Date Planning

Memories to Lies and Love

U-Kwon POV
I was pacing around the room that night. This was my second time texting Ha-Neul and I felt nervous. If I wait any longer she's probably going to wonder why I haven't texted her yet. Is she waiting for me? Last time it was so easy for me to start the conversation because I didn't pay any attention to my feelings. I hate this feeling. Does everything have to be difficult? Come on U-Kwon it's now or never...

It took me an half an hour just figure out how to start it. After all that thinking, I just went with 'Hey Ha-Neul!!'

I closed my eyes and pressed send. Everyone was asleep so I turned off the light. Then climbed into bed to wait for her reply. As I waited I stared at the ceiling. I had to stay awake but my eyes felt heavy and I just couldn't keep them open. It wasn't long till I got her reply. Let the fun began.

Ha-Neul: hey U-Kwon! Wats up?

Me: nothing much. You?

Ha-Neul: same. I hate working.

Me: well if you didn't have five jobs maybe you wouldn't hate working haha

Ha-Neul: I know... But I have to work those jobs.

Me: why?

Ha-Neul: I'll tell you later.

Me: all righty then. So about tomorrow what do you want to do?

Ha-Neul: um I don't know... Maybe just a walk or something. I don't want do to anything too fun.

A walk? Sounds simple. And I understand completely. She must be stress from working so much. I don't know how she does it. Then I wondered where would we go. Should I make it special? Or should I just make it ordinary? Then I snapped my fingers. I was just thinking of the place I was planning on taking Ha-Neul and couldn't stop smiling.

Me: oh okay. I get it. I know the perfect place too.

Ha-Neul: great. So... Where are we going?

Me: nope. Not telling you. I want  to make it a surprise.

Ha-Neul: oh alright if that's how you want it. Haha I can't wait. You can meet me at the cafe again. We can go from there.

Me: why can't I just pick you up at your home?

Ha-Neul: again I'll explain later. So when do you want to meet? Is around noon okay?

Me: sounds good. See ya then.

I put my phone down. Why didn't she want me to pick her up at her home? That's weird. Guess I'm not the only hiding something. Or is it just all in my head?

Ha-Neul POV
My mind was on where U-Kwon was going to take me. I haven't been on a date before. Am I supposed to feel nervous? This was the first time I was going to be alone with a boy. What am I supposed to do? I sighed and just hoped for the best. But there was just no way I was going to give U-Kwon my address. I didn't want him to see my parents. Besides, they might give me a another death threat just because I'm going out with a boy without their permission.

Anyways back to me being nervous. If only I could ask for help. My mother is definitely out of the question. Though it would be helpful. I don't want to ask my cousin because she's going to give me her "you have feelings for him" speech. Plus she's actually busy with her other cousin at the moment. So really I'm on my own on this one. But I'm desperate for help. I turned and saw my brother just doing his homework. Which is surprise because its a Friday and he usually waits Tull the last minute. I hesitated a little. Well I did say I was desperate. I went over to him and started to speak. "Hey whatcha doin?"

"Doin homework. What else?" he said not looking up.

"Don't you usually wait last minute?"

"I use to but since you keep telling me I need my education—"

"Yeah I know... can we talk for a sec?"

"About what?"

"Well I need your opinion. If you asked a girl on a first date, how would you want her to act?"

My brother turned to me and raised a brow. "You're asking for my opinion on that? Shouldn't you ask cousin about this topic?"

"Well she's with her other cousin tonight and you know how she feels when I bother her at this time."

He sighed. "Fine I'll help you. But this better be the first and last time I ever do this..."

"Whatever. Now answer my question."

"Well... I don't know. I guess I would just want her to be herself." he said. "You're smart and funny. I guess you don't need to change."

"Oh wow being myself. Why didn't I think about that."

"Eunni, I'm not joking. Changing yourself to impress a guy is not worth it... I've been there."

"Bwoh? Since when?"

"Nevermind that. Just be yourself. Talk to him as if he was just like anyone else. Don't think too hard about what you're going to say to him." Before going back to doing his homework, my brother added. "And just be calm. Relax yourself. Pay attention to certain things. You've been spacing out too much lately."

How could I argue with that? But my brothers got a point there. Ever since I met U-Kwon, I've practically been staring into space at work. Half the time when people talk to me, I hear their voice kind of fade out. I don't even pay attention when my brother is coming out of the school building. I really need to pay attention more.

When I went to bed, I went back to thinking where U-Kwon was taking me. Where could we possibly go? I couldn't think of any place that would be nice for a walk. I then had a feeling that I knew a place but I just couldn't name it.

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Story still hasn't changed just added a poster was all. ^^


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XxLoserGyuxX #1
Chapter 26: Good Job! It was really cute and sweet!
2PMOkTaec #2
thank you for writing this :)
it was really sweet and cute...
i really liked it~
2PMOkTaec #3
awwww... that's soo cute :)
please update soon~
2PMOkTaec #4
happymoon #5
waaaaaahh! please update soon! I need to know how she'll react to his confession *bites lip curiously*
Oh, way to leave us on a cliff hanger - thanks -_-
Seriously, ur killing me here!!!!
happymoon #7
awsome story! please update soon
wow~Haneul and Ukwon met already!
kyaaa~what would happen?
update soon^-^
This sounds interesting~
Update soon nae?^^
looking forward to your next chapters:33
Sounds good. ^_^