The Date

Memories to Lies and Love

Ha-Neul POV
After figuring out that U-Kwon was the sender, I just couldn't be anymore happier. Sure there was a few bumps in the road. But this now changes my view of things. Since U-Kwon and I are together, I will see idols as just different people. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"I still have one question." I said after kissing him. "What up with the tux?"

He laughed. "Well if you must know, I wanted to take you out somewhere tonight. Just you and me. I already made the reservation so we don't have to wait as long."

"Really? Then if you're dressed like that then I have to go home and change."

"What you're wearing is fine."

"Anio. If this is going to be our first date, then were doing this right."

"Alright. If it makes you happy, we'll go with your plan."

"But I think before I do anything, I need to face my parents first."

We went back to the cafe hand in hand. With one problem out of the way I still need to fix one more. My parents had kept something me that should of been said years ago. I may never forgive them, but I want to make sure they never do it again.

When U-Kwon and I entered the cafe, I saw my mother weeping and my father giving her comfort. It's the first time I've seen them be so close in a long time. I walked toward them slowly and my brother was the first to notice me. All my family members came out and started to hug me and ask if I was alright.

"I'm fine. No harm done." I say.

"Ha-Neul, your mother and I are sorry we kept the secret from you. We feel terrible." my father said. "Please forgive us."

"You know I'll never forgive you for what you did, no matter how hard you beg and plead." I saw my parents lower their heads. "But that doesn't mean I'll stop loving you as my parents."

They both gave me a smile and I gave each one of them a hug. It was nice to finally see this side of my parents again. I miss this family comfort that was there before they "fought".

"Oh, mother. Father. Let me introduce you to Kim YuKwon. He's the one who found me and a friend of mine."

"It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Park." he bowed a 90 degree bow.

"As to you young man. Very handsome you are." my mother said.

"Ha-Neul, is this boy your boyfriend?" my father asked.

I liked how he just got right to the point, but without hesitation I answered "Ne. And he wants to take me out tonight... So can I go?"

My father thought about it for awhile, then said "Ah go ahead. He did find you and he brought you back to us. So Ne you have my blessing."

"Kasahamida." U-Kwon bowed again. "I promise to never harm your daughter in anyway."

"I already trust you." my father winked.

I smiled. My parents like him. That's good. I grabbed U-Kwon's hand and we left the cafe for me to change. I'm actually glad I had short hair. I didn't have to curl it as much. It was less of a hassle. I choose my best dress and did my make-up which didn't take long (I wonder why?). After finishing up, I came back down staris where U-Kwon was waiting.

"Did I take long?" I asked.

"Ani. I didn't wait long." he said. "You look great by the way."

"Gomawo. As do you. Shall we go?"

He smiled and opened the door. "After you my lady."

We went out and as we started to walk, U-Kwon put his arm around me. Then I looked at him and said, "So where are we going?

He laughed a little. "How did I know you were going to ask that?"

"Wae? It would be nice to know. I didn't want to get all dressed up for nothing..."

"Just keep quiet. I don't want to say anything till we get there."

We took a taxi and arrived to restaurant that had a closed sign. I was going to say something but U-Kwon had already read my mind.

"Hope you don't mind it being empty. I wanted to make sure the place was just for us."

I couldn't help but smile and it really was empty. As we took our table it wasn't long till our waiter came... Or in this case it was Kyung. Again I was going to say something but U-Kwon already had the answer.

"Not only is this place just for us, but the rest of the members of Block B wanted to be in on too. It was my only way to shut them up about it."

"I can see." I said as lean towards U-Kwon to whisper. "They won't be interfering all the time, are they."

I saw him shake his head and I sighed with relief.

"Just let us know if you need anything." Kyung said as they all placed are entrées in front of us. "Hope you enjoy."

As they all walked away, I said "Are they dying inside?"

"Yup." U-Kwon answered with satisfaction. 

The night was long but I still had lots of fun. My first date with U-Kwon was the best night I had in my entire life. End of story.

As soon as we stepped out of the restaurant my cousin sent me a text to a certain place. U-Kwon looked over my shoulder and said, "Hey that's where our dorm is. Your cousin said your parents want you to meet you there? Why?"

"I don't know... She just said they wanted me to be there as soon as I was done with our date."

"Well it's up to you. Do you want to go there and finish the date now? Or go someplace else?" he asked.

"I did have a place in mind. Hope you know what I'm talking about."

"I'm way ahead of ya."

Instead of taking a taxi, we walked there. It wasn't long though. The moonlight reflected on the water and every flower was glowing bright. Fireflies danced as the crickets played music. It was as if my grandmother had told me the description like yesterday. She was right about how the garden glows every full moon and that the one spot where no trees cover the sky the moon is turned into a spotlight. U-Kwon led me to that spot. Throughout my days of coming here, this was far the best. I couldn't think of a better to end my night.

There were no more fighting, tears or broken hearts. Especially, no more lying. I found my secret admirer and I love him. My parents no longer fight and I can go home not having to think it was hell. Even though I have more questions, I dare not ask them. Because I figure I'll find out later on. So for now, I'll except the life I have now. Forever I'll never have another tear again.

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Story still hasn't changed just added a poster was all. ^^


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XxLoserGyuxX #1
Chapter 26: Good Job! It was really cute and sweet!
2PMOkTaec #2
thank you for writing this :)
it was really sweet and cute...
i really liked it~
2PMOkTaec #3
awwww... that's soo cute :)
please update soon~
2PMOkTaec #4
happymoon #5
waaaaaahh! please update soon! I need to know how she'll react to his confession *bites lip curiously*
Oh, way to leave us on a cliff hanger - thanks -_-
Seriously, ur killing me here!!!!
happymoon #7
awsome story! please update soon
wow~Haneul and Ukwon met already!
kyaaa~what would happen?
update soon^-^
This sounds interesting~
Update soon nae?^^
looking forward to your next chapters:33
Sounds good. ^_^