First Glance 

Memories to Lies and Love

U-Kwon POV
I must be dreaming right now. Oh man, shes perfect. No way the girl I see is real. Is this a dream? I went over to Kyung and told him to pitch me.

"Wae? Why should I?" he asked.

"Just do it man." I said impatiently.

"Okay okay. Geez. But don't be blaming me. You told me to do it."

He pitched my arm, which hurt like crazy. So I'm not sleeping. It's all real.

"I'm awake!" I said out lound, thinking I was talking to myself.

The others just looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Uh yeah U-Kwon... You're awake... I'm pretty sure ever since this morning." Kyung said.

I gave a smile of embarrassment then turned to see if the girl was still there. I want to get to know her...

I was completely zoning out till BBomb tapped my shoulder and said "Dude its our time to go."

"One moment, please." the host said and turned around. "Ha-Neul-ah! Could you come here for a sec."

"Ne. Be right there."

Oh no! She's coming over here? Okay okay, U-Kwon stay cool. Don't freak out. Stay calm.

The girl came and said, "What is it cousin?"

"Could you please show our guests to their table? You did clear it off after all right?"

"M-Me? Wae?? I-I guess I could do it but-"

"Please follow Ha-Neul to your table." the host interupted.

"N-Ne... Follow me please." Ha-Neul said shyly. We all sat down and she gave us our menus. "Your waiter will be right with you."

She bowed and left quickly. I kept looking at her and couldn't help but smile. She's so cute. I think I was starring at her too long. She turned her head towards me and we made eye-contact. My heart stopped a little. We're actually making eye-contact. But I feel like a ert. So I put my head down and acted I never looked at her.

"Ha-Neul... Was it?." I thought. "Nice name. But why do I feel like I heard that name before?"

Why did my auntie do that? Plus my cousin went with it. I was just clearing the table and my auntie asks "would you like to be promoted as a host with your cousin?" I rejected the offer. And behind my back, she gets my cousin to make me "try out" the position. As I was looking at this group of boys, I noticed one of them was starring at me. He was sorta cute. But why is he looking at me. A guy like him won't ever fall for a girl like me. He probably thinks I'm a joke. After I showed them to their table, I went straight to my auntie and cousin.

"Why did you do that? I told you I didn't want to do any other job besides the one I have now." I confronted.

"Ha-Neul, you make a great hosts. I don't understand why you don't want to change jobs." my auntie said.

"Look I know what you're trying to do but I can't let you give me a promotion just because I'm related to you. It's unfair to your other employes." I said.

"Oh come on Ha-Neul. Just give it a chance. Plus you get to meet different people for a short period time." my cousin said. "Like for instance, that guy over there seems to have intrest in you."

I turned to see who she was talking about. It turned out to be the same guy from before. How long has he been he starring at me? Is he really interested? I felt like I should go talk to him but I stopped myself.

"Anio. That guy is way over my league." I said.

"Well if you say so..."

Maybe he does like me. He's been looking at me ever since he stepped in. Or at least that's what I think. No. I don't even know him. He's a complete stranger and I don't want to get involved with him what's-so-ever. If that's my decision, then why am I getting this funny feeling inside me?

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Story still hasn't changed just added a poster was all. ^^


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XxLoserGyuxX #1
Chapter 26: Good Job! It was really cute and sweet!
2PMOkTaec #2
thank you for writing this :)
it was really sweet and cute...
i really liked it~
2PMOkTaec #3
awwww... that's soo cute :)
please update soon~
2PMOkTaec #4
happymoon #5
waaaaaahh! please update soon! I need to know how she'll react to his confession *bites lip curiously*
Oh, way to leave us on a cliff hanger - thanks -_-
Seriously, ur killing me here!!!!
happymoon #7
awsome story! please update soon
wow~Haneul and Ukwon met already!
kyaaa~what would happen?
update soon^-^
This sounds interesting~
Update soon nae?^^
looking forward to your next chapters:33
Sounds good. ^_^