chapter 18

Not you again!

Your POV

It was the same today as well. I had to teach Woohyun and blah blah blah.

He will never remember me if it's like this.

"I think it is better if for the holidays you stay at my house to study. So I don't have to keep coming over." I suggested to Woohyun

"If that's what you want." he said, looking at his maths work.

"What, you're not going to call me a desperate old cougar no more?" I asked, surprised.

"Go before I change my mind." he said fiercly.

Sometimes, I wish things were back to the way they were.


Woohyun's POV

Should I give up? Should I come clean and tell her that I love her too much to let her go like this?

Sometimes, I wish things were back to the way they were.


Your POV

"Ah, annyeong Mrs. Nam. I would like to ask for your opinion on this. I have an offer for your son to come to stay at my place to study more." I asked her politely.

"Are you sure? He is a boy, and you are an unmarried woman.." she said, shaking her head.

"Well the thing is, Woohyun have made a lot of progress, however I think that it would be better if you allow me to have at leas one month with him as he won't be distracted by his surroundings, and that he always has me there in case of any questions he has. And my brother lives with me, I ensure that everything is safe. I will return him in one piece." I said and forced a smile.

"Woohyun-ah, come down here." his mother called.

Woohyun walked down the stairs slowly.

His slender legs making their way to sit on the seat next to his mother. I miss him so much. I wish none of this would have happened.

"yes mother?" he asked.

"Well your teacher wants you to stay at her place for a month for study purposes, do you agree?" his mother replied

"I'm fine with it, just that she needs to provide me unlimited food" he joked.

Oh how I miss his jokes. His adorable smile and laugh when he thinks he's funny. I miss his smile, the smile meant for me.

"Alright, then I think you should start packing and go today then." His mother said.

"Are you trying to make me leave earlier mother?" he asked jokingly.

She laughed and pushed us upstairs.

Woohyun came up to his room and took almost everything out of his closet out and threw them into a luggage.

I took them out on the bed and slowly folded them.

I remembered that he liked his clothes in colour order and that each clothing pile needs to be in seperate piles, from shirts to jeans. And that he disliked it when his clothes are on the floor.


Woohyun's POV

I looked at her fold my clothes.

Just like the old days.

When we were together. She still remembers my preferences, and here I am pushing her away. Is it right? Is what I'm doing right? What if I lose her? What if she's my true love? True love only comes once in a it too late to come back?

"Yeah don't worry, I can do this by myself." I said.

"Nah don't worry, you pack the other personal things. Or any pictures you want to bring along" she said and placed the clothes neatly in the luggage.

I went to take my bag and put underwear and other essential needs. I then went to the grey box where there were memories of us. Should I bring it with me? I decided to bring a picture of me and her.

"All set?" she asked and smiled.

"Yeah." I said and decided to walk out.

"Wait." she said.

"What?" I asked.

"You forgot your favourite jacket and headphones." she said. She still remembers everything...

"I don't like them anymore. They're useless to me. I was going to throw them out. You can take it if you want."


Your POV

His response pained me. He wanted to throw them away? But I gave them to him as a present and he always wear them

I guess his preference changed.

I took them with me and went to the car.

It was a long drive to my house.

The drive was awkward and silent.

It reminded me of the time when we went to the adventure park together.

After getting soaked in the rain, we ran in the car and turned the heater on and held hands for some what warmth.

That was one of the last time I had his touch.

When we arrived at the house, I introduced him to the room next to mine.

"Here's your room, hope you feel welcome. Dinner will be at 8." I said and went to change.

"And what the hell is he doing here?" Joon asked, back hugging me while I was cooking.

"For studying purposes, and also for the fact that I want him to remember who I am." I said and Joon let go.

"Oh. Right. you still love him." he said and went to watch TV


Woohyun's POV

As I eavesdropped on them, I heard her saying that she still loves me.

I still love you too. Just that I'm not capable of taking care of you. I wish I could have you in my arms once again, baby.

"Dinner's not ready, go watch TV with Joon." she said when she saw me.

"Nah I came to help you finish cooking." I said.

"Being so kind huh? I might as well take this advantage before you become lazy again. Now go plate the table child." she said

"Child?" I asked as I plated the table.

"You're the youngest here. And can you place watch over the ribs?" she said as she went to the fridge.

She looks so innocent, so gentle.

"Are we having a feast today?" Joon shouted.

"Ye, for Woohyun. Welcome to the family." she said and smiled at me.

My heart melted just then. How can there be such a beautiful person?

Soon, we all sat at the table.

