
Not you again!

a/n: first of all, thank you for the lovely 30 subscribers. motivation to write! keke. mhm but it would be nice if you guys comment about the story or what you would want to see in the story. that would be great. <3 thank you! enjoy the chapter :)


Woohyun POV

As I saw Na Eun walk into the cafeteria. I felt my heart beat faster.

To be honest, after the surgery, I didn't actually forget her. I rather forgot about my friends and earliest memories of my parents, but not about Na Eun.

I already made the video, how could I possibly come back to her side? She already have Joon now. He was always the one in her heart. I don't think I can just go and steal his place like that.

As Na Eun sat down, I saw her head down, looking at her lunchbox. I wish I could sit with her and feed her like the old times.

But I can't.

As I gritted my teeth and said those nasty words about Na Eun, I could feel as though I was going to cry.

I saw Na Eun take her things and going out of the cafeteria, she turned around one last time with hurt in her eyes.

She ran off after she closed the door.

How could I be so heartless?


Your POV

Psht. I I I don't need him. I can be fine without him.

Like when I survived without Joon.

But I knew I couldn't. How can I?

Woohyun was the one who recovered the hole in my heart that Joon left.

Eventhough Joon has been with me longer, Woohyun has claimed a bigger part of my heart.

And now that he's gone, it seems as though I've lost everything.

But I can't just hold on threads on hope. It won't be of any use.

As I packed my bag, ready to go home, someone knocked on the classroom door.

"Mhm, mask ball today? It's not point if you go to a party without a dress right?" Joon said, standing at the door way.

I held his arm and we drove to one of the most expensive shops in town.

"My treat today." Joon said, as he saw my eyes on the big price tags.

"Yeah it will be! After everything." I said and walked off.

"But you're shout on the food later!" Joon said as he trailed behind me.

I racked through the clothes and there wasn't anything I really wanted.

"Joon, how about you pick it out for me." I offered.

He would always pick my clothes when we went out. He was almost like the girl in the relationship.

He picked a dress and I instantly nodded.

"Now, some heels." Joon said as he led me to the shoes department.

"Hey, what's wrong with my shoes?" I asked him, a little offended.

"Shoes? You mean the sporting shoes and flats that look like kid's shoes?" Joon laughed and told me to sit down.

Soon enough, I was bored of everything and just followed him around.

"Alright, enough shopping for now, I need YOU to buy me food before we continue." Joon laughed and pulled me into the food court.

"More still?" I wailed and was dragged to the food area.

"Alright, I want that, that, that, that, this, and that, oh and that! and 2 cokes please." he said to the waitress.

"You really want me to burn my pocket don't you?" I said and glared at him.

He laughed and nodded.

He sat there looking at the menu while my glare turned to a gaze. I looked at Joon. I looked at his features. I never really noticed it. He has gone really thin lately. He wasn't as chubby no more. The pink in his cheeks are no longer here and his lips have gone pale.

I reached out to touch his cheeks and drew circles on them, like when I always did.

"You need to eat more." I whispered and retreated my hand just when the waitress arrived with the food.

She placed the food on the table and I saw Joon wink at her.

"I bet you can get her number later." I said and started to eat.

"Why you jealous babe?" He asked as he ate his food.

I chuckled and gave him more food than he could handle.

"I told you that you needed to eat more." I said as he asked the same waitress for the bill.

She walked out and handed Joon the bill, thinking he would pay. She stood there and waited while Joon gave the bill to me.

She looked as though she wanted to snatch the bill off me.

I could see how close she was standing next to Joon. trying to rub her exposed thigh on his shoulder.

Psht, she's just lucky he's wearing a shirt, or else he wouldn't have felt anyone. Urgh, seeing her is annoying.

I opened the bill, and there it was, her number.

"Oh, I didn't know buisness cards only had the number on it. Did you babe?" I said and looked at Joon who just laughed at my actions.

"It's ok, I don't think me and my baby needs it." I said and gave the bill with the money and her number back to the waitress.

She gritted her teeth and walked off.

As I held Joon's arm out to the exit, Joon turned around to wink at her one last time.

I jabbed his sides. "Yah." I said and walked off.

He laughed and pulled me back.

"We need to go this way?" He laughed.

"Far out, what's so funny?!?! You've been laughing all day!" I said, clearly mad.

He kissed my cheek and rubbed my back, pushing my forward. He still remembers how to make me calm down, like the old times.

"We need you to dress up and get your make up done you know." Joon said and drove off.

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Chapter 24: dahfkjadhsfkjdhashdaskfkdf. New reader hereeeeeeeee~ Update soon please~
Chapter 24: Holy ____. this was one of the stories that made me cry, seriously. Like, I rarely cry over stories. But yeah, congrats. xDD

just want to say, I wish she'd go back to joon permanently, that she'd let Woohyun go with no hard feelings whatsoever and Woohyun and na eun would be able to be back as friends..
I think na eun should make up her mind. If she decides to let woohyun go then should not think of him anymore. >.<
secretstayafterlove #4
I want her to be with Joon also for this story. Sorry, Woo you shouldn't have lied to her.. Though you're my bias. ; ~ ;
I want Lee Joon. :/ He had a longer relationship with her and the only reason he left was because of his mom. And he left his mom for her anyway.
Joyvin #7
Ahhhh,can't wait for the next chapter!!
meeshelly #8
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only took you a billion years nam star!!!
kylakaren #9
kyahhhh!!!!!! namu super sweett!! i'm melting enough!!!
meeshelly #10
Arrrrrrggggghhhhhh by the title of this chapter, I thought Woohyun would've told her that he remembers -_-' I guess not....
Don't stay attached to Joon!!!!!!!!! He's an abusive lover xD jk, he just hit once xD we all know Woohyun is a little better xD