You, again

Not you again!

Your POV

After Joon left me, I actually sat and waited. I waited for a whole week straight for him to come back. I just sat on our bed and waited. I didn't eat, I didn't drink, I didn't sleep. I just sat there and remembered our moments. I replayed the times when Joon was fixing my closet, saying it's so untidy, when he was humming a tune and washing the dishes. Or the times when he back hugged me while I was cooking his favourite, dukbokki.

I only realised his lies when I began vomiting. I had the flu the whole while without notice. I began to get back to life. I began to start my life again. Besides, what's done is done, nothing I can do about it right? For the next few months, I was diagnosed with anorexia because I didn't want to eat at all. My body was refusing it. Maybe it's because of the words of Joon's mistress? Oh I didn't mention that.

After Joon left, his girl came to give me a visit.

She told me that Joon wouldn't love someone who's fatter than him and ugly. He just dated me out of pity.

After that, I just lost it. The most I would eat a day is a piece of celery. That's how extreme I went. I didn't eat anything because I wanted, so badly, to prove to Joon that I'm beautiful too.

I began to go to work again. But I kept having health issues and fainted a lot during work, so I was fired. Not like I wanted to be manager of McDonalds anyways. Psht.

Before I left, a co-worker forced me to the doctors. He said that if I didn't start eating again and begin to excercise, I will go fatter. And he was right. Even though I didn't eat, I was still the old me, just with no energy.

That night, I spent on just eating. I tried to eat a bit of kimchi, but I kept vomiting it out. After a few tries, my body started to work again.

The next week I kept eating and eating. I became bigger and bigger. And by the time I knew it, it was out of control.

I had no choice but to go the gym.

Everyday, for the past 3 years, I went to the gym for 2 hours.

I began to feel stronger and younger.

After taking a course in uni for a teaching degree, I went to Woolim High to teach.

It was after 3 years that I finally look at myself with pride and beauty. For the first time, I felt beautiful. The students called me gorgeous and the male students brought presents for me. But that was useless. I wanted Joon to call me beautiful, just once.

"Alright class, you can go out for lunch 5 minutes earlier today, only because I'm cool ok?" I announced and winked at them.

"You're cool and hot too miss!" a boy yelled from the back.

"Sungyeol! Enough! Now go to your lockers!" I told the boy off and laughed.

I gathered my things and sat in class, waiting for the bell.

I dashed off to my office and took my handbag to go to lunch.

"Hey, want to have lunch with me today?" Woohyun asked.

"You're a student, I'm a teacher, do you think I should?"

"Are you looking down on me?"

" NO NO!! It's just that I wanted some free time that's all, maybe next time?" I ruffled his hair and walked off, hearing whispers from the female students.

I walked to the local sushi bar and waited in line.

The bar was busy today, I didn't have much time left before I have to attend the next class, so I decided that I might go and get a sandwich at the cafe nearby.

I walked into the cafe and ordered a tuna sandwich with an Americano.

I took my order and walked around the packed cafe, looking for a spot.

"Gee, no seats around here huh?" I muttered to myself when I spot a seat free.

"Hey, is anyone going to sit here? I just have to finish lunch before dashing back to work.

"Nope." he said and I sat down.

Gee he's rude.

I ate my sandwich and sipped my drink.

The waiter came with dukbokki and moccha. Weird combination..but strangely familiar.

Nah, it couldn't be Joon. He wouldn't be here.

I sat and peeked at the way he ate. Just like Joon. He stirred the dukbokki first and then began eating. He then put 2 spoons of sugar in the coffee and stirred it exactly five times before smelling the coffee. He then sipped a bit of it. Is it? could it be?

The next thing he did made me sure that it was Joon.

"Am I that handsome that you have to stare at me? Take a picture, lasts longer cutie." he said while eating. That's the thing Joon said to me when I first fell for him, when he was 13 years old. He never changed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just captured by your presence." I said exactly the words that I said when I first fell for him.

