His Memory

Memories to Lies and Love

The place I took Ha-Neul had her remember a bad memory. I thought it would make her forget what she's going through now but turns out she's been here before. After hearing her story, I just wanted to help Ha-Neul in anyway possible. She's just an innocent girl who doesn't do anything wrong. All she ever wants is her family to be one unit again.

It looked like she was about to cry. To me, Ha-Neul is too beautiful to have tears come down her eyes. I placed my hand on her cheek and wiped her tears away. With a smile, I said, "There's no need to cry. Tears just don't fit you."

I put my hand down. She still looked sad but gave me a small smile anyway. I felt a little jolt inside me go down my spine. This made me realize that I can't tell her the truth now. If I tell Ha-Neul I'm an idol, she'll be more stressed then usually. But I promise, when the time is right, I'll tell her.

"U-Kwon." Ha-Neul sniffed. "This place, I used to come here all the time, because I thought the sender of the note would appear. I would come here around the same time everyday. But that person never showed. So I gave up years ago. I never returned here. Till now..."

"Really? I use to come here all the time too. But I stopped." I said.

"Why is that?" she asked.

"When I was younger I used to come here too, but only because I... Had my first love here."

"Really? Did you ever confess to her?"

"... Ani. I actually never had a chance to have a conversation with her."

"So you just admired her from afar? Why didn't you tell her how you felt?"

"I was gong to... But I had to do some things. And I never saw her again. I came back here one day, only to remember her... So now whenever I come here, I think of her."

"Well I hope you find her again. She's must be really special to you then huh?"

We were both silent. Even if I did meet that girl again, it wouldn't matter anymore. I found someone new. And it's Ha-Neul.

Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve Ha-Neul at all. I am lying to her. I'm not being my true self. Even though she hates those type of people, it shouldn't interfere with the feelings I have for her. Then if i know what I'm doing is wrong, why am I lying?

"Ah U-Kwon, I have something to ask you." Ha-Neul started after the silence. "My cousins says she's recognizes you and seems to know you... From school. I was wondering if you knew her as well."

Before answering, I was scared to reply. But as I gave it a second, I said "Now that you mentioned it. Your cousin does look familiar."

"Really? Because she also said, you didn't finish school for some reason... But you did right finish school right?"

I bit my lip. Now I'm in trouble. Honesty is the key here U-Kwon. Say the truth. Or you're dead.

"Yeah I finished school." I answered. What am I doing?

"Ah so it must be a different YuKwon then. But you remember my cousin. She must of confused you with somebody else."

Am I crazy or what? I told myself not to lie but I end up lying anyway. Maybe I passed crazy. No. I already did. Something is wrong. This is definitely not going to end well.

Though I questioned why Ha-Neul brought the topic up. School. Gosh it's been so long. The only things I remember during that time was pranking and the girl. Yup nothing much. Some boy I was back then. And how can I forget that girl. She was left crying And no one came to her. I wonder if she did ever read the note I gave her. I knew I should of done something, but due to my actions back then, she probably sees me as a distant memory...

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Story still hasn't changed just added a poster was all. ^^


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XxLoserGyuxX #1
Chapter 26: Good Job! It was really cute and sweet!
2PMOkTaec #2
thank you for writing this :)
it was really sweet and cute...
i really liked it~
2PMOkTaec #3
awwww... that's soo cute :)
please update soon~
2PMOkTaec #4
happymoon #5
waaaaaahh! please update soon! I need to know how she'll react to his confession *bites lip curiously*
Oh, way to leave us on a cliff hanger - thanks -_-
Seriously, ur killing me here!!!!
happymoon #7
awsome story! please update soon
wow~Haneul and Ukwon met already!
kyaaa~what would happen?
update soon^-^
This sounds interesting~
Update soon nae?^^
looking forward to your next chapters:33
Sounds good. ^_^