Last Day

Not you again!

Woohyun's POV

"Yah, Na Eun,open the door!!" I knocked loudly on her door.

Joon opened the door.

"I need to speak to Na Eun." I said.



"Hey who is it?" Na Eun asked and came to the front door.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked Na Eun.

"Sure" she said and told Joon to go inside and make her breakfast.

Taking this opportunity, I carried Na Eun to my car and locked the doors and drove off fast.

"What are you doing Woohyun?" she asked nevously.

"I just need to spend just one day with you. Just you. No one else. Please." I begged.

"Does it have to be today?" she asked.

"Yes, just today and I will return you back to Joon. Please." I begged.

She nodded her head and looked at the window.

I drove for a while until we stopped at the country side.

"This is my Grandma's house, but she lives in the city now, so I want you to come here with me so we can relax from the city's dirty air for a day." I said and smiled, while holding onto her hand.

"That's so nice of you, but I wish I could have changed." she laughed.

I opened the door and gave her a box.

"Alright, these will be our outfits for today. I'll go change. You too ok!" I said and ran into my grandma's room.

I ran outside and saw that Na Eun was already dressed, brushed her teeth and groomed herself. She looked beautiful in that sky blue dress that's up to her knees with white polka dots. She's so beautiful. I just won't be able to remember this day after wards...

I held her face in my hands

"Promise me, that no matter what happens, you'll always remember me and today alright? Remember how much I love you. And that no matter what happens in the future, you'll still be the only one I love. No matter what I do or sa-" I was cut off by her cell phone.

"Hand that over." I said.

She gave it to me and I turned it off, leaving it in a drawer.

"Anyways, what I was saying was, no matter what I do I will always love you. Just let me show that to you today alright?" I smiled at her and she nodded.

"Why did you take my phone away?" she asked suddenly.

"Because I want today to be just us. For once." I said and held her hand.

"Alright, first we need breakfast. I already have the bread. But we need to make the butter and milk the cow ok? And take the eggs from the chickens." I laughed at her face when I said milking the cow.

The whole day, I was the one talking and she just smiled.

"Alright, grab onto one of them and pulling gently and the milk should squirt out alright?" I said as I held her hand gently on the cow.

After getting the ingredients, we went back to the house and cooked the food.

"Mhm, you're a great cook Woohyunnie." she eyesmiled at me and ate her meal happily.

These will be one of the last moments where I will remember her smile.

"Hurry you turtle!! We still need to ride the horses!!" I said and pulled her outside.

I helped her onto the horse and I went on after her.

"Alright, hold onto the rope, not too tight or else the horse will fling us off ok?" I said and she nodded.

The horse galloped around the field slowly, allowing us to take in the view.

"Isn't this nice?" I asked her and placed my chin onto her shoulder.

"I wish I could spend days like these with Joon." she said.

She stills remembers Joon doesn't she?

I let out a silent tear and wiped it away.

"Alright, let's get off the horse before it takes a dump." I laughed and pulled her to the acres of apple trees that my grandma used to grow.

"WOW, there's so many!! And they look so pretty." she said and admired the apples.

"Not as pretty as you." I said and kissed her nose.

She blushed and placed an apple in my mouth and ran off.

I chased her until we were in the grass patch.

I jumped on her and we both fell, tickling each other.

I lied down next to her and looked at the sky.

"Isn't the view great?" I smiled.

"Of course it is." she said and closed her eyes.

I turned to look at her.

She's so beautiful

I let a tear escape.

I shouldn't be crying today!

I cleared my throat.

"It's pretty hot. Come, I'll show you this place." I held her hand and led her through the woods.

We stopped at my "paradise".

The place I used to go as a kid. It had a fountain there, with a tree house grandpa made before he died, a swing I used to go on everyday, and the bed of flowers you can lie on. It was so beautiful.

I walked her to the fountain and pushed her in.

"Yah, so mean!! the water's cold!!" she screamed

I ran to her and hugged her close "Is it still cold babe?" I asked shyly.

"Not right now." she said and pushed me into the water and started laughing loudly.

I got up and started splashing her.

We had a water fight for almost an hour.

"OK ok! You win!! Let's go back and eat something before we starve to death!" I said and led her back to the house.

We both sat at the fireplace with marshmallows on a stick, warming ourselves.

She leant her head on my shoulder.

"Mian.." she whispered.

"For?" I asked in the midst of eating.

"For not knowing your love." she said and sobbed lightly.

I took her face and made her look at me.

"Tell me, just once, and make it believable, say that you love me. And always will. I don't care if you're lieing as well!!" I said and took out my phone, ready to record her.

"I'm not saying it if you're recording it!!" she screamed.

"Please? Just this time? "I said sincerely, looking right into her eyes.

"Fine fine. " she laughed and looked into the camera.

"I, Na Eun, will always love Nam Woohyun. Forever. Because he's adorable and the best thing that happened to my life." she said and giggled.

I stopped recording. That's all I need.

"Now let's take some selcas!" she said and took my phone.

We made faces with each other and kept taking photos.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 11pm.

"Shoot, I need to get you home now!" I said as I gathered our stuff and her phone.

I drove back quickly and saw Joon standing at the front door, with anger clearly on his face.

I leant into Na Eun and kissed her gently.

"Go" I said and she walked out.

Goodbye babe. I cried softly as I drove back to the hostpital, reading for the surgery.

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Chapter 24: dahfkjadhsfkjdhashdaskfkdf. New reader hereeeeeeeee~ Update soon please~
Chapter 24: Holy ____. this was one of the stories that made me cry, seriously. Like, I rarely cry over stories. But yeah, congrats. xDD

just want to say, I wish she'd go back to joon permanently, that she'd let Woohyun go with no hard feelings whatsoever and Woohyun and na eun would be able to be back as friends..
I think na eun should make up her mind. If she decides to let woohyun go then should not think of him anymore. >.<
secretstayafterlove #4
I want her to be with Joon also for this story. Sorry, Woo you shouldn't have lied to her.. Though you're my bias. ; ~ ;
I want Lee Joon. :/ He had a longer relationship with her and the only reason he left was because of his mom. And he left his mom for her anyway.
Joyvin #7
Ahhhh,can't wait for the next chapter!!
meeshelly #8
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only took you a billion years nam star!!!
kylakaren #9
kyahhhh!!!!!! namu super sweett!! i'm melting enough!!!
meeshelly #10
Arrrrrrggggghhhhhh by the title of this chapter, I thought Woohyun would've told her that he remembers -_-' I guess not....
Don't stay attached to Joon!!!!!!!!! He's an abusive lover xD jk, he just hit once xD we all know Woohyun is a little better xD