He had no reaction but continued, "Really? What would you describe my presence to be?"


Joon's POV

Can it really be her? But anyone can talk like that? Is it because I miss her? But I can't. It's four years ago, I dumped her for a reason. She was ugly. No. No she wasn't. She was beautiful to me. No she was not she was an ugly nerd. A fat one at that too.

I kept arguing with myself in my head.

But can it really be her? It does sound like the first conversation we had where she spilled her feelings to me. But this can't be her. Looks nothing like her.

She was wearing formal clothes. A skirt past her knees and no glasses, but still no make-up, simple, like the old her. Maybe it is her. Let's see how far this goes.

"Well I guess your presence is wonderful." she said and ate her sandwich.

"If you like my presence that much, you should hear my number." yeap, that's how our first conversation went. Even though we knew each other for a long while, we were never close until we were at the age of 13, where we dated, broke up, and dated again, and now, broke up.

"Sure." she said. Now I was really shocked.

She was always shy. She never asked for my number or dare to even have it when I asked her if she wanted it, and now she agrees to have it?

I typed in my phone number while she went to pay the bill.

I saw her phone wallpaper, it was black with words in white "Jagiya,oppa needs to go and do work alright? He'll come back soon. Don't forget to get strawberries for oppa ok"

Wasn't that one of the last things I said to her when I left? Does that mean she's still waiting?..


Your POV

"Can I have my phone back? Thanks." I said as I snatched my phone off him. Just then, my phone ringed. It was Woohyun. Does he need help on maths again?

Wait a minute, Joon may be thinking that I'm the old me, the one waiting for him. Maybe I can make him jealous?

"Hello?" I asked cutely, just the way I always answered the home phone when Joon used to call me.

"Hey cutie! I think you might be late for class!" Woohyun cooed.

"Ah, neh, jagi, I'll be there soon, wait for me. Love you." I said.

"Love you too?" he said and I hung up.

"Well, someone's waiting, got to go now!" I smirked as I saw his fist clenched together. Something he does everytime I'm with another male.

Still the old Joon.

I rushed back to class and was five minutes late.

"Alright class, turn to page 394 in your text book."

"But isn't that about education?" Woohyun asked, smirking at me.

"Yeah it is. Don't tell me you're not mature enough for it?" I teased.

The class cracked up and Woohyun blushed.

"Alright. I'll be playing a video, you guys need to pay attention and put down notes for the assignment."

I sat there watching the video with the kids when my phone vibrated.

To: Kim Na Eun

From: Joon my cuddly bear

Meet me at ~~~ club tonight at 8pm sharp.

He saved his name as Joon my cuddly bear?

Still corny huh?

Let's see where this date is going to lead us.

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Chapter 24: dahfkjadhsfkjdhashdaskfkdf. New reader hereeeeeeeee~ Update soon please~
Chapter 24: Holy ____. this was one of the stories that made me cry, seriously. Like, I rarely cry over stories. But yeah, congrats. xDD

just want to say, I wish she'd go back to joon permanently, that she'd let Woohyun go with no hard feelings whatsoever and Woohyun and na eun would be able to be back as friends..
I think na eun should make up her mind. If she decides to let woohyun go then should not think of him anymore. >.<
secretstayafterlove #4
I want her to be with Joon also for this story. Sorry, Woo you shouldn't have lied to her.. Though you're my bias. ; ~ ;
I want Lee Joon. :/ He had a longer relationship with her and the only reason he left was because of his mom. And he left his mom for her anyway.
Joyvin #7
Ahhhh,can't wait for the next chapter!!
meeshelly #8
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only took you a billion years nam star!!!
kylakaren #9
kyahhhh!!!!!! namu super sweett!! i'm melting enough!!!
meeshelly #10
Arrrrrrggggghhhhhh by the title of this chapter, I thought Woohyun would've told her that he remembers -_-' I guess not....
Don't stay attached to Joon!!!!!!!!! He's an abusive lover xD jk, he just hit once xD we all know Woohyun is a little better xD