"You know, maybe you should enter some cooking show. You make the best food! I'm living with yo forever." Joon joked.

"Shut up and eat." she said and stuffed a piece of meat in his mouth and laughed.

It seemed as though they have become closer than I thought. Shouldn't I be happy? Why is it hurting me?

"Hey guys, I'm kinda full now. Thanks for the food. I'll be finish packing my luggage now." I said and went upstairs.


Joon's POV

This kid is hurt isn't he? Better take care of him, but first, I must eat.

"Say ah jagi." I said and fed her a piece of meat.

We finished eating and washing the dishes before I went to see Woohyun.

"Get out." he said.

"Kid, don't be so rude. I know why you left earlier. You miss her. I know." I said and stood at the door way.

"Shut up and leave before something bad happens." I said.

"Alright mate, calm down. I don't know, or care about what the hell you're doing, but don't be so harsh to her. She has  a lot to go through, she's been losing so much sleep because of you." I said and was turning to walk away.

"She's going through a lot? Shouldn't I say that? Your friends were the ones who started to bash me and made me have to get that stupid surgery and tell her that I lost my memory! If it wasn't for your stupid friends, I would have still be with her. Oh, and are you here to tell me all this because you're scared that she's still going to come to me no matter what?" Woohyun said. friends did this? What the hell?

"Whatever, I don't believe your nonsense. Just to tell you, you should be the one scared, I have known her for more than the years that you know how to count. So I don't think I would be threatened. And yeah, I'm going to fight for her, and not be an like you and push her around all day." I said and walked away.


Woohyun's POV

Should I terrified of him? But she loves me! She said so herself! But I have been treating her poorly so she may have changed her love a bit.

I decided to go outside to have some fresh air when I saw Joon and her talking.

"Hey it's ok. Shh shh" Joon comforted her in his arms.

Is she crying? Because of me?

"I don't know what to do anymore. I want him back so bad. And everything was going so well with him before. But now, now he doesn't even want to look at me. It's like as though I'm some monster to him. i wish he would come back. But If I do make him remember now..he would be in danger." she sobbed into Joon's chest.

Danger? What? I can take care of myself!

"What danger? Don't tell me they're back for you again." Joon asked.

She nodded," Yes, Dad keeps running away from them, and now they threaten to kill anyone who i love if I don't pay them back. That's why I'm scared to have him back. But I want to be his again. I think you should go too Joon, before they do anything." she said.

There were people after her? Was that why she has been away from classes? Was she in danger? Was that why she comes home late and wanted to tutor me for extra money? To pay the loaners back?"

"No no no. I already paid those guys already. Shh, don't worry. Oppa's here." Joon said.

That's it, I can't have anymore of this. How could she have hid those things from me?

Well I guess I was the one who blocked her..

I couldn't sleep that night, why? I keep thinking of her. I keep thinking about the times when we were together.

I decided to go for a drink.

When I came back, I thought I should take a look at her.

I walked in quietly, afraid of waking her.

Now that she has no make up on, I could see the bags and dark circles under her eyes.

I looked at her left arm and there was a huge wound on it. Did those money lenders do this to her? I pushed her hair behind her ear.

Why can't I have the courage to protect you no more?

I kissed her cheeks before going back to bed.

I wish everything was back to normal.. 

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Chapter 24: dahfkjadhsfkjdhashdaskfkdf. New reader hereeeeeeeee~ Update soon please~
Chapter 24: Holy ____. this was one of the stories that made me cry, seriously. Like, I rarely cry over stories. But yeah, congrats. xDD

just want to say, I wish she'd go back to joon permanently, that she'd let Woohyun go with no hard feelings whatsoever and Woohyun and na eun would be able to be back as friends..
I think na eun should make up her mind. If she decides to let woohyun go then should not think of him anymore. >.<
secretstayafterlove #4
I want her to be with Joon also for this story. Sorry, Woo you shouldn't have lied to her.. Though you're my bias. ; ~ ;
I want Lee Joon. :/ He had a longer relationship with her and the only reason he left was because of his mom. And he left his mom for her anyway.
Joyvin #7
Ahhhh,can't wait for the next chapter!!
meeshelly #8
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only took you a billion years nam star!!!
kylakaren #9
kyahhhh!!!!!! namu super sweett!! i'm melting enough!!!
meeshelly #10
Arrrrrrggggghhhhhh by the title of this chapter, I thought Woohyun would've told her that he remembers -_-' I guess not....
Don't stay attached to Joon!!!!!!!!! He's an abusive lover xD jk, he just hit once xD we all know Woohyun is a little better xD