'll be leaving first. I left breakfast down stairs for you."


Woohyun's POV

Her tone is different today, it's not playful or fun anymore.

After she closed the door, I went to clean up and dress before racing downstairs, in search for food.

On the table was my bag, all set and my break fast with a little note on the side.

I ate the eggs while reading


In all honesty, I never loved you, and I never will. I regret every moment spent with you, and I wish that you did forget me. Woohyun-ssi, please forget me and move on. From now on, I'm your teacher, let's not discuss this anymore.

I'll help you clean your things out tonight.

Your teacher, Na Eun.

I crumpled the letter in my hand and slammed the table so hard that my juice spilt.

No, this isn't the Na Eun I know. I know she loves me. She even told me so. She means it right?

I ran out of the house with my bag and ran straight to school.

By the time I got there, students were already in swarming groups around the school.

I know she's still in class, sipping her morning cup of coffee.

I ran up the stairs to find her.

"Oppa, where are you going?"

"Your hair looks so good today."


"I liked you a lot oppa, maybe we should go out."

Words of these stupid girls swirl around my head. They held me back from seeing Na Eun and it made me mad.


With heavy steps I walked to my class and everyone gave way.

"Wah, he's so hot when he's mad."

"His spit went on me when he screamed, I'll never wash my face again!!!"

"He's so handsome. Someone, catch me, I think I fell for him even harder."

All these stupid girls, why would they think I would fall for them? Na Eun's different, that's why I love her, and I don't want to let go like that.

I slammed the door opened and saw her inside her her coffee, reading the paper.

I closed the door and locked it, before closing all the blinds.

"Na Eun, what was that note all about?" I asked as I tried to calm myself down.

"Don't be so informal student." she replied without looking at me.

"Na Eun, what did I do wrong? Why are you leaving me? Is there something I did wrong last night? I'll promise I'll fix it, I'm sorry. Please don't leave me. Not now." I begged and forced her to look at me.

"Woohyun-ssi, I don't think you know, but all these times were just a joke to me. I needed someone to cover up the pain that Joon left me, and now that Joon has returned, I don't need you no more." She said and sipped her coffee.

"So you're telling me that all these months was nothing to you? That every word was nothing? That everything we did meant nothing more than a game to you?" I asked.

"Of course. What makes you think I would fall for someone like you. You're a student with bad grades and a bad reputation. If I fall for you, will you be able to support me later on? Would you be able to have got into university with grades like that? You can't do anything for me then, I need to think about myself too." she said and looked away.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I'm not going to cry infront of her.

No matter how much I love her, I can't deny that I hate her right now. All these feelings were wasted on her. She played me, used me, for her purpose.

"Look at me in the eye, and tell me that you don't love me. That you never meant anything between us. I promise that after you say those words,I will leave you alone. I promise." I said as I moved closer to her.

I will know instantly if she's lieing or not.

She would always look up if she's not telling the truth.

I was sweating badly as I waited for her answer.

I inched closer as she looked at me to tell me the answer.


Your POV

I bite my lip as I looked up at his face.

He showed no emotion and was reading my eyes carefully. it's obvious for him to tell if I was lieing or not.

I sighed and looked at him.

"Woohyun, I don't want to say this anymore. But whatever we had was all fake. The times, emotions, moments, everything. I never meant anything. Please, just leave." I said and looked back to my newspaper.

He walked out of the door and slammed it hard.

After that, I never really heard from Woohyun anymore. We were quiet and awkward.




Over the next few weeks of school, Woohyun has been studying hard and got A+ in all of his classes and at least over 90% for all his tests.

I was grading his papers and doing his reports after school when I overheard some school girls walking pass to get something they forgot.

"Yah, did you know Woohyun is going out with Hyuna??" the other girl asked.

"Really?? Wah, they're so cute together!!! WOOW!! Woohyun's so smart and handsome, I wish he would date me too!!" the other one replied.

I closed my laptop and packed my things away.

Woohyun moved on really quick. I guess that was what I wanted, but, there's that tiny feeling that developed over the weeks and it's slowly killing me.

It's jealousy. How can he be moving on so fast? How can he be so successful and I'm just here? This isn't fair.

I walked downstairs and decided to walk the long way to the car park. It won't be so bad to have some fresh air.

"Yah, oppa, don't do that anymore. It tickles!!" someone squealed through laughter.

I turned around and saw Woohyun and Hyuna, the last two people I would want to see.

I want Woohyun back again, but after him transforming into the best student in school, I don't think I should take him back. Nor do I have the right to.

All I can be is happy for him..right?

I heaved a long sigh before walking to the car and drove home.




I think I'm going to end this story soon :( i feel like im boring you >< sob sob sob

I want to thank all those who stayed throughout the story <3 i love you!!

please comment for your thoughts before I end this soon ;~;

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Chapter 24: dahfkjadhsfkjdhashdaskfkdf. New reader hereeeeeeeee~ Update soon please~
Chapter 24: Holy ____. this was one of the stories that made me cry, seriously. Like, I rarely cry over stories. But yeah, congrats. xDD

just want to say, I wish she'd go back to joon permanently, that she'd let Woohyun go with no hard feelings whatsoever and Woohyun and na eun would be able to be back as friends..
I think na eun should make up her mind. If she decides to let woohyun go then should not think of him anymore. >.<
secretstayafterlove #4
I want her to be with Joon also for this story. Sorry, Woo you shouldn't have lied to her.. Though you're my bias. ; ~ ;
I want Lee Joon. :/ He had a longer relationship with her and the only reason he left was because of his mom. And he left his mom for her anyway.
Joyvin #7
Ahhhh,can't wait for the next chapter!!
meeshelly #8
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only took you a billion years nam star!!!
kylakaren #9
kyahhhh!!!!!! namu super sweett!! i'm melting enough!!!
meeshelly #10
Arrrrrrggggghhhhhh by the title of this chapter, I thought Woohyun would've told her that he remembers -_-' I guess not....
Don't stay attached to Joon!!!!!!!!! He's an abusive lover xD jk, he just hit once xD we all know Woohyun is a little better xD